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1.Sunday is the first day of the week. 2. M onday is the second day ofthe week. 3. Tuesday is the third day ofthe week. 4. W ednesday is the fourth day ofthe week. 5. Thursday is the fifth day ofthe week. 6. Friday is the sixth day ofthe week. 7. Saturday is the (seventh) lastday ofthe week. Q uestions: 1. W hich day is sunny in the week? W hy ? 2.W hich day is the longest (最长)in the week? W hy? (答案在本期找)“英语西洋景”《脑筋急转弯》答案1.Sunday is sunny because(因为)there is“sun”i…  相似文献   

英格:The Beijing Organizing Committee for the XXIX Olympiad (BOCOG) this week announced an affordable ticketing program for the 2008 Games.Doyou know?  相似文献   

Funny Questions     
1.What must you keep after giving it to someone else? 2.Who can stop a truck with one hand? 3.What are the strongest days of the week? 4.Where does Friday come before Thursday? 5.Which travels faster,heat or cold? 6.Why did he throw a clock out of the window? 7.When should you kick about a birthday present? 8.It is yours,but others use it more than you do.What is it ? 9.What room has no walls,no doors,no floors,and no windows? 10.How are a teacher and a railroad conductor (列车员) alike? 11.Why are we always tired (累) on the first of April? 12.What is the longest sentence in the world? 13.What is the difference between a hill and a pill (药片) ? 14.What part of a clock is always old?  相似文献   

When final exams finish, you'll have class ranking(分等级) again. Who will come top? Last week the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development(经济合作与发展组织) picked the best students in the world. They are Finnish(芬兰人). The OECD gave a test to 208,000 15-year-old students from more than 40 countries and regions. The OECD wanted to know how well students were doing at school. 2004 is the second time they've had the big test. It is held every three years.Finnish student…  相似文献   

丁小兰 《中学生英语》2002,(15):28-31,32
Ⅰ.单项选择:从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的正确答案。1. This apple is than that one.A. very big B. too bigC. very bigger D. much bigger2. Would you like to eat?A. something delicious B. anything delicious C. delicious something D. delicious anything3. We are going to work on the farm.A. in week B. in the next weekC. next week D. in next week4. -Would you like to come to dinner thisSunday, Xiaoming?  相似文献   

In New England.you don't need a calendar to knowit's the first week of October.The trees tell the storyquite well as their leaves change from shades ofgreen to the bright vibrant(充满活力的)shades of or-ange,red and yellow.At the peak of the fall foliage(树叶,植物)season, it's truly a magnificent sight that drawspeople from all around to behold(看)the beauty.Theseason progresses and the Ieaves fall to the ground one byone where they become nourishment(食物,营养品)for thegrass,flowers and gardens in the spring.As I spent Sunday Collecting some of the fallen leaveswith my 7-year-old daughter,I wondered what wouldhappen if a tree stubbornly(倔强地.顽固地)held onto to itsleaves-refusing to let them fall to ground and nourish thenew season that awaits only a few months from now.Howwould that tree be affected?How would the rest of life beaffected?  相似文献   

正Linda:You look happy today!Frank:I am happy.I just heard I passed my physics exam.Linda:Congratulations!I'm glad somebody's happy.Frank:Why?What's the matter?Linda:Oh,I'm just worried,I guess.I have to take a history ex-am next week.MISTAKESBruce:Where did John go?Laura:He went to the drugstore(杂货店).Bruce:To the bookstore?  相似文献   

1.选择填空。(共20小题,计20分) A)选出下列各题的最佳答案。(答案涂在答题纸上) 1.一Have you seen_Pen?1 Ieft it here this mo而ng.一15 it blaek one?1 think 1 saw jt sonlewhere. A.a;the B.the;the C .the:a D.a:a 2.一What do your think of the apPle?一It tastes A.goodB、niee C .well D.bad 3.一What’5 the girl doing?一She_a bike. A.ride B.rides C.15 rideingD,15 riding 4一—do you即to the libra汀?一Three ti们口es a week. A .How muehB、How many C .How often D.How long 5.一What did you think of…  相似文献   

STEP ONEⅠ. 词汇。 1. Last Sunday I brought a _______ (纪念 品) from Japan. 2. We saw many fish and sharks in the _______(水族馆). 3. Last Saturday, she met her favorite singer and got his _______( 亲笔签名) . 4. —What _______ ( 别 的) did you do there? —We took some photos. 5. Which team _______( 获胜) the game, Class One or Class Two? Ⅱ. 根据句意, 用括号内所给动词的适当 形式填空。 1. They ______(come ) to China two months ago. 2. Where ______( be ) she last week? 3. The twins ____…  相似文献   

第一部分:听力(20分)I.情景反应(5分)根据你所听到的问句,从A,B,C,D中选择正确答语。1.A.Two days ago.B.In the classroom. C.Next week.D.The school library.2.A.At the cinema.B.After classes. C.On the football field.D.Last week.3.A.In Australia.B.In Canada.  相似文献   

1. The meeting will be finished on December the ____(twenty-three). 2. I"m ____(real) worried about my exams, though I study hard. 3. The dictionary you gave me last week is very ____(use). 4. Which city is ____(big), London or New York? 5. There"re thous…  相似文献   

教学过程I Warm up.1.Free talk.T:What day is it today?What’s the weather like today?Do you often play computer games on Fridays?Do you know how many days in a week?What are they?…2.Let’s chant.T:Yes,there are seven days in a week.Now,let’s chant about them.Monday Monday It’s a  相似文献   

Take our quick quiz to see if you are.In the last week how much time did you spend relaxing by yourself?a) More than 20 hours, I like to play online[上网] a lot!b) Around 10 hoursc) No time at all, there's always some more homework to do :(  相似文献   

An international treaty to deal with overfish-ing(捕捞过度) in the World' s oceans went into effect (生效) last week. The treaty establishes (建立) new rules for managing the world's supply offish.It is expected to reduce conflicts (冲突) about overfishing in the World's oceans.  相似文献   

第一卷(三部分,共115分)olden第一部分:听力(共二节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题,每题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话,每段对话后有一个小题。从题中所给的A,B,C三个选项中选出最佳选项。1.W hatwillthe wom an do?A.Stop whatshe is doing atonce.B.Puther book away im m ediately.C.H elp the m an a little later.2.W hatwillthe weather in A rizona be like in the com ing week?A.R ainy.B.W arm.C.A bitcold.3.W hy does the wom an say so?A.Because there is a m irror in the bathroom.B.Because the m an lefthis glasse…  相似文献   

WOODYUh, next we have-REXWait a minute. What do you mean the party's today? His birthday's not 'til next week!HAMMWhat's goin' on down there? Is his mom losin' her marbles?  相似文献   

HAPPINESS Linda:You look happy today! Frank:I am happy.I just heard I passed my physics exam. Linda:Congratulations ! I'm glad somebody's happy. Frank:Why? What's the matter? Linda:Oh,I'm just worried,I guess.I have to take a history exam next week. MISTAKES Bruce:Where did John go? Laura:He went to the drugstore (杂货店). Bruce:To the bookstore? Laura:No,I said he went to the drugstore. Bruce:Oh,I misunderstood you.I thought you said bookstore. Laura:How could you make a mistake like that? Weren't you paying attention?  相似文献   

Last week’s topic:The e-waste problem is growing rapidly.Just whatare China’s problems with recycling?Howcan we improve the system?And,howcan we raise our awareness? Jin Guangcan:People’s attitude isthe major reason for the e—waste problem  相似文献   

A Riddle     
A doctor and alawyer loved the same girl.The lawyer went away for a week and he gave the girl seven apples before he left.Why?Answer:Because an apple a day keeps the doctor away.A Riddle!本刊资料  相似文献   

STEVEN:Let's begin. Jeff, you'll enterfrom the door.JEFF: Steven, before we start, could you give me the schedule for next week?STEVEN:OK. I'll get my calendar. STEVEN:Tomorrow we'll shoot the next scene...and...we'll finish this show the day after tomor-  相似文献   

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