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宋丹  林鸿飞  杨志豪 《情报学报》2007,26(4):555-560
话题跟踪属于话题识别与跟踪(TDT)的一项子任务,是一种基于事件的信息组织技术.话题跟踪任务就是根据某一话题的训练报道,在后续报道中找出讨论该话题的所有报道.虽然传统的基于内容计算的话题跟踪方法也可以应用于Web话题跟踪,但它并没有利用Web的页面特征.文章针对Web页面的特点,提出了一种利用链接分析和内容计算相结合来进行Web话题跟踪的方法.实验证明这种方法是有效的.  相似文献   

基于链接网络图的互联网舆情话题跟踪方法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
互联网舆情演化具有的衍生性和动态性特点,使得舆情话题的跟踪分析相当复杂.为了及时、准确地跟踪舆情的衍生话题,本文在分析网页间的链接关系与网页内容关联性的基础上,提出了舆情演化的链接网络图概念,以及网络图中节点与舆情话题的相关度计量和更新方法,基于此提出了基于链接网络图的舆情话题跟踪方法.实验结果表明,基于链接网络图的舆情话题跟踪方法能够在保持较高准确率的前提下,显著地提高舆情话题跟踪的召回率,并能够从网页的链接中发掘出与舆情话题相关的网页.  相似文献   

本文基于社会建构理论,并运用框架建构的研究方法,对研究中关媒体关于十八大报道主题、报道基调和报道文本的差别进行了分析,从正面陈述与责难叙述、典型话语立场与冲突话语立场、描述话语与隐喻话语上搭建了中美媒体的新闻框架建构。  相似文献   

本文以媒体建构论为理论框架,对六家报纸2007年太湖水污染报道进行内容分析,从消息来源、报道主题、风险归因方式及报道立场等方面考察媒体如何报道与呈现相关环境风险。研究发现,不同类型媒体在消息来源与风险归因方式上不存在显著差异,均高度依赖政府信源,存在简单化归因倾向;但在报道主题和报道立场上存在显著差异,当地媒体在政府主导型的报道框架下表现出明显的负面新闻正面报道的宣传逻辑。  相似文献   

构建新疆图像是塑造新疆区域形象的一个必要和重要步骤。基于框架理论,本文以新疆天山网对中国—亚欧博览会的报道为例,结合文本分析法,梳理分析相关报道,讨论天山网如何在亚博会专题报道中建构、呈现新疆图像,进而对网络媒体如何更好地塑造新疆图像作一定尝试性探讨。  相似文献   

王木子  贺蕾 《新闻知识》2012,(10):42-44
本文通过文献资料法、内容分析法,选取新浪网、中国知网、《中国体育报》有关丁俊晖的新闻和报道进行分析,梳理自2000年以来有关丁俊晖的报道数量、新闻框架、丁俊晖媒体形象以及媒体态度变化,旨在对当今大众媒体呈现体育明星的问题上提供借鉴。研究发现,丁俊晖的比赛成绩和金牌分量与媒体呈现态度、新闻框架紧密相关;媒体在对体育明星呈现愈加多元化的同时,需要注意自身肩负的职责。  相似文献   

林晓华 《传媒》2022,(17):39-40
如何做好“三农”报道为新农村建设及乡村振兴战略实施提供思想支持与政策指引,已经成为新闻媒体舆论建设的重点工作。《人民日报·新农村周刊》以新农村为切入点展开的“三农”报道,立足国家大局,深入基层塑造典型,通过正面宣传为乡村振兴战略提供舆论支持,在报道框架与话语范式上形成了鲜明特色。本文从报道视角、方式、立场、对象四个方面入手,对其报道特色进行总结梳理,希望能够为其他媒体的“三农”报道革新提供借鉴。  相似文献   

李祥祥 《今传媒》2022,(9):75-80
本文以近几年国内主流媒体对社会热点人物和新时代典型人物张桂梅的报道为中心,讨论了媒体对重大典型人物的聚焦关注,同时探讨了同“题”(新闻话题、新闻素材)报道中,人物稿件写作方式的差异化以及人物的不同侧面,并在此基础上,从写作的立意、角度的切入、报道框架的不同设置与选择、对细节的不同把握与处理等方面,总结出人物稿件写作中同“题”报道取胜的可能因素及其方式,旨在为相关研究提供借鉴。  相似文献   

吴茜 《新闻世界》2013,(3):91-93
由于商业门户网站没有新闻采访权,因此在重大国际国内新闻事件的报道上,只能以具有新闻采访资格的新闻媒体稿件做为新闻源。然而这是否意味着商业门户网站在报道中无法表达自身立场?如果可以,商业门户网站又是如何通过报道手段对此进行表达的呢?本文以新浪网对“河南洛阳性奴案”的报道为例,对此进行探讨。  相似文献   

滑晓军  张欣 《青年记者》2016,(23):22-23
随着90后逐渐成熟并登上社会舞台,他们的行为和思想越来越被社会和媒体所关注.社会上不乏对90后的批评,这一代也被大众贴上了“肤浅、迷茫、叛逆”的标签,这与关于90后的网络新闻报道框架有一定关系.本文对我国网络新闻关于90后的报道框架进行实证研究,并试图找出规避这一网络新闻报道框架产生负面影响的方法.本文采用内容分析法研究网络新闻关于90后的报道框架,从报道倾向、报道议题、报道来源和报道手法入手,对与该新闻框架密切相关的因素展开分析.在样本选择上,为了保证样本的时效性与真实性,在新浪网“爱问”搜索系统的“新闻搜索”中键入关键词“90后”,将时间段设定为2015年4月1日至2015年6月30日,共检索到新闻报道345篇.除去主题不相关、内容重复的报道,最终得到213篇符合研究主题的新闻作为分析样本.  相似文献   

A huge volume of news stories are reported by various news channels, on a daily basis. Subscribing to all the stories and keeping track of the important ones day after day is very time-consuming. This paper proposes several approaches to identify important news stories. To this end, we take advantage of the blogosphere as an information source to evaluate the importance of news stories. Blogs reflect the diverse opinions of bloggers about news stories, and the attention that these stories receive can help estimate the importance of the stories. In this paper, we define the popularity of a news story in the blogosphere as the attention it attracts from users. We measure popularity of the stories in the blogosphere from two viewpoints: content and a timeline. In terms of content, we suggest several approaches to estimate language models for a news story and blog posts, and we evaluate the importance of the story using these language models. Furthermore, we generate a temporal profile of a news story by exploring the timeline of blog posts related to the story, and evaluate its importance based on the temporal profile. We experimentally verify the effectiveness of the proposed approaches for identifying top news stories.  相似文献   

介绍对Web空间和现实社会空间中的新闻事件演变进行可视化是一个新的研究热点。总结归纳文本可视化基本方法,并且结合成功的应用,提出应用在单个新闻事件、同时发生的新闻事件和先后发生的新闻事件上的新闻事件演变的可视化形式。指出综合利用基于词频、语义、聚类、时间序列的可视化技术是对新闻事件演变过程进行可视化展示的关键  相似文献   

Content analysis of news stories is a cornerstone of the communication studies field. However, much research is conducted at the level of individual news articles, despite the fact that news events are frequently presented as “stories” by news outlets: chains of connected articles offering follow up reporting as new facts emerge or covering the same event from different angles. These stories are theoretically highly important; they also create measurement issues for general quantitative studies of news output. Yet, thus far, the field has lacked an efficient method for detecting groups of articles which form stories in a way that enables their analysis. In this work, we present a novel, automated method for identifying news stories from within a corpus of articles, which makes use of techniques drawn from the fields of information retrieval and network analysis. We demonstrate the application of the method to a corpus of almost 40,000 news articles, and show that it can effectively identify valid story chains within the corpus. We use the results to make observations about the prevalence and dynamics of stories within the UK news media, showing that more than 50% of news production takes place within the form of story chains.  相似文献   

Simple Semantics in Topic Detection and Tracking   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Topic Detection and Tracking (TDT) is a research initiative that aims at techniques to organize news documents in terms of news events. We propose a method that incorporates simple semantics into TDT by splitting the term space into groups of terms that have the meaning of the same type. Such a group can be associated with an external ontology. This ontology is used to determine the similarity of two terms in the given group. We extract proper names, locations, temporal expressions and normal terms into distinct sub-vectors of the document representation. Measuring the similarity of two documents is conducted by comparing a pair of their corresponding sub-vectors at a time. We use a simple perceptron to optimize the relative emphasis of each semantic class in the tracking and detection decisions. The results suggest that the spatial and the temporal similarity measures need to be improved. Especially the vagueness of spatial and temporal terms needs to be addressed.  相似文献   

Exemplification (the use of examples) in news stories is a common method of providing information about social phenomena to make stories more interesting to audience members. However, previous research has consistently linked exemplification to highly inaccurate perceptions about the prevalence or severity of a given phenomena. The current study further explored outcomes of exemplification by examining the extent to which the practice influenced perceptions of news credibility. Exemplification of public opinion via layperson quotes was found to differentially affect perceptions of news story credibility. Anecdotal exemplification, however, did not predict credibility ratings. Implications for journalism and democratic participation as well as partisans' preference for congenial coverage in news stories are discussed.  相似文献   

面向新闻领域的中文文本分类研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在对文本分类及中文新闻分类概述的基础上,归纳出网络新闻文本特征及当前新闻文本分类特点,并总结新闻文本分类在新闻网站分类导航、话题识别与跟踪、个性化推荐三方面的应用。其后,总结中文新闻分类存在的问题,诸如缺乏通用语料和评价方法、分类体系粗略、分类维度单一等,并提出相应措施。最后,针对当前信息环境,提出新闻分类不仅将朝着多层次、多维度、跨语言方向发展,还将与多媒体信息、大数据、社会化媒体相结合。  相似文献   

This study examined whether affect induced by television commercials influences the perception of news programming. An experiment showed that viewers in positive moods generated by television commercials perceive news stories viewed both after and before watching the commercials as more entertaining, relaxing, realistic, and more credible than viewers exposed to neutral commercials do. Of interest, viewers in positive mood, as compared to neutral mood, perceived the topic presented in the news story as less important and serious.  相似文献   


Hearken is a proprietary news engagement platform growing in popularity. Under the Hearken approach, audience members are invited to participate in the newsmaking process. Hearken strives to assist news organizations in providing local and hyperlocal content that meets audience needs and demands while preserving elements of the journalist’s role as gatekeeper. Hearken has also worked to help news organizations reach underrepresented populations with mixed results per its own anecdotal analyses. This study employs a quantitative content analysis comparing one year’s worth of coverage at four different local NPR affiliates in the United States to provide a breakdown of Hearken content versus traditional reporter-driven content in the following four categories: emphasis on hyperlocal coverage, story topic prevalence within local and hyperlocal coverage, emphasis on coverage of underrepresented communities, and story topic prevalence within coverage of underrepresented communities. Findings reveal listener-driven Hearken content favors hyperlocal news on lifestyle issues while reporter-driven stories emphasize state-level governance and politics as well as local crime. These indicate a stark contrast between the content audiences want and that which journalists tend to report. The nuanced normative implications, possibilities and limitations of Hearken’s model of “deep participation” are addressed in some detail.  相似文献   

高昂  程越  李进  朱虹  邱志平 《情报工程》2017,3(5):043-052
本文基于线分类法构建网络突发性新闻事件分类体系,提出常见网络新闻事件信息分类体系的类目划分原则和分类代码定义方法,并以地震专题新闻事件为例,给出事件本体语料库的建设流程以及新闻事件本体模型的构建方法,为网络新闻事件信息分类和本体语料库建模提供思路和借鉴。  相似文献   

Citation Needed     
The ability to add hyperlinks to a news story is a key feature of online news. In addition to the—aging—technical novelty, one can wonder what functions hyperlinks perform in news stories. Previous research, as well as my previous examination of meta-journalistic discourses, has shown that one of the alleged functions of links is to display the writer's sources. In that sense, hyperlinks are “journalistic objects of evidence” as they can directly point to the documents, data or discourses used as rough material for a news story. The present paper puts that particular function of hyperlinks to the test. It conducts a content analysis on a sub-sample of the stories published on six Belgian news sites that contain at least one external link, and compares the links with the sources explicitly mentioned in the news story itself. Results highlight that links and the mentions of sources do not overlap completely. Many sources are not reflected in links, and most links do not point to primary sources per se. Other functions of links emerge, such as providing a service or contextual information to the readers. These findings thus question the material nature of “journalistic objects of evidence” and the possibility for journalists to build networks of distributed responsibility with links.  相似文献   

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