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海岸沙丘沉积物主要来自滦河,滦河入海泥沙在偏南风浪的作用下向北搬运并堆积在海滩上;沿岸陆域宽阔、地势低平、海滩宽缓,强劲的向岸风使分选好的海滩沉积物向岸搬运而形成海岸沙丘.目前沙丘仍然是活动的.受自然因素的影响,沙丘向陆迁移,在过去的几十年里,沙丘向陆迁移的平均速度为2-3 m/a.  相似文献   

In 2016, professors representing Biology, Dance, Music, and Theatre and dance program students created Dunes, a performance piece that depicts the ecological succession of Michigan's sand dunes. The process used to make this work is a direct representation of the steps that Team Hyena Puppet, a collective of teaching artists and scientists, takes in their science-based art collaborations, which are used to reflect on and depict scientific research and simultaneously teach student participants and audience members science through the performing arts.  相似文献   

文迪 《海外英语》2003,(9):32-33
Late-afternoon light tints the mountains as two hik-ers trek1 across Stovepipe Wells sand dunes2 inDeath Valley,Calif.Dunes near Scotty's Castleand Zabriskie Point are also popular tourist sights.  相似文献   

2013年伊始,全国中东部地区陷入雾霾天气,PM直逼最大值;西北地区沙尘暴和极端气候持续不断;云南乃至整个西南地区又出现严重的干旱。但令人难以置信的是,还有这样一个地方天空湛蓝、绿树成荫、稻米飘香、泉水叮咚,这就是生态绿色家园——哈尼村落。本文将以田野调查为拮据,揭开哈尼族传统村落生态文明的神奇面纱。  相似文献   

一般而言工业化是一国或地区从落后走向现代化所必然要经历的阶段.总体上看,苏北地区工业化水平与全省平均水平相比有很大差距.加快工业化进程,是带动苏北地区经济持续、快速、健康发展的战略选择.优化提升苏北地区的产业结构,加快苏北工业化进程,必须从两方面着手,一是三次产业间的结构优化,二是三次产业内部的结构优化.  相似文献   

One line of research on student understanding of complex systems has tended to emphasize discontinuities between common misconceptions and relatively more sophisticated understandings. Other work has focused on instruction while acknowledging the existence of other ways of understanding complex systems, but less emphasis has been on examining the knowledge structures within these intermediate ways of understanding. This study takes a microgenetic approach to examining student’s explanations for the behavior of complex systems. Using the Knowledge-in-Pieces epistemological perspective, the analysis documents a continuity of reasoning patterns across less prototypically centralized and more prototypically decentralized (a more sophisticated causality) explanations while explaining the movement of sand dunes. The first analysis examines 31 interviews and shows that many reflected a general reasoning pattern that encompassing some combination of an initial centralized explanation, a final decentralized explanation, and transitional explanations. A second analysis examines a single student’s reasoning pattern and finds that the activation of relevant intuitive knowledge pieces (p-prims) and transitional explanations function as threads of continuity across the continuum of reasoning patterns. These findings suggest that students are able to exhibit a continuity of reasoning patterns across centralized to decentralized causality and are able to access productive intuitive knowledge about complex systems that are applicable to both the macro and micro levels of sand dune movement. Implications suggest that future research investigate these transitional explanations along with the mechanisms of shifting explanations that can account for this robust continuum.  相似文献   

实现耕地总量动态平衡与土地可持续管理的关系分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我国人多地少,耕地资源严重不足,实现耕地总量动态平衡是国家在新时期重要的土地政策,它直接影响土地资源可持续管理的工作进程,建立良好的保障体系是实现耕地总量动态平衡与土地资源可持续管理的重要保证。  相似文献   

The use of bionic non-smooth surfaces is a popular approach for saving energy because of their drag reduction property. Conventional non-smooth structures include riblets and dimples. Inspired by sand dunes, a novel variable ovoid nonsmooth structure is proposed in this study. The body of the variable ovoid dimple was designed based on three size parameters, the radius, semimajor, and depth, and a 3D model was created based on UG software. The constructed variable dimples were placed in a rectangular array on the bottom of a square tube model. Following ANSYS meshing, the grid model was imported into FLUENT, where the flow characteristics were calculated. Results of skin friction reduction were achieved and the effect of the design parameters on different variable ovoid dimples was obtained by orthogonal testing. Various aspects of the skin friction reduction mechanism were discussed including the distribution of velocity vectors, variation in boundary layer thickness, and pressure distribution.  相似文献   

建立大型精密仪器设备开放测试基金的实践与研究   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:5  
通过对大型精密贵重仪器设备开放测试基金的可持续发展的探讨,旨在使大型精密贵重仪器设备实现共享,充分发挥其效益,为教学、科研、学科建设服务。  相似文献   

社会主义核心价值体系,是马克思主义的最新理论成果,准确理解和把握社会主义核心价值体系并将其运用到县级领导干部责任道德建设的过程中,对于中国特色社会主义事业的顺利进行、和谐社会的构建以及经济与社会健康顺利发展,都具有至关重要的作用。  相似文献   

中国和博茨瓦纳的双边关系自建交后稳步发展,中博教育合作在中非合作论坛建立后,更是取得快速发展.本文通过梳理中博教育合作交流的主要内容,总结中博教育合作交流的经验,反思其中存在的问题,结合目前博茨瓦纳基础教育面临的困境,提出推动中非教育交流的政策建议.  相似文献   

南阳是一个人口超千万的大市,近年来经济持续快速健康发展,综合实力提高较快,发展的竞争力明显提高,这是南阳市文化产业发展的坚实基础。南阳市文化产业发展极具典型性与代表性,适度阐释南阳市文化产业发展的现状,找出存在问题并提出改进建议与对策,对于河南省文化产业发展具有比较重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

Outdoor activities can be an important complement to classroom learning, especially for children/young people excluded, or at risk of exclusion, from mainstream schooling. The current research explored the impact of a 12-week surfing programme among such a group in the UK. Pre-post data on physiological health (heart rate (HR)/blood pressure), self-reported well-being (life and domain satisfaction), connectedness (e.g. to nature, school), environmental awareness (e.g. role of sand dunes) and teacher evaluations (e.g. behaviour) were collected. Results found significant drops in HR (suggesting improved fitness), increased satisfaction with appearance, more positive attitudes towards school and friendships, greater environmental awareness and more positive teacher evaluations, post-intervention. A lack of findings in other domains suggests these results were not due to participants simply conforming to demand characteristics. Overall, the results suggest that surfing interventions could have important benefits for vulnerable young people who struggle with mainstream schooling. The need for future research using control groups and longer term follow-up is discussed.  相似文献   

Urochondra setulosa (Trin.) C.E. Hubbard is a coastal halophytic grass thriving on the coastal dunes along the Pakistani seashore. This grass could be useful in coastal sand dune stabilization using seawater irrigation. The purpose of this investigation was to test the hypothesis that Ca^2+ (0.0, 2.5, 5.0, 10.0 and 50.0 mmol/L) alleviates the adverse effects of KC1, MgSO4, NaC1 and Na2SO4 at 0, 200, 400, 600, 800 and 1000 mmol/L on the germination of Urochondra setulosa. Seed germination was inhibited with increase in salt concentration with few seeds germinated at and above 400 mmol/L concentration. No seed germinated in any of the KC1 treatments. Inclusion of CaC12 substantially alleviated the inhibitory effects of all salts. Germination was higher under photoperiod in comparison to those seeds germinated under complete darkness. Among the CaC12 concentrations used, 10 mmol/L was most effective in alleviating salinity effects and allowing few seeds to germinate at 1000 mmol/L KC1, MgSO4, NaC1 and Na2SO4 solution.  相似文献   

开展对高校辅导员成为思想政治教育专门人才基本问题的研究,对于加强辅导员专业化建设,找准高校辅导员队伍持续健康发展的路径等工作具有重要意义.本文简述专门人才的概念和内涵,对思想政治教育专门人才内涵及辅导员成为思想政治教育专门人才的特征、要求等基本问题进行了研究.  相似文献   

连云港市工业化仅处于钱纳里划分的工业化阶段中的工业化初期阶段。总体来看,连云港市的工业化水平不仅与全省平均水平有很大差距,在苏北地区中也是处于相对落后的位置,工业化初期阶段特征明显。对于工业化水平落后的连云港市来说,加快工业化进程,是带动该地区经济持续、快速、健康发展的战略选择。  相似文献   

在全球经济一体化的今天,成人教育在各经济发达国家迅速发展,其生命力就在于它为各发达国家社会经济的发展提供了强大的、高素质的人力资源支持。这也正是文章通过对国际发达国家成人教育的研究,借鉴其经验,促进中国成人教育持续健康快速发展,变沉重的人口负担为巨大人力资源优势的目的所在。  相似文献   

五千多年前的新石器时代,珠海地区已经有人类活动的踪迹,分布在凤凰山脉、黄杨山脉周围和珠江口一些海岛的沙丘、山岗和台地上。据考证,历史上珠海居住着"疍家"和"畲族"。他们以渔猎为生,以巫傩为俗,在图腾、祭祀和原始农、舞中推开了珠海远古民俗民风的大门,并在沿袭和变迁中走过了几千年的岁月。对珠海的考古资料、古籍记载以及民俗活动等多方面的考察,揭示珠海地区民俗文化的变迁。  相似文献   

在经济、政治、社会等各种复杂因素的综合作用下,当前我国高校毕业生就业工作可以说正处于一个新的十字路口,辩证地审视其面临的形势,既有前所未有的机遇,又有前所未有的压力和严峻挑战。自觉以科学发展观为指导,在分析认清形势的基础上,采取系统科学的得力措施,有利于不断推进高校毕业生就业工作的持续健康有效开展。  相似文献   

试述高等教育质量观的演进与建构   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
高等教育质量观是人们关于高等教育质量的基本看法,正确的教育质量观就是全面地、客观地符合高等教育内外规律及其功能、目标的价值理念.近几年,随着高等教育规模的迅速扩展,高等教育已经跨入大众化的历史发展时期,只有树立发展的、多样化的和服务型的质量观,才能使大众化阶段的高等教育获得健康、稳定和可持续的发展.  相似文献   

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