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当代中国城乡居民在权利享有方面,具有很大的不平等性.中国政府为实现城乡居民权利平等作出了极大的努力.城乡居民权利平等的实现有了很多质的飞跃;免除农业税,实现城乡税赋公平;免除义务教育阶段学费,实现教育平等;建立新型农村合作医疗,实现医疗保险权的平等;在农村建立健全社会保障制度,努力实现社会保障权的平等;修改选举法,实现选举权的平等.城乡居民权利平等实现中仍然存在城乡居民收入和消费差距较大、公共资源城乡分布不均等问题与障碍.中国应该深入改革二元户籍制度,推进城乡经济社会发展一体化,实现公共资源均等化,保证城乡居民权利平等的全面实现.  相似文献   

医生作为一种职业,其服务对象是病人,其拥有专业知识与技能,有诊治权和干涉权.对求医患者有权利施行论断和治疗,并且可以在特殊情况下限制患者自主权利,为了是达到对患者负责的目的.权利与义务不可分割.医生的义务也就是全心全意医好患者病症.患者也享有平等的医疗权、疾病的认知权、知情同意权,要求隐私权.同时履行义务;遵守医院纪律制度,支持医院发展,配合医生治疗.  相似文献   

鄂施璇  王兆林 《资源科学》2021,43(7):1419-1427
三权分置政策为宅基地发展权的实现提供了制度空间,在法律层面设定宅基地发展权,探索构建其权利结构与实现形式,对深化宅基地制度改革、保障农民权益、增加农民财产性收入有重要意义。本文通过归纳总结及法理分析,系统阐释三权分置下宅基地发展权的权利设置必要性、内涵及法律属性,构建其权利结构与实现形式。结果表明:①三权分置下宅基地发展权指宅基地向新产业新业态及农村一二三产业融合发展用途扩展时,产生了超越其居住保障功能的宅基地发展性权利。宅基地发展权是动态财产权利,衍生于宅基地所有权及其使用权,其母体是宅基地所有权,法律属性上是民事权利(私权),它是一种新型用益物权;②宅基地发展权主体为混合主体,其中农民集体享有所有权派生的一级宅基地发展权、农户享有宅基地使用权派生的二级宅基地发展权、社会主体享有宅基地经营权派生的三级宅基地发展权。实体形态的宅基地及其发展潜能应被作为一个整体而称为宅基地发展权的权利客体。宅基地发展权的权利内容是其主体权利和义务的总和;③实现形式上应明确集体经济组织为宅基地所有权主体,赋予其完整权能;立法上将资格权纳入农民集体成员权,建立统计台帐制度;创新宅基地发展权转移的“经营性流转”及“共享共建”模式,对其发展权转移过程中的增值收益需兼顾农民集体、农户及社会主体。本文的结果对深化宅基地制度改革提供了理论参考及政策启示。  相似文献   

熊淑君 《现代情报》2004,24(6):123-125
图书期刊出版者享有的一项重要权利就是版式权.即图书期刊出版者保护其版式设计的权利。图书期刊的版式设计属于出版者的创造性智力劳动成果,其版式权性质上应属于广义著作权中的邻接权范畴。图书期刊版式权与狭义著作权、外观设计权、装帧设计权、商业标识权等相关权利不可等同对之。  相似文献   

随着中国市场经济的建立和逐步发展,中国人的说话方式正在发生深刻的变化。这种变化的突出表现之一,就是人们言必称权利。“消费者权利”、”经营者权利”、“残疾人权利”、“妇女权利”、“未成年人权利”、“老年人权利”、“雇员权利”,这些层出不穷的权利概念不断回荡在我们的耳畔;肖像权诉讼、著作权诉讼、专利权诉讼、名誉权诉讼、遗产权诉讼、隐私权诉讼,这些法律争讼总是成为新闻的热点;在人大紧锣密鼓通过的一系列法律法规中,不出几行便可读到“维护当事人正当权利”  相似文献   

吕益林  姬峰 《情报科学》2005,23(1):61-64
图书期刊的版式设计属于出版者的创造性智力劳动成果,与之相对应,图书期刊出版者享有的一项重要权利就是版式权,即图书期刊出版者保护其版式设计的权利,其性质应属于广义著作权中的邻接权范畴,并且图书期刊版式权与狭义著作权、外观设计权、装帧设计权、商业标识权等相关权利存在密切关系。  相似文献   

余秋英  郑丽航 《现代情报》2009,29(10):66-69
数字网络技术使版权与公众信息权的冲突更趋激化。如何善用新技术缩减作品传播的加值成本、公众自觉维护原创者基本权利、原创者适度的"权利让予"是网络环境下版权与公众信息权保持衡平的三要点。"创作共用"许可协议是一种在协调权利与义务、权利与权利、权利与权力、权利与责任关系下的维护网络环境下版权与公众信息权平衡的有效机制。  相似文献   

试论读者的权利及其保护   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
张光云  姚敏 《现代情报》2004,24(6):119-120
读者权利的保护是图书馆工作的职责。文中论述了读者应该享有的文献借阅权、文献设备保障权、监督和参与管理权等7方面的权利,并提出了读者权利的保护措施。  相似文献   

论信息网络传播权与数字图书馆版权保护   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
信息网络传播权是我国《著作权法》经过修改以后赋予著作权人的一项新权利。随着数字图书馆的迅速发展,该著作权利与数字图书馆版权保护关系问题日益成为学界讨论的话题。如何在尊重著作权人的权利基础上,正确平衡社会公众利益,对于数字图书馆的发展至关重要。本文主要分析信息网络传播权的法律性质,探讨数字图书馆版权保护问题,并提出了具体的保护建议。  相似文献   

域名权是近年来时代发展的产物,关于域名权纠纷及权利保护的案例这几年也逐渐渐多,但关于域名权和形象化权的法律问题尤其是法律性质问题还未形成通说,学界观点争议颇多.  相似文献   

政府绩效与公民权利的保障具有十分密切的内在联系。保障公民权利是民主国家政府绩效的根本价值追求,政府绩效的高低直接影响到公民权利的实现,而公民权的保障又能够促进政府绩效的提高。  相似文献   

An experimental, all-day Workshop on Freedom and Privacy by Design took place on 4 April 2000, as part of the 10th annual Conference on Computers, Freedom, and Privacy. It invited more than 30 well-known systems architects, implementors, and experts in privacy and usability to investigate, in depth, three different proposals for creating political artifacts: technology intended to bring about particular types of political change--in this case, the reinforcement of certain civil liberties. This article summarizes the rationale and structure of the workshop, the three proposals investigated, and what the workshop and audience members had to say about the issues. It concludes with some information on the workshop's impact to date and what lessons were learned by running such an experiment.  相似文献   

An experimental, all-day Workshop on Freedom and Privacy by Design took place on 4 April 2000, as part of the 10th annual Conference on Computers, Freedom, and Privacy. It invited more than 30 well-known systems architects, implementors, and experts in privacy and usability to investigate, in depth, three different proposals for creating political artifacts: technology intended to bring about particular types of political change--in this case, the reinforcement of certain civil liberties. This article summarizes the rationale and structure of the workshop, the three proposals investigated, and what the workshop and audience members had to say about the issues. It concludes with some information on the workshop's impact to date and what lessons were learned by running such an experiment.  相似文献   

赵静 《科教文汇》2014,(25):220-221
为国家基本法律部门之一的民法,作为调整平等主体之间的民事关系的正式制度规范的民法,强调对个人应有的民事权利的认可与保护,或者说在制度构建上是以民事权利的规范与救济为逻辑起点的,蕴涵着对个体的正当自由与必要尊严的至高无上的的尊重。随着我国法律制度的不断完善,本文结合案件的实质,对我国民法中一些容易混淆的概念进行分析,具体论述如下。  相似文献   

We employ Lessig's framework of regulation to conceptualize the relationship between the Internet and democracy. Lessig defines four classes of regulators, forces that control and define systems such as the Internet. They are markets, architectures, norms, and laws. We propose that a “democratic regulator” is a force that serves to enhance civil or political liberties. And we argue by example that there are democratic (and, indeed, anti-democratic) regulators that control aspects of cyberspace. Expressing the democratic effects of the Internet in this manner may prove useful for future comparisons across existing Internet and democracy theories, especially in the realm of quantitative analyses.  相似文献   

阳光化是民间金融健康和规范发展的前提。金融权、公平竞争、金融安全和社会公共利益,奠定了民间金融阳光化的权利、正义、安全和利益法理基础。法律是民间金融阳光化的基本保障。为实现民间金融阳光化,我国应承认民间金融的正当法律地位,修改严格管制民间金融的法律法规,构建鼓励民间金融阳光化和民间金融经营约束法律机制,完善民间金融,发展金融生态环境。  相似文献   

We employ Lessig's framework of regulation to conceptualize the relationship between the Internet and democracy. Lessig defines four classes of regulators, forces that control and define systems such as the Internet. They are markets, architectures, norms, and laws. We propose that a “democratic regulator” is a force that serves to enhance civil or political liberties. And we argue by example that there are democratic (and, indeed, anti-democratic) regulators that control aspects of cyberspace. Expressing the democratic effects of the Internet in this manner may prove useful for future comparisons across existing Internet and democracy theories, especially in the realm of quantitative analyses.  相似文献   

We often assume that policy and laws are the outcome of national deliberative discourse. As we have seen with other domains such as intellectual property and trade, policies that influence privacy and civil liberties are increasingly resulting from international policy dynamics. This article presents a number of these policy mechanisms used to take advantage of international dimensions of our current environment. These mechanisms include policy laundering, modeling, and forum shifting. Using these mechanisms, policies are being developed outside of national deliberative forums and then adopted locally in the interests of national governments. A number of policy instances are presented, tracing the influence of national and international actors, and the implications for national discourse. The article concludes with discussion of some implications for an open society.  相似文献   

We often assume that policy and laws are the outcome of national deliberative discourse. As we have seen with other domains such as intellectual property and trade, policies that influence privacy and civil liberties are increasingly resulting from international policy dynamics. This article presents a number of these policy mechanisms used to take advantage of international dimensions of our current environment. These mechanisms include policy laundering, modeling, and forum shifting. Using these mechanisms, policies are being developed outside of national deliberative forums and then adopted locally in the interests of national governments. A number of policy instances are presented, tracing the influence of national and international actors, and the implications for national discourse. The article concludes with discussion of some implications for an open society.  相似文献   

姚晓肖 《科教文汇》2012,(9):196-198
公民社会的兴起是中国社会发展的必然。社区是社会的基本单元,公民文化权利的实现很多是通过社区来完成的。要通过社区文化的建设,引导群众改变生活方式,积极参与文明健康的文体活动。政府应从宏观上管理公共事务,确立总体目标是使最大多数的公民得到服务,保障公民的基本权利。社区文化服务的社会化、文化管理的人性化、文化认同的公共化、文化投入的法定化以及文化评价的公众化是各级政府的职责和义务范畴,是文化体制改革不可或缺的一个重要目标。  相似文献   

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