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This study investigated gaps between the supportive communication people desire and receive in the context of infertility. Our findings advance the notion of support adequacy by positioning social support as a dynamic resource that is contributed to from a variety of sources in numerous ways. A community sample of 301 infertile women indicated that they experience discrepancies in the support they desire compared to what they receive from their spouses, friends and family, medical professionals, and online sources. Participants experienced the most discrepancies from medical professionals, and in almost all of these discrepancies people desired more support than they received. The magnitude of the gap between people's desires and what they receive corresponds with evaluations of support quality.  相似文献   



A discourse analysis was conducted of peer-written blogs about the chronic illness endometriosis to understand how bloggers present information sources and make cases for and against the authority of those sources.


Eleven blogs that were authored by endometriosis patients and focused exclusively or primarily on the authors'' experiences with endometriosis were selected. After selecting segments in which the bloggers invoked forms of knowledge and sources of evidence, the text was discursively analyzed to reveal how bloggers establish and dispute the authority of the sources they invoke.


When discussing and refuting authority, the bloggers invoked many sources of evidence, including experiential, peer-provided, biomedical, and intuitive ones. Additionally, they made and disputed claims of cognitive authority via two interpretive repertoires: a concern about the role and interests of the pharmaceutical industry and an understanding of endometriosis as extremely idiosyncratic. Affective authority of information sources was also identified, which presented as social context, situational similarity, or aesthetic or spiritual factors.


Endometriosis patients may find informational value in blogs, especially for affective support and epistemic experience. Traditional notions of authority might need to be revised for the online environment. Guidelines for evaluating the authority of consumer health information, informed by established readers'' advisory practices, are suggested.


  • Endometriosis patients who blog about the illness may determine authority of information sources through both cognitive and affective methods.


  • Because patients with chronic illnesses might have different authority criteria than medical librarians do, it could be useful to carefully incorporate electronic patient discussion forums, medical blogs written by laypeople, and other nontraditionally authoritative resources into consumer health information selection policies. Standard biomedical resources are certainly important to recommend to consumers, but they do not convey the complete picture of a chronic illness and its related experience.
  • Patients with chronic illnesses and caregivers can benefit from sources such as blogs and online discussion lists that provide social and emotional support as well as accounts of “lived experience.”
  • An understanding of the patient''s potential epistemological community can make the librarian''s recommendations more appropriate for the individual user.

A nationwide survey study was conducted to gain understanding as to how to prepare public librarians for consumer health information service. Findings indicate that the popular health information needs encountered by public librarians cover a wide variety of topics, including the human body, a medical/health condition, a disease, a medical concept, and fitness/diet/nutrition. The top two challenges faced by public librarians when providing consumer health information service are difficulty in interpreting patrons' questions and lack of knowledge about available and trusted/appropriate medical/health information sources. Public librarians wish to receive training on a number of topics that could help address the challenges they face, and the most favorable training format for them, among all the options provided in the survey, is the self-paced online tutorial. This study constitutes the basis for establishing training requirements and developing training programs to meet the needs of public librarians. Their mastery of the necessary skills, knowledge and competencies via training will lead to effective and efficient delivery of consumer health information service in public libraries, and ultimately generate optimal patron experiences.  相似文献   

This study investigates attitudes to ‘lay’ or ‘plain‐English’ summaries of open access (OA) journal articles in the context of engaging the public with medical research. It places lay summaries in the wider contexts of patients' information‐seeking behaviour and OA publishing activities. It reports the results of qualitative research involving two stakeholder groups: employees of organizations with a stake in communicating OA medical research to the public, and members of the public who have experience of accessing online medical research. It shows that patient access to the research literature is seen as one of a number of important sources of information that can help them manage their health conditions as ‘informed patients‘. However, accessing the literature was reported to be problematical, particularly because of paywalls, and there were also difficulties in using it, including language barriers. Lay summaries were seen to make a helpful contribution to improving patient access to information. There is, however, a clear need to gather more evidence about the costs and benefits of such an approach and also on the potential ways in which OA can create benefits for the general public.  相似文献   

代妮 《编辑学报》2022,34(2):149-152
“互联网+”时代新媒体越来越多地成为公众和医学专业人士获取健康信息的主要来源,医学期刊在作为学术交流平台的同时也肩负着推动“互联网+精准健康科普”的社会责任。医学期刊投身健康科普,通过微信、微博、今日头条、抖音等新媒体传播平台,充分地实现医学专家和医学研究成果等学术资源的科普价值,更精准地做好健康知识普及工作,弥补大众媒体和自媒体学术性和科学性方面的不足,有助于满足公众对高质量健康知识传播的需求。同时,医学期刊坚持内容为王的理念,通过打磨专业化的原创内容,使用高可读性的表现方式,采取个性化和分众的信息推送方式,增强互动和人性化服务意识等策略,从而更好地满足公众和医务人员对健康信息的精准需求,有助于改善医患关系和医疗环境,在推动健康科普、提高全民健康素养、推进健康中国建设中发挥更积极的作用。  相似文献   

As the use of electronic reference sources becomes commonplace, virtual reference services are expanding in scope, modes, and popularity. Simultaneously, reference practices are evolving as well. One concept that may be challenged by these trends is the notion of the core reference collection. What are the sources that form this core collection, and what are its characteristics? Are similar sources used to answer users' questions in virtual and traditional reference? How do core collections of public and academic libraries differ? An analysis of 1851 e-mail and chat reference transactions from public and academic libraries reveals that the notion of a core reference collection persists in the world of virtual reference services. In both types of libraries, responses to patrons showed a skewed bibliographic distribution; librarians used a small group of sources to answer most of the questions. Almost all sources used were electronic. Academic libraries tended to make greater use of fee-based sources, but public libraries more often used sources freely-available on the Web.  相似文献   

The public services divisions of forty-seven medical school libraries participated in a survey to document jargon used by library staff and users in referring to information sources in the health sciences. The survey yielded 624 unique instances of jargon, 54% of which were acronyms of initialisms. Examples of problems created by the use of jargon are given and the importance of the librarian as a facilitator of communication, even in the presence of automated information systems, is discussed. Implications of the study for novice librarians are suggested. The body of jargon appears to serve as an effective cross-professions communications device.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the current state and development of health and biomedical literature in Arab countries. The study concentrates on the Arabic sources of medical articles, and surveys and analyzes the size of the literature and its development in the past 100 years. Two aspects of these sources are covered: the Arab medical information sources published within the Arab region, and those published outside the region. This includes the quantity of material available within and outside the Arab region. The size of the Arab medical literature indicates that it is worthy of collection. Treatment of the Arab medical literature, a pressing and urgent issue, is needed to assist in the research and development of an Arab medical infrastructure.  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(91-92):39-51

The evolution of electronic sources has had a significant impact on reference collections in libraries, and public library reference collections are no exception.

Evaluating, selecting, and organizing sources to meet the needs of public library users has always been a fundamental role of public librarians. However, now they have the added responsibility of evaluating electronic resources and deciding whether the electronic sources will supplement or replace traditional paper reference sources. Issues of authority, accessibility, cost, comfort, and user education must be carefully weighed during this evaluative process.  相似文献   

文章在对我国公共医疗健康信息增值利用现状分析的基础上,对增值利用中的障碍进行了初步分析,提出了应从公益性原则出发,优化公共医疗健康信息采集、质量标准、共享信息链,促进我国公共医疗健康信息资源增值利用.  相似文献   

目的:探讨基于网络的暴力伤医事件特征、原因及其舆情特点。方法:从互联网新闻页面中获取数据,运用网络内容分析法,从事件的年度分布、地区分布、原因、人员伤亡及各网络主体态度等方面进行分析。结果:基于网络的伤医事件由2003年的1件增至2012年的31件,主要分布全国18个省级区域,粤、京、川等地发生了6次以上;医务人员死伤105人,占93.69%;53%的伤医事件源于患方不满意医疗效果。结论:网络技术的发展使信息传播更加方便与快捷,引发网络舆情的伤医事件有增多的趋势,且呈现出无征兆、直接对抗、泛医护人员伤亡等特点。在舆情方面,伤医事件易成为热点事件,负性影响大。医疗机构应注意防范伤医事件的发生,并积极引导舆情健康发展。  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(20):149-160
By definition, "public policy" manifests the common sense and common conscience of the citizens . . . and is applied to matters of public health, safety, and welfare. The medical literature is closely tied to these issues and is often a forgotten resource for individuals seeking information on public policy topics. The paper describes the major indexes and databases that can be used for finding pertinent information in the medical literature. Also included is a list of journals indexed that often included public policy papers. Major topics that involve public policy issues have been outlined. Finally, material availability and economic considerations are discussed.  相似文献   

文章在阐述健康素养和健康信息素养内涵的基础上,全面探讨了美国和英国医学图书馆员在为医务人员和公众进行健康信息素养教育和提供健康信息服务所采取的有效措施。他们主要发挥了以下作用。1)可以对医务人员进行健康信息素养培训,一为医务人员提供优质的信息资源以及开发新的医学信息资源。2)可以促进医务人员与公众和患者的交流和沟通;开发新技术促进公众对健康信息资源的利用。5)可帮助政府制定积极的卫生政策,促进公众健康素养的提升。  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(48):223-238
The purpose of this article is to guide librarians on how to assist users desiring to study environmental public policy. It discusses sources under the three main headings of environmental groups, business and labor, and government. The article concludes with a short discussion on social science indexes relevant to environmental public policy.  相似文献   

The medical community finds out about practical medical data through a variety of sources. This paper pinpoints those sources by following a specific data base, the world renowned Framingham Heart Study, through a multitude of media. Information about the Study is available to practicing physicians by many means including scholarly and nonscientific medical journals, government documents, lectures and colloquia, continuing medical education seminars, reprint services, and the invisible college.Specific details concerning the frequency with which Framingham Heart Study articles appear in certain journals are helpful in determining the significance of various types of medical journals in the dissemination of the data base.  相似文献   

The focus of this article is the availability and use of information in the UK about the male menopause or as it's beginning to be known by the general public and health professionals, the andropause. The experiences of men suffering from the andropause today are reflective of menopausal women some 20 or 30 years ago. Ignorance and fear of the andropause condition abounds in the general public and amongst health professionals. There is a paucity of information in the literature about the symptoms and condition of the andropause. The review considers the provision and use of information available for men in the andropause in the public domain, examining both NHS and condition specific sources. The use of electronic sources is specifically reviewed, including an online forum. The use of electronic sources is indicative of other health information users. The reviewer concludes by suggesting that increased knowledge sharing is required by health professionals and the general public about the symptoms and condition of the andropause. It is recommended that men in the andropause identify a 'champion' to assist their cause. This will help in gaining greater recognition and understanding of the condition and attract the most appropriate treatment.  相似文献   

This article reports the findings of a survey of public library use of various sources of recruitment for librarians, library administrators, and library support staff. The level of use of particular recruitment sources is discussed as well as the perceived level of effectiveness for each of the sources. Differences in perceptions of effectiveness of recruitment sources between those who use a particular source and those who do not are also analyzed in this article.  相似文献   

借助于"媒介可信度理论"与"媒介系统依赖理论",采用问卷调查方法,我们探讨了大学生群体对于网络信息的可信度评价。研究发现,大学生群体在网络上不同类型的信息之间,其可信度评价存在显著差异;大学生群体对网络的信任程度与其对于网络的使用或者依赖程度呈显著正相关;大学生群体对网络的知觉易用性与网络的知觉有用性呈显著正相关。  相似文献   

The people we see in news media can affect our perceptions of public opinion through exemplification. Although research shows that individuals interviewed in a news story can influence perceptions of public opinion, little attention has been paid to the role that source type and audience attitudes play in the exemplification process. This study tests how the exemplification process is influenced by different types of news sources featured in an article (e.g., vox pop, protester, and interest group interviews) and the audience's own political ideology. The study finds that the perceived typicality of sources is affected by both source type and how much an audience member agrees with the source. Source type is also found to directly affect perceptions of public opinion.  相似文献   

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