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网络文学在中国已经发展了17年,特别是近几年来,网络写手队伍和网络文学的应用规模都呈现出不断增长的趋势.本文基于网络文学的类型化倾向,对网络文学的受众进行研究.结果发现,在网络文学的类型化倾向下,选择性心理、狂欢心理以及"白日梦"心理都会对受众的网络文学选择产生影响.  相似文献   

严红 《出版科学》2007,15(6):52-54,27
在网络技术高速发展、互联网迅速普及的背景下,网络写手作为新生事物发展速度惊人,影响力不可小觑.本文探讨了网络写手的产生过程与原因、类型与特点、影响与规范等方面的问题.  相似文献   

如今,庞大的创作与阅读群体,使得中国网络文学自成一统,从网络写手、签约作者、网络编辑、文学网站平台、网络版权经纪人、网络文学出版商与网络文学读者形成了一条完整的生态链.在初步获得世界影响的背后,也潜藏着深层危机.  相似文献   

网络文学出版走到十字路口?据《江南时报》报道:最近两年,图书市场里,形形色色的网络小说风起云涌。在网络这个世界里,写作的门槛很低,于是,不少网络写手就把网络作为踏入文坛的一条捷径。网络写手不经意间构思的故事,经过网民的追捧和网络的包装,被出版商看中,炒作出版成书,走  相似文献   

网络文学是Web2.0时代用户创造内容的典型应用,已经成为当下文学出版体系中不容忽视的重要内容.网络文学出版,已不再局限于网络出版,而是涵盖实体出版、移动出版,以及影视、动漫、游戏改编等跨媒介的多元出版体系,并通过版权的多元化运营实现了内容商业价值的放大.网络文学产业的高度商业化,一方面,促成海量作品的涌现,推动网络文学的迅速发展;另一方面,很大程度上造成网络文学作品内容质量泥沙俱下、参差不齐.内容质量整体低下,成为影响当前网络文学发展的最大阻力.而拥有优质出版资源、专业编辑实力和丰富出版经验的传统出版单位,进军网络文学出版的市场机会依然存在.本文将从中国网络文学出版发展现状入手,对出版集团开展网络文学出版的市场机会、策略选择进行分析和探讨.  相似文献   

黄霄旭 《出版科学》2012,20(1):61-66
着眼我国网络文学侵权日益猖獗的现状,在对国内网络原创文学领军企业——盛大文学版权纷争的分析考察中,总结出网络文学侵权纠纷在诉讼理由、侵权方式、作品数量、法院判决等方面的特点,认为未来网络文学维权将呈现由单独向集体、由一方向各界、由舆论向诉讼发展的趋势。针对目前网络文学版权保护面临的制度法律两方面困境,提出相应的解决对策。  相似文献   

互联网技术的日益更新推动了网络文学的快速兴起与发展,同时也使版权侵权问题渐趋严峻。文章通过分析网络文学著作权侵权现状可知,目前侵权现象虽已得到一定程度的控制,但在组织、法律、制度、技术等方面仍存在问题。对此,我国应通过增强国民版权意识、优化行业组织监督协调功能、加快法律法规完善进程、加快版权保护技术开发推广等方式,推动我国网络文学的健康有序发展。  相似文献   

朱文琪 《大观周刊》2012,(32):78-79
互联网的迅速普及和发展,为网络文学提供了广阔的发展空闻。由于网络文学市场旺盛的需求和网络传播的开放性特征,在网络文学蓬勃发展的同时,网络文学慢权的行为也愈演惫烈,网络文学盗贴就是其中比较蹙出的一种形武。在对网络文学盗贴的现象及其危害描述后,文章从公众意识和阅读体验、两络文学盗贴的技术特征、维权难度、法律制度等方面对网络盗贴猖獗的原因做了分析,并提出相应的对策。  相似文献   

徐升 《今传媒》2004,(1):20-21
从认识网络到离不开网络,从被媒体瞧不起眼的板砖到光芒夺目的金砖,网络不经意问便占据了传媒各个角落。报纸.广播、电视,谁也离不开网络。网络文学一时成为新文学.新思想的代名词。人们惊呼”第五次冲击来了!”可就在人们对网络文学寄予厚望的时候,网络写手们却变得暖昧起来。  相似文献   

新媒体时代,基于数字技术的网络文学凭借其在泛娱乐化内容、传播、版权营销等方面的优势得以蓬勃发展.在发展的同时,网络文学领域也产生了许多版权问题,影响了作者及传播者的利益.本文将对网络文学版权保护问题进行分析,并提出解决问题的几点管窥之见.  相似文献   

It is well documented that government agencies, at all levels, continue to have problems ensuring that government web sites follow laws related to web accessibility for people with disabilities. Although there are a number of published studies on government web accessibility that are point-in-time, there are no published studies consisting of a longitudinal analysis of state-level government web site accessibility. This paper contributes to the research literature in three ways: 1) an accessibility inspection of 25 Maryland state government homepages in 2012 which involved 150 human inspections of web pages, 2) a comparison of the results from 2012 to a similar accessibility evaluation in 2009, and 3) a discussion of the role of a web page template, which was introduced in Maryland state government shortly after the 2009 evaluation. The data from this longitudinal evaluation leads to the conclusion that web page templates do tend to result in more accessible sites within state government.  相似文献   

Web2.O带给图书馆的机遇与挑战   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
何韵 《图书情报工作》2006,50(9):136-139
介绍Web2.0的定义及相关技术,指出Web2.0具有交互性(参与性)、个性化、相关性和开放性的特点,探析它带给图书馆的机遇,包括服务观念的革新及工作新局面的开拓及挑战-可行性、馆员素质、版权等问题,并结合图书馆未来发展的趋势,提出Web2.0应用于图书馆的两点建议引入图书馆门户网站的共建机制与创建图书馆用户体验交流新模式.  相似文献   

随着网络的发展,网络信息资源保存变得越来越迫切。作为信息的传播者,网络出版者在web资源保存中发挥着重要的、不可替代的作用。当前,网络出版者既受到知识产权的保护,又面临着世界各国不断发展的网络出版物呈缴制度的压力。同时,他们还肩负着网络信息短期保存、与保存机构合作、信息提供和信息发掘等责任。在这个过程中,网络出版者同样会获得诸如网站宣传、经济效益、信息和服务等方面的收获。  相似文献   

This study uses e-government and corporate usability benchmarks to compare municipal government websites in Alabama and examine correlations between usability scores and population, as well as usability scores and per capita income. E-government in Alabama is on the rise. At the state level, in 2008, Alabama ranked in the top 10 states in e-government after three years of being in the bottom three. Improvements in state-level e-government have not, however, necessarily trickled down to the municipal level, and this study found no correlation between usability and a municipality's population or per capita income. Indeed, the study reveals substantial problems with municipal website usability, including accessibility; such problems could erode the web credibility of municipalities trying to engage citizens, to create or strengthen sustainable practices, and to attract companies that can bring new jobs and improve the local economy.  相似文献   

Web2.0带给图书馆的机遇与挑战   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
何韵 《图书情报工作》2006,50(9):136-139
介绍Web2.0的定义及相关技术,指出Web2.0具有交互性(参与性)、个性化、相关性和开放性的特点,探析它带给图书馆的机遇,包括服务观念的革新及工作新局面的开拓及挑战——可行性、馆员素质、版权等问题,并结合图书馆未来发展的趋势,提出Web2.0应用于图书馆的两点建议:引入图书馆门户网站的共建机制与创建图书馆用户体验交流新模式。  相似文献   

基于Web2.0的数字图书馆个性化信息服务研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
从W eb2.0的含义和典型技术入手,围绕当前W eb2.0在数字图书馆个性化信息服务的应用进行了论述。讨论了传统的个性化信息服务工作中存在的问题,应用基于W eb2.0技术方法来解决这些不足,并对其未来的发展趋势和前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

网络计量学:互联网上的文献计量学   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27  
网络计量学是文献计量学的拓展。这篇论文介绍了网络计量学在互联网上信息分析与测量的标准方法。论述利用Web开发技术,在网上进行计量设计、计量测量的可行性。  相似文献   

Accessibility of much country-level information and many web services, originating from governments are a global standard. The governments of emerging economies in the eastern countries especially need to adopt, without undue delay, the advanced technologies for providing better web services to their citizens. However, consideration and evaluation of the effectiveness and efficiency of governments' web services is currently lacking in previous literature. Thus, this study first adopts a computational approach suggested in the literature to measure the effectiveness of Taiwan's established, city- and county-level (25 cities and counties, and 1411 governmental units) governments' websites. Then, by considering the IT-related input and output resources as suggested by the experts of e-government during several in-depth interviews, data envelopment analysis (DEA) evaluates the efficiency of Taiwan's governmental web services. This study reveals that the well-developed web services provided by Taiwan's government are apparent in two geographically dispersed cities (north and south) and one county in the northern region of Taiwan. In addition, six cities and counties appear to be ineffective and inefficient in providing web services to Taiwan's citizens due to their geographical remoteness from the capital and small regional populations. An additional finding confirms the significant effect of population size on Taiwanese services for e-government in each city and county. Finally, this study suggests applying more attention to website designs for different levels or regions of governments and building alternative communication channels for citizens with different backgrounds. Consequently, providing citizens' most-requested services becomes easier, and the resources' distribution becomes effective and efficient for those in different geographical locations. This study's findings represent a reference for providing better electronic publically accessible services, and a benchmark for scholars conducting further research in this area.  相似文献   

网上地方文献信息--地方文献资源建设值得关注的领域   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
姚宏伟 《图书馆杂志》2004,23(10):29-31
面对互联网上大量涌现的地方网站、地方性信息及数据库中存在的地方文献资源.从文献资源建设的角度阐述了地方文献工作者应关注网络地方信息的收集和整理这一观点,并探讨了网络信息的组织方法。  相似文献   

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