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古今字、通假字、异体字是古代汉语教材的重要内容。高中《语文》第三册的16篇文言文(含诗、词)中涉及“三字”判定的就有26处。但是在“三字”的定义及判定标准上,无论是现行古代汉语教材还是中学语文教材都不尽如人意,造成了“三字”判定上的混乱。可见,高中语文教材里“三字”混用现象是比较普遍的。  相似文献   

What constitutes quality in graduate education? The most widely accepted definition has been proposed by Cartter who asked recognized scholars to rate departmental excellence in 30 disciplines. Cartter's instructions to the raters could have allowed the influence of a “halo effect” to operate. This is an error in rating which is produced when the particular characteristics being rated are contaminated by the rater's notion of the general worthiness of the object being rated. This study demonstrated that the halo effect related to size variables occurred in the Cartter study. Data were collected from public sources for each department of mathematics, physics, chemistry, and geology rated in the Cartter study as “extremely attractive,” “attractive,” “acceptable plus” and for a random sample of “less than acceptable plus” departments. These data consisted of the following size variables: (1) number of areas of specialization within a department; (2) number of faculty; (3) number of Ph.D. degrees awarded between 1960–64; (4) number of full-time students; (5) number of first year students; and (6) ratio of part-time to full-time students. Tests of statistical significance indicated that these variables differentiated the departmental ratings beyond chance expectation. A graphic illustration is provided for each discipline showing the relationships between the size measures and the mean departmental ratings. Implications of these findings are that measures of size ought not to be confused with measures of quality and that the development of measures of quality is a matter of urgent priority.  相似文献   

We investigate whether the attention payed to students’ learning status predicts judgment accuracy of preservice teachers and whether this attention moderates the effect of student characteristics on judgment accuracy. In a virtual classroom, 168 preservice teachers judged the math-performance of 12 students. The attention allocation (AA) was operationalized twofold (“mean AA” and “student-specific AA”) both via log-file data. Mean AA predicted the judgment accuracy (rank component) positively. A higher student-specific AA reduced the “level error”. A moderating effect only occurs for student-specific AA but not for mean AA. We conclude that judgment accuracy can be improved through increased AA.  相似文献   

Larkin and Rainard's (1984) article was sufficiently interesting not only to have me recommending it to others but also to re-read it for a third time. Unhappily I then realized that as a biproduct I had been giving my students an entrée into the old fallacy of inverse probability (see R. A. Fisher's, The Design of Experiments, Chapter 1). The fallacy occurs on pages 252 and 253. The authors say: “ ? sample size is rarely important to generalizability. Suppose, for example, 500 or 10 individuals are tested out of a population of 5000. Testing 500 (instead of 10) decreases the standard error of the mean by only a factor of 1.1 [= (1–10/5000)/(1–500/5000)]. Most research does not use large samples to increase generalizability. Instead the function is either to estimate many parameters in a detailed model, or to increase statistical significance, a factor sensitive to sample size.”  相似文献   


Expectations regarding teacher-student relationships, classroom interactions, testing and evaluation, and academic integrity vary widely around the world. Understanding these differences can be critical to enhancing the academic success of ESL(English as a Second Language) college students. Faculty working with ESL students often ask: “Why won't my students participate more in class?” “Why do my students only repeat back what I've said?” “Why won't they tell me what they think?” “Why don't they ever know what courses they want to take when they come to registration or advisement?” Students often ask: “Why does my professor keep asking me to talk about my personal experiences? We never had to do that in my country. Why is it such a big deal to do that here?” There are a lot of “why's” floating around the campus. This article addresses some of these questions.  相似文献   

骨气与词彩的矛盾是汉末建安至初唐时期诗坛发展的一对主要矛盾,而锺嵘自始至终都力求以曹植诗骨气与词彩兼备的美学标准品评诗人,然而诗坛的实际却往往无法兼美,锺嵘对某些诗人的具体品评与其诗歌史地位的认定也由此而产生分歧,遂导致了左思"虽浅于陆机,而深于潘岳",但左思在《诗品》中的诗歌史地位却不如潘岳的结果。"深"、"浅"之评不代表品第之优劣,"深"之内涵为词彩繁密,略有芜漫之嫌;"浅"之内涵为词彩简省而行文洁净,有气骨柔弱之弊。  相似文献   

Historically there have been many claims made about the value of laboratory work in schools, yet research shows that it often achieves little meaningful learning by students. One reason, among many, for this failing is that students often do not know the “purposes” for these tasks. By purposes we mean the intentions the teacher has for the activity when she/he decides to use it with a particular class at a particular time. This we contrast with the “aims” of a laboratory activity, the often quite formalised statements about the intended endpoint of the activity that are too often the “opening lines” of a student laboratory report and are simply the “expected” specific science content knowledge outcomes—not necessarily learnt nor understood. This paper describes a unit of laboratory work which was unusual in that the teacher's purpose was to develop students' understanding about the way scientific facts are established with little expectation that they would understand the science content involved in the experiments. The unit was very successful from both a cognitive and affective perspective. An important feature was the way in which students gradually came to understand the teacher's purpose as they proceeded through the unit. © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 37: 655–675, 2000  相似文献   

This conceptual paper considers what it would mean to take seriously Freudenthal's suggestion that mathematics should be taught like swimming. The general claim being made is that “direct instruction” and “discovery” are not opposite but complementary, linked by repetitive yet explorative practice. This claim is elaborated through an empirical case of martial arts instruction. That repetitive practice can nonetheless be a fountainhead of discovery is explained using Bernstein's notion of repetition-without-repetition. Finally, we attend to parallels in canonical mathematics practice. Implications are discussed, with a focus on reconceptualizing direct instruction, repetition, and discovery as complementary and synergistic.  相似文献   

The high school grade point average (GPA) is often adjusted to account for nominal indicators of course rigor, such as “honors” or “advanced placement.” Adjusted GPAs—also known as weighted GPAs—are frequently used for computing students’ rank in class and in the college admission process. Despite the high stakes attached to GPA, weighting policies vary considerably across states and high schools. Previous methods of estimating weighting parameters have used regression models with college course performance as the dependent variable. We discuss and demonstrate the suitability of the graded response model for estimating GPA weighting parameters and evaluating traditional weighting schemes. In our sample, which was limited to self‐reported performance in high school mathematics courses, we found that commonly used policies award more than twice the bonus points necessary to create parity for standard and advanced courses.  相似文献   

There are limited studies with conflicting results examining textbook use and student performance at the university level. To learn more, we surveyed instructors and over one thousand students in 12 undergraduate introductory science courses. The majority (77%) of the students reported reading the textbook either “often” (>75% of the assigned reading) or “sometimes” (25%–75% of the assigned reading). Those who read “often” had better final marks those who read “sometimes,” but surprisingly, those who reported “rarely” reading the textbook did as well as those who read “often.” Perceptions of the usefulness of the textbook were generally more favorable in courses in which some marks were based solely on the readings. We conclude that there appears to be different types of learners: some may need to read the textbook “often” to do well, while others do not.  相似文献   


Keith Stanovich (1986) uses a biblical allusion the “Matthew Effect”; when discussing the acquisition of reading Stanovich (1986) claimed that in the acquisition of reading, as with the acquisition of what are deemed to be many of life's prizes, the mote one has, the more one gets This is often expressed as the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer In essence, when a student has demonstrated high skills within an area, they are encouraged to increase this ability with extra practice, resulting in even higher standards. The characteristics of the Gifted and Learning Disabled (GLD) student generally mean that the student will display subject‐specific weaknesses, subject‐specific strengths and often have poor organisational skills. Some GLD students may display academic weakness across the curriculum and demonstrate their ability with higher order thinking skills purely orally! Gifted students without a specific learning disability do not display such extremes in their academic endeavors. Thus, the “Matthew Effect”; when applied (in reverse) to the GLD student means that where a student has an underlying academic weakness, enjoyment of that subject is decreased, practice is limited, and standards are not raised to a level commensurate with intellectual potential. That is in the case of many GLD students, the poor get poorer (obviously, this would depend upon the level of specific learning disability, as some students are barely affected at all). Inevitably, success in school subjects links directly to motivation, perceptions of self‐ efficacy and self‐image. It should be no surprise that successful students are motivated, have high expectations of self‐efficacy, and good self image. Successful students would have positive affective characteristics, and thus, unsuccessful students would have the reverse.

It is important to define what is meant by assistive technology, as it could be argued that a rubber pencil grip or even a ruler might be considered assistive technology (Bryant &; Bryant: 1998, Bryant, Erin, Lock, Allan &; Resta: 1998; Lewis: 1998). Raskind and Higgins (1998:27) supply the following definition of assistive technology as “any technology that enables an individual with LD to compensate for specific deficits.”; Lewis (1998: 16) says that it is “any technology with the potential to enhance the performance of persons with disabilities”;. Lewis (1998) continues by saying that the purpose of assistive technology is firstly, to build on one's strengths, counterbalancing any weaknesses, and secondly, to provide alternative ways of performing a task. Indeed, Lewis (1998 17) likens assistive technology to a “cognitive prosthesis”;. The focus of this article will be on electronic assistive technology, with an emphasis on software programs suitable for use by middle and upper secondary gifted and learning disabled students. Thus, access and accommodation are key words. The ability of a student to access required programs and differentiation by accommodation are vital issues at the heart of electronic assistive technology. A definition of Gifted and Learning Disabled would (loosely) be, any gifted student who also has a specific learning disability. Students such as these will display elements of giftedness and elements of a specific learning disability Emphasis will be on the development of academic strengths, not on remediation of academic weaknesses. It is not the intention of this article to review interactive software programs which supply remedial work for phonics awareness, language, mathematical or reading difficulties. Reviews of such programs are available through subject‐interest journals or software suppliers.  相似文献   

Local norms for the frequency of disruptive and unproductive classroom behaviors were established. The sample consisted of 81 referred and 81 nonreferred elementary students. Each student was observed for 45 minutes during classroom instruction periods. The referred students were more frequently “off task,” “talked out” more often, were more frequently “out of seat,” and more often displayed “other” disruptive behaviors. For assessment purposes, frequency of behaviors was categorized for severity by grade level.  相似文献   

If letter grades assigned in a course are determined by the percent of objective test items answered correctly, then under various assumptions about the mean and standard deviation of normally distributed test scores, the distribution of the percent of students receiving each letter grade is highly anomalous. Conversely, if one insists that letter grades be “reasonably” distributed and at the same time determined by a typical percentage scheme, then allowed test parameters are severely constrained and not the ones which psychometricians consider most defensible. One recourse available to an instructor who does not wish to grade “on the curve” is to adjust the test parameters to dubious values by manipulation of item difficulty so that a desired grade distribution based on percentages is achieved. This informal adjustment procedure constitutes an indirect and inefficient method of employing test norms — in effect, grading “on the curve.”  相似文献   

University courses in Computer Science (CS) and Information Systems (IS) are often criticized by industry for concentrating on conceptual learning while failing to provide their students with experience and grounding in managerial skills. This paper describes and discusses an innovative course In this paper the term “course” will be used to refer to a single integrated unit of study. In New Zealand such units are often referred to as “papers”. These courses can be combined together, according to various rules, to form a “course of study” which will lead to a qualification. At Massey University, a degree is comprised of 24 such courses.structure which has been developed in order to ground the teaching of IS management theory in its local context by interlinking practical projects and case studies in local organizations. The student projects are used to generate a large “cross-sectional” case study which describes several IS management problems that are occurring simultaneously in the same organization. Students are required to integrate their analysis of the problems and to recommend an appropriate series of responses which will tackle all the situations. The paper describes the rationale and organization of the course, the results of an evaluation of its effectiveness, and discusses some of the problems that were encountered during its implementation.  相似文献   

Research on students’ views on nature of science (VNOS) in Asian countries such as China is notably lacking. This study aimed to develop and validate an instrument to measure South China high school students’ VNOS. Based on the previously acquired qualitative data, the instrument included seven VNOS dimensions which reflect the crucial aspects of NOS indicated by the literature and/or the dominating ideology in China (i.e., Marxism). A sample (N = 604) was randomly divided into two groups used for exploratory analyses and confirmatory analyses. The results indicated that the instrument expressed satisfactory reliability and validity and the seven NOS dimensions could be explained by a higher-order dimension. That is, the data of this study supported the multi-dimensional framework that treats VNOS as comprising several more-or-less correlated dimensions. Two distinct dimensions, namely “Accumulative-Empirical Source” and “Pragmatic Justification” which have not been explicitly specified in the past literature, were found. In addition, the Chinese high school students generally held a constructivist/relativist-oriented view of all seven dimensions. Differences in gender and grade level were hardly observed in any dimension of the instrument. The findings are further discussed through a socio-cultural lens to enrich the current understanding of VNOS.  相似文献   

As educators, we recognize that students often come to the classroom with preconceived notions about the criminal justice system that shape their subsequent learning. One such notion revolves around the effectiveness of the “war on crime” model of the criminal justice system. Many students feel that this model is the best way to achieve “justice.” Teaching peacemaking represents an opportunity to introduce the students to a new way of thinking about the criminal justice system. This paper explores how experiential learning strategies can facilitate students’ learning of peacemaking. Suggestions also are made about how peacemaking can be implemented into the pedagogy of criminal justice professors.  相似文献   

“苏格拉底的无知”不是假装无知,他是真诚地认为自己无知。不过,这种“无知”不是经验性的无知,而是一种求知态度,即认为人类永远无法占有绝对真理,但又始终不渝、孜孜不倦地追求真理。“苏格拉底的无知”引导了一种理想的“师生关系”。在这种师生关系中,教师不是权威,不是真理的拥有者,学术标准面前,师生平等。因此教师不是在传授真理,而是在向学生传达这种“无知之知”的求知态度和求知方法。教师的职责是帮助学生变得自足,然后自主地追求真理。  相似文献   

本文利用学生成绩残差分解方法探讨了教师教学质量及其经济价值问题。笔者利用误差相关模型预测学生成绩,将学生成绩的预测值与学生所在班级成绩的均分相减得到残差值,通过对残差值在班级层面加总平均,以此作为教师教学质量的代理变量。文章基于课题组在湖北和广东两省22个县区收集的数据,探讨了语文、数学和英语三科教师教学质量的差异及其对应的经济价值,其基本结论是:第一,教师教学质量存在较大个体差异,将中等水平的教师替换为69分位的“好教师”后,全班学生的三科成绩可以增值0.2-0.3个标准差,相当于学生一年的学习收获;若将中等水平的教师替换为前16%的“优秀教师”,全班成绩整体提高0.3-0.5个标准差。第二,教学质量高的教师能释放巨大的经济能量,若将“好教师”教的班级交给一个中等水平的教师,一个规模为49人的班级的全班学生毕业后在劳动力市场上的终身收入损失的总现值约为11万-24万元;“好教师”职业生涯中为其教过的所有学生带来的收入溢价的保守估价是425万元。本研究为评价教师教学绩效及高质量教师的经济价值提供了技术分析策略和操作路径。  相似文献   

潼关方言“了1[.li?]”是动词“了”字声调虚化的结果,“了2”有[.lia]和[.li?]两种语音形式。潼关方言常见的“V了1N了2”式可以分为动宾式和动补式两种;潼关方言可以如普通话那样说“吃了1饭了2|嫁了1人了2”,也可以如西安方言那样以把字句的形式来表达;潼关方言“V了1N了2”等形式具有宽泛性,其谓词限于动宾式结构、动补式结构或形容词。潼关方言的“了”字还可以表示假设等;潼关方言“了2”的语音形式([.li?]或[.lia])常常可以处于“了1”的语法地位,而处置式把字句里的“了1”不能是“了2”的语音形式。  相似文献   

Notes on Authors     
In research on giftedness, small samples are the rule rather than the exception. Such samples require an especially meticulous research design. The absence of power‐analytical considerations (Le., defining the minimal sample sizes according to a‐ and β ‐error and expected effects) prior to data gathering can easily lead to false conclusions based on faulty data interpretation. Especially with smaller samples, it is strongly recommended that practical relevance (employing a suitable index of effect strength) be taken into consideration when interpreting observed group differences. This is better than relying on “statistical significance” alone. Group studies should not be conducted with extremely small samples. According to a proven “rule of thumb”, each subgroup tested should be comprised of at least 20 to 25 subjects. Because of the prevalence of small sample studies in research on giftedness (gifted individuals are by definition rare), it is important that statistical analyses be conducted in ways which are capable of detecting “significant” effects and which are not, for instance because of small sample size, predestined to conclude that no effects are present, even when they are (i.e., to accept the null hypothesis, even when it is false). The nature of the problem can be made more concrete by looking at a practical example taken from an article of Gefferth and Herskovits (1991).  相似文献   

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