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教育是博物馆的主要目的和职能。中小学生是博物馆教育对象的重点群体。博物馆教育与学校教育之间存在着相互补充、相互延伸的关系,实现二者的对接融合可达到机构双方和服务对象三赢的教育效果。文章介绍了美国博物馆教育与学校教育对接融合的主要方式和特点。其成功经验对于我国研究建立博物馆参与国民教育体系,特别是把利用博物馆开展教学活动纳入中小学生教育体系方面的长效机制颇有借鉴和启发意义。  相似文献   

教育是博物馆的主要目的和职能.中小学生是博物馆教育对象的重点群体.博物馆教育与学校教育之间存在着相互补充、相互延伸的关系,实现二者的对接融合可达到机构双方和服务对象三赢的教育效果.文章介绍了美国博物馆教育与学校教育对接融合的主要方式和特点.其成功经验对于我国研究建立博物馆参与国民教育体系,特别是把利用博物馆开展教学活动纳入中小学生教育体系方面的长效机制颇有借鉴和启发意义.  相似文献   

发源于美国的儿童博物馆至今已有一百多年的历史.采用分层随机抽样与典型抽样相结合的抽样方式,通过对美国15家儿童博物馆负责人的访谈研究发现,作为以教育儿童为目的的非营利性社会组织,美国儿童博物馆承担着服务促进社会发展的重要责任,其社会经济效益与教育功能一样不容忽视.其产生的社会经济效益主要包括:为家庭教育提供有利场所,传播和培养启发式、互动式和参与式的教育理念;注重对儿童文化欣赏力、多元文化包容力和跨文化交际能力的培养;整合社会资源服务社区,与当地学校、高校和其他社会机构保持紧密联系;关注社会弱势群体,促进当地经济文化发展.  相似文献   

美国近年学校文化研究简述   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
王天晓 《教育科学》2005,21(4):57-60
本文对美国近年来对学校文化的研究作了概括的叙述。叙述从三个方面展开,这三个方面是:1.学校文化的概念;2.学校文化的特点;3.学校文化的塑造等。美国学校文化研究的成果将为我国中小学教育改革提供一些可资借鉴的思考材料。  相似文献   

美国博物馆学校是公立学校迎接时代发展与挑战,充分利用博物馆资源支持学校教育以及促进教育机会平等而进行办学创新的结果。美国博物馆学校在育人模式、办学模式、管理模式、学习模式以及课程模式五方面进行了创新,推进了无边界的育人模式、开启了馆校合作的办学模式、创新了博物馆学习模式,以及以展览创建为核心的课程模式,但在可持续发展、博物馆学校模式的推广、馆校合作关系的发展等方面仍然存在问题和挑战。  相似文献   

<正> 素质教育是当今中国乃至世界教育改革与发展的主流,博物馆、纪念馆作为一个新型教育机构已进入到社会大教育体系之中、探讨博物馆、纪念馆在学校素质教育中的作用,是现代教育发展的需要,也是博物馆、纪念馆自身发展的需要。  相似文献   

"馆校合作"是指博物馆和学校之间的教育合作关系。从博物馆开始发展其社会公共教育职能之初,青少年学生就是博物馆最关注的群体,对青少年的教育也是促进博物馆发挥社会教育功能的重要途径。同时,博物馆也是青少年了解历史、感受传统文化最直观、立体的教科书。博物馆作为社会文化服务机构,对于弘扬民族优秀文化遗产、传播传统文化、增强民族凝聚力有着特殊的意义。中国国家博物馆与史家小学在馆校合作开发课程中的深入探索,凭借其系统化的教学内容、行之有效的教学方式,使博物馆的社会教育功能得到有效发挥,进一步完善了国民素质教育体系。  相似文献   

杨萍 《外国教育研究》2003,30(10):24-26
近十多年来,美国家庭学校迅速增加,甚至在一些州家庭学校学生已经超过公立学校学生。这不容忽视的现象无疑对公立教育是一种挑战。文章对美国家庭学校的特点、兴起原因、优势及其对公立学校的威胁进行了述评。  相似文献   

普遍的社会力量参与是美国学校法治教育中的突出特色和亮点.美国法治教育中,大量提供专业化法治教育服务的社会组织或机构以运行项目、开展活动、提供资助、开发教学资料等方式参与学校法治教育,具有参与主体专业化、项目运行长效化、组织和项目品牌化、相关资源协同化、资源人士志愿化等特征,其有益经验可为我国学校法治教育中社会支持性资源的引入和协作提供借鉴.  相似文献   

在博物馆事业不断发展的今天,教育职能在博物馆履行的社会职能中受到了前所未有的重视。相对于学校教育而言,博物馆教育是一种社会教育,是学校教育的补充和延伸。如何建立博物馆与学校的良性互动机制,实现博物馆社会教育与学校教育的融合,是博物馆工作者需要认真考虑的问题。  相似文献   

From the early 19th century until the most recent two decades, open‐space and satellite museums featuring anatomy and pathology collections (collectively referred to as “medical museums”) had leading roles in medical education. However, many factors have caused these roles to diminish dramatically in recent years. Chief among these are the great advances in information technology and web‐based learning that are currently at play in every level of medical training. Some medical schools have abandoned their museums while others have gradually given away their museums' contents to devote former museum space to new classrooms, lecture halls, and laboratories. These trends have accelerated as medical school enrollment has increased and as increasing interest in biological and biomedical research activities have caused medical schools to convert museum space into research facilities. A few medical schools, however, have considered the contents of their museums as irreplaceable resources for modern medicine and medical education and the space these occupy as great environments for independent and self‐directed learning. Consequently, some medical schools have updated their medical museums and equipped them with new technologies. The Anatomical Museum of Leiden University Medical Center in The Netherlands and the Medical Museum of Kawasaki Medical School in Kurashiki, Okayama, Japan, are two examples of such upgraded museums. Student surveys at Leiden University have indicated that all students (100%) found audio‐guided museum tours to be useful for learning and majorities of them found guided tours to be clinically relevant (87%). However, 69% of students felt that museum visits should be optional rather than compulsory within the medical training curriculum. Anat Sci Educ 3:249–253, 2010. © 2010 American Association of Anatomists.  相似文献   

教育是博物馆的主要目的和职能,而中小学是博物馆教育体系服务的重要对象。博物馆教育与学校教育之间存在着相互补充、相互延伸的关系,二者的合作不仅有助于学校课程的实施和学生学习,而且可以推动博物馆教育职能的不断完善和提升。文章介绍了美国博物馆与中小学互相合作的发展历程,分析了影响两者合作进程的主要因素,其成功经验对于探索中国博物馆与中小学教育系统的衔接合作颇有借鉴和启发意义。  相似文献   


This article begins with the argument that education has become an important site of activity in museums around the world. This development has been of crucial significance for South Africa where many new museums have come into being and where old museums are now taking new courses. The challenge that these museums are having to confront is how to deal with the question of their public education responsibilities with respect to issues such as race, identity, nation and nation-building. How does the museum tell its story in ways that are inclusive and at the same time critical? How these challenges play themselves out in a museum such as the District Six Museum is important to talk about. What this discussion about the District Six Museum reveals is how little attention is paid to forms of public education in institutions outside of the school in South Africa. It is significant that the museum, which has come to play such a significant role in the reimagination of South Africa and is assuming in the intentions of the new government such a pivotal role in teaching South Africans about their pasts, is understood so poorly. The article uses the District Six Museum example to look critically at what a new museum educational practice might consist of.  相似文献   

博物馆具有收藏历史文物、进行科学研究和社会教育的功能,因而是一种高品位的旅游资源。广州历史悠久,博物馆资源十分丰富,具有得天独厚的发展博物馆旅游的优势。近年来,在旅游业的推动下,广州的博物馆也与旅游业纷纷联姻,博物馆旅游逐渐兴起,但也存在着许多不容忽视的问题,本文拟在对这些问题进行剖析的基础上,就有效和合理的开发广州的博物馆旅游提出一些构想。  相似文献   

科学馆在民国时期学校理科教学特别是中学理科实验教学中扮演了重要角色。民国时期公共科学馆从建议设立到零星出现再到行政推广的过程,凸显了它在中学理科实验教学中的作用及其与学校科学教育发展的关系。  相似文献   

The present study was conducted in the Deutsches Museum in Munich, the Senckenberg Museum in Frankfurt am Main and the Landesmuseum Schloß Gottorf in Schleswig. 160 museum visitors were asked about their conceptions of learning in school and learning in a museum. These conceptions generate a persons’ individual concept of learning. It is formed by the influence of the subjectively different experiences each person makes in varying learning situations. Since every learning environment offers different opportunities and possibilities for learning, it can be assumed that there are location-specific concepts of learning. The results of this study show that concepts of learning in school can be differentiated from concepts in a museum; albeit reactive and constructive concepts of learning were found for schools as well as for museums. In addition it was found that different people’s concepts of learning depend on their places of learning.  相似文献   

革命纪念馆是对青少年进行爱国主义教育的重要基地,是青少年德育的第二课堂。随着新馆的建成开放,嘉兴南湖革命纪念馆充分发挥其独特优势,在讲解服务、形式创新、馆校联合、展品挖掘、人才培养等方面,探索出了一条加强青少年爱国主义教育的有效途径。  相似文献   

It seems uncontroversial to claim that museums are unique places of interest with the potential to inspire learners, yet what this means and how it is managed are complex questions. Museum educators’ work is currently shaped by accountability requirements typically expressed as visitor targets. Centralised teaching and learning initiatives are presented as ‘good practice’. In opposition to these factors, the action research inquiry discussed here set out to enable the participants to research and reflect upon the challenges of their individual contexts, and to develop ideas for practice that were ‘bespoke’. Deliberation on particular predicaments raised important issues, such as the relationship between schools and museums; the educational value of museums to schools; and the distinctive nature of museum pedagogy. A group of museum educators began with the question: ‘How can we support teachers in integrating learning in a museum, with the school curriculum, to help raise pupil attainment’? The paper tells the story of the project and includes reflections on the use of action research as a method of personal professional development and organisational problem-solving.  相似文献   

The current political and social backdrop in China that is characterized by rapid educational reforms to the K-12 education system, rapid growth in the number of science museum institutions, and Central Government policy which encourages collaboration between museums and school has the potential to be fertile ground for meaningful engagement between museums and schools. Notwithstanding, the Chinese K-12 education system generally does not utilize museum resources to support the curriculum, as is common in Western countries. This hermeneutic phenomenographic study elucidates the current Chinese views and perceptions among three stakeholders—school teachers, museum staffs and science educators—around this collaborative concept. The outcomes demonstrate that strongly entrenched cultural views and long-standing practices among stakeholder groups are obstacles to meaningful collaboration despite Central Government policy which encourages such engagement. The cultural values and perceptual views of stakeholder groups were discerned with the purpose of promoting mutual understandings and ultimately enabling meaningful collaboration in support of K-12 education in China.  相似文献   

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