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在目前世界的大国关系中,俄美关系特别令人瞩目。本文基于对冷战结束后俄美关系状况的认识,认为近期俄美关系发生了三大变化:双方从强调伙伴关系优先到强调自身利益;由相互合作转向互相角逐、争夺;从相互信任转为相互指责、怀疑。文章还探讨了出现这种变化的直接原因和根本原因。最后文章从影响俄美关系的诸因素出发,认为近期内俄美既不能建立“成熟的伙伴关系”,也不会走向全面对抗。既合作又对抗是近期俄美关系的基本格局。而从长远看,随着俄罗新的恢复和发展,俄对外政策利益终将与美国对立。  相似文献   

学校经常举行各种体育比赛,在比赛中体育老师的指挥正确与否,直接关系到比赛的胜负。一场比赛的胜负不仅仅只取决于场上双方队员的运动技术水平和身体对抗能力,同时取决于双方体育老师场下运筹帷幄、斗智斗勇的指挥艺术。因此,为了提高体育老师驾驭比赛的指挥水平,必须注重对体育老师指挥能力的构成因素进行探讨。下面我就体育老师在比赛中的指挥艺术谈谈肤浅看法。  相似文献   

2009年美国与缅甸之间的关系出现了回暖迹象,双方高层互动频繁,对抗关系有所松动,这是双方权衡各自利益的战略选择。但由于双方因战略目标存在差异,互信机制尚未建立,两国关系的未来发展还存在诸多变量。  相似文献   

信息社会中虚拟现实技术的发展导致了区别于真实世界的虚拟社会环境的诞生, 虚拟环境下师生关系将出现一些新变化。教育活动的强制性决定了师生关系的本质特征是对 抗。虚拟环境下师生关系由传统的“人———人”关系转变为“人———机”关系,因机器与人的不同 导致了虚拟环境下师生间的对抗更趋缓和隐蔽,表现为一种轮回式的权力流动关系:控制对方的 力量也将使自己被控制,最终使双方缔结成一种更牢固的对抗关系。但对抗的目的不是造成双 方的分裂与疏离,而是促使双方达致和谐共生,使教育活动更富活力。  相似文献   

美国与土耳其在伊拉克库尔德问题上的分歧与矛盾   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
海湾战争以后,美国与土耳其在伊拉克北部问题的政策与目标出现冲突,影响了双方关系的顺利发展;这种冲突在伊拉克战争时甚至损害了双方同盟关系。伊拉克战争后,伊拉克北部问题成美国与土耳其双方走不出的泥潭,仍然是影响双方关系重要因素。  相似文献   

印度与东盟双方关系的发展既有单元层次的原因,如经济利益互补、政治上互相倚重、安全上互相借重;也有体系层面的原因,如和平与发展成为主题的国际环境、外交对抗因素减弱、经济因素的地位上升、区域集团化的诱因等,这些都为双边关系的发展创造了条件。  相似文献   

1967年6月,仰光发生排华事件,导致中缅关系分裂。初期,双方都采取了较为强硬的态度,相互指责、攻击。从1968年开始,两国都开始不同程度减少对抗,缓和与对方的关系,开始重新接近。1970-1971年,北京与仰光重新互派大使赴任,1971年缅甸最高领导人奈温应邀访华,中缅关系实现正常化。两国关系的破镜重圆,主要源于双方各自利益的需要,其次,国际形势的变化,特别是中美苏三角关系的变化,也是推动两国关系正常化的重要因素。  相似文献   

金祥波 《丹东师专学报》2010,(4):156-162,172
第二次世界大战结束后,为了争夺世界霸权,美苏在全球范围内展开对抗,逐渐发展为冷战。在冷战的大背景下,朝韩关系也随着国际格局的变化一波三折。双方由最初的对峙到后来一系列民族和解政策的出台,并实现了历史性的突破。但由于双方存在的严重的不信任和祖国统一方案中的巨大分歧,因此在整个冷战期间朝韩关系都是在曲折中发展。特别是朝韩双方关系的变化深受国际环境因素的影响,带有深深的国际烙印。直到冷战结束后,才为朝韩关系的改善和双边政府高层会谈创造了条件。  相似文献   

篮球比赛不仅仅表现在篮球场上队员之间对抗,也是教练员才能的对抗,在比赛中双方出现错综复杂、千变万化的情况下,以及比赛的思想作风,身体素质,技战术训练水平和在诸多主客观因素中,教练员的指挥能力对比赛的结果起着越来越突出的作用.  相似文献   

论唐朝与西突厥的关系张兴胜初唐时期唐朝与西突厥的关系经历了一个从结盟到对抗的曲折过程,双方关系的复杂变化既根源于其战略利益与目标的尖锐对立,又与实力强弱的变易密切相关。和战关系的这个变化,对亚洲大陆的国际格局有着深远的影响,也为我们观察李唐帝国兴盛的...  相似文献   

进入21世纪以来,受到各种因素影响,中伊贸易关系正处于一个新的发展阶段。在此前提下,本根据中伊贸易活动情况对其特征进行了分析,并在此基础上探析了新时期双边贸易关系的影响因素,以促进中伊贸易关系的健康发展。  相似文献   

双因素理论与公平理论在我国现代管理中的应用   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
本文通过对双因素理论和公平理论与我国传统文化的对比分析,揭示了传统文化对应用两种理论的影响,并根据我国现实情况,提出了自己对两种理论应用的几点看法.  相似文献   

Individual differences in mathematics performance may stem from domain-general factors like working memory and intelligence. Parietal and frontal brain areas have been implicated in number processing, but the influence of such cognitive factors on brain activity during mathematics processing is not known. The relationship between brain mechanisms during symbolic and nonsymbolic number comparison and individual differences in working memory, nonverbal IQ, and mathematics achievement were investigated to determine possible associations with behavior and brain function. A number of brain areas showed correlations with working memory and number processing. For symbolic digits, working memory showed a positive relationship with brain activity in a network of bilateral parietal, temporal, and right frontal regions. For nonsymbolic dot arrays, working memory showed a negative relationship with several parietal and frontal brain areas. This relationship indicates differences between behavioral and brain function measures and points to the importance of working memory and basic number processing.  相似文献   

解题者对靶题与源题之间的共性意识及加工水平对解题迁移的影响已经得到了验证,其中靶题与源题之间存在着广义抽象关系.结果表明:(1)当靶题是低难度或高难度问题时,解题者对靶题与源题之间共性关系的意识及加工水平对解题迁移的影响没有显著差异;(2)当靶题是中难度问题时,解题者对靶题与源题之间共性关系的意识及加工水平对解题迁移的影响有显著差异.  相似文献   

试析英语委婉语的发展变化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
英语委婉语是一种社会现象,它在各个方面都受到社会的影响。(1)在历时性方面,在不同的历史时期,需要委婉表达的话题随着社会的变化而变化,而对于同一个话题,社会因素的影响使其产生了许多委婉同义词。(2)在共时性方面,在同一历史时期,委婉语的应用受到使用和语境这两个因素的影响,使用因素包括年龄,性别及社会阶层等,语境因素包括:言语行为各个参加之间的关系,言语行为的语域和传播中介的应用等。  相似文献   

The lack of females entering STEM careers is well documented. Reasons for the gender gaps at all stages of the educational pipeline include both internal factors such as self-concept and external factors such as the influence of parents, media, and educators. Using latent growth curve analysis and nationally representative longitudinal survey data, this study compares differences in the relationship between a critical external factor (perceived early parental support), student mathematics and science achievement trajectories, and persistence in STEM career by gender. Mathematics and science trajectories were positively related to STEM career persistence for males and females. Perceived early parental support was related to growth in mathematics achievement for males but not females. There was no relationship between early perceived parental support and growth in science achievement for either males or females. These findings indicate differences in the relationship between parental support, achievement, and career persistence depending on content area and gender.  相似文献   

Research during the 1970s and 1980s identifies grades and satisfaction with college as important educational outcomes, both in their own right and because of their relationship to other outcomes such as persistence. Building on previous research, this article examines the relationship between grades and satisfaction using a latent variable model that includes a variety of factors found to influence grades and satisfaction. The covariance structure analyses indicate that the model provides an accurate representation of the data and explains a substantial proportion of the variance in satisfaction and grades. Results suggest that satisfaction exerts a stronger influence on grades than grades exert on satisfaction. These findings suggest that popular recursive models of educational outcomes should be reevaluated, and that non-recursive models may provide a more accurate representation of educational effects.Presented at the Annual Forum of the Association for Institutional Research, Louisville, KY, May 13–16, 1990. CARD Research Report No. 90-05.  相似文献   

亲师关系的存在是以学生为纽带的,所以,亲师之间不同的社会行为对正在成长的学生必然会产生影响。本研究以400名家长、40名教师、400名初中学生为对象,运用问卷法试图考察亲师不同互动特征变量与学生心理健康和学习品质不同维度的关系。运用方差分析、相关分析、多层协方差结构模型等统计方法进行数据处理。结果发现:(1)家长亲师互动认知和情感因素对学生心理健康有影响;(2)认知和情感因素对学习兴趣和学习外归因有影响;(3)教师亲师互动认知、情感和策略因素对学生心理健康有显著的影响;(4)认知、情感和策略因素对学习兴趣、学习信心、学习情绪、学习外归因和内归因有显著影响。  相似文献   

The contact hypothesis (Allport, 1954) states that cooperative contact with individual members of an out-group can lead to a general more positive attitude toward the out-group as a whole. The research reported in this article investigated the validity of the contact hypothesis within the context of interage interactions. Specifically, the study examined the relationship between young adults' contact with older adults and their attitudes toward the elderly in general. Previous research has emphasized that various factors related to contact quality strongly influence the formation of positive attitudes. In accordance with this assertion, we hypothesized that a single factor, participants' self-reported quality of contact with older individuals, would be related to their attitudes toward the elderly as measured by an implicit attitude scale. Participants' self-reported frequency of contact with older adults was expected to have no effect on their attitudes. College-aged participants were given a single questionnaire that assessed (a) the frequency and quality of their contact with elderly men and women and (b) their implicit attitudes toward the elderly. The results confirmed that self-reported favorable quality, but not frequency, of contact was significantly related to more positive attitudes toward the elderly.  相似文献   

Initial fabric anisotropy can greatly affect the shear behavior of particulate materials during shear. The bedding plane effect induced by particle orientation is one of the main fabric anisotropic factors that may affect other factors. It is hard to experimentally examine the effect of bedding direction of particles on the shear behavior of particulate materials, such as sand. A 2D discrete element method (DEM) is employed in this paper to study the influence of different orientations of oval particles on the behavior of dense assemblies under simple shear. As well as the macroscopic shear behavior, the evolution of particle orientation, contact normal, and inter-particle contact forces within the samples with different initial bedding angles during shear have been extensively examined. It was found that the initial bedding direction of the particles has great influence on the non-coaxiality between the directions of principal stress and principal strain increment. The bedding direction also affects the strength and dilatancy responses of DEM samples subjected to simple shear, and the samples with larger bedding angles exhibit higher shear strength and larger volume dilation. A modified stress-force-fabric relationship is proposed to describe the effect of particle bedding direction on the shear strength of samples, and the new equation can better describe the stress-force-fabric relationship of assemblies with initial anisotropic fabrics compared with the existing model.  相似文献   

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