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外语语用能力:定义、教学与测试   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文从定义、教学和测试三个方面讨论了外语学习者的外语语用能力。外语语用能力被认为是种知识,由语用系统知识和恰当使用语用系统的知识组成。对外语语用能力的教学研究还不多,已有的研究大都表明外语学习者的外语语用能力可以通过课堂教学得到提高,而且不同的教学方法产生的效果也不尽相同。虽然对外语语用能力测试的研究还处于初始阶段,但目前已研究出的几种测试方法都有较好的信度和效度。  相似文献   

外语测试经历了以语码为纲和以结构为纲的两个时期。现行的外语测试则遵循“以信息为纲”的指导思想。语言测试的结果应能反映学生的语言运用能力,而学生的能力反馈又可常常作为教师的教学反思依据。本文旨在以形成性评价现分析外语测试与评价的一致性和外语测试的多功用性。  相似文献   

在大力提倡语言教学中文化因素导入的同时,语言测试中的文化因素却无人问津。这一矛盾现象促使我们改革现有的语言测试体系,并考虑将文化因素融入语言测试中。本文从外语测试的涵义、类型入手,分析国内外文化因素导入外语测试的现状,指出外语测试中文化导入的重要性,并呼吁文化测试势在必行。  相似文献   

语言磨蚀是指双语或多语使用者运用该语言的能力会随着时间的推移而逐渐减退,从语蚀理论出发,本文对目前外语测试评价提出一些思考建议:测试时间要保持一定的连续性、提高考试水平级别、优化外语能力评价体系、合理运用社会情感因素、引入多元化课堂评价体系等,希望形成科学合理的测试评估体系,以促进语言学习、减少语言磨蚀,经济有效地保持外语学习成果。  相似文献   

成人和儿童在语言学习方面有相似之处,也有不同。成人学习外语有许多困难,因为他们失去了儿童学习语言的直觉和语言环境。教师通过向成人外语学习系统详尽地讲授语法,可以弥补成人学生的这一缺陷,增加语言准确程度和流利程度。章探讨了外语学习中语法的作用、语言交际能力、系统讲授语法的益处等几个方面。语法不是语言教学的全部,但也不容忽视。语法是提高成人学生外语能力的有效手段。  相似文献   

阅读是语言教学的重要组成部分,阅读能力的高低是衡量外语水平的重要标准之一。因而,提高学生的阅读理解能力已经成为外语教学的一个重要目标。语言因素和非语言因素都不同程度地影响着我们的外语阅读理解。本文从影响外语阅读理解的文化因素入手,论述如何构建文化图式并把文化图式应用到具体的外语阅读理解中,以期给有待提高外语阅读理解能力者助一臂之力。  相似文献   

外语专业除了要训练学生的听、说、读、写、译等基本语言技能,更应该培养学生的文化知识、文化意识、文化能力,这样,外语专业的专长才被突出。为了提高文化在外语专业教学中的地位,外语专业的改革应从教学大纲、课程设置、教材编写和评价测试等几方面入手。  相似文献   

我国外语能力测评体系建设需要顶层设计,需要正确处理考试、教学与考试结果的使用三者的关系,需要立足于我国语言教育和测试的实际,需要保证测量的有效性,整体考虑试测、等值、主观题评分、效度等影响测量科学性和公平性的因素,以建立有中国特色的、科学的、符合国际教育测量专业标准的、能够与国际接轨的外语能力测评体系。  相似文献   

外语测试方法与外语教学方法有着千丝万缕的联系,外语测试与外语教学法的发展经历了从语法翻译法、听说法到交际法的过程。外语测试需要不断发展以适应外语教学的需要。  相似文献   

外语是人们进行文化交流的重要工具和手段,掌握外语也是一种技能。外语学习的终极目标是提高学习者用外语进行文化交际的能力,这一能力的高低必须通过对该技能掌握程度的准确衡量加以体现。语言教育学家认为,任伺一种语言技能掌握都必须遵循听、说、读、写的原则。由此可见,“说”即口语表达是语言技能的一项重要指标,口语考试理所当然成为当前衡量这一指标的重要手段。  相似文献   

外语教学作为一门语言教学能促进学生综合素质的增长,素质教育要求外语教学学全面培养学生外语能力,外语能力的获得有赖于相关素质的培养,故培养外语能力须培养相关素质。  相似文献   

The search for fairness in language testing is distinct from other areas of educational measurement as the object of measurement, that is, language, is part of the identity of the test takers. So, a host of issues enter the scene when one starts to reflect on how to assess people's language abilities. As the quest for fairness in language testing is still in its infancy, even the need for such a research has been controversial, with some (e.g., Davies, 2010) arguing that such research is entirely in vain. This paper will provide an overview of some of the issues involved. Special attention will be given to critical language testing (CLT) as it has had a large impact on language testing research. It will be argued that although CLT has been very effective in revealing the ideological and value implications of the constructs of focus in language testing, extremism in this direction is not justified.  相似文献   

It is well established that early general language during preschool is critical for children's mathematical abilities. In an attempt to further characterize this association between language and mathematics, an increasing number of studies show that one specific type of language, namely mathematical language or the key linguistic concepts that are required for performing mathematical activities, is even more critical to children's mathematical abilities. The purpose of this systematic review is to summarize the evidence on mathematical language and mathematical abilities. We focus on preschool children as nearly all of the existing work has been done at this age. We first explain how mathematical language has been defined across studies, and report how it has been evaluated in studies in preschool. Next, we present the results of our systematic review. Following the PRISMA guidelines and after a critical appraisal, we ended with a set of 18 papers that were all of sufficient methodological quality. In these studies, mathematical language was defined as terms that are about numbers and operations on numbers (e.g., nine), but also included linguistic terms that do not directly refer to numbers, yet are important to understand mathematical concepts (i.e., quantitative and spatial terms such as fewest and middle, respectively). Some of these studies evaluated children's performance on mathematical language tasks, while others evaluated the mathematical language input provided to the child by their (educational) environment (teachers/parents/interventionists). Mathematical language correlated positively with children's mathematical abilities, concurrently and longitudinally. It also directly affected children's mathematical abilities, as was shown by intervention studies. We discuss potential directions for future research and highlight implications for education, arguing for more support for teachers and parents to improve the use of mathematical language in the classroom and in home settings.  相似文献   

Foreign language teaching has been playing a dominant role in China’s curriculum reform, especially in the present globalization of Chinese society and economy. However, the insufficient research into foreign language teaching and blindly adopting western theory demand China learn from its own experience and also develop western foreign language teaching theories that innovate and promote its education system and research. __________ Translated from Foreign Language Teaching & Research in Basic Education, 2004 (10)  相似文献   

我国义务教育外语课程目标质疑与重构   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
外语是我国义务教育阶段的主要基础课程之一,是全体未来国民都必须学习的课程。外语的课程标准清楚地规定了义务教育外语课程的教育教学目标,然而由于我国至今没有开展系统的外语教育规划,当前外语课程的目标不是在外语规划基础上制定的,而是基于外语语言学科的内在机制规定的。分析我国社会经济发展对未来国民外语能力需求,可以发现,当前义务教育阶段外语课程的"综合语言运用能力"为主体的目标与社会发展对全体国民的外语能力需求有很大的差异。为此,应该基于我国社会发展需要,重构我国义务教育阶段外语课程目标,以此保证我国义务教育外语教育的基本效率。  相似文献   

Adopting a bimodal bilingual language acquisition model, this qualitative case study is the first in Germany to investigate the spoken and sign language development of hearing children of deaf adults (codas). The spoken language competence of six codas within the age range of 3;10 to 6;4 is assessed by a series of standardised tests (SETK 3-5, TROG-D, PDSS). Additionally, a language assessment tool designed specifically for hearing bilingual children named HAVAS 5 is employed to measure both the children’s spoken and sign language abilities. A heterogeneous picture emerges: all codas show abilities equal to those of monomodal monolingual children in their age range with regard to German sentence structure and verb inflection and an extensive receptive vocabulary, but deviations from the age norm are observed for the production of verbs and prepositions. Furthermore, three codas show below average T-values in some grammatical subtests. Overall, the findings suggest that at least some codas may acquire both of their languages (i.e. spoken and signed German) simultaneously. However, our study also indicates that the spoken language development of some codas as well as the acquisition context of this minority group strongly resembles a form of successive language acquisition that is known from children who acquire German as an early second language in a migration background.  相似文献   

外语教育,归根到底是文化的教育。我国外语教育既要吸收外来优秀文化,又要传播本土优良文化,需要有基于主体自觉的文化尺度。构建外语教育文化尺度的思路要清晰,主要体现为:在价值上自觉坚持社会主义核心文化方向,在方法上自觉践行文化评价尺度,在扮演文化身份中实现主体意识自觉、价值反思自觉、视野拓展自觉。  相似文献   

对外汉语教学中修辞教学的研究比较多的是论述修辞教学在教学中的重要性,但除提出提高认识外,没有提出更有效的解决办法.其次是研究修辞教学方法的,但研究的多为传统意义上修辞的教学方法.本文提出应学习借鉴新的理论方法,拓宽研究范围,深化对外汉语教学中修辞教学法的研究.  相似文献   

In this paper we investigate the link between the language in which pupils take the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) test and the scores they achieve in this assessment, focusing upon the case of Wales. Using five rounds of PISA data and an instrumental variable approach, we show how pupils who took the test in Welsh score around 0.3 standard deviations (30 PISA test points) lower in reading, mathematics and science than their peers who took the test in English. This finding is robust to different model specifications and statistical approaches. We argue that this may indicate that the academic performance of teenagers in Wales may be underestimated in PISA – particularly amongst those who take this test in Welsh.  相似文献   

Teaching culture in the foreign language classroom has been widely debated ever since its importance was recognized. Current research suggests that centralized ‘top down’ curricular policies can become potential constraints to teaching culture and points to the need for adapting curricula for culture-integrated language learning. This study analysed official curriculum documents published in 14 different countries to identify how the sociocultural component to Teaching English as a Foreign Language is reflected in the document. To date, there is scarce research on the place of culture in English as a Foreign Language curricula; hence, the present study aims at filling in a gap in this area. The study points to the following findings: curricula state the importance of culture in language learning and promote an integrative view of teaching language and culture; cultural objectives focus on appreciating cultural diversity, raising cultural awareness and reinforcing students’ positive cultural identity; teachers are portrayed as facilitators (rather than transmitters) of cultural knowledge yet, learners are described as acquiring (rather than discovering) cultural knowledge; curriculum documents focus on cultural knowledge and attitudes towards foreign cultures, rather than on the skills needed for successful interaction. These findings are elaborated and discussed, with potential implications for practice.  相似文献   

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