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混合学习的核心思想是根据不同问题.要求采用不同的方式解决问题.在教学上就是采用不同的媒体与信息传递方式进行学习.而且,这种解决问题的方式要求付出的代价最小.取得的收益最大。  相似文献   

案例教学近年来成为了教师信息化发展培训中的热门方法。在混合学习视域下理解案例教学法的应用.至少要考虑三个基本原则:自编与引进案例的混合使用;教师讲授与案例学习的混合使用,学生自主与教师控制的混合:学生自主学习方式与合作学习方式的混合使用。本文在此基础上还探讨了实施案例教学的必要条件。  相似文献   

为顺应疫情防控常态化,我国中学阶段实施混合学习,成为复学后的新型学习方式。美国在混合学习研究与实践领域具有很强的影响,国际K-12在线学习协会与纽约市实验学校合作实施混合学习,并制定了《在学校层面实施混合学习的路线图》,提出了实施混合学习的六个要素:领导力、专业发展、教学、运营、内容、技术,设计了混合学习质量的评估原则。美国中学实施混合学习体现出突出特点:中学领导定期视察实施混合学习状况,及时交流反馈;多维度制订实施混合学习计划,不同阶段任务明确具体;强调混合学习中的个性化学习,培养学生自主学习能力;实行跨校合作,多校协同推进实施混合学习。对我国中学实施混合学习的启示:提升校长信息化领导力,统筹混合学习的规划与发展;提高教师技术与资源应用能力,发挥混合学习引导者的作用;提升学生信息素养,发挥混合学习的主体性;实现资源普及与共享,优化混合学习的环境;因地制宜,采取差异化的方式进行评估。  相似文献   

教学效果是评估教学质量的重要指标,系统分析和比较不同方式或类型的线上线下混合教学的效果在混合学习广泛开展的当下,成为教育管理者、教师和学生们普遍关注的话题。本研究采纳四种不同复杂度混合学习方式的教学实践过程和学习活动实施案例,通过分析线上学习时间的分布、线上学习行为与混合学习成效的相关性、学习者对混合学习的满意度,讨论不同复杂度混合教学实施的特点和效果,发现:①不同复杂度混合教学的设计侧重点有所不同,可根据课程和教学需求合理选择适合的实施方式;②在四种复杂度的混合学习中学生满意度都很高,可行性强,且不存在一种混合学习方式优于其他任何一种混合学习方式的情况;③在线上线下混合学习过程中,在线学习行为和活动与课程学习成效显著相关,有利于学生取得较好的学习效果。  相似文献   

关于混合式学习的内涵,它根据时代的变化而有一定的变化。在不同的时期,由于信息技术条件发展不同,人们对混合式学习的理解有所不同。何克杭说,混合式学习"是把传统学习方式的优势和e-Learning的优势结合起来。也就是说,既要发挥教师的引导、启发、监控教学过程的主导作用,又要充分体现学生作为学习过程主体的主动性、积极性和创造性。"[1]可以说,它包括多种运营方式的混合、多种教学设备的混合、课程内容与资源的混合、学习策略与评价方式的混合、同步学习与异步学习的混合等。  相似文献   

导生制是由"导生"协助教师完成教学的一种教学组织形式.混合学习是把传统学习与e-learning优势结合的学习方式.基于"导生制"的混合学习可以在一定程度上实现教育公平,提高学生的学习效果.导生制的教学组织要注意学生分组策略,即关注学生的能力水平差异、性别差异和学生的生活环境差异,确定小组的人数、分组方式、确定"导生"并充分发挥教师作用.基于混合学习的教学策略,要从学习任务的分配、协作学习和学习成果评价三个阶段做好教学的设计与实施.  相似文献   

本文主要探讨了高等职业学院非计算机专业在计算机基础课程教学方式上的变革研究,主要探讨了混合学习这种学习方式与计算机基础教学的有机结合方式,具有很强的理论指导意义,希望能为相关单位提供一点参考.  相似文献   

陈晓君 《文教资料》2014,(35):144-145
中职影视制作课程混合学习模式的探索,主要依托清华大学开发的网络教学平台,灵活运用短视频在线自主学习,结合在线测试检验学习成效,又有教师对知识进行总结的混合学习方式,优化中职影视制作课程教育教学模式,改变传统教学方式,激发学生学习兴趣,丰富中职教育教学方式的内涵,从而帮助学生在习得知识的同时培养自主学习能力,真正做学习的主人。  相似文献   

混合学习通过传统面对面的课堂学习方式和E-Learning在线学习方式有机整合,充分发挥教师和学生的作用,提高学习效果,本文在分析混合学习的建构主义理论基础上,结合大学英语课程的特点,探讨了基于混合学习的教学设计,重点研究了教师在混合学习模式下的角色转变。  相似文献   

混合学习是把面对面教学和在线学习两种学习模式进行整合,以达到降低成本、提高效益的一种教学方式。云计算可以很好支撑学生的学习。本文探讨了如何将混合学习与云计算有机结合,以实现更加高效的学习方式。  相似文献   

Technology integration is the process of overcoming different barriers that hinder efficient utilisation of learning technologies. The authors divide technology integration into two components based on technology’s role in the integration process. In active integration, the technology integrates learning resources into a learning space, making it adaptive to the changes in the context. In passive integration, the technology is integrated into a learning space so that it does not disturb the learner and the context. Using this division, the authors investigate technology integration in context-aware learning spaces (CALSs), which emphasise context-sensitiveness and utilise surrounding resources. UFractions is a CALS combining a mobile-based story and fraction rods. The authors analyse active and passive integration in UFractions among 305 middle schools pupils in South Africa, Finland and Mozambique. In the analysis the authors support quantitative questionnaire data with qualitative insights from questionnaires, interviews and observations. The findings indicate that technology integration, particularly active integration, in UFractions is incomplete. The concepts of active and passive integration are necessary in order to manage technology’s influence on learning experiences in CALSs. Active and passive integration can also be helpful in CALS design, deployment and evaluation, and they could be applied in other learning technology scenarios in the future.  相似文献   

对信息技术与课程整合问题的思考   总被引:41,自引:0,他引:41  
信息技术与课程整合的立足点是新课程理念下的课程,它要求将信息技术在教育中的三大功能(作为学习对象、学习工具与教学工具)统一起来,共同服务于对课程各个方面(包括内容和过程)的系统处理和实施,以实现课程目标。从信息技术与教育相整合的宏观历史进程看,信息技术与课程整合只是向前迈开的第一步,还不够彻底。我们需要从学习理念、学习目标、课程标准、学习内容及进度、学习方式、传统教学活动和媒体等方面着手,展开信息技术与课程整合的实验与研究,从而推动基于信息技术的课程改革,促进信息技术与课程整合的发展。  相似文献   

This article presents the results of a retrospective controlled study conducted in a graduate occupational therapy program. The study examined the effect that an online discussion targeting integration of faith and learning had on student perceptions of instructor effectiveness in relating faith to learning. This study addresses the following question: Does the addition of a single online discussion targeting integration of faith and learning in graduate occupational therapy courses significantly increase student ratings on a course evaluation question addressing faith–learning integration? This study also asked two secondary questions:

1. Do online students and face-to-face students both respond favorably to the addition of an online discussion targeting faith–learning integration?

2. Do students in three different courses all respond favorably to the addition of an online discussion targeting the integration of faith and learning?

Data were collected from three different courses taught by the same professor between Fall 2009 and Fall 2013 (four sections of each course; N = 138). The ordinal data were analyzed using nonparametric tests to determine significant differences and effect sizes. The results indicated that the addition of a single online discussion addressing faith–learning integration can significantly increase student perceptions of instructor effectiveness in such integration within graduate occupational therapy coursework, both in face-to-face and online learning environments. These findings provide support for the use of online discussions to challenge students to integrate Christian faith beliefs with what they are learning in their area of study.  相似文献   

The present study explores the effects of problem-based learning (PBL) on social and academic integration and study progress. Three hundred and five first-year students from three different psychology curricula completed a questionnaire on social and academic integration. Effects of a full-fledged PBL environment were compared to (1) effects of a conventional lecture-based learning environment, and (2) effects of a learning environment that combined lectures and other methods aimed at activating students. Lisrel analyses show direct positive effects of the learning environment on study progress: students in PBL obtained more credits compared to students in more conventional curricula. Moreover, the levels of social and academic integration were also higher among students in the PBL curriculum. The links between integration and study progress were less straightforward. Formal social integration positively affected study progress, but informal academic integration was negatively related to study progress.  相似文献   

为探索体感技术与教育教学深度融合在学习体验重塑中的作用,挖掘融合过程中相关理论、扮演角色与潜在价值,首先介绍体感技术内涵与类别,然后通过文献研究法探讨体感技术在不同教育环节中的应用,最后借助案例研究法剖析体感技术在教育中扮演的角色与潜在价值。研究发现,体感技术与教育教学深度融合的核心理论是游戏理论,其主要扮演教或学的环境、教具与学具、教或学的内容3类角色,其潜在价值主要是促进学生动觉学习、推动学生同步协作学习、实现游戏化学习。  相似文献   

Becoming a history teacher requires the integration of pedagogical knowledge, pedagogical content knowledge, and content knowledge. Because the integration of knowledge from different disciplines is a complex task, we investigated prompted learning journals as a method to support teacher students’ knowledge integration. Fifty-two preservice history teachers participated in the experimental study. They read a text about a historical event, a text about teaching history, and a text about cognitive learning processes. Then they wrote a learning journal entry about the three texts. To support the journal writing, the participants in the experimental condition received four integration prompts, whereas the participants in the control condition received no prompts. In the prompted condition, the students engaged more often in integration strategies at the cost of rehearsal and organization strategies. Rehearsal and integration strategies predicted students’ recall of knowledge and their ability to evaluate learning tasks. Integration strategies as elicited in the journals predicted preservice teachers’ performance when designing a learning task for history education. In solving this task, the prompted preservice teachers used the information from the three texts in a more balanced way than the unprompted students who strongly focused on content knowledge. The study illustrates the potentials of learning journals as a method to support knowledge integration in history teacher education.  相似文献   

基于工作过程的《机械设计》学习领域课程开发   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
以"学工一体、校企融合"思想为指导,以培养学生完成整体化工作任务的综合职业能力为着眼点,开发基于工作过程的<机械设计>学习领域课程标准,在开发过程中选择合适的任务载体作为学习性工作任务,依据工作任务设计学习情境,依据不同的学习情境设计教学活动.  相似文献   

The focus of this paper is on how academic staff perceive their roles and responsibilities regarding work-related learning, and how they approach and implement work-related learning activities in curricula across academic environments in higher education. The study is based on case studies, including semi-structured interviews and analyses of course syllabuses in two higher education institutions. The results reveal divergent approaches between environments with limited and extensive work-related learning, and we present four different strategies for including work-related learning in curricula: add-on by someone else, add-on about the profession, integration of teaching and learning activities and integration with additional value. These four strategies represent a very diverse understanding of the role of education, ranging from education for academia to education for work outside academia, and contain various perceptions of the roles, types of work-related learning activities and integration in the ordinary curriculum.  相似文献   

在世界性的汉语学习热潮中,汉字的学习依然成为学习者的巨大困扰,耗费学习者的宝贵时间和精力。汉字文化信息的系统性、复杂性、隐匿性和动态性,要求人们深入研究汉字文化信息的合成教学。充分利用现代信息技术和计算机汉字合成输入方法,对现代常用汉字的文化信息展开音形合成、字词合成、教学合成、学用合成,以及针对不同类型的汉字学习需求展开教学实验,形成了汉字文化信息合成教学的基本构想。  相似文献   

智能时代,随着大数据、云计算、智能技术等新兴技术在教育领域的应用,衍生出泛在学习、无缝学习、智慧学习等新型学习方式,学习空间作为学习发生的场所也发生着重大改变,其中一个重要的变革趋势是学习空间走向融合。学习空间融合可为学习者构建虚拟和现实无缝融合的环境,使学习者能够轻松、有效和投入地开展正式和非正式学习。文章立足时代背景,对学习空间的主要形态及空间融合的本质内涵进行阐释,指出空间融合具有"教学设计的贯一性"和"学习链条的连续性"两大核心特征,同时指出学习空间存在三种典型的融合样态,分别是物理空间之间的融合、信息空间之间的融合以及物理与信息空间之间的融合。最后,从教与学要素的角度出发提出了目标融合、内容融合、活动融合、场景融合和评价融合五条融合路径,以期为实现学习空间的有效融合提供指导和借鉴。  相似文献   

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