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 共查询到20条相似文献,搜索用时 17 毫秒
1.医生询问病情:What’s the matter?What’s the trouble?What’s wrong with you?What seems to he the trouble?你哪儿不舒服?/你怎么了?Do you have a fever?你发烧吗?How long have you been like this?像这种情况有多久了?What did you eat last night?你昨晚吃什么了?How are you feeling now?现在感觉怎么样?  相似文献   

●询问病情1.What"s wrong with you?/What"s wrong?/What"s the matter?/What"s your trouble?你怎么了?2.How long have you been like this?你像这样多久了?  相似文献   

一、医生询问病人、病情1.What’s wrong/the matter/the troublewith you?你怎么啦?/你哪儿不舒服吗? 2.How long have you been like this?你像这样多长时间了? 3.Have you taken your temperature?你量过体温吗? 4.Have you taken any medicine?你吃过药了吗?  相似文献   

U知识与技能人生在世,难免生病。生病是人体一种常见的生理现象,看医生也就成为常事。若你会用英语说出常见病名和症状,将给你周游世界带来方便。医生用语:What’s the trouble (matter)? 你怎么了?What’s the trouble (matter) with your feet? 你的脚怎么了?What have you done to your hand?你的手怎么了?How long have you been like this? 你这样多久了?How are you feeling now?现在你感觉如何?Are you feeling all right (OK)?你感到身体好吗?How is your sleep?/ Do you sleep well?你睡觉怎样?Let me take your temperature …  相似文献   

Seeing a Doctor     
1.医生询问病人的用语。 What’s the matter/wrong/the trouble?怎么啦? What’s the matter/wrong/the trouble with you(your leg,ect)?你(你的腿)怎么啦? Is there anything wrong with you(your head)?你(的头)怎么啦?  相似文献   

1 看病(看医生):go andsee a doctor(and可以改为to)2 在医务室:at the doctor's3 (医生)询问病人生了什么病(有何不舒服)时:What's wrong with you?What's the matter with you?What's the trouble?What's troubling you?What's your trouble?What has happened to you?  相似文献   

1.__________?-I’ve got a headache.A.How are you feeling now B.When were you illC.What’s wrong with youD.When will you be all right答案:选C.分析:看病是这册书的一项重要的交际用语,通常医生在询问病人时的常用语有: What’s wrong with you? What’s the matter with you? What’s the trouble?  相似文献   

IntheClassroomSchoolboy:Excuse me, Miss. I'm calling just to tell you I can't go to school today.Teacher:Why? What蒺s wrong?Schoolboy:I don蒺t feel well.Teacher:Where do you feel trouble?Schoolboy:In the classroom.ACleverBoyTom:Papa, can you write your name without opening your eyes?Father:Of course, I can.Tom:All right! Please write your name on my school report(成绩单).WhyFishesOnlyLiveinWater?Father:Do you know why fishes only live in water and can蒺t live on land?Son:Yes, I…  相似文献   

凌云 《今日中学生》2011,(32):24-25
1.What do you have that you can’t lend to others?2.If your uncle’s sister is not your aunt,what relation is she toyou?3.What is a fish net made of?4.What’s the difference between a monkey and a flea(跳蚤)?5.What has four fingers and a thumb(拇指)but no flesh(肉)and bone?6.Why do giraffes(长颈鹿)have long neck?7.How can you make6out of three5’s or out of three7’s?8.Who works only one day in a year but never gets fired(开除)?  相似文献   

Ⅰ.单项选择 1. Oh, you!re going camping. That sounds ____. A. nice B. nicely C. nicer D. greatly 2. ____ you, Mary? What are you doing for vacation? A. What B. How C. How about D. How long 3. Mike is going to the ____ camp from the 11th to the 22nd. A. sport B. sports C. sport!s D. sports! 4. Write down your answer ____ a piece of paper. A. in B. at C. with D. on 5. Can I ask you some questions ____ your school? A. about B. at C. with D. for 6. Last summer they had a very ____ vaca…  相似文献   

教学过程Step1.Warm-up Ask and answer:1.What’s in your pencil-case?2.Is there a computer room in your school?3.Are there any teachers in you classroom?How many teachers are there?4.I can skate.What can you do?Can you play the violin?  相似文献   

“What’s wrong (with)…?”是英语口语中常州的一个疑问句型,意为“……怎么啦?”“……出了毛病(故障、事故)了吗?”它们通常用于下列几种情况: 一、询问病人的情况,意思是“你怎么了?“‘你哪儿不舒服?”。如: a.一What’s wrong with you,  相似文献   

Unit 14 Shopping     
知识与技能逛街购物能给人带来许多乐趣,若能学会用英语购物将给你的生活增添色彩。下面这些句式定会助你一臂之力。Can (May) I help you? 你想买什么?What can I do for you? 你想买什么?Anything I can do for you? 你想买什么?Is there any-thing I can do for you? 你想买什么?What can I show you? 你想买什么?Anything else? 你还想买什么?Is there anything else I may show you? 你还想买什么?What size? 你要什么尺寸?What size would you like (want)? 你要什么尺寸?What size do you take? 你要什么尺寸?What’s your s…  相似文献   

how long,how often和how soon都有“多久”的含意,但实际上它们的意义和用法有较大的差别。how long用来询问谓语动词所表示的动作延续的时间长度有“多久”。它常与延续性动词的现在完成时连用,但有时也与延续性动词的一般将来时(或动词前有情态动词)、一般过去时或过去完成时连用。例如:1.—How long have you known her?—For about four years.2.—How long will it take you to finish the work?—Ten days.3.How long can you stay here?4.How long did your mother teach in the school?5.He asked me how long I had lived in …  相似文献   

Dialogue A(A = doctor; B = patient) A: What can I do for you, Ms Jones ? B: Well, doctor, my periods have been very irregular since I had a coilfitted, and also J have a constant discharge, which is very inconvenient,and I'm worried something is wrong. A: Did you have a check-up before the coil was fitted ? B: Yes, of course. A: How long is it since it was fitted ?  相似文献   

语言是随着社会的发展而发展的,随着语言的丰富会产生很多的同义句。只要你说的句子符合英语的规则和习惯,别管对错,会说就行。例如:“汤姆,你怎么了?”这句话就可以多种表达。What’s wrong,Tom?/What’s the matter,Tom?/What’s wrong with you,Tom?/What’s the matterwith you,Tom?/What’s the trouble,Tom? 由于个人的生活习惯,工作环境,成长经历,文  相似文献   

Funny Questions     
1.Who knows how many stars there are in the sky? 2.Do you write with your left hand or right hand? 3.What has two legs but can't walk? 4.I have eyes,but I can't see.What am I? 5.How can you change a lady into a boy? 6.When is my uncle's sister not my aunt? 7.What two things can't we have for supper? 8.What is it that was tomorrow and will be yesterday?  相似文献   

What does the sunshine boy mean? If I am the sunshine boy.what must I do? In my opinion,first I must be brave. Nothingcan stop me.Whatever I meet,I will never give up.If I am in trouble,I will say to myself,"Cheer up!What's wrong with you?It's not the end of theworld.Don't feel hopeless. It’s just a piece ofcake."Then I will try my best to get out of trouble.  相似文献   

1 How long can you live on your savings?你的储蓄能帮你支撑多久? This isn't an issue for people who are able to raise enough money for their startup venture to pay themselves a salary from Day One.But most small-business startups include the disturbing feature of declining personal bank balances in the early going. As long as you' re looking at your expenses and how long you can live on your savings,you should also figure out now what personal costs you can at least temporarily eliminate.It's usually emotionally easier to review your personal budget  相似文献   

Quick,answer these questions: Do you dread Mondays? Do you have big plans for your retirement? Do you fantasize about winning the lottery so you can quit your job and live the life of your dreams? If you answered yes to any of these questions-let alone all of them-there' s a good chance you are wasting your life in the wrong job.Gasp! I know,it sounds so harsh,so final,and quite possibly, unrealistic.  相似文献   

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