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梁娜 《时代教育》2010,(4):79-79
It is universally acknowledged that Macbeth is the most vivid tragedy as a psychoanalysis of the state of humanity’s development of a sense of sexual self.In the play,the inherent cruelty in masculinity is ironically represented best by the corrupted feminine characters,the three witches and Lady Macbeth.Undoubtedly,they finally push Macbeth over the brink into dramatic tragedy,tragedy of his country,his ambition and his own self as well.  相似文献   

孙小静 《海外英语》2011,(8):314-316
John Donne is the representative of the metaphysical in the literary history. Song and Sonnets are love poems which express Donne’s love outlook and his attitude towards woman. In Song and Sonnets, the most well-known poems are: "Song" ("Go and Catch a Falling Star"), "The Flea," "The Sun Rising" and "A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning." This paper divides his love poetry into three kinds. Through close reading, on one hand, we can understand him and his poems better; on the other hand we can explore his love outlook better.  相似文献   

魏振华 《海外英语》2011,(8):274-275
As an important representative of the Theatre of Absurd, in his masterpiece Waiting for Godot, Beckett deserted the traditional dramatic form and adopted a new one that shows us the fragmentary characters and the absurdity of the modern society. This paper demonstrates his artful creation of the language form from the following three aspects: The use of repetition, use of silence and pause and short sentences.  相似文献   

Hemingway’s writing style is unique in the literary world.The basic feature of his works is concise,crisp and implicit.His dialogue has a name of"telegraphic dialogue".“The Killers"is the classic masterpiece of this style,and it is one of the most outstanding works of modern American short stories.This article aims at analyzing the theme and the characters of the novel through the dialogues.  相似文献   

李哲慧 《海外英语》2013,(16):230-231
Captain Ahab is a controversy and complicated figure in Moby Dick. The studies of Ahab in the past has become increasingly involved various aspects. Ahab is a figure with many faces, among which the most significant and decisive ones are his individualist, arrogance and humanity. He persists in taking revenging on the white whale is quite compatible with such character. Besides, his fate is also leads to his attachment behavior. In this essay,I will mainly analyze the fate and characters of Ahab in order to help readers understand Moby Dick better.  相似文献   

刘冲亚 《海外英语》2013,(5X):280-282
Kafka indicates the alienation of people in modern society through an absurd story. The protagonist Gregor Samsa becomes a huge beetle and finally is deserted by his family. Kafka has not followed the traditional writing style, but employs many symbols to deepen the theme. In The Metamorphosis, characters, items, scenes and actions all have symbolic meanings. We will analysis the deeper meanings of these symbolic images.  相似文献   

This essay through discussing the development of sonnet focus on the delight and pleasure of poetry. In great poetry the form is a living organism which grows from the civilization surrounding the poet as well as from his individual talent, and poetry puts more emphasis on the musical properties of language. So a study of poetic form and rhythms is significant. Sonnet is one of the most ubiquitous of Enghsh fixed forms, although it is not the native form of English poetry. Sonnet has a neat form and a rigid rhyme scheme which undergoes changes in its development.  相似文献   

Jane Austen is a famous 19th century English novelist,Mansfield Park is Jane Austen’s most famous novel.The article analyzes Jane Austen’s Mansfield Park,tries to have a comparative analysis of the three major female characters from the concept of love view in the work,especially analyzes the differences of three main female characters’love view:differences of love motivation and differences of love endings and the cause of such differences..  相似文献   

William Wordsworth was the representative of the British "Lake poets" In his poems he aimed at simplicity and purity of the language,fighting against the conventional forms of the 18th century poetry.He transformed his observation of the landscape into the revelation of the beauty of nature in poetry,and thus expressed his nature philosophy.In this article the author briefly analyses the organization of his poem: "Ode: Intimation of Immortality" and mainly elaborates her understanding of the poet’s na-ture-philosophy in four points:(a) Man is sensitive to all natural influences in childhood.(b) Nature has a moral and spiritual sig-nificance and helps the poet understand the mystery of human life.(c) Life is but a stage.(d) All good poetry is the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings;it takes its origin from emotion recollected in tranquility.  相似文献   

礼貌是一种语用交际策略,它是话语交际双方为了维系良好的人际关系,实现既定的交际目的而彼此表达切适的态度和情感的方式。话语礼貌的本质是话语对交际双方之间语用亲密度的一种"切适性",也就是礼貌的"度"。决定礼貌"切适性"的关键因素有两个:一个是说话人的话语内容和表达方式,另一个是说话人和听话人之间的语用距离。交际者应当根据特定的语用距离来选择最恰当得体的表达方式以完成交际任务,实现交际目的。  相似文献   

陆游提出并阐释的“诗外功夫”一说,对于诗创作来说有着重要的理论价值和实践意义。“诗外功夫”大抵指作家心灵修养和生活实践两个方面。可以从三个方面对“诗外功夫”引申理解:“诗穷而后工”;“情真景真,其词必工”;自然天成为工。  相似文献   

学问一直为历代诗人所重视,“以学问为诗”却是在宋代形成的,其源头可以追溯到唐代诗人杜甫。杜甫首先以赋笔写诗和以议论入诗,从而打破了中国诗歌传统的审美体系,开始关注诗歌中的学问典故、字词韵律。韩愈、李商隐为唐人学杜诗最有成就的两位诗人,他们的创作、诗学观直接影响了宋诗“以学问为诗”的形成,“以学问为诗”便在西昆派(以典故为诗)、欧阳修(化用古人诗句)、王安石(以史料入诗)等诗人努力下,到苏轼、黄庭坚达到成熟。特别是黄庭坚的诗学理论的提出,从而使“以学问为诗”从一种单纯的诗歌技巧上升为诗歌创作观。  相似文献   

“新的抒情”是穆旦在20世纪40年代自觉的诗学实践。他通过引入叙事性文类的叙事技巧,以小说化的人物视角、抒情主体的旁知眼光、戏剧性处境的营造等叙事手段,创造了一条非同寻常的抒情道路,使现代诗写作呈展现局面。其诗学意义在于,突破传统抒情境界的限制,拓展现代诗视域,穆旦使诗既成为时代的诗同时也是个人的诗。  相似文献   

挖掘和创造生活的诗意,对其进行富有诗意的阐释,是奥尼尔悲剧所努力追求的。强烈的情感注入、对隐藏在生活背后“神秘”的认识与表现、对人物身上梦幻色彩的诗意揭示以及富于象征意蕴的戏剧意象的运用,营造出诗一般的抒情氛围,使《旅程》这部现实主义的自传体悲剧,呈现出诗化的品格。  相似文献   

杜甫"诗史"内涵包括叙写历史事件、反映个人遭遇、展现时代画面等三个方面,风格上又具有的"沉郁"的特点,韩偓诗歌符合上述内容,所以韩偓诗歌可以称之为"唐末诗史",韩偓是杜甫的"异代知音"。  相似文献   

韩愈以其奇险的诗风成为唐代诗坛第二次新变的代表之一."奇"语和"丑"语的大量运用,一方面形成了韩诗奇崛瑰怪的诗风,为中国古典诗歌开辟了新路;另一方面,过于追求奇险,流于文字游戏,又降低了中国古典诗歌美的特质.  相似文献   

阮籍诗歌具有多义性和模糊性的特征,儒家“比兴”的方法已经不能解释他的诗歌。这是因为外在严峻的政局,阮籍不能直抒其意,造成了他的诗歌结构的封闭性。他采用“寄言出意”言说方式,运用与当时流行的道教有关的语汇,构筑了一个象征的世界,使他的诗歌又具有开放性的特点。现实在他的诗歌中,大多是记忆的醉片,并不是写实的,而是为诗歌中的哲理服务的。因此,造成了阮籍诗歌和儒家“比兴”解放方法的错位。这是阮籍诗歌难以理解的重要原因。  相似文献   

普通话中"你看"变体的多角度考察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在现代汉语普通话中,“你看”有三个变体:“你看1”“你看2”“你看3”。它们主要出现在对话中,“你看1”主要表示听话者用眼睛看;“你看2”表示说话者让听话者注意某种现象;“你看3”表示说话者要求听话者发表自己的看法,三个“你看”的关系反映了普通话中的“看”正在发生虚化。应从形式和意义两个方面对“你看”的三个变体进行区别和界定,并对普通话中“你看”的虚化机制进行深入探讨。  相似文献   

周作人是中国新诗发展史上的先驱者,他不仅以新诗创作的实绩推动白话文学的前进,同时对建设新诗理论也有自己的见解和认识。诗歌要表达诗人的真实的情思,诗歌的"贵族化"理论和中西融合的诗歌发展之路,都是早期他对新诗理论的重要贡献。这些理论使他成为中国新诗理论建设的奠基人之一。  相似文献   

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