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美国俚语作为一种特殊的语言变体,有着悠久的历史,虽然在俚语的发展过程经常伴随着否定和反对的声音,但是现实是,美国俚语得到了广泛的社会认可,在文学作品中有广泛的应用.本文从社会语言学的角度出发,结合美国俚语的运用实际,对美国俚语的社会语言学特质进行深入的研究和探讨.  相似文献   

01FUCT SSDD WINTER COLLECTION 2014FUCT SSDD通过精致的剪裁设计和上乘服饰材质为时尚圈带来崭新人气话题,本季度最新系列主题取材自美国俚语"PUT YOUR MONEY WHERE YOUR MOUTH IS"(不说谎,以行动证明。)保留传统工作风及西部风格之外,特别从90年代美国街头最常见的运动造型撷取设计灵感,为品牌注入怀旧味道。  相似文献   

薛磊 《围棋天地》2010,(7):109-115
2009年8月1日至9月7日,受中国围棋协会的委派和美国围棋协会的邀请,我前往美国参加为期八天的第25届美国围棋大会。大会结束后我留在美国,走访了美国东部地区的几个重要城市,在那里我进行了为美国当地的棋友们做讲座、下指导棋等围棋交流活动。  相似文献   

我在美国居住了8年,去年回国后不打算再去了。在美国时几乎每年的国际魔术师协会年会我都会去观摩,也观看过不少的魔术演出,结识了一些魔术界的朋友,对美国魔术的状况多少有一些了解。总体来说美国一直都是世界魔术的龙头大哥,不少国际级的魔术大腕出自美国,很多成功的魔术作品也是从美国流传开来的,但美国并没有固定的魔术表演团体,  相似文献   

美国是世人公认的体育强国之一。我曾以访问学者的身分在美国搞了两年多的研究工作,我感到美国在体育上既我行我素,又实力雄厚。比如足球是目前世界头号体育项目,在世界各地都受到重视。可号称体育强国的美国,足球水平却十分低。美式橄榄球和棒球虽不是奥运会项目,在美国却十分普及,颇受球迷喜爱。八年前还默默无闻的美国男排,今天却是继苏联男排之后另一支获“三连冠”的世界强队……因而,对许多体育爱好者来说,美国体育酷似一只万花筒。  相似文献   

笔者在本文中将给读者介绍美国首日封的历史沿革,近年来美国首日封发行方式的新变化,以及美国独具特色的次日封。 美国首日封的历史沿革 美国早期首日封都是自然产  相似文献   

加里纳利的绰号是Gallo,在意大利俚语中是"雄鸡"的意思。初到美国,当人们听说他这个绰号的时候都会觉得好笑,"但是在意大利,这是一个伟大的绰号,所有人都要尊重它。"加里纳利正色对美国记者解释到,似乎是想以另外一种形式宣布:不要小瞧了意大利人! 1988年8月8日出生的加里纳利在今年的选秀大会上被尼克斯摘走,在纽约这样一个世界顶级舞台上打NBA比赛,他没有感到丝毫的害怕,甚至跟前来采访他的记者开起了玩笑,"我最期  相似文献   

篮球在美国被称为“宠儿”,因为美国人对篮球的痴情超过其它任何运动。称篮球为美国的国球,一点儿也不过份,况且美国职业篮球的水平被公认是世界超一流的,无人能与其匹敌。从篮球运动中派生出来的扣篮  相似文献   

刘柳 《新体育》2009,(10):26-27
韩端去美国了。韩端回中国了。四个大箱子和晒得更加黝黑的皮肤概括了她4个多月的加州旅程。不过,这并不是全部。韩端说.美国之行带给她很多很多事情,几天几夜都说不完。  相似文献   

臧恒佳 《健身科学》2009,(11):10-10
美国的《女性健康》杂志(Women’s Health)对美国第一夫人进行了专访。米歇尔·拉沃恩·奥巴马(Michelle LaVaughn Obama)生于1964年1月17日,是美国总统巴拉克·侯赛·奥巴马二世的妻子,随着奥巴马当选第44任美国总统,米歇尔亦随即成为第一位非洲裔美国籍总统夫人,以及个子最高的第一夫人,身高达180厘米(5英尺11英寸)。  相似文献   

At the turn of the nineteenth century, many boxers and members of England's upper class existed in a client/patron relationship. Bill Richmond, an American black, and Hugh Percy illustrate this pairing. While Richmond's part in the relationship is apparent, Percy's represents a more complex system whereby English aristocrats sought to maintain both their class status and the reputation of sporting Englishmen in the international arena. Boxing in this environment showed the nature of an English society moving forward in an era of reform while simultaneously clinging to its aristocratic past.  相似文献   

中美大学生篮球联赛异同论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
着重从化、体制、竞赛制度、经营等四个方面,分析了中关社会化、体育体制、大学竞赛制度和大学篮球联赛的经营方式的异同。  相似文献   

语言是文化的我体并体现文化。因此,黑人文化决定了黑人语汇的应用。由于美国长期存在着种族歧视及种族隔离政策,黑人被视为低劣人种而低人一等。大部分黑人生活贫困,文化水平较低,备受白人的欺凌。这就激起了黑人对白人社会的憎恨与厌恶。一方面,他们拒绝接受白人文化而坚持自己的文化传统,而趋向于使用自己的语汇或者创造新的语汇。另一方面,即使使用了白人的语汇,他们赋予了不同的意义,形成了黑人英语特有的语汇特点。只要黑人在美国的社会经济地位得不到提高,权利得不到保障,他们就不会放弃对白人社会的抵制。  相似文献   

《Sport in History》2013,33(4):479-503
More than 4,000,000 Italians migrated to the United States in search of better opportunities; but their poverty, lack of education, Catholic religion and ethnic lifestyles denied them full inclusion in the mainstream American society dominated by middle class, white, Anglo-Saxon Protestants. This study examines the Italians' development of an Italian national identity in the United States, the transition to an American identity and the Italians' quest for inclusion within the mainstream society. Disdainful of education as contrary to the peasant familial value system, the Italian reliance on physicality marked a particular working-class habitus that transferred well to the labour gangs that built the American infrastructure, but their physical prowess allowed for greater recognition as Italian youth adopted American sport forms. Physical prominence led to university athletic scholarships and participation on US Olympic teams; while others pursued fame and fortune as professional boxers and in the American national game of baseball. In the inter-war years sport provided a primary vehicle for assimilation, acceptance and recognition as athletes such as Joe DiMaggio and Rocky Marciano became American icons of popular culture and fostered a golden age for Italian assimilation in the 1950s. A third generation, however, experienced a resurgence of ethnicity that resulted in a segmented assimilation in which Italians selectively adopted to the mainstream culture while retaining particular ancestral values and practices. Stereotypical depictions of Italians as gangsters and an adherence to past lifestyles suggest that full assimilation is not yet complete.  相似文献   

体育文学是体育文化的有机组成部分。美国体育文学比较繁荣,梳理、分析其发展历程与其特点,可为我国体育文学的发展提供参考借鉴。主要运用文献资料法对美国体育文学的嬗变及特征进行了分析。研究认为:美国体育文学的嬗变可划分为3个阶段,分别为1896年至20世纪60年代、20世纪60年代至20世纪晚期、20世纪晚期至今;美国体育文学的主旨先后经历了突出男权主义、反种族隔离、反思工业文明与现代社会、强调女性主体意识的发展过程;集体人叙事与个体人叙事的融合以及重视"身体叙事",是当今美国体育文学的主要特点。提倡创作题材的多元化、拓展创作思路的开阔性,是美国体育文学发展对我国体育文学发展的启示。  相似文献   


This study is to analyse how the Japanese have traditionally received and currently perceive the Super Bowl, and for this purpose, it aims to locate the position of American football in Japanese history, society, and culture. It explores the game’s history and then examine the degree of its spread among Japan’s sporting population. A two-dimensional approach of historical study and inter-game comparison gives context to the analyses of reference frequency and contents of news media, followed by speculative discussions of what the near future of Japan’s American football would be like. To conclude, it clarifies the ways the Super Bowl has been received and is now being perceived by two groups: The first group is the general people who see the Super Bowl as the convenient and useful medium by which they could learn effectively about American culture through the one-night mania for ‘conspicuous consumption’. The second group comprises American football experts and enthusiasts, including 13,000 athletes and their OBs, coaches, trainers, and other staff members of the leagues and associations as well as the general sports fans. For this group, the Super Bowl is the apex of their favourite sport to which only a selected talented few could join.  相似文献   


This paper examines the development of American football and the Super Bowl in the British imagination utilizing data from the British press. Divergent images of America have been present for centuries in British minds, and American football became intertwined with these images in the nineteenth century. Initially presented as a brutalized version of British varieties of football, once American football was seen live in Great Britain and it became a familiar subject on newsreels, some commentators interpreted it as a spectacle and a synonym for American life–modern, exciting, fast, and fun. Others viewed it as a threat that could undermine the British cultural heritage. The regular broadcasting of the NFL by Channel 4, including the Super Bowl live, was a watershed with the game swiftly gaining audience numbers whilst English association football was in a dour period. The increased popularity resulted in more media coverage, including negative images of unbridled capitalism, fixed games, and drug use. By the 1990s, audience numbers declined as English football was rehabilitated and American popularity waned, mainly through unpopular foreign policies. Today, many Britons regard watching the Super Bowl in the same way as a trip to Disney, an one-day holiday to a ‘foreign’ culture.  相似文献   

大众对休闲运动的社会功能的认知可以解释他们休闲行为的原始动机,也可以预示休闲运动的社会发展倾向。采用问卷调查法、访谈法等研究方法,对中、美部分休闲领域的学者进行调查,以间接调查的方法了解中、美大众对休闲运动的认知。结果显示,中、美大众对休闲运动的认知存在根本的差别,这种差别根源于中美社会历史文化的差别。  相似文献   

培养既能参加国际体育比赛又精通英语的复合型人才是当今国际社会对体育健儿的要求。从交际能力和交际法教学入手,提出了切实提高体育专业学生实际运用英语能力的教学方法和策略,指出应有效地创设英语交际情境,激发学生的交际意图,加强文化教学,减少语用失误,以学生为中心,进行形式多样的交际活动和强化体育英语口语的教学。  相似文献   

This study investigates the American presence and influences in the physical education press to understand the way in which that presence influenced and contributed to the production of a sports culture in the first half of the twentieth century. As historical sources, the study uses periodicals in the field that were published in the period 1932–1950. As a theoretical frame of reference, it uses the repertoire of the New Cultural History in terms of strategy, tactics and devices. It is written in a narrative way, following Ginzburg's style, presenting data and contextualizing them with the historic scene. Clues enabled us to infer that the American presence, which was catalysed by the Brazilian Young Men's Christian Association (YMCA), sought to shape a sports culture from physical education and society. This effort reflected the yearning of Brazilian intellectuals for modernisation and an attempt at cultural colonisation by the government of the USA.  相似文献   

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