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非情感化教学是指教师只注重学生对学科知识的记忆、理解和掌握,而不关注学生在教学活动中的精神感受和情感需求的教学。非情感化教学容易导致学生厌学,使学生学习效率下降,会造成学生人格不健全。要克服非情感化教学的弊端,需要以情施教,突出学生的主体地位,给予学生尊重与爱的需要。  相似文献   

What makes a good educator? The relevance of meta programmes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper reports the results of a qualitative study which explores the relevance of meta programmes to students' perceptions of teaching quality. Meta programmes are a model of personality preferences from the discipline of Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP). Research into teaching effectiveness indicates that students rate as important ‘hygiene factors’ such as the teacher's ‘knowledge of the subject’ as well as less tangible qualities including ‘ability to communicate’ and ‘student–teacher rapport’. This study reveals the need for similar qualities but, in some cases, presence of these ‘hygiene factors’ was insufficient; students cited other factors related to personality. Some students were found to like the approach of certain teachers whilst other students rated the same teachers less favourably. When questioned as to why, factors emerged that relate to the distinct teaching style adopted by these teachers that appeared to suit particular students and not others. This study suggests that a teacher's meta programmes influence the approaches adopted in their teaching and these styles suit students with matching meta programme preferences. Where students have different meta programme preferences from the teacher, then, even where the ‘hygiene factors’ are met, this leaves the student dissatisfied. There is potential for teachers to adopt teaching approaches more appropriate for the meta programme profiles of their students. Also, on the part of the students, an increased awareness of their meta programme preferences offers the potential to improve their learning experience.  相似文献   

作为普通高校非中文专业的公共课,大学语文目前处于一种“学生不爱学,老师难教学”的尴尬状态.探索适合大学生特点的新的语文教学结构、教学内容和学习方式,进一步激发学生继续学习语文的兴趣已是大学语文课程建设的一个重要课题.教师应该充分明确大学语文的学科特点、调整教学内容、改进教学方法,把大学语文课程建构成为提高学生审美能力、完善学生人格道德、培养学生发散性思维的平台.  相似文献   

模块教学的形成和发展,在教材、教法、组织形式等方面,将有利于发挥学生主体作用;有利于学生在个性、兴趣、爱好、能力等的培养;有利推动高中体育教学质量的提高,促进学生学习的兴趣,激发学生学习的动机和积极性,活跃了课堂气氛,收到良好的教学效果。  相似文献   

人本主义学习论主张"以学习者为中心"的教育思想,注重学生的人格发展和有意义的学习,强调教师"教人"比"教书"更重要。我国新课程改革也提倡以学生为中心,要求教师的教学要以学生的发展为出发点和归宿,因而人本主义学习论对我国教师的教学理念有重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

形成性评价对学习的促进作用在我国各学段的教育教学中受到重视。在实际教学中,该评价方法引起教师角色的变化和具体的评价实施策略是实现形成性评价促学价值的关键。教师需要改变传统教学中知识传授者的角色,转变为教学与评价活动的设计者和组织者,学生表现的观察者和诊断者,以及提高学生学习的推动者。通过师生共设与分享学习目标和评价标准,全面收集和准确解读学生信息,做出学生乐于接受并据此调整学习的有效反馈等策略,提升学生学习效果和促进其终身学习能力的发展。  相似文献   

篮球教学是学生在学习过程中,身体与大脑参与的教学活动,它是学生运动能力与思维同步发展的过程。在篮球教学中进行情感教育,可以培养学生高尚的人格。使学生在道德、美德、理智等情感领域内得到发展与提高。因此,我们应该充分认识和重视情感在教学中的作用,在教学中利用一切激发学生情感,培养学生的情感品质,以达到提高教学质量的目的。  相似文献   

课堂教学是教师向学生传授知识的主要阵地,课堂教学质量的好坏直接影响学生的学习效果。本文阐述了课堂教学中必须坚持激励机制原则;提升教师主导作用,丰富课堂激励内涵;合理运用课堂教学激励机制策略,充分发挥学生主体作用;以便营造良好的课堂教学氛围,调动学生的学习兴趣,激发学生接受知识的主动性和积极性,从而提高课堂教学质量。  相似文献   

自主学习模式是大学生英语学习的重要方式。在基于自主学习模式的前提下,分析了当代大学生的个性特征,从而为教师转变教学模式,转换教学角色,引导大学生进行英语自主学习打下良好基础。  相似文献   

This article records and evaluates a student’s learning journey in two modules on an MA (Education) English Language Teaching (ELT) programme: an Oracy and ELT Pedagogy module and an Educational Technologies module. The notions of ‘exploratory talk’ and ‘task-based learning’ are explored using a single case study with material drawn from the student’s autobiography and diary, the spoken and written assignments, and the student and lecturers’ reflections on completion of the modules. We show, through the use of autobiography and critical reflection, what the student brings to the course and how this reflection allows him to use and transfer knowledge from one module to another. We analyse the ways in which the modules complement each other and how this influences the student’s learning and teaching practice. We then identify the key features of his learning in relation to ELT pedagogy.  相似文献   

彭悦 《海外英语》2012,(14):100-102,126
该研究旨在探索学习风格和多元智能之间的相关性。研究通过对广州美术学院205名学生的问卷调查,经SPSS分析,发现美术专业的学生在学习过程中所偏好的学习风格多为动手型,而所擅长的智能类型多为自我认识型和视觉/空间型,其学习风格和多元智能中多项呈正相关关系。研究希望能通过对这些美术专业学生的调查和分析,加深对他们特性的了解,从而得到外语教学上的启发,并应用更合理的教学策略,帮助他们在英语学习上取得更大的进步。  相似文献   

无论是教学理论中对于教育结构的解释,还是教学实践中技术取向的模仿,都因为缺乏教学风度的考量而弱化或异化了教育力量的释放。教学风度是教师的师德修养、人格魅力、学识水平等方面综合素养的教学呈现,它的立足点在人自身而不在人的创造物。它是形成健康的教学风格的基础。教学风格与教学风度的整合,可以在全面性、持久性、深刻性等方面重塑教育结构,以更加充分地释放教育力量。  相似文献   

课堂教学是学生日常获得知识的主要方式,教师在教学活动中关注学生的心理活动,在教学活动的各个环节培养学生学习的积极情感,就会为教育的成功提供强大动力和有效保障。通过激发学生的求知欲,变学生被动接受知识的教学模式为学生主动探究知识的教学模式,即从"要我学"变为"我要学",以达到良好的学习效果。  相似文献   

简要介绍几种普遍存在的农村多子女家庭父母对孩子的教养方式,并分析每种教养方式对子女性格形成产生的影响。指出父母教养方式对孩子性格形成的重要性,父母只有采取正确的教养方式,才能培养出性格良好的孩子。  相似文献   

In this study, the relationship between student affective performance and classroom physical environment, social climate, and management style were investigated in a sample of classes in Hong Kong primary schools. The results of Pearson and canonical correlation analyses indicated that among the measures of classroom environment, perceived quality of physical environment and class master's expert power, personal power, and coercive power were the strongest predictors of affective performance. This finding supports the importance of class master's management style in the classroom environment. Students' attitudes toward school and teachers appeared to be most sensitive to variation in the classroom environment, and self-concept was the least sensitive among the seven student affective measures. Students' self-efficacy of learning and intention to drop out were moderately sensitive to classroom environment. Profiles of effective and ineffective classroom environments were also mapped. In effective classrooms, class masters care for students, pay attention to teaching, do not use force or punishment but do create a good classroom climate with their professional knowledge, personal morality, and personality. Physical environment and psychological environment are both important; a good classroom environment is highly correlated with student affective performance.  相似文献   

Understanding student teachers’ development of conceptions of teaching and learning is critical for teacher educators. Drawing from the findings of a four-year longitudinal study in Hong Kong, this paper examines the trajectories of the student teachers’ changing conceptions of teaching and learning approaches throughout their undergraduate programme. Three types of trajectories: guided touring, experiential detouring and self-guided touring, as the changes in both conceptions of teaching and learning approaches, are presented. The results suggest that three factors: faculty, learners’ attitudes towards learning and ability to integrate different learning resources, influenced the development of the student teachers’ trajectories. This study adds to the international body of knowledge on the interconnected development of conceptions of teaching and learning approaches. The paper concludes with the implications for teacher education.  相似文献   

“任务驱动”教学法对于激发学生兴趣,促进学生的学习主动性、积极性和创造性,对提高学生的学习能力和职业素质会产生积极的作用.《旅行社计调业务》是一门实操性很强的课程,通过任务驱动教学法在课程实践教学中的应用,能够使学生在实践中牢固掌握理论知识、培养岗位技能、增强职业意识.  相似文献   

适应现代化教学的需要,总结以往的教学经验,高职《机械工程材料》课程的教学应根据学生的求知特点,以提高学生学习兴趣为着眼点。回顾教学实践,穿插形象的比喻、结合实际的案例分析、激发兴趣的互动、拓宽课堂的现代教学手段等等,都是提高课程教学效果的有效方法。  相似文献   

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