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一年一度的巴西狂欢节被称为“世界最大的民间演出”,它是南美大陆人民喜闻乐见的一种群众性文化娱乐。今年的狂欢节从2月24日晚开幕到3月1日结束。开幕式之夜,里约热内卢到处火树银花,灯月辉映。欢乐的人流从城市的四面八方纷至沓来,汇集于人山人海的闹市区。头戴金色皇冠、身穿橙色艳服的狂欢节主宰,33岁的阿里克斯·奥利韦拉扮演了本届“莫莫王”,他当众从塞萨尔·马亚市长手中接过象征权力的城门钥匙,大声宣布“狂欢节开始!”他搂着身旁两位国色天香的“狂欢后”,以滑稽可笑的动作和幽默逗人的语调,奉劝大家忘掉一切忧愁和烦恼:“尽情地…  相似文献   

狂欢节起源于欧洲,却盛行于巴西。虽然许多欧洲国家保留着庆祝狂欢节的习俗,但其规模和影响都无法与巴西相比。移民建国的巴西既保持着欧洲人的睿智开朗,又融入了非洲人的热情奔放,因此这种独特的混血文化使巴西的狂欢节像他们的足球一样发挥到了极致。  相似文献   

2006,超女又来了。而且超男也来了。有人评价说:这一年,是狼和狈一起来了。2005年,再没有哪一个明星能够像超级女声那样吸引媒体的长枪短炮,口舌笔墨,牵动上亿的人为之激动。这是一次无知孩子们的狂欢,是一次民众的狂欢,是一次媒体的狂欢,也是商业炒作者的一次狂欢。有媒体们给2005年给了一个新的名词:超女年。这也成了一种流行。但这种流行代表了什么?流行愈演愈烈的背后留给人们什么?其实,小孩子的游戏,收场的  相似文献   

2013年深秋,在杭州的吴山广场西侧,搭起了一个巨大的白色帐篷,里面一场“洋气”的盛会正在上演。 这场节庆名叫“2013杭州德国周”:杭州与全球第二大狂欢节的科隆狂欢节携手举办文化演出;选出代表中国形象的“中国公主”;  相似文献   

谢峻  郁欢 《文化交流》2002,(3):42-43
江南三月,莺飞草长,一年一度勾人心魄的乌镇水乡狂欢节3月28日拉开了帷幕!四乡八邻的农民,江浙沪的旅行社老总和媒体记者,蜂拥而来。102岁的老画家、岳飞28世孙岳石尘也坐着轮椅赶来助兴。 狂欢节上,水龙会、蚕花会、水乡婚礼、元帅会、踏白船等一个个富有民间特色的活动,着实让游客过了一把瘾,水乡的人们把大文豪茅盾笔下的“江南水乡狂欢节”,原汁原味地演绎在游客面前。  相似文献   

《宰因的婚礼》是苏丹作家塔依卜·萨利赫代表作之一,小说中多次出现狂欢场景,具有独特的“狂欢化”特征。巴赫金认为“狂欢化”的内涵即两重性,死亡与再生、辱骂与赞美、怪异与善良能够在狂欢世界里互相转化,以此来对抗当时社会存在的既定秩序。萨利赫正是从死亡与再生、毁灭与更新,狂欢言语,狂欢人物,以及狂欢世界观四个方面,在小说中诠释了“狂欢化”两重性特征,彰显了巴赫金“狂欢化”中的民主意识以及个体价值,同时体现了萨利赫对官方文化的质疑,对现有等级制度的不满,以此希望建立自由平等的乌托邦式理想社会。  相似文献   

中国古代的狂欢节   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国古代的狂欢节——春节、蜡祭与傩段宝林春节是中国最大的一个节日,已有四五千年的历史,一般认为其源为上古的蜡祭。据《礼记》记载:“伊耆氏始为蜡,蜡者索也,岁十二月,合聚万物而索飨之也。”伊耆氏即是尧,据今已四五千年。蜡祭在每年岁末(即腊月底,蜡通腊)...  相似文献   

20世纪80至90年代一度出现"语言实验"的浪潮,莫言无疑是其中令人印象深刻的一位。本文选取《天堂蒜薹之歌》作为研究对象,运用巴赫金"狂欢化"理论,对莫言语言的"狂欢化"进行研究。通过文本细读,展示莫言语言"狂欢化"的典型特征,探讨发掘作者写作背后的现实关注与思考。  相似文献   

近四年,网综如雨后春笋般涌现,节目形式多样化,节目内容创新、大胆,在年轻网民中掀起一场全民网综狂欢。本文以巴赫金“狂欢理论”切入,以《明星大侦探》四季的成功播出和良好品牌效应为例,分析其新颖的人物、独到的主题内容和传播策略,探讨网综如何实现良性狂欢发展。  相似文献   

巴赫金的狂欢化理论所阐述的两种对立的生活,以及在第二生活中的自我更新和更替的精神自由和狂欢,使得人们从现世秩序中抽身而出,并使获得一种崭新生命体验的方式成为可能。该理论的独特意义与内涵,在当今的网络文化中也有呈现。但从其他角度来看,两者又有着内核上的区别。本文将着眼于当代网络的全民化狂欢,对这些问题进行思考,同时表现出对失序网络世界中"假象狂欢"的担忧。  相似文献   

The old city of Xanthi (Thrace–Greece) is one of the biggest traditional settlements in Greece which has the specialty to exhibit mixed traditional Greek, European and Oriental architectural features. This paper presents a 3D reconstruction of a small part of the settlement. It deals with the idea of using open source systems in 3D graphics in order to produce realistic virtual walkthroughs for culture heritage promotion with a minimum budget and low cost infrastructure.  相似文献   

2014年9月28日下午,在西湖孤山,寻着悠扬婉转的古乐之声,踏着斑驳的树阴,走入一座粉墙黛瓦的院落,一场由民间主办的古乐祭孔活动正在杭州敬一书院举行.书院文化出现于汉代儒学大兴天下之后,书院祭孔久有传统,如今,这传统又被传承下来.  相似文献   

Simon Schwartzman 《Minerva》1994,32(4):440-468
Conclusion The plurality and complexity of modern science and technology require the research institutions in universities, government and even the private sector to engage in a plurality of activities, from basic to applied science, from graduate education to extension work and teacher-training. They should also be stimulated to diversify their sources of funds, from government to private companies, non-profit foundations and paying clients and students. Specialisation will take place, is necessary, and should grow through a combination of external incentives and internal drive. Scientific research and development, to remain alive, should take place in a highly internationalised and competitive environment for resources, prestige and recognition. And the leading scientists should be also entrepreneurs of this enterprise for the promotion of the growth of knowledge.An edited and abridged version of the document published by Fundaão Getúlio Vargas (Rio de Janiero, 1994). The specially commissioned papers and the references to other publications are not included here, but are listed in that document.  相似文献   

朱凤娟 《文化交流》2014,(11):12-15
2014年10月11~13日,浙江世贸国际展览中心,2014中国国际丝绸博览会暨中国国际女装展览会在这里隆重举行,全世界包括国内共上百家企业异彩纷呈的展览、时尚走秀盛宴轮番呈献,代表中国丝绸女装最新潮流。丝绸,灿若烟霞,是中国古老的文化象征,也是中国人民对古代文明的贡献。作为“丝绸之府”的美丽杭州,早已将丝绸产业的传承和提升列入了政府工作的重点议程。  相似文献   

由中国肖橡印研餿会创作的“法国历史文化名人金石印像”日前在法国巴黎精彩亮相,该会为法国卢浮宫“镇馆三宝”维纳斯、蒙娜丽莎和自由女神创作的肖像印成为大型中展览最大亮点。  相似文献   

戚永晔 《文化交流》2009,(10):37-40
两会期间,全国人大常委会委员、台盟中央原常委陈正统在接受媒体采访时说:“歌仔戏、布袋戏这些传统戏曲,作为中华文化的重要组成部分。也是海峡两岸共有的文化。它们无不体现着两岸人民同根同源、血脉相连的关系,是维系两岸人民情感的重要纽带。”  相似文献   

We conduct an analysis of 1835 pledges to 10 music production projects hosted on the largest Brazilian crowdfunding platform, namely the Catarse Web site, and we assess the relation between the fundraising accumulation period, the donor–entrepreneur distance and the propensity of donors to back projects. Our results suggest a significantly negative association between distance and the value of capital pledged to projects, which is consistent with the notion that the entrepreneur’s network of close contacts might play a central role in funding. Furthermore, our results contradict the idea that crowdfunding reduces the inhibiting effect of donor–entrepreneur distance. In addition, the results show that a long project exposure is associated with higher values of pledges. These results suggest practical implications for the study of crowdfunding as a financing platform. This study contributes to the literature on the use of crowdfunding as an alternative funding source in a major emerging market.  相似文献   

廖旭钢 《文化交流》2014,(11):39-41
10月14日下午,著名戏剧家田沁鑫的戏剧工作室落户杭州。此前,一场主题为"城市无界,戏剧有生,面对面的生命顿悟"谈话在杭州图书馆报告厅举行。因为对话双方—一个是著名戏剧女导演田沁鑫,另一个是知名学者于丹,所以这场对话的人气很旺,吸引了超过300位旁听者,这让当晚的报告厅成了市民中心内很抢眼的一个亮点。谈话活动持续了一个半小时左右,进行过程中掌声不断,结束后很多人还流露出意犹未尽的感觉。而田沁鑫的新戏《聆听弘一》即将启动这个消息,也随着这场谈话活动,被很多人惦记上了。这两个名女人,一个似青衣,一个如花旦说起田沁鑫和于丹,名气都不小。  相似文献   

3D reconstructions of small objects are more and more frequently employed in several disciplines such as medicine, archaeology, restoration of cultural heritage, forensics, etc. The capability of performing accurate analyses directly on a three-dimensional surface allows for a significant improvement in the accuracy of the measurements, which are otherwise performed on 2D images acquired through a microscope. In this work we present a new methodology for the 3D reconstruction of small sized objects based on a multi-view passive stereo technique applied on a sequence of macro images. The resolving power of macro lenses makes them ideal for photogrammetric applications, but the very small depth of field is their biggest limit. Our approach solves this issue by using an image fusion algorithm to extend the depth of field of the images used in the photogrammetric process. The paper aims to overcome the problems related to the use of macro lenses in photogrammetry, showing how it is possible to retrieve the camera calibration parameters of the sharp images by using an open source Structure from Motion software. Our approach has been tested on two case studies, on objects with a bounding box diagonal ranging from 13.5 mm to 41 mm. The accuracy analysis, performed on certified gauge blocks, demonstrates that the experimental setup returns a 3D model with an accuracy that can reach the 0.05% of the bounding box diagonal.  相似文献   

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