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①Dinneris ready,butwhereisSon?晚饭做好了,可儿子哪儿去了?~Father seeshim readingaChrist- mas book interestedly.儿子正趴在地上津津有味地读着一本圣诞书哩。③“What are youdoing here?It’s time for dinner.Hurry up!”Fa- ther shouts.”还不快去吃饭,在这儿磨蹭什么7”父亲吼道。④Son comestothetable and sits theretoWaitforfather.儿子来到饭桌旁.和妈妈一起等着老爸。⑤Mother becomes angry and says, ‘‘Go and see what the hell Father is doing!”妈妈生气地对儿子说:”去看看爸爸在干啥!”⑥Why,Father is …  相似文献   

①Two little boys are playingtogethe~But somehow a fight breaksout between them.②Son comes back to Father withtears and tells him he was bullied.儿f和小朋友玩荷玩着,不知怎么 儿子哭嚣跑『IJJ家向爸爸告状。打起架求。③“Who dare bully my son?!”Father leads Son by the hand outof the house.“谁放欺负我的乖儿子?”爸爸乖嚣儿f就~t-qb止。④“Why did you allow your son tobullY mine?”a sks Fathe r angrily.'"'What?your son bullied mine!’’answers the neighbour.“你怎么让你儿子欺负我儿子?”爸爸质问…  相似文献   

①Father call not get the car started汽车怎么也发动不起来。④Father 1eans on the wheel,think— ing hard.Just at the moment,Son jumps out ofthe Car.爸爸靠在方向盘上冥思苦想儿子却“呼”地一声跳下车。②Father gets out O:tme carto ex— amine the motor but can’t find any problem. 爸爸下车来检查发动机.找不出什么问题。⑤After a while,Son brings out his little bike and rides fast forward.过了一会儿,儿子从家里拿出自己的滑轮车,飞快地向前驶去。③Father kneels down on the ground to examine the bottom o…  相似文献   

Does the Dog Know the Proverb? “Sam,”says his father,“put onyour cap and let us go for a walk.”Sam is happy.He likes to go outwith his father.He puts on his cap andcoat and says:“Father. I am ready.”Samand his father go out into the street.Suddenly they see a big black dog.Thedog begins to bark.Sam is afraid of thedog.He wants to run home.His fathersays:“Don’t be afraid,Sam.Don’t youknow the proverb:‘A barking dog doesnot bite’?”“Oh,yes,”says Sam,“I know theproverb,you know the proverb,but doesthe dog know the proverb?”  相似文献   

1 .Father finds Son lighting the Pipebehind the sofa.2.Son intentionally stands besidethe sofa withthePipeinhismouth50 that Father ean see him.爸爸发现儿子在沙发后面点 儿子故意口衔烟斗站在沙发旁边,.好让爸爸看到。3 .Son stands in front of Fatherbut father eove玲his公‘e with thenewspaper. 儿子站到老爸面前,老爸却用报纸把脸遮住。4.Son moves to the left and Fa-ther still Pretends not to seeh加.6 .Finally,Son has to return thePIPe to Father and leave. 儿子又移到老爸左边,老爸还是装作没看见。儿…  相似文献   

(一) Son:Dad,man can get onto the moon now.How beautiful! Father:It’S nothing.We can even get onto the sun before long. Son:The sun will roast(烤)us to death(死). Father:What a fool(笨蛋)!Can’t we go there at night?  相似文献   

A maths teacher said to a student's father, "Look! How does your son study the maths﹖ Ninety minus forty-five is the second half.”“O h,I m ustteach him when I go back hom e.A ctually he didn t consider the play-off(加时赛).”The Ball Fans——The Father and the Son!河北@严双红…  相似文献   

Father:How were the exam questions?Son:Easy.Father:Then why look so unhappy?Son:The questions didn’t give me any trouble,just the answers!父亲:考试题目怎么样?  相似文献   

①Fathershows his tieket to thec】erk,with a casec别汀led in hishand. 爸爸手提皮箱,剪票进站.②The cle浅比。ck吕the tieket_andlets仙n in. 检票员验过后便让他过去了。③Tho elerk suddenly、ays,“A moment,Please!‘’,“What,5 wrong‘2”Fatller turns baek,forgetting the eas。 检票员突然说道:“请等一下!”“啊,什么事?”爸爸转过身 去,竟忘了手中的箱子。④But rhe ease 15 still moving ahead by it-self!Father thinks“oh,ir’5 bad!I’m over!”箱子居然会自己走路?!老爸心里想:“糟r,全暴露一孔这下可完了!”Fa…  相似文献   

To Learn French     
Son:Dad,is French difficult to learn? Father:My boy,at the beginning it is,but after that it becomes easy. Son:That's great!I'll learn the latter half.  相似文献   

It’s Always Me     
A father said to his sons,“Tom orrow your m other is going to bake a pie.W ho is going to eatit?” The oldestson replied,“Father,Ill eatit all。”The father then said,“Tom orrow Im going to butcher a pig.W ho isgoing to eatit?”The sam e son answered,“Father,Illeatit all。” The father added,“Tom orrow we are going to plough the field.W hois going to plough?” The oldestson answered again, “Its always m e. N ow its som eoneelse s turn to volunteer。”It’s Always Me!河北@侯世敏…  相似文献   

Son:Dad,15 English diffieult to lrn? Father:My boy,a*the 15,but after that it beeomes beginning easy. Son:That’5 great!I 11 leanl the latterh挂lf.儿子:爸爸,英语难学吗?父亲:孩子,开始难,以后就容易了。儿子:好极了!我就学后半部分。(夏克)学英语@夏克~  相似文献   

Like Father,L ike Son“W hen A braham Lincoln was your age,the father told his son,“he used to”walk ten m iles every day to get to school.”“R eally?”the son said.“W ell,when he was your age,he was president.”有其父必有其子一位父亲告诉他儿子,“亚伯拉罕·林肯跟你一样大时,他每天走10英里路去上学。”“是吗?”儿子回答道。“嗯,他跟你一样大时,已经当总统了。”Even W orse“H ow is business?”asked Leo,as he walked into his friend’sdress shop.“Terrible,com plained Tom.“Business is awful.Ye…  相似文献   

Jokes and Humor     
学法语儿子:爸爸,法语难学吗?父亲:我的孩子,开头是难,可往后就变得容易了。儿子:太好了!那我就学后半部分。1.T o L earn FrenchSon:D ad,is French difficult to learn?Father:M y boy,at the beginning it is,butafter that it becom es easy.Son:That’s great。I’ll learn the latter half.父与子父亲:汤姆,你要知道,当林肯在你这年龄时,他是一个很好的学生。事实上,他是班里最好的学生。汤姆:是的,爸爸,我知道。可当他在你这个年龄时,他已是美国总统了。2.T he Father and H is SonFather:Y ou know,Tom,when Lincoln wasyour age,he was a very goodpupil.In fact,he was the best pupilin his class.Tom:Y es,Father.I know that.But when hewas your age,he was President ...  相似文献   

A young Rooster(公鸡)was summoned(被叫到)to his Father’s bedside (床边)."Son,my time has come to an end,"said the aged bird."Now it is your turn to crow up the morning sun each day." The young Rooster watched sadly his Father’s life slipped away (逝去). Early the next morning,the young Rooster flew up to the roof of the barn(棚子). He stood there,facing the east. "I have never done this before,"said the Rooster. "  相似文献   

Father is feeding some ducks in the sun.Mother is cooking lunch with her son.Puppy Honey is eating a bun*.Father,Mother,Son and Puppy Honey are having fun.  相似文献   

A judge was working in his roomone day when a neighbour ran in andsaid,‘If one man’s cow kills another‘s,is the owner of the first cowresponsible?“It depends,’answered thejudge.‘Well,’said the man,‘your cowhas killed mine.’‘Oh,’answered thejudge.“Everyone knows that a cowcannot think like a man,so a cow is  相似文献   

One day,a man told the Father[神父],“Oh,dear Father.I have stolen ten thousand yuan!”“But it’s not right for you to do so,”said the Father.“Well,do you want it?”said the man.  相似文献   

TheTeacherIstheLaziestFather:Yourteachersaidyouwerethelaziestpupilinyourclass.Son:No,I’mnot.Father:Butwhodoesnothingwhiletheotherpupilsarebusydoingtheirexercises.Son:It’sourteacher,ofcourse!DifferentOpinionsWhenMrJacksongothomefromwork,hesawhiswifeinthesitting-room.Shewasstandingonachairandputtingupapicture.Hesaid,“Youmustn’tputupsuchapictureinthesitting-room.Youshouldputitupinthebedroom.”“Itdoesn’tmatter,”saidthewoman,“Idon’tthinkit’sany鄄thingdifferent.”“You’realwaysind…  相似文献   

The Proverb     
Sam and his father are walking on the street.Suddenly a big dog barks at them and Sam is afraid.Father: Don’t be afraid. Don’t you know the proverb:A barking dog doesn’t bite?Sam:Oh, yes. I know the proverb,and you know the proverb.But does the dog kno…  相似文献   

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