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零称呼是一种特殊的省略称呼的面称方式,运用恰当就显得自然、亲近,拉近交际双方的关系,而运用不当容易让人觉得不礼貌,产生反感。零称呼的语用效果受到对话双方的权势差别、熟识程度、对话场合的正式程度以及听话人的确定性等因素的制约。  相似文献   

Sharing breastfeeding stories has enormous value for both teller and listener. In a culture that often misunderstands and devalues breastfeeding and the nursing relationship, stories reduce women's anxiety and insecurity, validate their experiences, reveal the social and cultural roots of these experiences, and illuminate why breastfeeding matters so much to women.  相似文献   

In this article, I propose collaborative mentorship (CM) as a mentoring approach to support and sustain teachers in diversity and equity education. CM is theorized as a mentoring relationship grounded in critical dialog between mentor and mentee. Drawing on research conducted in a culturally, racially, linguistically, and socially diverse secondary school in Southern Ontario, Canada, this article examines tensions teachers experience with equity and diversity and the knowledge base necessary for such a mentoring approach. As the schools become more diverse, it is vital that teachers seek out new approaches that respond to the changing social contexts. The findings of my research have implications for teacher professional development and teacher training in discovering new ways to support in diverse classrooms.  相似文献   

智慧供电服务柜员机系统,集成了前端柜员机设备和后台服务运营支撑系统,在传统电力柜员机基础上通过实时远程视频交互,让客户与业务人员进行“面对面”的业务办理;通过高清视频、电子采集、呼叫中心等技术,实现与供电营销业务系统的高度整合,创新了一种“集控式供电营业厅”服务模式,达到减人增效、不间断服务目的。  相似文献   

根据“任务型”教学法的理论,可以将听话人功能及听话人反应运用到英语听力教学中。在听力教学中根据目的创造性地设计“任务型”的教学活动会更具吸引力和目的性。同时,让学生通过思考、讨论、交流和合作等方式学习和使用语言,在任务的完成过程中,达到培养和提高学生能力的目的。  相似文献   


The concept of success has been investigated before, primarily with an emphasis on explanatory factors among highly successful individuals. Voices of individuals with any form of disability are generally missing from this discourse. This qualitative study examined definitions of success as well as the factors that promote it amongst graduates with learning disabilities from a university faculty of education, thereby inviting an inclusive dialog around a heretofore socially and educationally exclusive topic. A participatory action framework was chosen allowing the participants to take an active role in the enquiry. This approach was a natural offshoot of the community of learners that the graduates had participated in during their studies. While success was defined as a multifaceted concept accounted for by multiple factors, many of the findings aligned with those reported in previous studies. However, several unique themes emerged; success as a relative concept, ‘paying it forward,’ and the disability as a driving force. Instances of overlap between definitions and factors emphasised inherent connections between beliefs and actions. Practical implications for support services for students with special needs, in higher education, are considered in light of the findings.  相似文献   

《文选》选文,有“对问”一类。问对作为人际语言交际的基本形式,由来已久;卜辞是人神问对,旨是决疑;《尚书》是君臣问对,旨在择贤;《论语》是师徒问对,旨在问道;《孟子》是君士问对,旨在问难;《庄子》是人物、物物问对,旨在说理。对问体在以专论为特色的第三阶段诸子散文消失,转移到以《战国策》为代表的史传散文中,《战国策》也是君士问对,旨在问计。对问作为文体是作为手法的问对句型发展而来,其基本特征是设词见志,抒发郁陶之情。宋玉《对楚王问》作为对问体的唯一代表,从问对内容上确立了文体范式,是北方文化与楚文化的结晶,成为骈赋尤其是设论体的直接渊薮。  相似文献   

真性祈使(命令)是为了求取实物或服务,如果说话人使用祈使句并不是为了求取,而是给予信息,就形成了假意祈使.根据反问行为、请求命令行为的语用条件,假性疑问祈使句的形成途径有4种,其作用是为了讲理或提醒.从对方的反应来看,对于假性祈使句而言,可以针对其蕴涵意义进行反应,也可以像对待真性祈使句那样做出反应.  相似文献   

In comparison with social learning about food, social learning about predators has received little attention. Yet such research is of potential interest to students of animal cognition and conservation biologists. I summarize evidence for social learning about predators by fish, birds, eutherian mammals, and marsupials. I consider the proposal that this phenomenon is a case of S-S classical conditioning and suggest that evolution may have modified some of the properties of learning to accommodate for the requirements of learning socially about danger. I discuss some between-species differences in the properties of socially acquired predator avoidance and suggest that learning may be faster and more robust in species in which alarm behavior reliably predicts high predatory threat. Finally, I highlight how studies of socially acquired predator avoidance can inform the design of prerelease antipredator training programs for endangered species.  相似文献   

A rat’s preference for food of a given flavor can be substantially enhanced by allowing it to interact with a conspecificdemonstrator that has recently eaten food of that flavor. The heuristic value of treating such socially induced enhancement of flavor preference as an instance of Pavlovian conditioning was examined in three experiments. Conceiving of the smell of the food as a conditional stimulus and other cues emanating from the demonstrator rat as an unconditional stimulus, we determined whether each of three common Pavlovian phenomena-blocking, overshadowing, and latent inhibition-would occur. Using experimental parameters that readily produce socially induced enhancement of flavor preference, none of the three Pavlovian phenomena were found.  相似文献   

语文对话教学:问题、反思及策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
语文对话教学存在着话题选择混乱、对话形式单一、话题目标(主题)不明、对话主体缺失等问题,有效的对话教学必须培养对话主体的“对话”意识,突出与文本对话的基本形式,设计科学的对话教学目标和对话主题,创设有效的对话教学情境,以收到事半功倍的效果。  相似文献   

A bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) demonstrated the ability to select the matching object in a matching-to-sample task after listening to another dolphin inspect the sample object via echolocation. The listener was prevented from inspecting the sample himself. In Experiment 1, with objects familiar to both dolphins, the listener’s performance was significantly better than chance. In Experiment 2, objects familiar to only one of the dolphins were used. On these trials, the listener’s performance was significantly better than chance only when the inspecting dolphin made a correct choice. Analysis of the listener’s responses when the inspector made an error demonstrated that this contingency was not due to the listener’s matching the inspector’s response, but was apparently due instead to inadequate information in the echo. The results suggest that the listener was able to “eavesdrop” on echoes produced by the inspector’s clicks and derive characteristics of the sample object.  相似文献   

Referential communication can be conceptualized as consisting of substantive knowledge, enabling skills, and procedural rule knowledge. One type of procedural rule is to tailor a message to the needs of one's listener. 2 studies investigated whether children vary the amount of information in a message (contrastive or redundant) as a function of either sharing a previous experience with that listener or the age of the listener. First- (M = 6-8), fourth- (M = 9-9), and fifth- (M = 10-8) grade speakers played a referential communication game with a fictitious listener. All children were more likely to give redundant messages to listeners with whom they had no common shared experience or to strangers than to listeners with whom they had shared a previous experience. Only the older children, however, varied the type of redundant messages in keeping with the needs of the listeners. Furthermore, the older children were more likely to vary how much information they included in their messages as a function of the listener's age. Discussion focuses on the need to consider the acquisition of communicative competence as the acquisition of specific skills within the context of specific tasks.  相似文献   

近现代汉语中,“谁”、“哪个(人)”、“什么人”是问人的常用形式。人们往往简单地根据句法位置来界定它们是说明性或指别性,而调查明清时期具有山东方言背景的《金瓶梅词话》《醒世姻缘传》和《聊斋俚曲集》发现:在NP+是+WH?和WH+是+NP?句式结构中“谁”、“哪个(人)”,“什么人”的性质或者说它们需要什么样的答语与之相对应并不能仅由它们所在的句法位置来决定,还要由上下文语境、问话人与答话人之间的关系、句中体词性成分NP所包含的语义信息等各方面的因素共同决定。  相似文献   

This article discusses how the ‘funds of knowledge’ approach (FoK) offers a socially just alternative to the logics of capital, by drawing on knowledge assets from students’ family and community lifeworlds to build engaging and rigorous learning, supporting school–community interactions that build capacities. We explain how we applied FoK in an action research project – Redesigning Pedagogies in the North (RPiN) – to design curriculum and pedagogy in schools of a high-poverty region. With reference to RPiN, we also observe how high-poverty regions, and their schools, appear to be undergoing complex unsettlements, as effects of globalisation, which raise problematic questions about who/what is ‘the local community’. We argue that this calls for new thinking, both sociological and ethical, which can refine the FoK approach to take fuller account of the diverse and complex spaces of social-historical life in new times. We conclude by considering a pedagogical approach through which learners in such regions can re-imagine hopeful forms of community.  相似文献   

论对话型课堂的内涵、特征与功能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李学 《教育科学》2008,24(1):30-33
对话型课堂是以对话精神为指导,以培养"学习共同体"为目的,教师引导学生基于教学文本,在互动和沟通过程中建构世界、他人和自身意义的学习场所。从控制走向引导、从预设走向生成、从封闭走向开放是其区别于独白型课堂的典型特征。对话型课堂具有语言运用训练、创造性思维和民主合作意识培养等多种功能。  相似文献   

We examined the beliefs about science teaching and learning held by elementary preservice teachers in a science methods course, comparing students who had experienced an inquiry-based physics course with those who had not. Students who had taken the physics course prior to the methods semester were better equipped to recognize and learn from inquiry and better able to apply an inquiry approach to their lesson planning. Students who were concurrently enrolled in the physics course began to revise their incoming beliefs about what it means for students to be active learners in science. The students with no experience in the inquiry-based physics course maintained their limited view that science teaching should be fun, with the teacher as teller and fun-maker.  相似文献   

汉语表达对称的方式丰富多样,显示出汉语强大的表达力。第二人称代词是其中的一种。用第二人称代词表达对称符合语言交际的“经济原则”。以古代汉语、近代汉语和现代汉语三个时期的著作《世说新语》、《水浒传》、《荼馆》等为语言材料,对汉语用第二人称代词表达对称的方式进行历时研究,可以发现:第二人称代词在对称表达中占有至关重要的地位;由于文化传承“优胜劣汰”及语言内部发展等原因,从古到今,用来表达对称的第二人称代词数目呈递减趋势,最后定位于第二人称代词“你”。  相似文献   

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