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Teachers are just like our parents.They spend much time on our studies.They always want us to learn as much as possible.Because of this,we always have little time to relax. If I were a teacher,I would teach the students how to learn well.If my students made mistakes in my subject,I would not worry much about it.Failure is the mother of success.I would tell them to review what they have learned and find the solutions to the problem.And I won't forget one important thing,that is,if I were a teacher,I would give them less homework.I would give them more free time to relax themselves.  相似文献   

Jerry is the manager of a restaurant in America. He is always in a good mood and always has something positive to say. When someone would ask him how he was doing, he would always reply, "If I were any better, I would be twins!"  相似文献   

Michael is the kind of guy you love to hate.He is always in a good mood and always has something positive to say.When someone would ask him how he was doing,he would reply,"If I were any better,I'd be twins!" He was a natural motivator.  相似文献   

In August, before the semester began, I went to Beijing to visit some friends that had stopped in China on their way to Brisbane, Australia. My friends were about to spend the next three months on an overseas program in Australia. They suggested that when I had some time off this semester that I should come and visit them. I had always wanted to visit Australia. I figured that this would be a once in a lifetime opportunity. I would probably never get an-other chance in my life to visit Australia, and spend it with nine of my best friends.  相似文献   

Unit 7 1. -Where would you like to go on vacation? -I'd like to trek through the jungle. 2. I like places where the weather is always warm.  相似文献   

Life with Mom,Dad,and two sisters had always been peaceful.But then came a news that would change my world.We were moving,before the beginning of my sixth grade,leaving the only town I had ever known.Not only would I not be able to graduate elementary school with my friends,but I also would have to start middle school with a class full of kids who had known each other since 1)kindergarten.  相似文献   

Every Chinese-language textbook starts out with the standard phrases for greeting people;but as an American,I always found myself1to speak freely when it came to seeing guests off at the door.Just a good-bye would notdo,yet that was allI had ever learned from the2books.So I would smile and nod,bowing like a Japanese and searching madly for words that would3over the visitor’s leaving and make them feel they would be4to come again.In my unease,I often hid behind the skirts of my Chinese hus…  相似文献   

<正>In August, before the semester began, I went to Beijing to visit some friends that had stopped in China on their way to Brisbane, Australia. My friends were about to spend the next three months on an overseas program in Australia. They suggested that when I had some time off this semester that I should come and visit them. I had always wanted to visit Australia. I figured that this would be a once in a lifetime opportunity. I would probably never get an-other chance in my life to visit Australia, and spend it with nine of my best friends.  相似文献   

雷芳 《中学文科》2004,(3):22-22
My aunt was a cleaner.She used to work on Zhongshan Road.Herhobby is singing.She could sing many songs.If she was free,she was always singing and I would listen to her carefully.Aunt worked very  相似文献   

White Rock     
When I was young I used to go sailing with my dad on Sundays. Each week we would try to sail further than the week before. (We always had to be home in time for dinner.) If we made it out real far we could see "white rock" in the  相似文献   

A man always went to the same bar at the same time every day and asked for twoglasses of beer, He would drink them and then ask for two more. One day the barman asked him: “Why do you always ask for two glasses of beer? Why don’t you order one bigglass instead?”“Because I don’t like to drink alone”, the man answered.“I drink with myfriend.” But a few days later the man came in and asked for only one beer. “Oh, has your friend died?”asked the barman.  相似文献   

Strong Students     
I am an English teacher at a high school in Mexico. I give classes to several groups from different grades. I have always had a very nice relationship with all my students. Usually this would be considered a good thing,and in most cases it is. Unfortunately in some other cases this can cause students to see me just as another one of their kind.  相似文献   

Dear World: My son starts school today. It's going to be strange and new to him for a while.And I wish you would sort of~(1)) treat him gently. You see,up to now, he's been king of the roost. He's been boss of the backyard. I have always been around to repair his wounds,and to soothe~(2)) his feelings.  相似文献   

Canada,such a beautiful and exciting country,always had been so far fromme. At that time I even could not believe one day, I would visit that land formyself.But it turned true. Last summer vacation, I joined the Summer Camp of Columbia InternationalCollage in Hamilton.The general idea of this Summer Camp was to let US learnEnglish and get to know Canada.  相似文献   

lt is a Monday night in Washington,D.C., and ChristopherPhillips has come to a bookstore to read from“SocratesCafe.”When he’s finished,he invites listeners to take part intheir own Socratic discussion.As always,he begins with aquestion and asks,“What do you think insanity is?”Someone responds by saying.“I try to avoid terms likerational(理性的) and irrational,but for the moment let mejust use the term.Irrationality(非理性)that leads to the harm of other people would certainly be one definition.”More people soon join the discussion.Christopher Phillips says it is a process that always leaves him  相似文献   

JAKE: Hello, Roger.ROGER:Jake. What are you doing here? How's the storycoming? I think your viewers will like it.JAKE: So do I... I'm surprised at you, Roger.ROGER:What do you mean?JAKE: I don't get it. You were always good at whatever youdid. Why would you ruin a good career to go to work forThomas Ames?  相似文献   

Now that I am growing older I think I might be figuring out why people have always told me to cherish my youth. ““It is the best time in your life, ““ they would say. Well, I‘ m still not sure that it was the best time in my life, but when I think back to my years in school, I certainly recall quite a few fond memories. My experiences in middle school are especially memorable.  相似文献   

At my primary school,I was one of the smartest kids there.I never studied,but always got near perfect scores on all my tests and 1)quizzes.I was a child 2)genius,at least in my mind.I was also a 3)prodigy in music according to myself.I could 4)carry a tune better than almost everyone else in my school.I was pretty sure that once I got to sixth grade,everyone including my teachers would be 5)amazed by me. But actually,they weren't.  相似文献   

Jeremy’s bedroom furniture (家具) was having an argument. “I am definitely the most important,” said the chest of drawers (五斗柜).“Jeremy always looks in my bottom drawer for his socks. He looks in my middle drawer for his shirts and my top drawer for his jeans (牛仔裤). If it were not for me, he would not be able to find his clothes.”  相似文献   

Reclusive Life     
When I was a little girl,I would imagine myself being in a faraway island-like Robinson in the famous Robinson Crusoe.I figured,as long as I gain the skills of building,farming and the like,I will be able to live a happy reclusive life. The images of myself living in a small treehouse in a deep woods,an island in the sea,or even a waterhouse under the ocean,far from other human beings,come to my mind occasionally,always with a sense of  相似文献   

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