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<春秋阙疑>以"阙疑"为体例,批判三传而综合三传,折衷程、朱二氏之说.兼以博采诸儒之论,体现出一种"甚公且平"的精神.但是此书始终着重阐释理学最为强调的天理、人欲及纲常、人伦等层面,其理学倾向性也是非常明显的,经过郑玉看似客观的塑造,<春秋>越发被提升成了一部可以用来经世治国的煌煌法典.  相似文献   

程颐是宋代理学的奠基人,他借助对传统儒家经学的解释来建构新的儒学体系———理学,这对后来的经学解释学产生了重要影响。其中,他对于《春秋》的解释,就是一个突出的范例。程颐对于《春秋》的解释,具有自己的特色,如会通三传、义理解经、以四书说解《春秋》、注重"春秋笔法"、以理学解读等,这些都为后来理学家解释《春秋》,即理学化《春秋》学的发展提供了一个典范。可以说,程颐《春秋》学在宋代经学解释学史上具有突出的意义。  相似文献   

《胡氏春秋传》是南宋学者胡安国用义理进行注释和解说的名著,其中蕴涵着丰富的思想。如注《春秋》"元年"就舍传求经、借经抒理,把"元"解释为"始"、为"大";后又完全以已意地把"元"解释为"一"和为"仁",来阐发自我的理学思想,把《春秋》学纳入了理学的范围。  相似文献   

赵是元末明初新安理学中最重要的代表人物之一。其学术思想的最大特色是“和会朱陆”,而学术研究的重心则在《春秋》的探讨。赵深研《春秋》的原因,一是新安理学重视《春秋》研究传统的影响,二是基于自身对《春秋》重要性及其研究价值的认识,三是因资中学者黄泽的引导。在对历史上研究《春秋》诸家中肯评判的基础上,赵提出了求索《春秋》“笔削之旨”的根本方法是“属辞比事法”,并指出具体研究途径是先考鲁史之法,再求圣人之法。坚持“三传”并重的原则、据传求经,由考证而索经义、继承与创新相结合、研究与著述并举乃是赵《春秋》研究的主要特色  相似文献   

春秋三传:《春秋》是由孔子编定的,被称为儒家经典。春秋三传就是关于《春秋》的三部解经之作,即《左传》、《公羊传》、《谷粱传》。  相似文献   

孙复是宋初"三先生"之一,以讲授《春秋》显名,而属于经部的《春秋》,实则兼有经学与史学的双重性质。唐朝中期的啖助学派认为《春秋》具有经、史合一的性质,孙复继承了这一观点,他提出的尊王观、不惑传注等治学思想,既为《春秋》学的发展提供新见解,亦促进了宋代史学的继续完善。  相似文献   

【作者】《春秋》三传即《左氏春秋传》《春秋公羊传》《春秋谷梁传》三部编年体史书的合称,均为解释孔子的《春秋》而作,为儒家重要经典。相传三部书的作者分别为左丘明、羊高、毂梁傲。  相似文献   

一、填空题:1、《左传》又称《_》或《春秋左氏传》.2、《春秋》是_根据鲁国史料编纂的_时期的_史.传习《春秋》的人尊《春秋》为_,把自己讲解《春秋》的著作称为“传”.现保存下来的共有《春秋》三传,即《_》、《_》和《_》.  相似文献   

《左传》以"君子曰"的形式提出了"《春秋》五例",即"《春秋》笔法"的内涵,开了学者研究此理论的先河。在考察孔子"笔削"《春秋》及《左传》传《春秋》之后,便能全面地认识"《春秋》笔法"属辞比事的基本原则和价值判断系统,并能准确概括它的寓褒贬于一字之间的总体特征。  相似文献   

春秋三传:《春秋》是由孔子编定的,被称为儒家经典。春秋三传就是关于《春秋》的三部解经之作,即《左传》、《公羊传》、《谷粱传》。建安三曹:曹操、曹丕、曹植。东汉班氏三兄妹:班固、班超、班昭。唐代三大诗人:李白、杜甫、白居易。宋代三苏:苏洵、苏轼、苏辙,即苏氏三父  相似文献   

1937年日军攻打上海,文化名人与进步青年纷纷出走,走向武汉、桂林、重庆,走向延安。上海的话剧舞台上,主角们也频频出走,奔向远方。然而,绝大多数的人没有走,走不了。本文以张爱玲的话剧《倾城之恋》为核心,参照"孤岛"时期于伶、夏衍的以"出走"为主旨的文本,结合当时的语境与战后的二元政治观点,探讨精英与大众、男性与女性的政治意义。  相似文献   

文章将"留白"这一艺术概念引入到LOFT空间改造设计中,提出了在LOFT空间的改造中应在满足现在使用功能前提下,通过新的空间设计与旧工业文明信息的"留白"形成鲜明的对比来丰富空间的表现力,保留工业时代的艺术气息和文化价值,让"留白"承载历史文化的空间信息。  相似文献   

福泽谕吉是近代日本最大的启蒙思想家,他的《脱亚论》历来颇受争议,争议之焦点可以归结为:其一,福泽谕吉是否是“亚洲侵略主义”之思想元凶;其二,福泽谕吉对中国“儒教”的态度为何?从这两方面来重新审视《脱亚论》的影响就能够重新审议《脱亚论》:在时间跨度上我们可以证明福泽谕吉并非“亚洲侵略主义’’的思想元凶;同时认为他对待“儒教”并非一概否决。  相似文献   

自《伤逝》问世以来对其悲剧根源及主题的认识众说纷纭。结合文本从人性论的角度可以看出;在这桩看似平等自由的爱情面纱下面,隐藏的依然是强势的男权话语,对子君的死,涓生应负直接的和主要的责任.是他的男权意识直接把子君逼上了无路可走之路。  相似文献   

The terminal examination of post-primary education in Ireland, the Leaving Certificate, is often criticised for the reliance on memory recall over higher order thinking skills in the assessment process. In order to examine the evidence base for these critiques, this article presents an empirical investigation of the intellectual skills and knowledge domains implicit in the tasks in the written examination papers of 23 subjects in the Leaving Certificate in Ireland from 2005 to 2010. Data were collected from two sources: examination papers and student interviews. In an in-depth document analysis of the examination papers, 14,910 occurrences of command verbs were coded for the intellectual skill and knowledge domains required by the assessment task. As the same verb can require different intellectual skills in different subjects and in different tasks, each occurrence of every verb was assigned a specific value depending on its context. The article presents the frequencies and distributions of intellectual skills and knowledge domains within and across subjects. In light of key points in the literature search, the findings indicate concern regarding the level of challenge and stimulation for the development of students of the Leaving Certificate.  相似文献   

The 1973 Raising of the School Leaving Age from 15 to 16 has been used to identify returns to years’ schooling. However, because the first set of “high stakes” exams are taken in the UK at age 16, the reform affected the proportion with qualifications, as well as schooling length. In order to shed light on whether the returns reflect the extra length of schooling or the increase in qualifications, we exploit another institutional rule – the Easter Leaving Rule – which we argue only affected the probability of obtaining qualifications (and not the length of schooling). We find sizeable returns to academic qualifications – increasing the probability of employment by 40% points – and our results suggest that qualifications drive most of the returns to education.  相似文献   

Is it still possible to combine two programmes of study in higher education, and if so, what are the characteristics of these double‐students and what kind of obstacles do they face? In the Netherlands, about 10 percent of students in university education take two studies at the same time.

Different theoretical approaches offer hypotheses to explain the choice of students for a second study, compared to students who pursue the regular one‐study programme. Human capital as well as financial (socio‐economic) capital theory provides some insights in this choice process. Education programme‐related factors, as well as motivational and (social and academic) integration (Tinto, 1987 Tinto V 1987 Leaving College: Rethinking the Causes and Cures of Student Attrition Chicago The University of Chicago Press  [Google Scholar]) factors, will possibly be important determinants for pursuing one or two study programmes in higher education.  相似文献   

The Art Teachers Association of Ireland's (ATAI), #stateoftheart campaign worked to persuade Irish policymakers to develop a new curriculum for Leaving Certificate art, reforming the long‐outdated 1972 curriculum. Students across the country designed over 3,000 postcards for the Minister for Education and an online petition was signed by 2,500 people. Students and teachers took to the corridors of schools and the streets of their towns to highlight the power of the arts and call for reform. Recently it was announced that a Senior Cycle development group under the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment would be created to address full reform of Leaving Certificate Art. This article will examine the context and rationale for the #stateoftheart campaign drawing on the images and voices of students and teachers.  相似文献   

A bstract .  For the democratic tradition to return to a vanguard position in education requires a thorough exploration of the problems of democratization in education and an inventory of possible new forms. In this essay, Simon Marginson reviews five books concerned with democracy and education: Michael Apple's Educating the "Right" Way , Denis Carlson's Leaving Safe Harbors , A. Belden Fields and Walter Feinberg's Education and Democratic Theory , Trevor Gale and Kathleen Densmore's Engaging Teachers , and Klas Roth's Democracy, Education and Citizenship . While these authors imagine democracy in somewhat different ways, they have a common interest in the role of public schooling in the formation of democratic agents and practices. The books do not offer a definitive account of the problems of democratization, nor do they embody a major breakthrough in democratic educational thinking, but they all provide helpful explorations of these issues. Marginson concludes with some thoughts on commodification and neoliberal economism in education, a contemporary focus of discussion in democratic educational circles.  相似文献   

Pat Sadler, Hiroshima Shudo University, The Caring Child by Nancy Eisenberg. Cambridge, Mass, and London: Harvard University Press, 1992, hb ISBN 0 674 09725 4, pb ISBN 0 674 09726 2, US$8.95

Garry Hornby, University of Hull, Youth in Trouble: Educational Responses, by J. F. Schostak. London: Kogan Page, 1991. 192pp., pb. ISBN 0 7494 0372 1, np

Gordon Dimmock, Harold Hill Community School, Havering, ‘Some Way to Go’: A Pilot Study on the Appraisal of Educational Resources on Leaving Home and Homelessness, Leaving Home Project. London: Information Services Charity Limited, 1987. 56pp., £4.95

Gordon Dimmock, Harold Hill Community School, Havering, Experimental Project. Final Report, Leaving Home Project. London: Information Services Charity Limited, 1991. 30pp., £6

Gordon Dimmock, Harold Hill Community School, Havering, ‘Making the Break’: Choices and Decisions Facing Young People Leaving Home, by Philip Hope, edited by Catherine ByGott. London: CSV Advisory Service and Leaving Home Project, 1989. 157pp. plus VHS video ‘Cutting Loose’, 20 min., CSV, 1988. ISBN 0 907829 57 0, £28.25+£2.40 p. & p.

Don Baines, Anglia Polytechnic University, Teacher Training in Secondary Schools, by Rowie Shaw. London: Kogan Page Limited, 1992. 162pp., pb ISBN 0 7494 0637 2, £14.95

Gill Collins, Sovereign Centre Tutorial Unit, Issues: A Cross-Curricular Course for PSE, by John Foster. Hammersmith: Collins Educational, 1992. Pupil Book One, ISBN 0 00 327334 2, £4.95; Teachers Resources One, ISBN 0 00 327339 3, £7.25; Pupil Book Two, ISBN 0 00 327335 0, £4.95; Teachers Resources Two, ISBN 0 00 327340 7, £7.25; Pupil Book Three, ISBN 0 00 327336 9, £4.95; Teachers Resources Three, ISBN 0 00 3273415, £7.25; Pupil Book Four, ISBN 0 00 327337 7, £5.50; Teachers Resources Four, ISBN 0 00 327342 3, £7.95; Pupil Book Five, ISBN 0 00 327338 5, £5.50; Teachers Resources Five, ISBN 0 00 327343 1, £7.95  相似文献   

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