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Historically, in Germany individuals with special needs have been offered participation in physical education (PE) both in segregated and increasingly in integrated settings. Specific curricula for children with disabilities (physical disabilities, hearing, and visual impairments, speech and behaviour disorders as well as intellectual disabilities) were developed in the 1960s and 1970s. They all emphasized the specific importance of physical activities for people with a disability focusing not only on motor competencies but also on the psychological and social benefits of physical education. During the 1970s so‐called model schools started to include children with disabilities in mainstream schools. Unlike developments in the United States, for example, where integrated or mainstream schooling was based on legal requirements, in Germany improved integration or inclusion was not based on federal law, but on parents’ or teachers’ initiatives in different Bundesländer (states of Germany). Parallel to these developments, new approaches to PE have accentuated a positive orientation towards ‘ability’ rather than ‘disability’. Professionals in PE in universities and in schools have been challenged to develop better diagnostic skills and more individualized programmes. On the initiative of nine European universities, a European Master's degree of Adapted Physical Activity has been developed to offer advanced training on a European scale. However, despite these positive and innovative developments serious concerns remain concerning the situation of children with disabilities in the school system. This article argues that there is still a significant lack of specially trained professionals and support staff and that the ongoing process of reducing the amount of PE in schools for all children, including those with a disability, does not contribute to improved physical and social skills or increased participation in recreational and sport activities outside schools.  相似文献   

Similarities and differences were examined in the out‐of‐school recreation and leisure activity participation of 422 children with physical disabilities and 354 children without disabilities. The roles of age (six to eight years, nine to 11 years, and 12–14 years), gender, and disability status were examined with respect to the diversity, intensity, location, companionship, and enjoyment of participation in five types of activities, controlling for family income. The findings indicate that dimensions and types of activity participation are differentially influenced by age, gender, and disability. Age cohort comparisons indicated that children without disabilities experienced a widening social world characterised by more intense social participation, greater participation with non‐family members, and stable levels of enjoyment across the age groups. In contrast, children with disabilities in the various age groups were similar in their intensity of social participation and the nature of their companionship, with 12–14 year olds reporting less enjoyment of social activities than those aged six to eight years or nine to 11 years. The findings support the utility of a developmental and contextual perspective in understanding children’s patterns of participation. The information can be used by service providers and managers interested in creating centre‐based or community‐based recreational opportunities, and in providing information to parents about how to encourage children’s recreation and leisure participation.  相似文献   

论网络对残疾人教育的促进作用   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
残疾人教育是一个重要的社会问题,社会还没有给残疾人提供一种无障碍的教育环境,而高科技的网络工具能极大地改善残疾人的外部学习条件,创造平等的学习机会,从而提供一种无障碍的教育环境。网络对残疾人教育有着积极的影响,但目前在残疾人教育中应用网络技术还有很多困难和问题,需要政府、社会各界和残疾人群体共同为积极推动和加快发展残疾人的网络事业做出贡献。  相似文献   

当前,休闲社会在我国已经初见端倪,大学生的休闲生活呈现出时间大幅增加、动机趋向多样化、活动实态更加丰富、消费比重逐渐增大等一系列特点,但由于各方面的原因,大学生在休闲生活观念、活动技能、活动层次和道德自律等方面还存在着诸多不足。因此,根据大学生休闲生活现状,科学构建大学生休闲生活体系,促进大学生休闲生活健康发展,对于大学生的全面成才具有重要意义。  相似文献   

21世纪,人类面临着全球化休闲时代的到来,体育活动成为休闲娱乐的主要方式.体育进入休闲,是社会和谐发展和小康生活的标志.中华民族传统体育是中华各民族在生产、生活和娱乐中创造并沿袭下来的体育活动的总称,它无论从起源、特点,还是从功能上看都与休闲娱乐不谋而合.因此,应充分把握休闲时代的契机,大力发展民族传统体育.  相似文献   

This study explores the extent to which the issue of special educational and training needs for persons with disabilities is addressed in the education and training policy of Ethiopia, with a specific focus on technical and vocational education and training (TVET). Focus group discussions and interviews were used to assess the content of the policy and related strategic documents, as well as legal frameworks and implementation instruments, in terms of the principle of inclusion. A pair of focus group discussions involved 22 members of the management and governance of four networks and eight indigenous, disability‐focused, non‐governmental organisations. Moreover, 14 high‐profile experts from the ministry were interviewed. Most participants agreed that the issue of disability was not addressed appropriately in issues of strategy and prioritisation. Six recommendations are presented for enhancing the inclusion of individuals with disabilities in education and vocational training.  相似文献   

以社会模式的残疾观推进智障人士的社会融合   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
残疾观正在发生从医疗模式向社会模式的转变。社会模式的残疾观强调残疾问题是人权问题,也是社会和发展问题,主张以权利和支持作为处理残疾问题的方法。这一模式对智力障碍的认识更加客观,对智障人士的态度更为积极,关注权利、接纳、潜能和融合,可以作为智障人士社会融合的理论选择。智障人士社会融合的推进策略包括以宣传与沟通消除不健康的社会态度,以权利为本作为立法依据,以社会支持增强智障人士融入社会的能力等。  相似文献   

黄维薇 《柳州师专学报》2011,26(3):100-101,137
从剖析休闲概念出发,分析了高校体育教学融入休闲文化的意义以及如何正确处理好体育与休闲的关系等问题,对如何促进高校体育教学休闲化提出了对策。  相似文献   

目前,健身操已经成为温州的一项群众性体育活动。这种现象的产生有其特定的原因。政府部门应给予大力支持,以利于和谐社会的构建。体育主管部门和体育工作者应尽快开发出一些适合不同群体的体育健身项目,以满足普通百姓对体育锻炼的迫切需求。  相似文献   

随着社会的进步,女性休闲运动呈现了多样化、自然化、工作化、扩大化等发展趋势。为了更好的开展女性休闲运动,建议有关媒体应加大宣传力度、积极开展休闲运动教育、政府部门应加大管理力度、建立完善的休闲服务体系,使女性休闲运动得以顺利的开展。  相似文献   

Russia’s ratification of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) has necessitated that regular monitoring studies of the social situation of people with disabilities and families with disabled members be conducted. These studies have exacerbated the issue of obtaining accessible data that is suitable for these purposes. The article investigates specific concerns related to Russian disability statistics and the place of census data in compiling these statistics. The latter are of interest to the study of the social position of disabled persons in Russia. However, they have never been used for these purposes before. This article focuses on the analysis of the socioeconomic situation of families with disabled children as one of the most vulnerable groups in the population. We analyze the accuracy of the census estimates of the contingent of children with disabilities as compared against administrative data, and discover that the number of disabled children has been underreported, due to the inaccuracy of the disability criterion. We have assessed the composition of families with disabled children, the level of education and employment of parents, the livelihoods of these families, and the level of access of children to education on the basis of the recently released microdata from the 2002 and 2010 Russian Censuses. In light of these characteristics, we are able to demonstrate existing inequalities in the social status of families with disabled children in comparison with other families with children without disabilities. In conclusion, having determined the scope of the problem, we demonstrate the possibility for developing disability statistics as the foundation for implementing the principles of the CRPD. In particular, we propose methods for providing a social definition of disability by assessing functional status through continuous and sample surveys of the population. The use of standard international practices would allow assessing the social status of families with disabled children in a comparative perspective.  相似文献   

Despite the increasing societal inclusion of young people with a disability in Ireland, there is very little evidence of any substantive improvement with regard to inclusion for young people with severe and profound and multiple learning disabilities (usually referred to, in educational settings in the UK, as pupils or students with severe and profound and multiple learning difficulties). As a result, these young people often remain isolated within their local communities and have minimal contact, if any, with their mainstream counterparts. One innovative schools link programme in Ireland offers structured curricular activities that include mainstream pupils and their peers who have severe and profound and multiple learning disabilities. A video programme was used in the pre-contact phase of the programme and this paper explores the effectiveness of the video programme in preparing the mainstream pupils to meet their counterparts who have severe and profound and multiple learning disabilities. Michael Shevlin, who teaches in the Education Department of Trinity College Dublin and has research interests in inclusion, argues that it was evident that the mainstream pupils reacted positively to the video programme and found it useful in overcoming their anxieties at the prospect of contact. He discusses the implications of these findings in relation to the further development of structured contact sessions in integrated classrooms and to the wider issue of societal inclusion for young people with severe and profound and multiple learning disabilities.  相似文献   

The theoretical and practical constraints of identity formation for lesbian, gay, and bisexual (LGB) persons with developmental disabilities are explored. Firstly, disability and queer theory and conceptions of identification and community are presented. This is followed by a synopsis of some of the common societal myths about disability and about homosexuality. Thirdly, we trace how these myths affect and filter into caregiver attitudes, lesbian and gay communities and communities of persons with disabilities, including developmental disabilities. All these factors conspire to inhibit self-identification as LGB for persons with developmental disabilities. It is further argued that neither disability theorists nor queer theorists have adequately accounted for such complex identities, and that, perhaps, a fusion of disability theory and queer theory may provide a more comprehensive lens to capture these complexities. We conclude with tentative yet practical suggestions to begin to create community for LGB persons with a developmental disability.  相似文献   


Presented is a discussion of the trend toward educational integration of persons with handicaps and a review of some of the concepts and definitions relevant to this pursuit. Persons with handicaps have systematically been denied their human rights and privileges throughout history. Today the main issue in education for persons with handicaps is integration, which is a means by which to forward the goals of normalization. Education for persons with handicaps, if we consider the philosophy of normalization, and adhere to the notion of educational integration, should reflect and be based upon extensive interaction among pupils with handicaps, their teachers, support staff, peers and families.  相似文献   

高校体育设施与大众体育发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高校体育设施向社会开放,可以有效缓解现有体育设施不足,有利于发展大众体育,国家政策上也有明确的规定,但发展较为缓慢,主要是认识上不到位。应从建立和谐社会,建立共享社会的角度提高认识,使高校丰富的体育资源服务于社区,社区与高校形成新的文化共同体。  相似文献   

村民通过自治产生体育协会是新农村体育建设的自组织保障,新农村的文化必须要产生结构化变迁才能生成体育这种理想性文化形式.新农村体育建设的关键是农民对体育的绝对选择权,并应拓宽公共体育活动场地,融合其它文化形式以拓展其发展空间.新农村体育建设还应遵循的两条治理路径是:把集村社区和集镇社区作为农村公共体育建设的落脚点,推进自上而下的“全能政府”向自下而上的“小政府、大社会”的职能转变.  相似文献   

突发事件应急管理作为一种特殊的公共管理,已经越来越成为全社会和各级政府亟待加强的重大课题。文章从现代突发事件的特征分析出发,阐述了政府处置突发事件应坚持的原则,并通过构建预控机制、决策机制等提升政府处理突发事件管理的水平,以期减少突发事件带来的各种损失。  相似文献   

The demand by people with disabilities to university education has been growing in recent years. A pilot study of five universities reviews their equity profiles and on‐the‐ground practices in relation to students with disabilities. Particular attention is paid to departments of Social Work which are postulated to contain the conditions under which disability issues in education might be recognised. The research suggests that there are major resource problems in meeting needs, exacerbated by bureaucratic conflict in government, and a limited willingness by resource‐pressed universities to plan effectively the recruitment and support of students with disabilities. Greatest progress has occurred where student action is most sustained and senior staff have a personal commitment to change  相似文献   

大学与政府、社会的关系始终是高等教育改革的核心问题。知识经济时代,大学应该是民主自治的、政府应该是有限的、社会应该是开放的。临沂师范学院的超常规发展关键在于理顺了大学、政府、社会的关系,构建起了大学和政府、社会的和谐发展局面,实现了大学和地方的双赢发展。  相似文献   

对残疾人从学校到工作过渡的探讨   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
残疾人从学校毕业后不能顺利地就业,是长期以来各级部门和家长极为关注的问题。本文从介绍和分析西方“从学校到工作的过渡”的理论入手,试着探讨我国残疾人从学校到工作的过渡问题,并提出了建立残疾人职业培训中心、残疾人职业指导与咨询中心以及残疾人“医疗——教育——职业”康复中心等建议,以此来提高残疾人的职业素质,实现他们从学校到工作的顺利过渡。  相似文献   

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