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掷链球旋转中足髋间的扭转   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
旋转掷链球是技术复杂的项目,运动员在最后用力前必须持球旋转三至四圈,旋转结束时,链球的速度可达最后出手速度的80%左右。因此,提高链球在旋转过程中的速度是取得好的运动成绩的一个重要因素。在旋转过程中,链球是围绕着通过运动员支撑脚为支点的轴进行转动,转动半径和转动角速度是影响链球  相似文献   

对我国5名优秀女子链球运动员使用近景动态三维录像分析系统分析运动员的投掷技术,结果表明,第四圈双支撑阶段加速能力较强,但在第四圈单支撑阶段速度损失过大;链球旋转速度增量与各圈轨迹中双支撑与单支撑的比值有关,增大链球各圈轨迹中双支撑与单支撑的比值有助于链球旋转速度增量的提高;加大投掷动作的动作幅度,增大各圈旋转中运动员的各运动环节的最大值与最小值的差值对链球旋转速度增量的提高具有十分重要意义。  相似文献   

使用两台松下M9000摄像机,对2001年第9届全国运动会的女子链球决赛进行现场三维立体拍摄。选取前6名运动员最好成绩的录像进行解析,获得了一些较全面的人体运动学数据。从运动学角度,对目前我国部分优秀女子链球运动员旋转技术的时空特征进行了综合定量分析。研究结果表明:研究对象旋转阶段的链球速度增量较低,旋转阶段链球速度增量达到最大值后,随着旋转的继续链球速度增量逐圈降低;旋转中右脚离地落地的时机存在“早抬早落”、“晚抬晚落”、“晚抬早落”三种现象;在旋转过程中,右脚落地形成双支撑瞬间肩髋轴间夹角大于足髋轴间夹角的现象,并随旋转的继续逐圈减小,这是导致运动员持续加速能力逐圈减弱及链球速度增量逐圈降低的原因之一。  相似文献   

研究目的:通过拍摄我国部分优秀女子链球运动员的动作,对影响和制约运动员成绩发挥的因素进行了分析和研究。研究方法:1)用立体定机拍摄法,获得运动员比赛视频录像;2)利用APAS运动图像分析系统对比赛视频进行解析,获得原始运动学参数;3)数字滤波法,对原始运动学参数进行低通滤波平滑,截断频率为8 Hz。研究结果:1)我国运动员双支撑时间不足;2)我国运动员普遍存在预摆动作不充分的现象,导致旋转第1圈链球速度增量过大,个别运动员在旋转过程中还出现了链球速度的负增长。3)我国运动员普遍采用"晚抬早落"的旋转技术以增加对链球的加速距离。研究结论:1)我国运动员应增加预摆末期的链球速度;2)运动员应在双支撑期尽量保持重心平稳过渡,以减少"转轮效应"对链球速度产生的影响;3)建议增加双支撑期时间。  相似文献   

现代链球技术朝着快速度旋转的方向发展,加快旋转速度的训练,越来越被人们重视。对青少年链球运动员来说,打好基础,重点解决好旋转速度问题,对今后提高运动成绩具有重要的意义.本文根据链球运动的特点和结合本人从事链球训练、教学多年的体会,谈谈青少年链球运动员旋转速度训练的问题。一研究对象及方法: (1)研究对象: 省体校田径队男子少年链球运动员胡远亮,72年出生,身高1.85米,体重88公斤。一九八六年九月进校从事铁饼训练,一九八八年改链球。(2)研究方法:  相似文献   

我国与世界优秀链球选手身体形态、身体素质、专项能力及旋转速度等多方面比较显示 :我国部分链球运动员身体形态和身体素质已接近世界优秀选手指标 ,但专项能力和旋转速度方面尚有明显差距。认为专项能力差是阻碍我国链球运动员跨入世界先进行列的主要原因 ;旋转速度慢是制约我国链球运动成绩进一步提高的关键因素 ;而早期训练没有建立起高水平的技术动力性结构模式是我国链球落后的根源  相似文献   

影响我国男子链球运动成绩的主要因素   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对我国与世界优秀链球选手身体形态、身体素质、专项能力及旋转速度等多方面比较,结果表明:我国部分链球运动员身体形态和身体素质已接近世界优秀选手指标,但专项能力和旋转速度方面尚有明显差距.认为专项能力差是阻碍我国链球运动员跨入世界先进行列的主要原因;旋转速度慢是制约其运动成绩进一步提高的关键因素;而早期训练没有建立起高水平的技术动力性结构模式是我国链球落后的根源.  相似文献   

本文通过对我国与世界优秀篮球运动员的综合比较分析, 找出影响我国男子掷链球运动成绩提高的因素,为优化我国男子掷链球运动训练结构,提高我国男子链球运动成绩提供科学的依据。1身体形态的比较分析旋转速度是掷链球技术核心。在其他条件相同时,体重越大,其转动加速度就越低,对成绩的负面影响也越大。经比较, 我国男子链球运动员的平均身高低于国外运动员,而体重却超过他们。2身体素质的比较分析掷链球是体能主导类速度力量性投掷项目,要求运动员必须具备良好的速度力量和爆发力。经比较,我国男子链球运动员的基础力量水平并不低,而速度力量发展水平却较差。因此,在训练过程中应加强弹跳力和速度力量的训练,使身体素  相似文献   

链球运动是较复杂的旋转运动项目,决定其出手速度的两个重要因素是链球运动的旋转速度和旋转半径。为了获得更快的旋转速度和较大的旋转半径,运动员必须靠随时调整拉力,使自己的重心与因身体不断加速而产生的递增离心力保持平衡,才能实现对链球运动的加速作用。  相似文献   

据专家们研究掷链球获得的预先速度占投掷出手速度的75——80%。掷链球的旋转速度大小出手速度与成绩有着重要作用。要想提高旋转速度很重要的一点是如何掌握合理的旋转技术。我们就我国七名链球运动健将的旋转技术用64格/秒的摄影机进行了正面定点拍摄,经对影片处理,提出改进转旋技术的意见。合理的掷链球旋转技术应是逐圈加速的,我国七名运动员的旋转技术是符合这个技术要求的。见表一。  相似文献   

采用2台JVC9800高速摄影机,对江苏省部分优秀女子链球运动员的投掷技术进行拍摄和解析,并对旋转及最后用力阶段链球速度变化、投掷各阶段链球速度增减、投掷各阶段球速线量变化等进行运动学分析与比较。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between the cable force and linear hammer speed in the hammer throw and to identify how the magnitude and direction of the cable force affects the fluctuations in linear hammer speed. Five male (height: 1.88 +/- 0.06 m; body mass: 106.23 +/- 4.83 kg) and five female (height: 1.69 +/- 0.05 m; body mass: 101.60 +/- 20.92 kg) throwers participated and were required to perform 10 throws each. The hammer's linear velocity and the cable force and its tangential component were calculated via hammer head positional data. As expected, a strong correlation was observed between decreases in the linear hammer speed and decreases in the cable force (normalised for hammer weight). A strong correlation was also found to exist between the angle by which the cable force lags the radius of rotation at its maximum (when tangential force is at its most negative) and the size of the decreases in hammer speed. These findings indicate that the most effective way to minimise the effect of the negative tangential force is to reduce the size of the lag angle.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between the cable force and linear hammer speed in the hammer throw and to identify how the magnitude and direction of the cable force affects the fluctuations in linear hammer speed. Five male (height: 1.88 ± 0.06 m; body mass: 106.23 ± 4.83 kg) and five female (height: 1.69 ± 0.05 m; body mass: 101.60 ± 20.92 kg) throwers participated and were required to perform 10 throws each. The hammer's linear velocity and the cable force and its tangential component were calculated via hammer head positional data. As expected, a strong correlation was observed between decreases in the linear hammer speed and decreases in the cable force (normalised for hammer weight). A strong correlation was also found to exist between the angle by which the cable force lags the radius of rotation at its maximum (when tangential force is at its most negative) and the size of the decreases in hammer speed. These findings indicate that the most effective way to minimise the effect of the negative tangential force is to reduce the size of the lag angle.  相似文献   

采用关联分析方法,对我国8名优秀女子掷链球运动员的7项身体素质指标进行综合分析,找出各项身体素质指标对运动成绩影响的主次关系。在此基础上,与国外优秀女子掷链球运动员进行比较,从中发现我国女子掷链球运动员身体训练中的不足,并对今后的训练提出了建议。  相似文献   

The development of cable force during hammer-throw turns is crucial to the throw distance. In this paper, we present a method that is capable of measuring cable force in real time and, as it does not interfere with technique, it is capable of providing immediate feedback to coaches and athletes during training. A strain gauge was mounted on the wires of three hammers to measure the tension in the wire and an elite male hammer thrower executed three throws with each hammer. The output from the gauges was recorded by a data logger positioned on the lower back of the thrower. The throws were captured by three high-speed video cameras and the three-dimensional position of the hammer's head was determined by digitizing the images manually. The five best throws were analysed. The force acting on the hammer's head was calculated from Newton's second law of motion and this was compared with the force measured via the strain gauge. Qualitatively the time dependence of the two forces was essentially the same, although the measured force showed more detail in the troughs of the force-time curves. Quantitatively the average difference between the measured and calculated forces over the five throws was 76 N, which corresponds to a difference of 3.8% for a cable force of 2000 N.  相似文献   

链球出手后在空中所做的运动为抛物体运动,影响抛物体远度的主要因素为:出手速度、出手角度、出手高度。主要运用数学的方法计算出手速度、角度、高度时于运动成绩的影响,并对于影响链球运动成绩的诸多因素进行了分析,以帮助教练员与运动员在链球运动实践中把握动作技术的关键。  相似文献   

The development of cable force during hammer-throw turns is crucial to the throw distance. In this paper, we present a method that is capable of measuring cable force in real time and, as it does not interfere with technique, it is capable of providing immediate feedback to coaches and athletes during training. A strain gauge was mounted on the wires of three hammers to measure the tension in the wire and an elite male hammer thrower executed three throws with each hammer. The output from the gauges was recorded by a data logger positioned on the lower back of the thrower. The throws were captured by three high-speed video cameras and the three-dimensional position of the hammer's head was determined by digitizing the images manually. The five best throws were analysed. The force acting on the hammer's head was calculated from Newton's second law of motion and this was compared with the force measured via the strain gauge. Qualitatively the time dependence of the two forces was essentially the same, although the measured force showed more detail in the troughs of the force–time curves. Quantitatively the average difference between the measured and calculated forces over the five throws was 76 N, which corresponds to a difference of 3.8% for a cable force of 2000 N.  相似文献   

文章采用文献资料法、数理统计法、对比分析法等研究方法,对我国女子链球项目现状进行分析,通过研究发现,影响我国女子链球专项成绩提高的主要因素是:运动员体重指标偏大;身体素质尤其是下肢速度力量素质发展水平较低;旋转技术亟待改善。  相似文献   

采用2台JVC9800高速摄影机,对中国部分优秀女子链球运动员的投掷技术进行拍摄和解析,并对旋转阶段的时间特征、链球加速距离、链球远行斜面变化等进行运动学分析与比较。  相似文献   

运用数学建模的方法对我国和世界女子链球成绩进行了预测。并对近7年世界女子链球成绩变化特征及其原因进行了分析,提出了2008年我国女子链球的发展方向和对策。  相似文献   

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