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Against the background of a growing diversity and fluidity of family life in modern western societies, the arrangement of everyday family life has become quite demanding for individuals and families. The reflection of individual notions of family as well as the development of concepts of a fulfilling everyday family life has become a recurrent challenge throughout the life course, particularly relevant during transitions in family life (e. g. the transition to parenthood, the reentry of the main caregiver into the labor market, or the transition into post couple parenthood after separation or divorce). Although family theory recently developed the concept of ‘doing family’ to highlight the need to maintain and arrange family life day after day, there is little knowledge on how individuals develop family concepts and how these concepts are adopted to changing life circumstances. In this article we present a research approach which allows to empirically study the reflection and development of family concepts and to work out family concept-related processes of learning and ‘Bildung’. We will illustrate our theoretical and methodological considerations by presenting results from a case study that is part of an ongoing longitudinal study.  相似文献   

The current future-focused, outcomes driven early childhood policy climate presents a danger that early years pedagogy will lose sight of the ‘present’ child. Increasingly policy support for early childhood education is built around an emphasis on preparing children for school and positioning it as a key element in enhancing society through preparing future citizens to become productive members of society. The measurable outcomes discourse, in emphasising product, renders invisible the critical contribution of the processes of everyday practice to children’s development. To challenge and counteract the strong outcome discourse early years professionals must have confidence in their pedagogy. However, research suggests that those working in the early years may lack the language and strategies for supporting their educational practice. Using the bio-ecological model of development and drawing on the capabilities approach this paper calls for a shift in policy and pedagogical discourse from measuring competencies towards enhancing capabilities, from assessing outcomes towards providing rich, day-to-day learning opportunities. Such a shift in narrative could weaken the neo-liberal, outcome language of early childhood policy and refocus on supporting an early childhood pedagogy that would explicitly reflect current understanding of what is most beneficial to children’s development and well-being and provide a powerful potential for change.  相似文献   

Children of migrant farm working families often live and learn in conditions that conspire against both health and education. At the same time, these children are as capable as any in our nation. Education and health care professionals are frequently in positions to support these capabilities and migrant families can be significant contributors to the success of education and health programs. However, the variables obstructing collaboration with migrant families are numerous and often go unidentified. More invisible are the variables supporting natural and positive inclusion of these families in problem-solving processes. This article reveals both barriers and avenues to connecting with migrant farm working families so their children may gain greater benefits from health and educational services.  相似文献   

所谓的规训权力在现代社会各个部门有着很强的渗透力,能抵达最细小,最偏僻的地方,如一只无形的手伸展到社会生活的每一个角落。即使在幽闭的乡村也是一样,随着市场经济的植入,资本伦理逐渐取代了曾经固守在人们灵魂深处的传统民间伦理,在个人化日常生活叙事中,也充满了如福柯所言的"规训权力"。通过仔细阅读文本《向阳坡》,发现体制化规训权力是外在的,显形的;潜伏在乡村里的生活化规训权力是内在的,隐形的,并且对人的钳制力更大。  相似文献   

Early day care has been implicated as a risk factor for socio-emotional development. Research findings are not clear. Day care is extensively used in France from infancy onwards and the diverse range of care provides an opportunity for research addressing this issue. 125 children who had diverse day care experience in the first 3 years of life were studied at 3–4 years of age when they were at nursery school. Maternal interviews provided data on day care histories, and family characteristics. Maternal and teacher questionnaires provided data on child temperament and social behaviour. An observation of children’s behaviour during stranger approach/mother separation/reunion sequence provided data on attachment-related behaviours. The child’s socio-emotional development was considered as a function of sex, day care characteristics and family characteristics.  相似文献   

School playgrounds offer everyday opportunities for physically active and social play that combats obesity, develops skills, and promotes well‐being. However, teachers’ fear of the legal consequences of injury can elicit over‐zealous risk reduction with the result that playgrounds lack challenge, and the potential benefits of play become limited. In this research, we trialled a simple, cost‐effective strategy to encourage children to be more active and social on a school playground. Over 11 weeks, we made available materials with no fixed purpose (e.g. car tires, boxes) to a playground of children aged five to seven. Accelerometers showed children became significantly more active. Interviews with teachers suggested children also became more social, creative, and resilient. However, despite no incidence of injuries, teachers perceived an increased risk and encountered dilemmas regarding duty of care. We conclude that future interventions should address issues of ‘surplus safety’ at individual, school, system, and policy levels.  相似文献   

In the present study, a sample of 27 teachers were interviewed regarding their experience and management of young children with conduct problems in day‐care or school settings. The children had been referred and treated because of oppositional and conduct problems at home. Qualitative analysis of data was performed by using elements of a grounded theory approach. Although the children had complex conduct problems presenting considerable challenges for their teachers, most teachers described a close and engaged relationship with these children. Teachers used within‐discipline and within‐classroom approaches in their work with a main focus on managing the child's daily life in day‐care or school, supported by close colleagues. Their practices were not deeply rooted in evidence‐based knowledge and methods. Most teachers reported collaboration with parents as positive and necessary, however, they only pursued it to a limited extent. Representatives from supplementary services, such as school psychologist, child protection care and child psychiatry, were rarely involved in the work of teachers. Implications of the findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Since 1953, Norwegian national standards regulate ratios of children to staff, training requirements, group sizes, leadership and subsidies. Both national and local subsidies support the management and quality level of day care centers. In Norway a current viewpoint on quality in day care is to stimulate innovation in day care activities by rewarding local initiative and creativity. Outdoor activities and giving the children freedom to learn are highly valued. Preschool teacher education, which is three years at college, shares a common frame of a governmental curricular guideline as well as a nationwide curriculum for day care. A responsive and warm interaction between staff, children and parents is a definite moral value of the preschool teacher profession. Current issues of quality are related to the shortage of highly qualified directors and leaders in public day care as well as the expansion of private centers with questionable quality. Quality control of day care centers is now discussed as a necessary surveillance system of the quality of contexts and interactions in children’s daily life.  相似文献   

In the last few decades, changing socioeconomic and family structures have increasingly left children alone without adult supervision. Carefully prepared and limited periods of unsupervised time are not harmful for children. However, long unsupervised periods have harmful effects, particularly for those children at high risk for inattention and problem behaviors. In this study, we examined the influence of unsupervised time on behavior problems by studying a sample of elementary school children at high risk for inattention and problem behaviors. The study analyzed data from the Children's Mental Health Promotion Project, which was conducted in collaboration with education, government, and mental health professionals. The child behavior checklist (CBCL) was administered to assess problem behaviors among first- and fourth-grade children. Multivariate logistic regression analysis was used to evaluate the influence of unsupervised time on children's behavior. A total of 3,270 elementary school children (1,340 first-graders and 1,930 fourth-graders) were available for this study; 1,876 of the 3,270 children (57.4%) reportedly spent a significant amount of time unsupervised during the day. Unsupervised time that exceeded more than 2 h per day increased the risk of delinquency, aggressive behaviors, and somatic complaints, as well as externalizing and internalizing problems. Carefully planned afterschool programming and care should be provided to children at high risk for inattention and problem behaviors. Also, a more comprehensive approach is needed to identify the possible mechanisms by which unsupervised time aggravates behavior problems in children predisposed for these behaviors.  相似文献   

In the systems approach certain patterns of family interaction are seen as fitting with physical abuse towards children in the family. If these interactions are blocked or changed using specific family therapy interventions, the risk of further abuse will be significantly reduced. Identifying typical patterns of interaction that fit with abuse is a useful first step in planning the management of physically abusing families. A full systemic formulation of the presenting problem will address numerous systems and sub-systems simultaneously, notably the family-professional system, the family within the extended family/friendship system, and the nuclear family. Interventions may have to be directed on a variety of these levels. The Marlborough Family Service has assessed and treated over 100 child-abusing families. A family day unit is used as the setting, and a multifamily group as the principle medium of treatment. Within the day unit real life stress situations are recreated around everyday issues, enabling families to find new and nonviolent solutions to the problems of daily life. In the cases seen, approximately one-third have resulted in a recommendation of permanent alternative family care for the children. In those families reunited, the re-injury rate has been found to be extremely low.  相似文献   

在我国教育事业改革和发展的过程中,大学,特别是师范大学与中小学的合作,即院校合作已逐渐成为教师教育的一条重要途径和培养模式。本文在回顾国内外院校合作研究和实践的基础上,针对合作中存在的合法性认同和合理性运行问题,从组织社会学的视角就生成机制进行了检视,并提出合理运行机制的构建思路和建议,以期更好地提高教师教育质量,对相关的教育实践有所助益。  相似文献   

LEAD at lunch: inquiry,learning, and action   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
This account of practice discusses the author's experience in facilitating a small group of managers in health care over lunchtime utilizing an action learning approach. This was part of a larger leadership development initiative which took place in the organization and the intention was to create a more intimate, informal and safe setting whereby the group could further delve into the collaborative learning process, explore issues around leadership, garner feedback about the formal programming, gain insight into larger organizational issues, and perhaps develop strategies for change. Outcomes achieved include better meeting management, revision of an organizational communication forum, the development of a training program for performance management, as well as plans for more collaboration with upper administration and the development of a mentoring program. In summary, this venue created a supportive space whereby all aspects of a problem could be explored and resolutions could be formulated and acted upon.  相似文献   

This qualitative research was designed to evaluate the extent to which a national reform in Israeli child protection decision making committees was achieving its aim to strengthen professional judgment through introducing a new standard tools package into practice.Twenty-one case studies of families referred to the committee were investigated and followed up after six months. Data were collected through interviews with social workers, field observations of the committees’ discussions and document review. Using a systems approach as a conceptual framework, everyday practice was studied within its organizational context. A key finding of the research was a very limited utilization of the tools in practice. Evidence showed no advanced performance in the few cases where the tools were used, and that when they were used they mainly operated to record customary practice. Follow up data provided limited evidence of improvement in the safety and well-being of vulnerable children. The analysis revealed several systemic factors that interfered with the tools being fully and successfully implemented, including pressure of workloads, practitioners’ inadequate skills, limited professional support, and an organizational culture that discouraged sound practice. The research directs attention to the organizational changes needed in order to enhance the provision of effective help for children and families.  相似文献   

This paper examines early childhood education (ECE) by applying and developing relational-spatial perspectives on everyday life in educational institutions for young children. The aim is to investigate the dynamic process of construction of space and to illustrate with selected empirical episodes how this process occurs in ECE. Drawing on authors such as Soja and Bourdieu, the starting point for the analysis is that space is socially produced in everyday interactions in a process that intertwines the physical environment and concrete objects, personal interpretations of physical and cultural space, and cultural and collective views about space in ECE. We illustrate this process with ethnographic data from two day care centers. The analysis shows how children and educators engage in the process of constructing space from diverse positions and how the institutional context is embedded within this process.  相似文献   

From an ecological perspective, the inclusion of children in school-age child care (SACC) requires collaboration among policy makers, educators, parents, and child care providers. Both typically and atypically developing children benefit from inclusive programs, yet they pose challenges for care-givers primarily due to lack of training, resources, and identification of successful inclusive program components. The process of successful SACC inclusion should be at the forefront of human service and research agendas.  相似文献   

This paper discusses how discursive power and creativity are found to be inter-related in a context not traditionally associated with creative work; the operating theatre of a hospital. Here, it is proposed that creativity relies on socio-cultural factors emphasizing the practical nature of creativity, and highlighting the fact that a large part of our creativity connects with our everyday social life and practices. We assume that power is exercised in an embedded manner in everyday work and continuously reproduced and redefined between the social actors. The data utilized here derive from a collective ethnographic research project focusing on surgical workplace learning and professional identity. Observational data and field notes from work situations in operating theatres are utilized. The paper illustrates the manifestations of discursive power through three selected example episodes. Our findings show the intertwined nature of power and creativity in OT work practices. The power relations do not function only to restrict collaboration but can also promote collective creativity. Collective creativity in inter-professional work is exercise of agency in the workplace, especially with the actors with less power. Shared creative solutions in the work practices are achieved in a shared organizational culture in which power becomes discursively internalised and institutionalised. We argue that new insights will be brought up in the area of workplace learning and professional development by taking into account the institutionalized collective acts in working communities. The study supports the need for further development of inter-professional collaboration and learning in health care work organizations.  相似文献   

The professions of social work (SWK) and speech language pathology (SLP) often involve the provision of services to a diverse group of client populations in a variety of settings; this is particularly true when meeting the complex needs of children and their families. It is widely accepted that collaborative treatment approaches utilizing multidisciplinary teams is an effective method of practice when serving children who are developmentally delayed or challenged, yet there is little information in the literature regarding the quantity, quality, and efficacy of collaboration among professional disciplines serving child populations. This article addresses the identified gap in the pedagogical literature regarding collaborative case management approaches between social workers (SWKs) and speech language pathologists (SLPs) using a case example describing a child in need of early intervention services. Following the case study, sample assessment questions are provided (utilizing the professional standards from both SWK and SLP) as a measure of professional competency and practice behavior. Finally, a discussion of the practical ways SWKs and SLPs can be trained in order to be mutually supportive in meeting the needs of children requiring multidisciplinary services through a collaborative or trans-team approach is provided.  相似文献   

This paper looks at the collaborative construction of web pages in History by a Year-4 group of children in a primary school in the UK. The aim of this paper is to find out:
How did children interpret their involvement in this literacy practice?
How the construction of web pages was interactionally accomplished? and
How can creativity be identified in interaction?
Using an ethnographic approach to the study of communication, it is argued that the collective and creative construction of meaning can be understood in terms of relationships amongst components of communicative acts. The analysis of these components reveals how participants shape their utterances as they are engaged in the pursuit of shared goals in a situated activity system. It is argued that participants strive to become members of a community of practice designing web pages. Members of this community showed their understanding in relation to the way they interpreted the design rules for a multimodal text, the means for working together in collaboration and distributing roles, as well as their interpretation of what counts as historical knowledge. Also, in terms of creativity, participants managed to communicate and negotiate their intentions by using several figures of speech and language games, as well as contextually framing their positions as participants in a dialogue. That is, children and teacher demonstrated their creative abilities in a textual, contextual and critical level. It is concluded that creativity is not a gifted capacity; it is an everyday act which is interactionally accomplished in the context of social participation as members of a community. Members creatively display their intentions and negotiate new alternatives for the interpretation of actions in situated activity systems.  相似文献   

The literature on interdisciplinarity identifies several forms of collaboration: multidisciplinary, transdisciplinary, and interdisciplinary (as bridge building or integration). To assist vocational psychology translate its interdisciplinary discourse into action, this paper uses that literature to identify the benefits, challenges and conditions for success. It indicates that the form of collaboration needed must be decided, and the cognitive, social, organizational and institutional aspects of the collaborating disciplines considered. It highlights the significance of interpersonal relationships when establishing and maintaining collaboration.  相似文献   

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