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Until the end of the Second World War, the population of Albania was more than 80 per cent illiterate; women, more than 90 per cent. Great progress was made, however, in education after 1946. During the 1950's, women gained access to higher education. Despite anti‐feminist, traditional attitudes towards women which persist in Albania, women now make up more than 50 per cent of all university students in the country, one third of the teaching staff at the University of Tirana, and one fourth of the staff in Albanian higher education and research as a whole. Nevertheless, the progress of Albanian women in academic careers is still very slow. The statistics indicate that the sexual equality achieved with regard to access to higher education turns into in‐equality further on in academic careers. Both in terms of academic qualifications and the filling of ranking positions in higher education and research institutions, women are a liny minority as compared to men.  相似文献   

Global policies today encourage greater access by women to formal schooling but leave aside issues of content and school practices essential to the modification of the social relations of gender. This article assumes a holistic approach and compares the promise of education with its actual contribution to transformative knowledge. It examines why education is upheld as such a promising mechanism, despite the numerous obstacles it faces given contemporary developments, particularly the increasing pressures of globalisation that move steadily weakened nation‐states away from interventions to foster social justice. Lack of consensus within the women's and feminist movements, limited efforts to change teacher training programmes and scant attention to the work of women‐led non‐governmental organisations (NGOs) in the provision of alternative education are identified as key elements in need of attention if transformative knowledge is to be secured.  相似文献   

This paper looks at the experiences of black women in regard to prison education. The data were mainly collected through interviews with 10 black women ex‐prisoners who spoke about their prison lives. The majority of these women felt that racism existed in prison, especially in regard to access to prison classes. Recommendations for improvements in prison education are made so that it is open to all.  相似文献   


The authors argue that there will be a critical mass of women in leadership positions in kinesiology and across higher education for substantial gender-based mentoring to take place in the 21st century. First, the current state of women in higher education leadership, trends in mentoring, and the reasons it is important for women who have aspirations to advance in their careers are examined. The authors argue that it is important to have access to gender-based guidance and support that are critical to successful leadership into the future. The authors advocate for a focused, purposeful type of mentoring supported by relational-cultural theory and narrative practice. Men will continue to be important mentors for women, but the authors argue that, at the same time, women also need to have access to the perspectives of other women who have forged the way into higher education administration.  相似文献   

Higher education is a key factor in a nation’s effort to develop a highly skilled workforce for competing in the global economy. In this paper, current trends in accessibility, equity, participation and financing of higher education in Kenya are examined. The paper explores the challenges which need to be confronted and discusses the way forward for reforming higher education policies in Kenya to widen access and advance equity by suggesting a number of strategies. It highlights the need for programmes and policies focusing on improving access to quality secondary education experiences; increasing aspirations and application to higher education; and the improvement of policies on financial support to disadvantaged students through the already existing Higher Education Loans Board. It concludes with a number of recommendations including a new revenue allocation particularly to the rising numbers of higher education aspirants from low income, rural, ethnic minorities and women.  相似文献   

This study is an exploration of the reasons why women who had successfully completed an access course did not progress on to higher education. Following a review of the relevant literature on women as returners to education a number of main themes are identified and discussed. The study is based on in-depth interviews with women who did not continue on to higher education following the successful completion of the Certificate in Women's Studies at the University of Ulster. This research highlights the difficulties faced by women who want to continue with their studies. From the interviews three main obstacles to progressing further with higher education emerged; caring responsibilities, financial constraints and lack of career advice. It is argued that women as mature students face particular difficulties due to their role and position in society. Also the women themselves have been conditioned into putting their own needs after the needs of their families, and their personal development is often not afforded a high priority. Finally it is suggested that government's commitment to widening access to higher education is simply rhetoric if it does not take account of the broader inequalities faced by women. Policies to improve access appear to be somewhat at odds with the removal of the financial support necessary for study at higher education.  相似文献   

In 2002, Tanzania renewed its 1974 commitment to universal primary education. This paper explores differences in the current policy‐formulation context, examining how development discourse and aid practice have shifted the space and scale of public governance in Tanzania, legitimising international agendas and the participation of non‐Tanzanians in the domestic policy process. The analysis suggests that the influence of a highly co‐ordinated transnational aid community and the package of aid mechanisms that are being deployed with considerable effect in Tanzania are likely to replicate a situation in which access has been prioritised once more at the expense of improving the quality of primary education.  相似文献   


This paper deals with the provision of educational services and access to higher education of the Negev Bedouin Arabs in Israel, in the context of the social change this community is undergoing. The Negev Bedouin have been transformed from semi‐nomads and agriculturists to urban town dwellers. Education in general, and higher education in particular, are crucial to their adjustment and development. As members of the Arab minority in Israel, they face a number of inequities in the provision of educational services, access to higher education and access to job opportunities. The Negev Bedouin schools face additional problems related to the lack of qualified teachers and proper facilities. These schools have the highest drop‐out rates and the poorest success rates on the matriculation exams in the country. As of the 1993‐94 academic year, there were only 135 Bedouin Arab university graduates and 163 university students. Their higher education ratio is 2 per 1000, which is far below the Israeli national average of 80 per 1000. Recommendations are offered for improving the access of Negev Bedouin Arabs to higher education and their subsequent absorption into the Israeli labour market.  相似文献   


Women were denied the right to an education for many years in the United States. This paper investigates the history of women in American higher education to identify points of access on the basis of this investigation, and to arrive at implications for women now and for the future. The paper contains a survey of the literature regarding women and higher education. Emphasis is placed on colleges for women, specifically Bryn Mawr and Wellesley. Comparisons between the two schools are made, and both are contrasted with Oberlin and the University of Michigan. Access for women at the community college level is discussed, because this is the entry point to higher education to which most women today have access.  相似文献   


Examining the historiography of women’s education, the issue which dominates is understandably that of access. Access, or lack thereof, is a transnational construct which forms an over-arching framework through which the issue of historical gender equality in higher education can be interpreted and interrogated. Each of the seminal texts which examines the historiography of women’s higher education uses access as a lens. While it is important to examine access in the historiography of women’s education, a focus on access can obscure an interrogation of agency and particularly the role of social and intellectual networks in advancing key strategic objectives such as access. Against the backdrop of the higher education movements in both Ireland and the United States, this article examines the role of the Central Association of Irish Schoolmistresses (CAISM) in securing access for women to Trinity College Dublin and the concomitant role of the Woman’s Education Association, Boston (WEA) in securing Harvard degrees for women. Chronicling the activities of the associations, both compensatory and innovative, it interrogates how the women at the centre of the associations straddled a conservative/progressive agenda in order to incrementally open up the privileges of a patriarchal space to women.  相似文献   

The numbers and the proportion of mature women students are currently increasing in continuing and higher education in Britain. This paper addresses the issues involved in such an increase, showing that demographic changes and political support for adult returners coincides with women's wishes, demands and opportunities to take advantage of the study they missed out on at school. Reasons such as poor teaching, lack of motivation, culture and other priorities are among those examined to partially explain women's low participation in the past, their choice of subject areas, wastage and under achievement.

Models of good practice in provision for mature women students, particularly those with non‐standard entry qualifications are examined, with a specific focus on the organisation of access and pre‐access courses. Examples of higher education provision such as that of the Open University, and a variety of polytechnics and colleges provide useful models for recommendations for change for other host institutions.

Institutional and pedagogical concerns which facilitate women returners are considered: course design, course content, teaching and learning strategies, funding, hours, assessment, nursery provision and counselling support are all suggested as issues to be addressed by institutions hoping and intending to recruit, retain and facilitate the successful study of mature women students.  相似文献   

The true emancipation of women should become a common European concern and a common European goal. Emancipation means that no socio‐cultural or biological constraint should prevent women from obtaining the same chances and opportunities as men. True emancipation, which is still a distant objective in most of the European countries, implies that access to professional life should not have to be paid for by an exhausting cumulation of domestic and professional roles. A recent research programme on the student population of the University of Geneva provides data which are relevant in this respect. Female students are less likely to have internalized norms of behaviour which facilitate adaptation to a competitive environment in which women have to compete with men. Being subject to cross pressures and torn between two sets of behavioural norms, young women are often ambivalent in their attitudes. The conclusions of the Geneva research are consistent with other research results in other countries. The major explanatory factor is early socialization. True emancipation of women requires a long‐range education policy aiming at gradually reducing the differences in the socialization patterns of boys and girls.  相似文献   

Commonly, the work situation of migrant and refugee women declines notably on arriving in the new country, irrespective of their existing qualifications and even after they have taken accepted qualifications. The primary objectives of this research were to test the hypothesis that women bring to their new countries skills and competencies arising from their education, working life and experiential learning, in addition to those learnt in the process of adapting to a new way of life, such as communicative and intercultural competencies, and to develop a typology which would facilitate access to appropriate education and training. This process also, crucially, involves vocational guidance and counselling to ensure that women develop goals which are both realistic and desirable to them. To this end an interview schedule was developed and delivered, after adaptations to local circumstances, to 120 women in four countries: Denmark, Germany, the Czech Republic and the UK. This paper presents only the detailed findings from the UK research. The main value of the data gathered is qualitative and the samples used were non‐random, but certain patterns emerged which are described in this paper. It was concluded that education and training were usually necessary in the new country but that a much more considered approach needs to be taken to placement on courses. The paper concludes with recommendations for practice by institutions of further education and case studies to illuminate the findings. Four case studies are attached.  相似文献   

This article looks at the experiences of a small, qualitative sample of 12 working-class women attending an Access course in a large, inner-city further education college. The risks and costs involved in making the transition to higher education were evident in the women's narratives, and both material and cultural factors inhibiting their access to higher education are examined. The desire to 'give something back' which motivated all these women's attempts to move into higher education is discussed. The women were either juggling extensive labour market commitments or childcare and domestic responsibilities with studying. In such circumstances, when any sort of social life is sacrificed, what becomes visible is time poverty, and, in particular, a lack of time for 'care of the self'. Six of the women were lone mothers and it is further argued that complexities of marital status intersect with, and compound, the consequences of class. Beck's thesis of individualisation is used as a backdrop to the women's stories in order to highlight the costs of individualisation for the working classes, but also to problematise the discrepancies and disjunctures between projects of the self and the women's experiences of returning to education. The article concludes with an exploration of the consequences of a policy of widening access and participation for working-class mature women and suggests that, while currently all the change and transformation are seen to be the responsibility of the individual applicant, universities, especially those in the pre-1992 sector, need to change if they are to provide positive experiences for non-traditional students like the women in this study.  相似文献   

Forty‐five years have passed since Kenya gained independence and almost 30 years since the feminist revolution ushered in a global gender and development agenda. While Kenya’s development agenda had a functionalist orientation aimed at modernisation, the outcome of efforts to promote education development cannot be understood without an examination of the context of women. Although development agencies acknowledge the need for empowerment of women, the interests of change agencies are accommodated within the bounds of patriarchy, poverty, and paternalism. This situation is best explained by examining the education experience of women through a relative‐change theory prism. From this perspective, change is actively pursued within limits, that is, options for change in the social, cultural, and political context are acknowledged but limited. As a result, whatever education development efforts have been put into place to benefit women in marginalised situations, the outcome has fallen short for the majority of women.  相似文献   


The inclusion in higher education of students with disabilities and learning difficulties has become a matter of concern within the past eight years. Recent Higher Education Funding Council initiatives to promote greater inclusion have had some success in improving access to higher education (HE) and raising awareness across the sector of the need to ensure full participation by students with disabilities in the learning environment once they enter the university. Hopes that the new UK disability rights legislation would help promote equality of access to HE were disappointed when it became apparent that the Disability Discrimination Act 1995 excluded education from its main provisions. The only requirement affecting post‐compulsory education is that institutions publish a statement on their provision for students with disabilities and learning difficulties. These disability statements confer no legal rights and it appeared that they would have little impact on access to HE for disabled people. This paper reports the findings of a survey of the anticipated effects upon the higher education sector in England of the requirement to produce disability statements. There may be some positive effects not only upon the nature and form of information available, but also on the provision offered in the sector.  相似文献   

The “European Access Network” is the only European‐wide non‐governmental body that focuses exclusively on widening participation in higher education, but in an age of “mass” higher education, who needs advocates for access? Surely the case for greater equity has already been made and won? A close look at the evidence, however, indicates that those who were under‐represented before are often under‐represented still. The European Access Network highlights this problem, demolishes the myths by examining the evidence, identifies solutions, promotes good practice, and puts on pressure for a more equitable higher education. This article investigates the progress that is being made, identifies what remains to be done, and suggests the most effective strategies for success.  相似文献   

梁启超教育思想的一项重要内容是女子教育,他对女子教育的意义、作用及社会功能都有精辟的论述,其中有些观点不仅在当时有重要影响,即使在今天新农村建设中对提高农村女性的素质仍值得借鉴。  相似文献   

This article examines the ways in which the European Convention on Human Rights and its case‐law could be used to combat sexist education in State or private schools as well as the development of concepts of philosophical convictions, the duty of the State and the rights of children. Children could use the Convention if their parents imposed a limited education on them, and better opportunities were offered through the State. The provisions under the European Community, though more limited, apply to vocational education and training and access to it. Such access has implications for secondary schooling. European Community law on equality for women could be especially valuable. The difficulties of using English law are reviewed and aspects of English and European procedural law noted. I conclude with suggestions for a feminist strategy to improve girls’ education and that of other disadvantaged groups who could use similar arguments.  相似文献   

In the current climate of change and expansion in higher education, a danger exists that mature women students will not be given equitable access because the fundamental barriers to their full participation are not acknowledged. As a result, adequate support and academic facilities, such as childcare, woman‐friendly courses, teaching and assessment methods, sympathetic timetables and counselling services, are not provided for them. This paper examines the barriers that mature women wishing to enter higher education have to overcome, and suggests solutions that would facilitate the dismantling of these.  相似文献   

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