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This study investigated factors affecting students' ability to apply consistently the concept of adaptations (i.e., characteristics which suit an organism to its environment). Individual interviews were carried out with 74 Year 10 students, of whom only 47% showed an understanding of the concept. These students were asked to indicate on a list of living and non-living items which ones whould have adaptations. It was found that they were more likely to apply the concept to vertebrates than to other types of living things. In addition, many students appeared to be unable to separate consistently the idea of “adaptations as characteristics” from the other everyday and scientific meanings of the terms “adapt” and “adaptation”.  相似文献   

汉语名词计量方式的认知基础是事物的离散性特征,离散性强的事物,投射到语言中,相应名词的空间性就强;离散性弱的事物,投射到语言中,相应名词的空间性也弱。强空间性名词可以适用所有类别的量词,弱空间性名词不能适用个体量词,根据其空间性程度,只能适用度量量词、部分量词、借用量词、种类量词,或完全不能与量词组合。名词与量词的组合不是任意的,是有理可据的。  相似文献   

A manipulation of the instructions students received prior to completing the 7-item Endeavor Instructional Rating card differentially affected their ratings on two types of items. Specifically, when students were led to believe their ratings would have a strong impact on the instructor's career, they tended to be more lenient on items measuring rapport (i.e., the affective domain); this same effect was not observed for items measuring pedagogical skill (i.e., the cognitive domain). The different items on our instructional rating instrument appear to be measuring different things. One implication of this observation is that the inconsistent findings reported in past research on student ratings of instruction may be due to the differential mix of items from one instrument to another. When instructors are compared on ratings given them by students, unbiased interpretation requires that the multidimensional nature of teaching (and of the rating instrument) be considered.  相似文献   

Mustering strength to run key schools successfully is one of the major tasks on the educational front. Many ordinary schools regard it as an unshirkable duty to supply key middle schools with junior high graduates who do well in their studies. Nevertheless, there are now some ordinary schools that, proceeding from selfish departmentalism, do not encourage their junior high graduates with better scholastic attainments to sign up for the entrance examination to senior grades of key middle schools. Instead, they caution the students, "If next semester you will continue to study at our school in senior grade one, we'll put you in the key class. If you apply for the entrance examination to a key school and return to our school when rejected, then it would be impossible for us to assign you to the key class." Some even warn, "You will not be accepted if you come back." In this way, a batch of students who do well in their studies are pressured not to sign up for the entrance examinations to key schools. They are afraid that they may have no opportunity to study at all if they fail in the entrance examinations. This practice is obviously wrong. If every school does things this way and every student with better scholastic aptitude does not apply for the key school, how can the key school recruit the better qualified? Where can the "better qualified" come from?  相似文献   

Although previous studies show that a majority of parents want their children to go to college and graduate with a 4-year degree, the strategies used to accomplish this goal vary widely. While some parents feel it is important for their children to attend school while living at home (college-at-home parents), others do not (college-anywhere parents). This study investigates the influence of these parental strategy preferences on whether children apply to college during their senior year of high school, as well as whether they apply to multiple colleges. Net of measured ability, socioeconomic factors, and students’ own strategy preferences, students with college-at-home parents are significantly less likely to apply to college than students with college-anywhere parents; and among those who do apply to college, students with college-at-home parents are significantly less likely to apply to multiple colleges.  相似文献   

英汉语词汇在文化内涵上有同有异。由于人类的思维具有惯性,对英语中的一些对应词汇容易按照汉语的文化意义对号入座,望文生义,从而引起理解上的错误。因此在教学的过程中英语教师应有意识地引导学生认识这一现象,从而使他们能尽快在交际中正确理解和运用英语词汇。  相似文献   

通过对高中生数学应试心理归因的调查,探讨高中生数学应试的心理归因方式。从被调查的340名学生中选出两组进行比较:甲组是数学平时成绩较好者68人,乙组为数学平时成绩较差者75人。通过对21个项目的调查结果显示:(1)学生在数学应试这一无法改变的事实面前大都作否定的、自身的、消极的、持久的归因;(2)对应试结果大都作封闭的、回避的、视角转换进行自我保护的归因。  相似文献   

新时期高校出现了一些学习目的模糊、学习态度不端正、学习行为不稳定等令人担忧的现象,分析其主要原因,是部分学生未树立起正确的世界观、人生观、价值观,进而未形成科学的学习观念,激发出自我学习动力,养成良好学习习惯。社会主义核心价值观是指导高校学风建设的思想理论基础,认同认知践行社会主义核心价值观是高校学风建设强基固本的有效方法。  相似文献   

In low-stakes assessments, some students may not reach the end of the test and leave some items unanswered due to various reasons (e.g., lack of test-taking motivation, poor time management, and test speededness). Not-reached items are often treated as incorrect or not-administered in the scoring process. However, when the proportion of not-reached items is high, these traditional approaches may yield biased scores and thereby threatening the validity of test results. In this study, we propose a polytomous scoring approach for handling not-reached items and compare its performance with those of the traditional scoring approaches. Real data from a low-stakes math assessment administered to second and third graders were used. The assessment consisted of 40 short-answer items focusing on addition and subtraction. The students were instructed to answer as many items as possible within 5 minutes. Using the traditional scoring approaches, students’ responses for not-reached items were treated as either not-administered or incorrect in the scoring process. With the proposed scoring approach, students’ nonmissing responses were scored polytomously based on how accurately and rapidly they responded to the items to reduce the impact of not-reached items on ability estimation. The traditional and polytomous scoring approaches were compared based on several evaluation criteria, such as model fit indices, test information function, and bias. The results indicated that the polytomous scoring approaches outperformed the traditional approaches. The complete case simulation corroborated our empirical findings that the scoring approach in which nonmissing items were scored polytomously and not-reached items were considered not-administered performed the best. Implications of the polytomous scoring approach for low-stakes assessments were discussed.  相似文献   

This article sheds light on an understudied aspect of the transition from school to work: the choice of a training company. It presents findings from qualitative interviews with 69 secondary school students and apprentices from the German states of Berlin and Brandenburg, focusing on their reasons to choose a training company in the dual system. What reasons lead students and apprentices to choose a training company? The most common reason is personal impressions, which future apprentices obtain in their initial, personal encounters with a company and its staff. Students and apprentices often consider location, working atmosphere and soundness. Due to this study’s regional scope, its findings may not be fully generalisable on a national or international level. However, its findings may instigate further research in countries where people pursuing certain types of apprenticeship training have to apply to companies (e.g. Great Britain, Switzerland and Australia).  相似文献   

Educational leaders continually must be vigilant about their actions as they speak volumes about the values that the leader supports. It is impossible for an educational leader to take an action without generating some comment about how things should be done—which by definition is moral action. What's more, everyone is watching—especially the students.

This article explores leadership relationships, interrelationships, and interdependence—and how administrative “moral leadership” rests with the institution's leader. First, it examines the concept of systems thinking to determine how relationships, support structures, and decisions made by school leaders impact the entire school—especially the students and the community at large. Second, it explores and furthers our understanding of moral leadership models by synthesizing concepts in the literature and offers a new paradigm of moral leadership for educational leaders in the 21st century.  相似文献   

基督教的哲学是对其信仰的维护,总是突出理性的无力与上帝的全能。在经院哲学产生之初,就有哲学家有意识的运用理性为基督教的理论辩护。但是上帝与上帝的一切神迹都是不可证明与不可证伪的“自在之物”,它们超出了理性。如果试图运用理性去说明它们,会将理性这个可以批判一切的工具保留下来。导致后来对基督教进行批判。  相似文献   

长期以来我国高校部分思想政治课教学存在效果不佳,忽视教学艺术便是其重要的原因之一,而造成这种现象归根结底就是观念的落后与陈旧。为改变这种现状。使学生真正喜欢上政治课,广大思想政治理论课教师必须要更新教育观念,提高教学艺术,使教学与艺术融为一体。这样才能不断拓展思想政治理论课教学艺术的研究视野,适应时代需要,彰显其实效性。  相似文献   

解决中学生写作文无话可说的问题,让他们写"熟悉的生活"与观察到的事物难以收到成效,因为"熟悉的生活"和观察到的事物不等于他们心头想说的话.只有引导他们写"心灵的碰撞"、写对事物的感想和对生活的领悟才是正确的办法,因为这些正是他们想要表达的思想感情,这样作符合于作文的本质规律,能收到多方面的效果.  相似文献   

Preschoolers' Ability to Distinguish Living Kinds as a Function of Regrowth   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
In order to acquire a theory of biology, children must acquire knowledge about living kinds. Although many studies have shown that preschool children do not accurately classify living kinds and do not use appropriate properties when asked to decide whether something is a living kind, recent work has shown that 3- and 4-year-olds do know something about biological growth. The ability of kinds to heal through regrowth was used in this paper as a measure of children's implicit understanding that plants and animals can be grouped together. In 3 experiments, children were told that animals, plants, and artifacts had been damaged and were asked whether the objects could heal through regorwth and whether a person could mend them. In all studies, children were sensitive to ontological kind, 4-year-olds realized that both plants and animals can regrow but that artifacts must be fixed by human intervention. 3-year-olds were less knowledgeable but did realize that artifacts cannot regrow. Overall, children showed some biological knowledge, implicity grouping plants and animals together and differentiating them from artifacts.  相似文献   

PISA2009上海项目,开启了用PISA监测我国义务教育质量的先河。继而有关学者主张,借鉴PISA建构我国的义务教育质量监测体系,以提供中国同世界上其他国家或地区间可比较的教育质量指标,从而为国家教育政策的制定和调整提供依据。然而,当我们将PISA移植于中国义务教育质量监测,并将其结果在国际上进行比较的时候,不可无视两个问题:一是学生生存质量问题;二是教育效率问题。前者关注:学生在教育过程中幸福感如何、承受的压力有多强、失去了多少原本不该失去的东西;后者关注:某一PISA成绩的取得,消耗了多少劳动,花费了多长时间。  相似文献   

Children show a disambiguation effect--a tendency to select unfamiliar rather than familiar things as the referents of new names. In previous studies, this effect has been reversed in young 2-year-olds, but not older children, by preexposing the unfamiliar objects, suggesting that attraction to novelty controls 2-years-olds' choices of referents for new names, but a mutual exclusivity and/or lexical gap-filling principle determines preschoolers' selections. Both the disambiguation effect and its reversal by preexposure were replicated in the present study; however, 24-month-olds' rate of selecting unfamiliar over familiar kinds was less when they were simply asked to choose between the items than when they were asked to identify the referents of unfamiliar names. Thus, some young children may have both an attraction to novel tokens and a tendency to honor an abstract lexical principle. Referent selections were also affected by object typicality and word similarity. Correlations between the tendency to acknowledge a new name's unfamiliarity and to treat it like a similar-sounding familiar name suggested that youngsters' phonological matching skills affect their interpretation of new names. Also, 4-year-olds who most often mapped distinctive-sounding new names to unfamiliar kinds tended to admit their unfamiliarity with these names most frequently, suggesting that children's increasing awareness of their own knowledge begins to affect their lexical processing during the preschool years.  相似文献   

本文分析仿拟从修辞手段发展为造词手段的现象,要点有四:汉语重意合的特点是语言系统内部的原因;对新事物、新现象进行指称的需要与旧有造词手段造词的有限性和滞后性之间的矛盾是推动仿拟发生功能转变的外部原因;联想和类推的思维方式则是认知上的理据;历代文人用典、化用是仿拟造词法形成的历史渊源。  相似文献   

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