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本研究采用实验法,探讨了高兴、生气与伤心这三种情绪对4岁儿童记忆受暗示性的影响.研究结果表明:(1)儿童在伤心、高兴和生气状态下的记忆受暗示性有显著的差异.(2)儿童具有情绪易感染性的特质.(3)儿童在伤心、高兴及生气状态下记忆的准确性有所下降.  相似文献   

采用儿童情绪表达规则知识问卷(Zeman,1996)和家庭情绪表达问卷(Cassidy,1995),考察了118名小学高年级儿童的家庭情绪表达与情绪表达规则知识的关系。结果表明:相比同伴在场和单独时,儿童在父亲和母亲在场时对生气的表达更多;父亲和母亲对儿童情绪表达的理解性要好于同伴。相比生气和伤心,父亲、母亲和同伴对儿童表达疼痛的接受性更高;男生和女生都对生气的表达最多;三种情绪最常见的表达理由是情绪最小化;生气和伤心最多的表达方式是言语表达,疼痛最多的表达方式是行为-活动。母亲的积极和消极情绪能够正向预测儿童的表达可能性;母亲的积极情绪能够正向预测儿童的表达理解性。  相似文献   

面部表情识别是情绪理解的重要方面,是儿童个体发展和社会化的基础.本研究采用面部表情图片识别方法测试了3~5岁儿童对高兴、伤心、生气、害怕四种基本表情的命名能力.研究结果表明,3~5岁儿童的面部表情命名能力随着年龄的增长不断提高,他们对积极表情的命名能力显著优于对消极表情的命名能力,对害怕表情的识别在3~5岁这个年龄段中没有得到明显的发展.因此,对3~5岁儿童进行必要的情绪理解教育将有助于其个体情绪理解和社会适应能力的发展.  相似文献   

本研究选取了101名3~5岁幼儿,考察年龄、情绪情境和人际关系背景等对幼儿情绪表达规则认知的影响。结果显示,幼儿在3岁时开始认识到外部表情和真实情绪的区别;4岁时情绪表达规则认知能力迅速发展;在早期,幼儿进行情绪调节的目的以自我保护目标为主,随着年龄增长而日渐趋向社会定向目标;幼儿对伤心情绪表达规则的理解相对较好,情绪表达更符合社会期望,而在生气情境中表现得更自我中心;当好朋友在场时,幼儿的情绪调节更有效,尤其是在高兴和伤心情境中,其外部情绪表现更符合社会期望。为促进幼儿情绪表达规则认知能力的发展,成人要注意培养幼儿的同理心,促进其交往能力的发展;抓住4岁这个关键期,培养幼儿的情绪调节能力;引导幼儿合理宣泄和调节生气情绪;为幼儿创造和谐的情绪环境。  相似文献   

儿童的情绪理解与同伴关系一直深受研究者的关注,面部表情作为情绪的一种外在表现,对推测儿童的情绪状态起着重要的作用。大班幼儿在面部表情识别的正确率上存在显著性的差异,对四种基本情绪的识别顺序为高兴>惊讶>生气>伤心,不同性别的大班幼儿在面部表情识别的反应时上存在显著性的差异,大班幼儿面部表情识别的反应时与同伴接纳类型之间存在显著负相关。  相似文献   

情绪是个体在一种状态或交互作用中产生的,对人的幸福来说是很重要的状态。情绪是由反映个体状态或当前相互作用的愉快或不愉快的行为来表现的。情绪也能采取更为特定的形式,如高兴、害怕、生气等。情绪一般可分为积极的和消极的。  相似文献   

(1-10:自我情绪认知)对自己的性格类型有比较清晰的了解?A.总是B.有时C.从不1.无法确知自己是在为何生气、高兴、伤心或妒忌?2.  相似文献   

对情绪的心理层面的理解是幼儿心理理论发展中出现得相对较迟的能力。本研究结合主人公愿望是否得到满足的状态,通过利用图片故事个别测查的方法探查了90名3~5岁学前儿童在“内容错误信念”任务中对他人情绪的推测。结果显示,年幼儿童尤其是3岁幼儿的高兴情绪理解受其对情境是否满足愿望的认知的影响,呈现出显著的“积极情绪偏差效应”;  相似文献   

个体在经历生活中的事件时会产生相应的情绪反应,并产生情绪事件记忆.对情绪事件的回忆是儿童自传体记忆中的重要部分.由于儿童还不能连贯地对情绪事件进行.叙述,他们早期的自传体记忆通常是在亲子间共同回忆往事的情境下建构起来的.同时,压力事件作为情绪事件中的一部分,对儿童的处理策略及情绪健康都有重要影响.本文主要从儿童情绪事件记忆中存在的性别和文化差异以及儿童对压力事件的回忆这两方面对相关研究进行述评.  相似文献   

儿童理解和运用情绪词汇的水平对其情绪理解与表达有重要影响。本研究运用自编的用于描述高兴、悲伤、愤怒、恐惧四种基本情绪的词汇表(共59个情绪词汇),通过准实验研究测量5~6岁幼儿对情绪词汇的理解和运用情况。结果发现,5~6岁幼儿能理解描述这四种基本情绪的词汇约33个,其中“高兴”12个、“悲伤”9个、“愤怒”7个、“恐惧”5个;能运用描述这四种基本情绪的词汇约6个,其中“高兴”2个、“悲伤”2个、“愤怒”1个、“恐惧”1个。5~6岁幼儿理解描述高兴的情绪词汇显著多于描述悲伤、愤怒和恐惧的情绪词汇;运用描述高兴的情绪词汇显著多于描述愤怒和恐惧的情绪词汇;运用描述悲伤和愤怒的情绪词汇显著多于描述恐惧的情绪词汇;运用描述高兴和悲伤的情绪词汇不存在显著差异。5~6岁幼儿对这四种基本情绪词汇的理解和运用没有明显的性别差异。教师和家长应关注幼儿对情绪词汇的理解与运用,并通过为幼儿创设支持性的学习环境,促进其情绪词汇理解和运用能力的发展。  相似文献   

The accuracy and time required for children with and without learning disabilities to interpret emotions when restricted to information from facial expressions, and the accuracy of those interpretations, were investigated. Ninety-six children participated; an equal number of males and females were included in both learning categories and age levels. Accuracy and response time on a modified version of Pictures of Facial Affect were recorded for the emotions of fear, sadness, surprise, anger, happiness, and disgust, as well as for the entire task. Three-way ANOVAs revealed children with learning disabilities to (a) be less accurate interpreters of emotion and (b) spend more time identifying specific emotions. Both age and sex influenced response time: Younger subjects required more time to interpret the emotions of fear and anger; males spent more time interpreting happiness. Younger females with learning disabilities displayed difficulty in interpretation, and older children with learning disabilities (particularly males) were rapid, but often inaccurate, interpreters of emotion.  相似文献   

The goal of the current study was to investigate sociometric status, aggression, and gender differences in children's expression of anger, happiness, and sadness. Participants were 111 second-grade African American boys and girls, half rejected and half average sociometric status, and half aggressive and half nonaggressive as assessed by their peers. Children interacted with a confederate in two standardized competitive game paradigms. Participants' expressions of anger, happiness, and sadness were observationally coded across facial, verbal intonation, and nonverbal modalities. Rejected children expressed more facial and verbal anger than average-status children. Rejected children also expressed more nonverbal happiness than average children, but only during turns of the game that were favorable to the participant. Finally, boys expressed more facial, verbal, and nonverbal anger than girls.  相似文献   


The aim of this paper is to explore the early acquisition pattern of the understanding of basic emotions. Many studies indicate that three-year-old children identify emotions such as joy or sadness, but it is not known how this knowledge arises. Fifty-seven boys and girls between 21 and 32 months were assessed using the Brunet-Lezine-R developmental scale (BL-R) (Josse, 1997) and the Affective knowledge Test (AKT) (Denham, 1986). Through this test we evaluated the children’s knowledge of four basic emotions (happiness, sadness, anger and fear) in three of its components (identification, causality and linguistic labeling). In order to track knowledge acquisition longitudinally, a small subgroup of 19 children was evaluated again six months later. The result of the evaluation by emotions and components allows some conclusions: first, the emotion that older children better understand is anger, followed by happiness and sadness. Second, the first component that children manage is the identification of facial expressions. They then progressively incorporate knowledge about typical causality, and finally, the linguistic labels together with some understanding of atypical causality. The results are discussed from a developmental point of view. This typical developmental pattern also allows some educational and clinical implications.  相似文献   

基于模糊支持向量机的语音情感识别   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据输入样本对分类结果不同的影响程度,引入模糊隶属度,探讨了模糊支持向量机(FSVM)原理,并将其应用于汉语语音信号中生气、高兴、悲伤、惊奇4种主要情感类型的识别。仿真实验结果表明FSVM比支持向量机(SVM)有着更好的分类性能和更高的识别率。  相似文献   

This study explored the development of mood variability in 474 Dutch adolescents (56.8% male, 90.1% medium to high socioeconomic status) from a community sample, followed from ages 13 to 18 years. Three times per year, adolescents reported on daily happiness, anger, sadness, and anxiety for 5 days using Internet diaries (15 assessment weeks; from 2006 to 2010). Mood variability scores were calculated as means of absolute differences between consecutive days. Results showed that happiness, anger, and sadness variability continuously declined across adolescence, while anxiety variability increased initially, then decreased, and then increased toward late adolescence. Despite females experiencing higher happiness and sadness variability, the rate of change across adolescence was similar for both sexes. Implications for normative emotional development and future studies are discussed.  相似文献   

Display Rules for Anger, Sadness, and Pain: It Depends on Who Is Watching   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
This study examined factors that may influence children's decisions to control or express their emotions including type of emotion (anger, sadness, physical pain), type of audience (mother, father, peer, alone), age, and sex. Children's reported use of display rules, reasons for their decisions, and reported method of expression were examined. Subjects were 32 boys and 32 girls in each of the first ( M = 7.25 years old), third ( M = 9.33 years old), and fifth grades ( M = 11.75 years old). Regardless of the type of emotion experienced, children reported controlling their expression of emotion significantly more in the presence of peers than when they were with either their mother or father or when they were alone. Younger children reported expressing sadness and anger significantly more often than did older children, and girls were more likely than boys to report expressing sadness and pain. Children's primary reason for controlling their emotional expressions was the expectation of a negative interpersonal interaction following disclosure.  相似文献   

通过实验,研究了客观语言提示的心理效应.研究表明,悲伤提示导致人们悲伤情绪提升26.8%,愉快情绪下降16.7%.愉快提示导致人们愉快情绪提升3.95%,悲伤情绪降低17.3%.同时,研究还发现,在语言提示作用下,悲伤情绪提升的程度比愉快情绪提升的程度大.  相似文献   

While emotion recognition is shaped through social interactions from a child's early years through at least late adolescence, no emphasis has thus far been given to the effects of daily experiences at school. We posited that enriched, more diverse, and less competitive social interactions fostered by some pedagogical practices may contribute to emotion recognition processes in children. Here, we investigated differences in emotion recognition among schoolchildren experiencing the Montessori versus traditional practices. Children performed two tasks; one measuring the impact of social context on fear-surprise perception, and one measuring their bias toward happiness or anger. Results suggest that children experiencing traditional practices show a higher sensitivity to fear-recognition, while children attending Montessori schools show a higher integration of social cues and perceive expressions of happiness for longer durations. Such preliminary findings call for replication and further research to determine which pedagogical features from the Montessori method may explain these effects.  相似文献   

It has been shown that young children can recognize emotional states in their peers, that they understand many of the antecedents of emotion, and they are motivated to change negative emotional states in others. The present study examined children's ability to nominate strategic social action that would alter the ongoing emotional state of a peer. Children of 3 ages--5, 8, and 12 years of age--viewed a picture of a young child actually experiencing happiness, sadness, anger, or in a neutral state. In a portion of instances, information was also provided about the social or nonsocial experience that led to the target child's state. The strategies children nominated fell into a small set of agonistic (nurturant) and antagonistic (aggressive) behaviors intended to change positive or negative states. With increasing age, children tended to nominate a greater proportion of verbal strategies, social strategies (with the exception of strategies nominated to change anger), and strategies that directly addressed the cause of another's emotional state.  相似文献   

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