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Ludwig Wittgenstein was a reclusive and enigmatic philosopher, writing his most significant work off campus in remote locations. He also held a chair in the Philosophy Department at Cambridge, and is one of the university’s most recognized even if, as Ray Monk says (1990, 401), ‘reluctant professors’ of philosophy. Paradoxically, although Wittgenstein often showed contempt for the atmosphere at Cambridge and for academic philosophy in particular, it is hard to conceive of him making his significant contributions without considerable support from his academic colleagues, his research fellowship and later teaching career at Cambridge. It is this conflicted relationship we explore, between the revolutionary thinker and his base within an educational institution. Starting from a brief biographical sketch of Wittgenstein’s academic life at Cambridge, including his involvement as a student and faculty member in the Moral Sciences Club, we look at how he reconceived the role of philosophy throughout this period of creative antagonism. Throughout his work, from the early Tractatus to his ‘Lecture of Ethics’, and again later in his Philosophical Investigations, Wittgenstein drew a boundary between empirical science and philosophy: the latter defined as an investigation of language and the limits of meaning. Seldom at home at the university, he was also at odds with his chosen field, offering a therapeutic approach that allows readers ‘to stop doing philosophy when they want to’ (PI §132). We conclude our investigation of Wittgenstein’s relationship with the university and academic philosophy with insights from Pierre Hadot on philosophical inquiry as a vital part of the bios, a form of life that is the life-blood of academia. Hadot offers insights on Wittgenstein’s self-limiting narratives as a crucial aspect of what makes universities such important and enduring institutions, in spite of the vitriolic criticism they draw from iconic members like Wittgenstein.  相似文献   

Responding to Michael Luntley's article, ‘Learning, Empowerment and Judgement’, the author shows he cannot successfully make the following three moves: (1) dissolve the analytic distinction between learning by training and learning by reasoning, while advocating the latter; (2) diminish the role of training in Wittgenstein's philosophy, nor attribute to him a rationalist model of learning; and (3) turn to empirical research as a way of solving the philosophical problems he addresses through Wittgenstein. Drawing on José Medina's analysis of the fundamental role of training in Wittgenstein's later philosophy, the paper offers a tour of key passages in the Investigations and other works to develop an understanding of what Wittgenstein meant by ‘mastery of techniques’. In opposition to Luntley's liberal‐individual, or his subject as rational agent, the author explores Wittgenstein's non‐foundationalist, forms of life approach to how we act with agreement. More effort must be given to differentiating Wittgenstein's view from that of the analytic school, which Luntley appears to echo despite his criticism of the analytic divide.  相似文献   

Freud saw the dream as occupying a very important position in his theoretical model. If there were to be problems with his theoretical account of the dream then this would impinge upon proposed therapy and, of course, education as the right balance between the instincts and the institution of culture. Wittgenstein, whilst stating that Freud was interesting and important, raised several issues in relation to psychology/psychoanalysis, and to Freud in particular. Why would Wittgenstein have seen Freud as having some important things to say, even though he was sharply critical of Freud's claims to be scientific? The major issues to be considered in this paper are, in Section 1, the scientific status of Freud's work—was it science or was it more like philosophy than science; the analysis of dreams; rationality, and dreams and madness. Section 2 considers Freud and education, including the indignity of Freud's notion of ‘the talking cure.’ Section 3 considers psychoanalytic explanations not as theory but as a manner of speaking: ‘une façon de parler.’  相似文献   

近一百年来,在20世纪50年代以前,学界对杨慎的研究主要集中在杨慎的文学创作及其理论上。这一时期杨慎文学研究可以看做是明清时期杨慎文学研究的余绪,虽然有人也提出了一些新的看法,但大都未能摆脱前人的藩篱。20世纪50年代以后,学界对杨慎的研究愈来愈全面。其中50—70年代杨慎研究相对沉寂,从70年代末开始杨慎研究逐渐得热起来,特别是80年代可以说是杨慎研究的一个高峰期,进入90年代以来杨慎研究方兴未艾。本文从生平与著述整理、哲学思想、文学创作及理论、古音学与修辞学等四个方面对20世纪杨慎研究加以了评述。  相似文献   

On the point that, in practices of critical thinking, we respond spontaneously in concrete situations, this paper presents an account on behalf of Wittgenstein. I argue that the ‘seeing‐things‐aright’ model of Luntley's Wittgenstein is not adequate, since it pays insufficient attention to radically new circumstances, in which the content of norms is updated. While endorsing Bailin's emphasis on criteria of critical thinking, Wittgenstein would agree with Papastephanou and Angeli's demand to look behind criteriology. He maintains the primacy of the practical, and yet contends that a reasonable person lets rules of rationality compel her. These rules are not mere heuristics. I further examine Burbules' conception of communicative reason, and, among others, his interpretation of Wittgenstein's sign‐post example.  相似文献   

Having acknowledged the recurrent theme of education in Stanley Cavell's work, the discussion addresses the topic of scepticism, especially as this emerges in the interpretation of Wittgenstein. Questions concerning rule‐following, language and society are then turned towards political philosophy, specifically with regard to John Rawls. The discussion examines the idea of the social contract, the nature of moral reasoning and the possibility of our lives' being above reproach, as well as Rawls's criticisms of Nietzschean perfectionism. This lays the way for the broaching of questions of race and America. The theme of the ordinary, which emerges variously in Cavell's reflections on Emerson, Wittgenstein and Austin, is taken up and extended into a consideration of Thoreau's ‘experiment in living’. The conversation closes with brief remarks about happiness.  相似文献   

This article establishes a pedagogic reading of Wittgenstein's later work, which explores the significance of teaching and learning themes through close textual analysis and archival work on his Nachlass. I argue for the prevalence and importance of Wittgenstein's references to teaching, learning and training by showing the role these references play in the structure and central points of his later works. The opening passages of the Philosophical Investigations and the Brown Book about how we learn language are a framing device for arguments later in the texts; one to which Wittgenstein repeatedly returns at crucial junctures. Learning is the process that weaves together our practices and their expected outcomes, which in turn shapes and reshapes the norms operative in our shared forms of life. Reading Wittgenstein with sensitivity to pedagogic themes thus undermines interpretations that rely on rule‐following as the explanatory mechanism by which linguistic use generates meaning. Instead, we learn to use language that carries meaning by being taught the patterns, norms and judgements that come with particular uses. I thus argue that these references to learning and teaching are far from incidental and are instead central to understanding major concepts such as rule‐following, experience and judgement.  相似文献   

It is not uncommon to hear parents say in discussions they have with their children ‘Look at it this way’. And called upon for their advice, counsellors too say something to adults with the significance of ‘Try to see it like this’. The change of someone's perspective in the context of child rearing is the focus of this paper. Our interest in this lies not so much in giving an answer to the practical problems that are at stake, but at disentangling the issues on a conceptual level. Within the so‐called second part of his Philosophical Investigations, Wittgenstein deals with shared practices and with concepts such as ‘seeing’ and ‘seeing as’. What he says there is in terms of content linked with his earlier Tractatus position concerning ethics, a matter which will first be dealt with. After that, the relevant sections of his later work are discussed. Following Cavell, it is concluded that to try to get someone to see what one sees, necessarily presupposes giving it out of one's hands. The passivity this points at highlights what Erziehung in the end comes down to.  相似文献   

This paper highlights the philosophical and educational significance of expression in Ludwig Wittgenstein's Philosophical Investigations. When the role of expression is highlighted, we will be better able to appreciate Stanley Cavell's insistence that: (i) Wittgenstein offers ways of responding to, though not a refutation of, the problem of skepticism concerning other minds, and (ii) Wittgenstein's writing style is an important aspect of his philosophy. The educational implications of this appreciation will be explored with reference to the lives of adolescences.  相似文献   

This paper asks what and how some children tell others about themselves and the life they live at home and in school. Drawing on data collected through ethnographic observations, interviews and children's written texts about themselves, the article illustrates the meanings children create and attach to their everyday experience of interactions with adults and other children. Family, friends, pets, school and leisure activities occupy much space in the children's writings. Some of the texts include the placement of self in a positive interpersonal context both at home and at school, with a focus on the importance of these relationships for the children. Some others contain children's negative feelings at home or towards the school. These children blame themselves for their negative feelings in their texts. At the same time, they write about not having a voice when it comes to important decisions concerning their life. They can tell/write it as it is, but they cannot participate in decision-making when it comes to problematic situations.  相似文献   

This paper discusses Pierre Bourdieu's multi-faceted understanding of the higher education process by considering the evolution of this domain since the end of the 1970s both in France and England. Following a brief review of Bourdieu's main interpretations of higher education, several theoretical shifts in his thought and practice over time are identified that have sought to accommodate the rapid changes that have occurred in the higher education sector in recent years. This theoretical repositioning is used to reflect on ideas of homological reasoning advanced by Bourdieu and others, and their limitations in the cross-national comparative exercise. Using the findings of her own comparative study of the evolution of the French and English higher education sectors, the author tests some of the conceptual tools developed by Bourdieu mainly during the 1960s and 1970s, and discusses claims for their universal validity.  相似文献   

Hybrid and online courses and advances in assistive technologies make accommodating students with disabilities ever-changing, requiring innovation. This reality, coupled with students’ reluctance to disclose disabilities, points toward a need for replacing accommodations directed at those with disabilities with universal design whereby they become accessible to all—virtually eliminating the need for accommodations. In this paper, a master's of social work student (Chad) and his instructor (Regina) document their collaborations to revise a social work research course to meet his request for accommodations to make options more universally accessible. These revisions are done through reflections from both Chad and Regina from a phenomenological autoethnographic perspective—depicting their lived experiences.  相似文献   

As a landmark philosopher of language and of mind, Ludwig Wittgenstein is also remarkable for having crossed, with apparent ease, the ‘continental divide’ in philosophy. It is consequently not surprising that Wittgenstein’s work, particularly in the Philosophical Investigations, has been taken up by philosophers of education in English. Michael A. Peters, Christopher Winch, Paul Smeyers and Nicholas Burbules, and others have engaged extensively with the implications of the later Wittgenstein’s philosophy for education. One challenge they face is Wittgenstein’s use of the word ‘training.’ It appears throughout his discussions of language learning and in his periodic references to education. This is made all the more problematic by realizing that the German term Wittgenstein uses consistently is Abrichtung, which refers to animal dressage or obedience training, which is currently used in sadomasochistic practice, and which also connotes also the breaking of an animal’s will. I argue that this little-recognized fact has broad significance for many important Wittgenstinian insights into education. I conclude by considering how an unflinching recognition of the implications of Wittgenstein’s word choice might cast him as a pessimistic or tragic philosopher of education and upbringing—following German-language traditions—rather than as thinker more compatible with progressive Anglo-American perspectives.  相似文献   

Wittgenstein explores learning through practice in the Philosophical Investigations by means of an extended analogy with games. However, does this concern with learning also necessarily extend to education, in our institutional understanding of the word? While Wittgenstein's examples of language learning and use are always shared or social, he does not discuss formal educational institutions as such. He does not wish to found a ‘school of thought’, and is suspicious of philosophy acting as a theory that can be applied to other areas of life. While Wittgenstein's focus on developing independent thinking was neither individualistic nor anti‐institutional, it did, however, focus on developing the thinking of his students rather than theorising about how this could be applied on a large scale. An analysis of Hermann Hesse's novel, The Glass Bead Game will help us to pick up where Wittgenstein deliberately left off—thinking about how (or if) one can institutionalise learning methods that encourage thinking for oneself. These differences in the writers’ treatment of education will become evident in the differences between their game analogies. While language‐games combat our ‘craving for generality’ in Philosophical Investigations, the Glass Bead Game represents this craving, and how it manifests itself throughout history in disciplines other than logic and philosophy of language. It also represents the potential for institutions to become insular, exclusive communities.  相似文献   

II: The Conflict     
An environmental project in a native language German class (writing a book on environmental issues) gave the pupils, thirteen‐yea‐old girls, a large scope of freedom for independent group work. When they could not present sufficient results of their work at an interim report stage, a serious conflict resulted in which the teacher reproached the pupils heavily. In the case study this conflict is analysed: its possible causes, processes and some of its effects. Available data were the teacher's own diary and essays in which the pupils wrote frankly how they experienced the conflict. One issue arising from the analysis was the differences between the teacher"s intentions (e.g. to stimulate self‐determination in the pupils) and what he had achieved In this conflict (e.g. showing them how narrow their room for discretion actually was). Another issue was the pupils” sense of responsibility for the project (e.g. the pupils saw the project as the teacher's business and not as their project). One of the hypotheses that emerged to explain the apparent inactivity of the pupils was their perception of “work”, which seemed to have been incompatible with a largely self‐determined activity. The study ends with the teacher's reflections on what he gained from the analysis. One outcome was an involuntary caution in the use of words in his interactions with pupils and a more intense feeling of respect for them as young personalities. Another was a reconstruction of his strategic approach to the design of project work.  相似文献   

《哲学研究》论述的“遵行规则”悖论一直是哲学界探讨之热点,维特根斯坦本人也没有给出明确、清晰的消解方案,而是将其和“语言游戏”、“意义即使用”、“私人语言”等核心概念联系在一起。文章基于对“遵行规则”的解读,阐述悖论产生的原由、论证其消解,指出悖论反映了维特根斯坦的反“意义心理观”,突出他对语言本质的理解院语言是生活形式中的游戏活动。  相似文献   

理解早期维特根斯坦的思想其中一条重要的线索是其主体概念,此概念是对他所提出的人生意义问题解答的关键。虽然维特根斯坦对这一概念的处理非常散漫,但是他却非常明晰地区分了主体的两层涵义,即表象主体和意志主体。作为认识主体或经验主体,维特根斯坦是从叔本华意义上来谈论表象主体的,由于表象主体无法赋予世界和人生以意义,所以他直接否定了表象主体的存在,只承认意志主体。意志主体又被维特根斯坦称之为形而上学主体,作为伦理的而非生理的存在,意志主体从整体上以或善或恶的方式赋予世界以意义,主体因而可以通过主体的升华使自身处于无欲、无求、无畏状态当中,人生的困惑和处世的无力感得以消除,使得所谓的人生伦理问题得以最终解答。  相似文献   

早期维特根斯坦所持的先验伦理观认为:如果我们试图去言说伦理价值,那么此种命题只能是没有意义的。如果依照维特根斯坦的思路,他如此断定是可以理解的;不过仅从先验伦理观的基本设定入手,维特根斯坦宣称这些伦理价值判断是无意义的理由并不是必需的,因为如此界定的伦理价值判断本身就具有自足性。通过考察还可以发现,维特根斯坦早期试图构建一种先验的伦理观,但最后却是失败的,其原因也就在于其建构依据的先验性:维特根斯坦正是把伦理价值看作是完全独立于经验世界从而最终致使自己陷入困境。不过,倘若以纯粹哲人的身份来看待,维特根斯坦之所以如此做,恰恰是其作为哲人的高明之处。  相似文献   

The problems of older persons living in rural United States have inadvertently been forgotten in the rat race of generic gerontological training and public program implementation. They have become, however, one of the newly discovered minority groups in the 1970s. Their remoteness to “power groups,” underrepresentation, culturally valued independence and stamina, and less vocal attitude in a reactive U.S. system that seemingly rewards more aggressive behavior have all been factors contributing to political, bureaucratic, academic, and professional biases that view older persons living in rural United States as second class citizens. Thus a massive, concentrated effort that focuses on the problems facing the rural elderly is long overdue.

This paper is designed to review some of the unresolved and under‐attended issues of the 1970s in the field of aging, while proposing an educational model for the 1980s that constructively addresses the problems facing the rural aged, the backbone of the country.

This paper is written based on the author's experience in implementing the Mental Health and Rural Gerontology Training Project funded by the National Institute of Mental Health—Manpower Research and Development Programs.

The author would like to express gratitude to Dr. Dan Egli, Research Associate of the University of Kentucky, College of Social Work, for his generous time for editing and for his insightful comments.  相似文献   

One-to-one interviewing is one of the most powerful ways of exploring young children's thinking. While there are a few studies which report the use of this pedagogic strategy by preservice teachers, more are needed. This paper describes an early childhood mathematics education assignment which preservice teachers in a teacher-education college in Ireland undertake with four- and five-year-old children. It presents an analysis of data from a selected sample of 58 preservice teachers' reflections on their dialogues with individual children. It describes how the preservice teachers engaged with the process of interviewing the children; how they reflected on their interactions with the children; their reflections on the children's engagement; and their reflections on young children's mathematics generally. Some dilemmas faced by the participants in the course of the interviewing are highlighted. Findings demonstrate the integrated nature of the knowledge that early childhood teachers need to teach early childhood mathematics effectively. The learning arising from this assignment relates to early childhood mathematics thinking, to the psycho-social nature of learning in early childhood and to pedagogy in early childhood education.  相似文献   

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