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开展说课活动初期,说课研究人员为了帮助教师尽快学会撰写说课讲稿,采取了化整为零的策略,把说课内容分为教材分析、学情分析、教法设想、学法指导、教学过程、板书设计等有序的项目,让教师逐项写作,降低了撰写说课讲稿的难度,比较全面、系统、科学、规范地体现了备课的基本要求,我们称之为全面型说课讲稿。教师撰写这类说课讲稿,利于认识备课规律,掌握备课方法,形成清晰的备课思路,养成良好的备课习惯,提高教学教研的能力及运用教育理论的能力,对提高教师业务素质产生了积极的推动作用。一、撰写教案型说课讲稿的提出教师撰写全面型说课讲…  相似文献   

素质教育和创新教育能不能进入课堂,关键在于是否具有精心设计的创新教案。目前,高等教育在基础教育研究之上,逐步构建起创新教育理论体系,催生出一批理论研究成果,但如何使创新教育进入课堂的操作性研究成果较少。笔者认为,开展创新教育不能只停留在理论层面,而应积极大胆地进行实践性教学研究,作为教师首先要学会设计创新教案。成人教育虽然与院校教育有所不同,但在适应创新教育需要,设计创新教案方面没有本质不同。一、创新教案与传统教案的区别改革不是否定一切另起炉灶,而是在原有基础上创新。创新教案与传统教案在内容和形式上有所不…  相似文献   

说课实验初期撰写说课讲稿,要分析教材、分析学情,介绍教学设计及其根据,而教学设计则包括教法设想、学法指导、教学过程等方面的内容。这类说课讲稿,比较全面地体现了备课的基本要求,我们称之为全面型说课讲稿。后来,有些教师撰写说课讲稿,没有单独分析教材与学情,只写了教学设计及其根据;而写教学设计时,没有单独撰写教法设想与学法指导,只写了教学过程及其根据。实际上就是在平时写的备课教案的基础上增加了教学设计根据的介绍。我们把这类说课讲稿称之为教案型说课讲稿。再后来,说课实践中出现了一种新情况。有时,教师要深入研究某课教…  相似文献   

导学案是教师指导学生自主学习的方案,形象一点说,导学案是教师指导学生学会学习、学会创新、自主发展的路线图、指南针。好的导学案能将知识问题化,能力过程化,情感、态度和价值观的培养潜移化。因而,它能保证学生通过自主学习掌握知识,并逐步升华为一种学习能力和品质。导学案与传统的教案和讲稿不同。传统的教案或讲稿往往只考虑教师怎么讲,很少考虑学生怎么学;导学案则与之相反,它强调的是以学生的自学为主线,按学生学习的全程来设计方案;导学案不仅强调学生的学,也不忽略教师的导,学生的学是在教师引导下进行的,是教师引导学生  相似文献   

教案要因人而异,因文而异,因时而异。不同类型课文的教案,不同情况教师的教案,不同时间地点的放案,其形式应有所不同。教案形式一旦固定化,容易导致教学程序模式化,那么教案的作用也就不复存在了。常见的教案形式有如下四种: 1.详细教案。新教师或经验少的教师可以编写详细教案。详细教案相当于讲稿,要求教师详尽地写出教学活动的各个步骤,并细致地说明教学内容和教  相似文献   

大学教案管理是高校教学管理制度不可或缺的组成部分,但其对于提高教师素质和教学质量的重大意义没有受到充分重视。实践中教案管理制度的不完善及其运行的随意和粗放,严重制约了教案管理应有作用的充分发挥。应转变教师和管理人员的观念,并从教案管理的制度化、教案的共性与特色性基本要素的确定、教案基本要求的科学细化、教案检查的专业化及实质性和事前性、教案管理手段的灵活性和综合性等角度予以完善。  相似文献   

长期以来,存在一些教师把传统地理教案当作现代地理教学设计的现象。现代地理教学设计是运用现代学习理论与教育心理学、传播学、地理学、建构主义理论、教学媒体等相关的理论与技术来分析地理教学中的问题和需要,设计解决方法、试行解决方法、评价试行结果,并在评价基础上改进设计的一个系统过程。地理教案则是地理教学设计的具体产物,教师仅  相似文献   

从编写原则、方法及应注意的问题三方面研究了“中国现代史纲要”课程教案编写这一课题,认为编写“中国现代史纲要”课程教案应遵循准确性、服务性及特色性原则,认真研究教学大纲、教学内容、教学对象的不同特点,选择科学的教学方法及教学手段,正确理解教案与讲稿的关系,避免教案编写简单化与繁琐化。  相似文献   

深思熟虑课乃成──小学语文教师备课谈牡丹江市教育学院初教部田常泰备课是教学链条上承上启下、关联左右的重要环节,决定着课堂教学的质量。有的教师把备课理解为“写教案”、“写讲稿”,这有失偏颇。顾名思义,备课包括上课前的一切准备工作,“写教案”、“写讲稿”...  相似文献   

逯慧 《课外阅读》2011,(7):275-276
写教案,对教师来说,天经地义。可在课堂上,很少有教师使用教案的,讲桌上的教案形同虚设,只是一件摆设。为了这件摆设,教师呕心沥血,结果写出来的文字产品基本无用。教案,固然重,但什么样的教案更切实际,这需教育管理者和教师深入思考。高中语文教学任务繁重,如何保障在充分阅读、充分思考的前提下,拿出快速便捷、形式多样的教案,是每一位语文教师的责任。  相似文献   

段冰 《培训与研究》2007,24(3):100-102
课堂教学的成功与否很大程度上取决于备课过程的有效性。教学方案作为备课的产物成为教学研究的焦点。一方面,教学方案的制定依赖于整个英语课程目标的发展以及教师个人教学理念和认知能力的提高;另一方面,教学方案应该是教师对课程的适应性的记录以及课堂应变决策的“兴奋剂”,而不是妨碍创造性教学活动的障碍物。  相似文献   

This study investigates four seventh-grade teachers' awareness of students' tendency to conjoin or 'finish' open expressions. It also investigates teachers' ways of coping with this tendency. Three types of data were collected: 1) lesson plans, 2) lesson observations, and 3) post-lesson interviews. The analysis showed that the two experienced teachers were aware of this tendency and some of its possible sources, while the novices were unaware of either. Teaching approaches related to this tendency also differed considerably. In conclusion we analyze these teaching methods in light of the existing literature and discuss possible short- and long-term implications of the use of each approach.  相似文献   

The authors of this article believe that the current structure of lesson plans impede differentiation, individualization, and innovation and offer little in assessing the quality of teaching and learning. Concrete steps will be offered for planning to better respond to student diversity in meeting lesson objectives.  相似文献   

This study examines U.S. and Chinese teachers' constructing, knowing, and evaluating representations to teach the concept of ratio. All Chinese lesson plans are very similar with details in teaching contents and procedure. The U.S lesson plans are extremely varied although they all adopted the ‘outline and worksheet’ format. Both the Chinese and the U.S. teachers relied on concrete representations in introducing the concept of ratio, but they have very different thinking in selecting and presenting the concrete representations, as well as in the functions of the representations. The U.S. teachers are much more likely than Chinese teachers to predict drawing and guess-and-check strategies. Chinese teachers are much more likely than U.S. teachers to predict algebraic approaches. For the responses using conventional strategies, both the U.S. and Chinese teachers gave them high and almost identical scores. If a response involved a drawing or an estimate of an answer, the Chinese teachers usually gave a relatively lower score than U.S. teachers. This study contributes to our understanding about U.S. and Chinese teachers' beliefs about mathematics teaching and learning.The research discussed in this paper was supported by grants from the Spencer Foundation. Any opinions expressed herein are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of the Spencer Foundation.  相似文献   

Curriculum innovation can hardly be successful unless teachers'conceptions and beliefs about teaching and learning are taken into account.In this article, a craft knowledge perspective is adopted which relatesteachers' conceptions and beliefs to their teaching practice, acknowledgingcontextual and cultural aspects of this practice. A study is described intothe craft knowledge of teachers of first-year courses in higher engineeringeducation, involved in a curriculum innovation project. The study revealedthe teachers' strong commitment to student learning. At the same time,misconceptions about a student-centered teaching approach were identified.The results of the study seriously affected the course of the innovationproject. On the one hand, adjustments of the innovation plans were deemednecessary in order to acknowledge teachers' motivation and dedication. Onthe other hand, the study provided a basis for the design of specificinterventions aimed at developing teachers' conceptions. It is argued thatcraft knowledge studies may constitute an important factor in successfulcurriculum innovation.  相似文献   

21世纪是创新能力大竞争的时代 ,国家的综合实力越来越多地体现在国民素质的高低和优秀创新人才的多少上。高等职业教育担负着为社会培养一线中、高级技术技能型人才的重任 ,要培养一大批具有创新意识、创新能力的高素质创造型劳动者。因此 ,高职院校应从培养学生创新意识、创新能力出发 ,充分发挥教师在创新教育中的主导作用 ,制订创新教育目标及进行创造性教学等多方面实施计划。  相似文献   

The study investigated the effects of three types of evaluation on preservice teachers’ performance, knowledge and attitudes related to writing lesson plans that incorporate technology. Subjects were randomly assigned to one of the three treatment conditions: teacher-evaluation, self-evaluation or peer-evaluation. All groups completed three class periods of instruction on writing lesson plans, then each subject submitted his/her draft lesson plan. The drafts were evaluated by assigned evaluators (teacher, self or peer), who provided scores and written feedback on a 15-item rubric. Students then revised their lesson plans into final form. All three treatment groups improved their lesson plans significantly from draft version to final version, with the teacher-evaluation group showing significantly greater improvement and writing significantly better final lesson plans than each of the other two groups. Teacher-evaluation and self-evaluation groups had significantly higher scores on a knowledge-based posttest than the peer-evaluation group. Several suggestions are discussed for making further improvements in the self-evaluation and peer-evaluation processes.  相似文献   

基于不同的理论取向会产生不同的教学设计观,而不同的教学设计观会倡导不同的教案样式,以此为标准,可以将美国当代中小学的教案样式划分为四类:聚焦"教学行为"的教案、依据"教学方法"的教案、围绕"教学事件"的教案、基于"教学情境"的教案。它们分别适用于不同的教学情境。这四类教案都必须对教学目标、教学内容、教学方法、教学评价四个要素加以系统化的设计,而最重要的原则,是根据教学内容选择不同的教案样式。  相似文献   

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