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This study describes the meaning of program quality for a representative group of parents of children enrolled in public prekindergarten programs. Educators often conceptualized quality in terms of structural or process indicators; parents most often cited teacher experience and relationship to children. Families, like educators, emphasized enhancing readiness as central to program quality. In addition, families identified 3 classes of indicators not usually included in educational research or professional discussions of program quality: comprehensive service provision, convenient location, and home-school collaboration. In the decision to enroll children in a program, Whites more often relied on indicators of the classroom emotional climate, Latinos more often examined the provision of comprehensive services, and African Americans more often weighed the quality of home-school partnerships than their ethnic counterparts. For Latinos living in poverty, the concern about dual language development was salient. African Americans emphasized the importance of a close relationship with staff.  相似文献   

目前,砖混结构房屋沿内墙或外墙经常出现斜向或水平裂缝,特别是住宅,一旦出现裂缝,给户主造成心理 上的负担,本文对砖混结构住宅楼顶层内纵墙墙体斜裂缝产生的原因进行分析,并提出处理办法。  相似文献   

This study describes the meaning of program quality for a representative group of parents of children enrolled in public prekindergarten programs. Educators often conceptualized quality in terms of structural or process indicators; parents most often cited teacher experience and relationship to children. Families, like educators, emphasized enhancing readiness as central to program quality. In addition, families identified 3 classes of indicators not usually included in educational research or professional discussions of program quality: comprehensive service provision, convenient location, and home–school collaboration. In the decision to enroll children in a program, Whites more often relied on indicators of the classroom emotional climate, Latinos more often examined the provision of comprehensive services, and African Americans more often weighed the quality of home–school partnerships than their ethnic counterparts. For Latinos living in poverty, the concern about dual language development was salient. African Americans emphasized the importance of a close relationship with staff.  相似文献   

唐诗中梧桐意象的家园意义十分鲜明,主要表现在梧桐易种易活,材质优良,又含祥瑞之意,古人常在庭院、井旁栽种,故成了诗人笔下实体家园的象征;梧桐具有高尚的君子品格,由梧桐制作而成的丝桐又有修身养性的重要功能.故诗人常在梧桐或丝桐上寄托精神、情志,梧桐成了诗人精神家因的象征。  相似文献   

Thirty kibbutz children, boys and girls, whose ages ranged between 35 and 38 months, participated in a study on compliance to bids of mother and caregiver. Children participated in the Doll Play Interview, and were requested to determine whether a narrated child will indulge his or her wish or comply with opposing bids of a narrated mother or a narrated caregiver. Results indicated that narrated mothers were described more often as initiating close contact with the child, whereas caregivers were perceived as more strict and aggressive. However, narrated mothers were not perceived as more willing to accept child incompliance. Narrated children responded in either a more compliant or a more self-assertive way to bids of mother. Rather than choosing between complying or uncomplying with similar bids of caregiver, they tended more often to ignore them. In the presence of a narrated mother children expressed their thoughts and feelings more freely. They spoke with caregiver more often on actions and objects. Conflict with a narrated mother was associated with seeking close contact between the child doll and the mother doll, whereas similar conflict with a narrated caregiver resulted more often in seeking physical proximity outside the story, with the child's real mother.  相似文献   

Thirty kibbutz children, boys and girls, whose ages ranged between 35 and 38 months, participated in a study on compliance to bids of mother and caregiver. Children participated in the Doll Play Interview, and were requested to determine whether a narrated child will indulge his or her wish or comply with opposing bids of a narrated mother or a narrated caregiver. Results indicated that narrated mothers were described more often as initiating close contact with the child, whereas caregivers were perceived as more strict and aggressive. However, narrated mothers were not perceived as more willing to accept child incompliance. Narrated children responded in either a more compliant or a more self-assertive way to bids of mother. Rather than choosing between complying or uncomplying with similar bids of caregiver, they tended more often to ignore them. In the presence of a narrated mother children expressed their thoughts and feelings more freely. They spoke with caregiver more often on actions and objects. Conflict with a narrated mother was associated with seeking close contact between the child doll and the mother doll, whereas similar conflict with a narrated caregiver resulted more often in seeking physical proximity outside the story, with the child's real mother.  相似文献   

大学生学业拖延现象是高校教育者普遍关注的问题。学业拖延是指个体经常或几乎经常延迟学习任务,并且经常或者几乎经常经历与拖延有关的问题性焦虑的倾向。其影响因素不仅有个体内部的认知、情绪、人格,还涉及学习任务、环境等外部因素。拖延干预主要有国外针对大学生拖延行为进行团体治疗和个体治疗模式。  相似文献   

放大效应本是一个工程、生产的技术术语,具有高灵敏性和夸大性的特点。放大效应同样适用于幼儿教育中。目前,成人在教育幼儿时,常表现出过分夸大幼儿的正确行为表现或行为结果而造成不适当的完全放大效应,或对幼儿的局部问题或小毛病过于敏感而造成不适当的部分放大效应,或全盘否定幼儿的行为表现或行为结果而造成不适当的否定放大效应等。针对不同类型的放大效应采取合理的教育方法,对提高幼儿教育质量有很好的促进作用。  相似文献   

乐府诗本事往往是某些特定情感或具体名物的典型代表,故而逐渐成为文人诗歌创作过程中喜用的典故。就其技巧而言,文人要么通过曲名影射或始辞化用乐曲本事,要么对乐曲本事进行含蓄隐晦的间接使用。就其意义而言,本事之典的使用一是深化了诗歌表现主题,二是在物态摹写过程中往往能将物赋以人性色彩。  相似文献   

RLC串联谐振电路是电工学的基本电路之一,由于一些教材或讲义存在问题或讲述不清,使学生常常会在实验时出现一些错误,导致实验结果不正确或不准确,严重时还将造成仪器设备和实验电路的损坏.针对实验中常出现的问题,分析原因,提出实验时应该注意的事项.  相似文献   

Directing an early childhood education program is a backbreaking, stressful endeavor. The successful administrator learns to manage time so as to squeeze the completion of infinite tasks into a finite daily time frame. Budgeting, paper work or unexpected conflict resolution often take priority over work with the staff or the curriculum. Staff development efforts are often limited.Jeffrey Trawick-Smith is an Assistant Professor at Eastern Connecticut State University in Willmantic  相似文献   

双关语是最难翻译的修辞现象之一,英语双关语的翻译策略通常有以下几种。对等翻译法将双关语译为相同的双关语,主要适用于建立在人类共同认知基础上的双关语和部分结构双关语;变通对等法是通过创造双关语译为不同的双关语,主要适用于思想主题意义不大严肃的文字游戏类双关语。体现不同文化特色和语言特点的双关语有时也可以通过语音、语义或形式手段译为类双关语,还可以通过释义、加注等方法进行补偿。双关语的翻译还包括谐音法、省略法、移植法等。  相似文献   

In many multilingual societies, and especially those with colonial pasts, the choice of school languages is problematic. The colonial experience leaves a linguistic legacy – a colonial language which is often positively regarded since it is the language of a political or economic elite, the medium of instruction at the tertiary level, or because it is promoted by such elites as a vehicle of desirable, often western-styled, modernization. It is of course true that not all colonial languages are kept on after independence is gained –Dutch was rather quickly phased out in Indonesia – but in such situations another exogenous language is often found necessary. Thus in many newly independent countries, in Southeast Asia and elsewhere, languages like English, French, Spanish and Dutch have significant educational relevance.  相似文献   

This article examines how 31 triads of 6- to 10-year-old children from 3 cultural backgrounds organized their interactions while folding Origami figures. Triads of children whose families had immigrated to the United States from indigenous heritage regions of México (and whose mothers averaged only 7 grades of schooling) coordinated more often as an ensemble, whereas triads of European heritage U.S. children whose mothers had extensive schooling more often engaged dyadically or individually. When the European heritage children did engage as an ensemble, this often involved chatting rather than nonverbal conversation regarding folding, which was more common among the Mexican heritage children. Mexican heritage U.S. triads whose mothers had extensive schooling showed an intermediate pattern or resembled the European heritage children.  相似文献   

计算机网络中的概念往往与过程相关联,而这些过程一般不直接可见,是复杂的、动态的,这使得网络概念难以理解,难以教学。实际教学中,教师使用网络模拟工具Packet Tracer,并提供适当的方法,可促进积极的学习,增强理解。对学生参与活动前后进行测试,测试结果显示学生在理解上有显著进步。  相似文献   

在网络管理中,我们经常需要对管理的计算机进行监督,最简单的做法是对被管理的计算机屏幕进行屏幕监视.这样的工具很多,如"冰河"等远程控制软件,这些软件功能强大,但都是商业软件.我们完全可以使用Java JDK1.5的Robot类做出一个简单的屏幕监视软件.Robot对象可以完成对"屏幕"像素的快照.Java应用程序中可以直接调用此类的对象,完成对特定应用程序的屏幕截快照,如果将此功能配合网络,便可以轻而易举地实现对被管理的计算机屏幕的监视.本文向大家介绍如何用Robot类并给出应用实例.  相似文献   

在网络管理中,我们经常需要对管理的计算机进行监督,最简单的做法是对被管理的计算机屏幕进行屏幕监视。这样的工具很多,如“冰河”等远程控制软件,这些软件功能强大,但都是商业软件。我们完全可以使用Java JDK1.5的Robot类做出一个简单的屏幕监视软件。Robot对象可以完成对“屏幕”像素的快照。Java应用程序中可以直接调用此类的对象,完成对特定应用程序的屏幕截快照,如果将此功能配合网络,便可以轻而易举地实现对被管理的计算机屏幕的监视。本文向大家介绍如何用Robot类并给出应用实例。  相似文献   

维吾尔族和哈萨克族学生在汉语定语学习过程中,因受母语结构干扰常常出现某些偏误,主要表现为结构助词"的"的任意增减.本文通过实例分析,旨在总结发生偏误的一般规律,提出教学实践中的应对策略.  相似文献   

Research has indicated that sexual abuse of individuals with disabilities is frequently repeated and chronic, and often results in significant harm to the victim. Furthermore, while abusers are most often family members or acquaintances, many offenses are committed by paid service providers and occur in disability service settings. Findings indicate that victims with disabilities often experience difficulty in obtaining treatment services that are accessible and appropriately adapted to their needs. Based on the necessity of appropriate treatment, considerations and strategies are discussed for therapy adaptations to meet the special needs of sexually abused young people with developmental disabilities.  相似文献   

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