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《艺概》是晚清一部重要的文学理论批评著作。刘氏"奇正"理论以"正"为主,以"奇"为辅。"正"强调"尚义故正",具有与"真"和"稳"意义相近的特点。"奇"具有强调"缥缈"和雄放的情感等特点。"稳"与"正"、"奇"与"变"是相似的审美价值范畴。  相似文献   

南朝志怪小说"阳羡书生"与佛经故事"梵志吐壶"有渊源关系。"梵志吐壶"的表现对象是古代印度的修行文化和道德规范,其叙述风格为浓郁的民间故事手法;"阳羡书生"则采用冷峻的史家笔法,从猎奇志怪的角度叙事。"阳羡书生"除吸收"梵志吐壶"次第吞吐的方式外,还借鉴《大品降魔经》中吞吐物从口中直接出入的方法,和《维摩诘经》中"以须弥入芥子"的空间思维模式。"阳羡书生"可以说是佛经故事与观念被吸收融入中国志怪小说的一个典型范例。  相似文献   

回顾与前瞻:大学生就业问题研究十年(2001-2011)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
自2001年以来,大学生就业问题已引起了学术界的广泛关注。十年来,有关这一问题的研究主要是围绕大学生"就业难"、大学生就业的影响因素、大学生就业质量、大学生就业诚信、大学生就业教育、大学生就业指导六个方面展开的。关于大学生就业问题的研究,仍有以下几个方面的问题值得进一步探讨:一是关于大学生就业体制的研究;二是关于大学生就业体系的研究;三是关于大学生就业观念的研究;四是关于大学生就业率统计的研究。  相似文献   

温锁林 《中国语文》2012,(1):29-37,95,96
本文讨论现代汉语的"有+数量结构"(如:他在教室坐了有两个小时/他的身高有一米八)中的动词"有"。这个"有"的用法很特殊:句法作用模糊,语义上空灵虚化,即使省略也不会影响到句法与语义的完整性。根据"有"的这种句法语义特点,文章运用焦点理论对"有+数量结构"中的"有"做出了统一的解释,认为"有"具有凸显自然焦点的功能。文章还指出了"有+数量结构"在表意上表现出强烈而明显的表多表大的语义倾向,这种语义倾向的形成来源于动词"有"最基本的"领有、拥有"义。"有"由于与数量成分共处于自然焦点的位置,在语义上与被突出的数量信息相互影响,不仅强化了数量信息多而大的特点,也使其原有的超乎寻常的领有义得以保留,并最终出现句法与语义功能虚化,成为凸显数量信息的焦点的专职标记成分。  相似文献   

审美现代性所要求和提供的"歧义宽容"原则,使"艺术的救赎"在主体建构中成为可能,这是王小波文学创作的一个主要诉求。文本寓意的歧义、多元,人物命运的丰富、可变,"诗意"人生的发现和构建,"诗化"表达的探索和追寻,等等,构成了王小波文学作品的审美现代性要素,关于艺术的真谛在于"叵测"的论断,更是以小说文本的虚构形式揭示审美现代性的精彩之作,"穷尽可能"的文本构建方式已经不仅仅是一种单纯的写作观念和写作方法,而成为作家"试验自我"和"改写自我"的一个有效途径。审美现代性要素为王小波的文学创作和主体建构开启了创新和救赎的无限空间。  相似文献   

This study examined parental views of their child’s educability through the parents’ perceptions of their child’s resilience. The purposes of the study were: (1) to examine psychometric properties of the rating scale created to measure parental views of their child’s educational and psychological resilience, (2) to explore whether the parents’ views of the child’s resilience were related to their notions of the child’s competencies and (3) to examine how parents’ perceptions of their child’s resilience were related to the parent’s social position and the child’s gender. Data were collected by questionnaire from the parents of fifth-grade children (N=391). The parental rating scale consisted of three dimensions of resilience, all with satisfactory reliability. Parents’ views of their child’s resilience were related to their perceptions of child’s abilities and school success, suggesting that the parental rating scale had concurrent validity. The results also indicated that parents’ views of their child’s resilience were related to their gender and education and to the child’s gender. Furthermore, parents’ views of their child’s educational resilience, based on parents’ trust in their child’s internal capacities, were related to the parental definition of their child’s cognitive-verbal competencies, in particular.  相似文献   

以对"瓒"之形制的判断为切入点,试图为先秦文献中常见的"玉瓒""圭瓒""璋瓒""玉鬯""鬯圭"等名称作出合理的解释,并对先秦祼礼中玉器的使用方式作出推测。  相似文献   

The present study used hierarchical linear modeling to examine predictors of students’ emotional and behavioral difficulties in preschool classrooms. Specifically, the study examined (a) the link between teachers’ perceptions of their own emotional intelligence and students’ emotional and behavioral difficulties, (b) the link between teachers’ perceptions of students’ social skills and emotional and behavioral difficulties, and (c) how teachers’ perceptions of their own emotional intelligence were related differentially to their perceptions of students’ emotional and behavioral difficulties based on students’ social skills. Participants were 92 preschool teachers and 238 students from 52 state schools in central Greece. Research Findings: Results indicated that higher scores for teachers’ perceptions of emotional intelligence and students’ social skills were related to lower scores for teachers’ perceptions of students’ emotional and behavioral difficulties. Teachers’ perceptions of emotional intelligence were important in predicting students’ emotional and behavioral difficulties, especially in the case of students’ lack of social skills. Practice or Policy: This study provides empirical support for the predictors of students’ emotional and behavioral difficulties by taking into consideration both teachers’ perceptions of emotional intelligence and students’ social skills, thus suggesting new insights into the interpretation of emotional and behavioral difficulties in preschool.  相似文献   

语言中有很多“不对称现象”,“数词+度量衡量词+形容词”结构就是其一.用标记理论可以解释这种不对称现象:无标记项可以指称整个量级上的各个量;还可以不包含“比较”的内蕴.同时标记现象的产生又能从认知方面找到原因:认知突出性、范畴内部的不对称和认知过程中的“经济心理”.  相似文献   

"V+tɑ+个VP"是个口语性极强的构式,根据分析和论证,文章认为,其中的"个"是宾语标记,"他"是代词,前指实体成分时为tɑ1,后指"个VP"时为tɑ2,整个构式是一种特殊的双宾语构造。相对于tɑ1来说,tɑ2是一种虚化的表现形式,但tɑ2的"虚化"既符合其句法位置的要求,也保证了构式的韵律和谐。"V+tɑ2+个VP"是"V+个VP"和"V+tɑ2+NP"两个表达式类推糅合的结果。  相似文献   

受多年来外校"英语+汉语=对外汉语"的培养模式的影响,目前英语课程的设置在我院对外汉语专业总课程中所占的比例较大,过于注重"对外"而没有突出作为本体的"汉语"。这种看似同等重视汉语教学和英语教学的做法,实际上是同时轻视汉语教学和英语教学。而对外汉语专业的"核心"或"根本"是"汉语专业","对外"是修饰语,即应把外语定位为对外汉语教学的"辅助工具",课程设置应适当减少外语课程,适量增加汉语语言文化的课程。  相似文献   

The article discusses the role that conceptualisations of child ‘imperfection’ played in the rise and fall of Russian ‘child study’ between the 1900s and the 1930s. Drawing on Georges Canguilhem’s ideas on ‘the normal’ and ‘the pathological’, the article analyses practices centred on diagnosing subnormality and pathology in the Russian child population in the late tsarist and early Soviet eras. It first examines mutually competing normative regimes that framed categorisations of ‘imperfection’ among Russia’s children in the context of the empire’s accelerated, yet ambivalent modernisation during the 1900s–1910s. It then charts the expansion of this diagnostics in the first decade or so of the Soviet regime, following its shift in focus from the early-1920s’ ‘delinquent child’ to the late-1920s’ ‘mass child’. The article concludes with a discussion of the emergence, over this same period, of the Russian field of medicalised special education known as ‘defectology’. It argues that defectology’s disciplinary specificity crystallised in 1936 around a purposely restrictive concept of ‘imperfection’, understood as individualised and clinically established pathological ‘impairment’. The latter conceptualisation became fixed at the height of Stalinism as a strategic counter to the expansive flux in which the diagnostics and conceptualisation of child ‘imperfection’ had otherwise been over the first three decades of the twentieth century in the context of the remarkable rise of child study during this period.  相似文献   

Henri Lefebvre suggested that social researchers engage in ‘the concrete analysis of rhythms’ in order to reveal the ‘pedagogy of appropriation (the appropriation of the body, as of spatial practice)’. Lefebvre’s spatial analysis has influenced educational researchers, while the idea of ‘pedagogy’ has travelled beyond education. This interdisciplinary paper combines Lefebvre’s analytical trilogy of perceived, conceived and lived spaces with Bernstein’s ‘pedagogical device’ in an interrogation of historical documents. It engages in a ‘rhythm analysis’ of the New Zealand Company’s ‘pedagogical appropriation’ of a group of agricultural labourers into its ‘systematic colonisation scheme’. The temporal‐spatial rhythms of the labourers’ lives are accessible in nine surviving letters they wrote in Wellington and sent to Surrey between 1841 and 1844. By revealing how their bodies were ‘traversed by rhythms rather as the “ether” is traversed by waves’, we gain insight how bodies, space and the self are mutually constitutive and constituted.  相似文献   

Much research into the use of corpora and discourse to support higher education students on pre-sessional and in-sessional courses champions subject specificity. Drawing on the work of writers such as Bakhtin [(1981). The dialogic imagination: Four essays by MM Bakhtin (M. Holquist, Ed.; C. Emerson & M. Holquist, Trans.). Austin: University of Texas Press] and Voloshinov [(1973). Marxism and the philosophy of language (L. Matejka, & I.R. Titunik, Trans.). New York: Seminar Press. (Original work published 1929)], in this article we extend this research by showing how the specific subject ‘context’ is fundamentally linked with the ‘English’ used within it. We first detail some of the literature related to corpus and genre studies and discuss some of the literature related to the importance of providing a context for language. We then present and discuss data from 21 interviews and five focus groups with subject lecturers to illustrate how the ‘English’ used in the subject areas of ‘Design’, ‘Nursing’, ‘Business’ and ‘Computing’ subjects flows through what we term their ‘paradigmatic hearts’. By ‘paradigmatic heart’ we mean the set of values, beliefs and perceptions that represent the central or innermost engine of the subject, through which its ‘English’ flows. In ‘Design’ the paradigmatic heart is ‘visual’, ‘philosophical’ and ‘persuasive’; for ‘Nursing’ it is ‘emotional’ and ‘empathetic’, yet also ‘technical’; for ‘Business’ subjects it is ‘income generating’, ‘numerical’ and ‘persuasive’; and for ‘Computing’ it may be ‘visual’, ‘numerical’ or ‘code-based’. We demonstrate how ‘English’ flows through the paradigmatic heart of its subject and that to remove the ‘English’ from its subject paradigmatic heart changes its nature. Thus, we argue that if students are not being taught ‘English’ in the context of the subject, the ‘English’ we are teaching them will be different, and that preparation and support needs to be undertaken in the subject itself.  相似文献   

This research aims to understand the factors influencing international academic mobility within the Chinese higher education context. The inventory of University Students’ Perceptions of Influencing Factors for International Academic Mobility was developed and tested to enquire about Chinese university students’ perceptions of factors influencing their decisions on international academic mobility. The findings reveal that ‘mobility cost’, ‘quality of host institutions’, ‘future career prospects’, ‘financial aid and employment rate and income in host country’ play leading roles in international academic mobility. Important differences were identified in ‘gender’, ‘major‐ and family‐education background’. Hierarchical multiple regression analysis was conducted to predict the interest in mobility from the external factors. The results indicated that ‘future career prospects’, ‘quality of host institutions’, ‘mobility cost’ and ‘climate environment in host country’ emerged as significant favourable pull factors for Chinese university students' interest in mobility. ‘Geographical distance’ emerged as a significant unfavourable pull factor. ‘Impact from parents’ and ‘language and intercultural training of home institutions’ emerged as favourable push factors. ‘Economic situation of home country’ emerged as an unfavorable push factor.  相似文献   

幼儿园劳动教育的重要性不言而喻,但在落实层面存在困境,以至于出现幼儿不知劳、不会劳、不爱劳的现象。从幼儿劳动教育特点出发,提出了幼儿园劳动教育的可行性路径:儿童劳动社。回应幼儿心理,确定儿童劳动社内涵;尊重幼儿差异,丰富儿童劳动社形式;信任幼儿能力,形成儿童劳动社评价体系。  相似文献   

The main purpose of this research was to examine the relationships among school principals’ transformational leadership, school academic optimism, teachers’ academic optimism and teachers’ professional commitment. This study conducted a questionnaire survey on 367 teachers from 20 high schools in Taiwan by random sampling, using principals’ transformational leadership scale, a school academic optimism scale, teachers’ academic optimism scale, and teachers’ professional commitment scale. The results of confirmatory factor analysis showed that there is good fit in the factor structure of school academic optimism and teachers’ academic optimism. The results of the Pearson product-moment correlation analysis and path analysis revealed that principals’ transformational leadership has a positive effect on school academic optimism and teachers’ academic optimism. School academic optimism has a positive effect on teachers’ academic optimism. Principals’ transformational leadership and teachers’ academic optimism have a positive effect on teachers’ professional commitment. Finally, this research offers some suggestions based on the results.  相似文献   

"弦歌"非指不配乐之清唱,更非专指歌《诗》歌《书》;《书》不可歌或可诵。《庄子.让王》"反琴而弦歌"之"反"非训"翻"乃训"返",无非表示重新近琴弦歌。《庄子》述孔子"弦歌鼓琴"处非指孔子同一时刻既弦歌又鼓琴,而是综述之义,是弦歌、弹琴活动的合称,其关于孔子弦歌与鼓琴、槁歌与弦歌的记述也不构成排斥性的矛盾或否定。孔子完全可以做到一边弹琴一边咏唱,且处陈蔡之围时如此弦歌更显他沉着镇定的心灵境界及乐以象德的情怀。司马迁关于孔子"弦歌"的记载不是来自《庄子》而是来自《孔子家语》等,《庄子》的典故不可信,司马迁也视之为"寓言"而不信。《墨子》中的诵、弦、歌、舞三百如《毛诗传》中的诵、弦、歌、舞,实是指音乐表演方式而非指诗歌分类。  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to explore middle school in-service mathematics teachers’ ability (1) to identify and explain students’ actions in pattern generalization and (2) to account for the variation in teachers’ explanations of students’ actions in terms of task and teachers’ factors. Two questionnaires were developed: (1) a questionnaire to measure teachers’ ability to identify students’ actions while finding the nth term in the pattern generalization and (2) a questionnaire to measure teachers’ ability to explain students’ actions in different tasks. The two questionnaires were given to a sample of 83 middle school in-service mathematics teachers from 22 schools in Lebanon. Analysis of data shows that teachers seemed to have the ability to identify students’ actions while finding the nth term in the pattern generalization and that teachers’ explanations of students’ actions in different tasks are lacking in terms of identifying variable-related counting elements. The results of stepwise multiple regression show that teachers’ ability to explain students’ actions to find the general term depends on their ability to explain students’ step-by-step counting or drawing.  相似文献   

The present paper examines male and female teachers’ language practices in relation to ‘censuring’ talk in the primary classroom, in the context of the debate around boys’ ‘underachievement’ and the ‘feminisation’ of primary school culture. Through an analysis of classroom observations with 51 men and women teachers, it looks to see whether gender differences could be found in the ways individual men and women teachers communicated in terms of their ‘censuring’ comments of pupils’ work or behaviour. Secondly, the paper takes issue with the notion that teachers operate within a ‘feminised’ educational culture, by looking at the ways in which teachers’ classroom talk can be seen to be constrained by two contrasting discourses relating to the power relation between teacher and pupil: a ‘traditional’ disciplinarian discourse, and a more ‘progressive’ liberal discourse. Both discourses have complex gendered and class dimensions, challenging the conception of a ‘feminised’ primary school culture.  相似文献   

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