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"坚持扎根中国大地办教育"是新时代中国特色社会主义教育理论的重要组成部分,从立足点上回答了"怎么办教育"的问题。扎根中国大地办教育,就是要扎根中国先进的政治思想和政治制度,扎根中华民族优秀传统文化的核心价值,扎根中国悠久历史和光辉革命传统,扎根基本国情和人民生活实际,扎根本土优秀的教育思想和教育实践经验。扎根中国大地,未来教育事业发展要坚定"四个自信"。立足时代、面向未来,教育政策制定要立足实际、实事求是,教育改革创新要正视不足、融通中外,加强传统文化教育要注重核心价值落地,教育理论研究要立足我国教育现实问题,从而扭转教育发展的"去本土化"倾向,创新中国特色教育理论,发展中国特色教育事业,以"中国化"回应"国际化",为21世纪人类教育发展贡献中国智慧、中国道路。  相似文献   

扎根理论作为教育研究的一种新范式,它的嬗变包含了经典扎根理论、程序化扎根理论和建构型扎根理论三大流派。教育研究中的扎根理论流程主要包括确定教育研究问题、收集教育情境资料、教育实践中进行编码、撰写备忘录、理论抽样饱和与分类、撰写及修改草稿等六个基本环节。扎根理论在教育研究中的优势在于资料分析融合于数据收集进程中,采用小样本理论抽样方法,具有严密的编码流程,保持理论的开放性,架起了教育理论和实践的桥梁等。局限性主要表现在过于注重理论建构,建构理论的普适性不够,理论和实践的融合度不够深入,运用中如何有效实现本土化问题亟待解决等方面。  相似文献   

扎根理论又叫扎根理论法或扎根理论研究法。扎根理论具有从资料中产生理论、强调研究者的理论触觉、反复比较的研究过程、重视理论抽样以及灵活运用前人文献等特点。将扎根理论运用于中小学教师培训,有利于更好地发现中小学教师的培训需求,形成较为有效的培训流程,进而提高培训效果。在运用扎根理论时,培训者应灵活掌握操作程序,同时,要保持开放心态,建设培训团队,尽量避免主观性。  相似文献   

扎根理论作为一种质性研究范式,自21世纪初被引至国内教育研究领域后,便得到广泛应用。就实践论、方法论、本体论三重逻辑而言,教育研究中扎根理论应然的价值表征为以价值与事实的勾连,化解教育研究危机;以定量方法和定性方法的调和,缓冲教育研究的方法范式之争;以艺术与科学的融合,廓清教育学的本质属性。然而,在相关研究的实然样态下,扎根理论在实践论、方法论、本体论层面上分别暴露出应用形式桎梏、人文情怀缺位及扎根精神淡薄的问题。为此,教育研究者亟需对扎根理论进行祛魅,一要创生扎根理论的"时代风格",助推实践过程的"理论自觉";二要重塑扎根理论的"人文情怀",警惕方法层面的"花拳绣腿";三要重视研究过程的"扎根精神",回归扎根理论的"初心终旨",以实现扎根理论在我国教育研究中应然价值本真与实然价值追求的统一。  相似文献   

学习拖延是当前大学生学习中存在的一个普遍现象,也是教育心理学研究中关注的一个重要主题。目前对大学生学习拖延的研究已取得了一定的成果,但对于该现象的解释仍未形成公认的理论。扎根理论为教育心理学研究提供了重要的方法论视角。为深入探究大学生学习拖延现象,挖掘影响拖延的因素,本研究采用扎根理论的方法,以访谈的形式展开研究,最后建立了有关大学生学习拖延的初步的范例模式和基本原理。  相似文献   

扎根理论在中国教育研究中的运用探索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“扎根理论”自1967年被两位美国学者格拉斯和施特劳斯提出来之后,在社会科学研究界产生了很大的影响,在过去近半个世纪也经历了一些概念、技术乃至范式方面的变迁.然而,这种研究路径到底有什么独特之处?是在什么背景下提出来的?具体如何操作?能够为我国当前的教育研究提供什么洞见?在我国独特的学术环境中面临什么挑战,需要什么本土化调适?这正是本文意图探讨的问题.本文首先介绍扎根理论的定义、提出的背景以及基本操作步骤和方法;然后通过一个来自中国课堂的教学实例,管窥扎根理论研究的一种可能样态;最后结合一个教学案例,探讨扎根理论对于当前我国教育研究的意义、限度以及本土化调适的可能性.  相似文献   

“扎根理论”及其在课程建构中的运用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作为质的研究中一种重要的理论建构方法,扎根理论以其独特的研究视角和研究策略,给课程理论建构带来了新的启示。将扎根理论方法引入课程研究,建构以经验资料为基础的课程理论,是解决理论与实践分离问题的有效途径。  相似文献   

扎根理论作为一种质性研究方法,能够衔接宏大理论与微观叙事,在呈现研究现象的本土特色、构建学科自主知识体系方面具有独特作用。将扎根理论引入思想政治教育研究领域,发现其在研究问题提出、研究设计规范、中层理论建构等维度上与思想政治教育研究有较好的适配性,对于改变当前思想政治教育研究存在的“有议题少问题”“有方法少设计”“有解释少理论”三重困境具有积极探索意义。可以通过“产生研究问题、进行数据收集、实施数据处理、实现理论构建”的路径将扎根理论融入思想政治教育研究,同时也应注意在理论触觉敏感、伦理关系影响、已知研究适用等方面存在的限度。  相似文献   

随着知识经济的快速发展,深度学习在教育领域中的作用日益凸显。特别是在高等职业教育中,教师深度学习的研究对提高教育质量、培养高素质技能型人才具有重要意义。研究采用扎根理论的研究方法,旨在探讨高职教师深度学习的影响因素,以期为高职教师专业发展提供理论支持和实践指导。  相似文献   

幼儿园园本课程开发是幼儿园课程研究中的重要论题,其中园本课程开发的有效性与研究方法有着直接的关系。扎根理论研究法为园本课程开发提供了新的研究视角:以扎根理论建构实践经验为基础的园本课程开发理论;以扎根理论研究法建构园本课程的适应性;以扎根理论建构园本课程开发的运行模式;以扎根理论研究实现教师的课程创生。  相似文献   


Using a realist grounded theory method, this study resulted in a theoretical model and 4 propositions. As displayed in the LINK model, the labeling practice is situated in and endorsed by a social context that carries explicit theory about and educational policies regarding the labels. Taking a developmental perspective, the labeling practice often results in some short-lived emotional responses and triggers an implicit theory–generating process that results in gradually formatted self-knowledge. This self-knowledge is what positive adjusting academic and social behaviors are contingent on. In this regard, the labeling practice reconciles a constructed reality (explicit theory) and a lived reality (implicit theory). It is imperative to note that implicit theory regarding an individual's educational label(s) is an ever-changing entity. In addition, a positive development of implicit theory may create a feedback that further reinforces the support system for others and/or contributes to the aggregate field knowledge.  相似文献   

教育叙事研究:是什么与怎么做   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
叙事研究是质的研究的一种形式。关注教育叙事研究的意义在于:它提醒研究者面向实事本身或从实事本身中寻找内在的"结构",而不过多地用外在的框架有意无意地歪曲实事或滥用实事。教育叙事研究既可以显示为真实的叙事,也可以显示为虚构的叙事;教育叙事研究既可以叙述故事,不对故事做评论或解释,也可以对自己讲述的或他人讲述的故事进行再评论和解释。叙事研究无论采用历史研究的方式,还是采用调查研究的方式,其基本路径都是收集资料—解释资料—形成扎根理论,其重点是分析资料并形成扎根理论。  相似文献   

科技成果转化政策工具作为实现科技成果转化政策预期目标的途径,是政策分析的有效手段,以Strauss和Corbin的扎根理论为基础,构建政策分析框架、界定分析单元、编码归类、统计分析等过程对我国《促进科技成果转化法》从基本政策工具和产业价值链两个维度进行统计与分析,剖析科技成果转化政策在政策工具选择、组织中存在的缺陷与问题,从而为科技成果转化政策的优化与完善提供合理的政策指引和技术支持。  相似文献   

This article explores teachers’ perceptions of the effects of high student turnover in international schools in the UK. The research used a “grounded theory” approach for qualitative data collection and analysis, based on interviews with eight teachers in four international primary schools. The results of the grounded theory suggest that a process of “systemic containment” develops which helps the whole class, including newcomer pupils and their teachers, to cope with the frequent transitions. The discussion emphasises the role of the educational psychologist in encouraging teachers to become more informed and reflexive about inclusion of newcomers from abroad.  相似文献   

The article uncovers the complex process of educational policy enactment and the impact this process has on teachers as policy actors as they undertake the task of introducing a new mathematics curriculum in a Canadian secondary school. The three year study based on in‐depth qualitative interviews adopts a classic grounded theory approach of concurrent iterative cycles of data collection, conceptual categorisation and analytical abstraction, to identify six emergent concepts indicative of policy actor engagement with the policy process: (1) Professional and Emotional Investment; (2) Decisional Legitimacy; (3) Hierarchical Trust; (4) System Integrity and Viability; (5) De‐professionalisation; and (6) Identity Safeguarding. Further, and significantly, the grounded theory analysis identifies the core concept of Affective Disruption, conceived as an interruption to an individual's emotional equilibrium resulting from interference to their cognitive sense‐making in relation to policy. It is proposed these six emergent concepts and Affective Disruption as a core concept are precipitated within policy actors in response to the tensions created by the process of policy enactment; the research findings moving towards what might be tentatively termed a policy social psychology.  相似文献   

This paper considers the shared characteristics between action learning (AL) and the research methodology constructivist grounded theory (CGT). Mirroring Edmonstone's [2011. “Action Learning and Organisation Development: Overlapping Fields of Practice.” Action Learning: Research and Practice 8 (2): 93–102] article, which explored the relationship(s) between AL and organisation development, a case is made that AL and CGT are powerfully overlapping fields of practice. An account of practice is included to provide a contextual explanation of the ‘overlap’, and a new methodological praxeology is proposed to the field of practice/practitioner-focused research.  相似文献   

Nurture groups have been identified as supportive and potentially effective provision for young people with troubled patterns of social, emotional and behavioural development, and a specific literature has emerged in relation to understanding their functioning. The work outlined here derives from an exploratory study by Valerie Taylor, a senior educational psychologist in Staffordshire, and Anthea Gulliford, from the University of Nottingham, describing and analysing the relationship between nurture group working and children's behaviour as perceived by adults involved, using qualitative approaches. Drawing upon grounded theory methods, the investigation commenced with an exploration of the relationship between nurture group attendance and children's behaviour. The grounded theory which emerged encompassed a strong vein of data relating to what could be described as parental engagement. It is this strand which is explored here, and consideration is given to the potential for facilitation of the home–school dialogue in the nurture group context, with reference to commentaries regarding parental participation and home–school engagement.  相似文献   

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