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1.I’m from the USA.What about you?我是美国人。你呢?(L 93) 1)the USA(=the United States of America)美国2)What about…?“……怎么样?”。用于征求对方的意见,询问消息、情况等。What about…后可接名词、代词或动词-ing形式。例如: What about this book?这本书怎么样?  相似文献   

“What about…?”是现代英语口语中使用较多的一种客套语,意思是“……怎么样、……好吗?”,相当于“What do you think about…?”。美国人习惯用“How about…?”,涵义与用法同“What about…?”一样。“What about…?”后面常接名词、代词或动词-ing形式。主要用法如下:  相似文献   

我们课本中有这样的句子:I′m not sure.Maybe I′ll giveher some flowers.How about you?这里的“How about you?”“译为“你(打算)怎么样”。也就是说“How about…?”应译为“……怎么样?”为了帮助同学们更好地学习,现将“……怎么样?”的常见表达形式及其用法小结如下:一、“What(How)about?”用来征求意见、询问消息或提出建议。about为介词,后接名词或动名词短语。例:1.—What about the book?这本书怎么样?—Very interesting.非常有趣。2.—Howabout going swimming with us?和我们一起去游泳怎么样?二、“What do you thin…  相似文献   

“建议”是同学们应该掌握的重点语言交际功能项目之一。那么,提“建议”最常用的句型都有那些呢?A.What about…?(……怎么样?)此句型后接名词、代词、动名词(不接不定式)作宾语,与“How about…?”或“What do you think of.一?”句型相当。例:  相似文献   

一.在同义句转换题中常见“What…”句式与“How…”句式互换。综观这两句式的转换题,主要有以下几类:a.询问或提议,“What/How about+名词或动名词?”效果一样。如: How/What about the yellow one?那黄色的怎么样? What/How about going for a walk?去散散步好吗?  相似文献   

1.误:How is the weather like today? 正:How is the weather today?/What is theweather like today? 析:问“……怎么样?”可用How is…?句型或What is…like?句型。 2.误:He asked me to take a message to you. 正:He asked me to take a message for you. 析:表示“给……捎口信,的固定结构是take amessage for sb。  相似文献   

Unit 15What's the time,please?知识点解析1.Give it to Mr.Hu.把它交给胡先生。“把某物给某人”有两种表达方式 :give sth.tosb;  give sb sth.此句也可说成 Give Mr.Hu thewatch.2 .What's the time,please?请问几点了 ?询问时间的另一种说法是 :What time is it?3.It's about four thirty.现在大约四点半。句中 about意为“大约”,它的另外一种含义是“关于、对于”,与 what/ how连用 ,意为“……怎么样 ?……好不好 ?”如 :— What about my coat?—Oh,it's nice.4 .It's time to get up.该起床了。句型“It's time……”常用…  相似文献   

1.你觉得这本书怎么样? 误:What do you like the book? 正:How do you like the book? 析:表示“你认为(觉得)……怎么样?”要用How do you like…?句型。其中how表示程度,在句中作状语。  相似文献   

“What(How)about…?”这一句型在口语中广泛运用,单在初一教材中就出现了15次左右。尽管它只被简单地译作“……怎么样?”,但它在不同的场合却有其不同的内在含义。一、用于请求或建议,即“吃点、喝点、消遣消遣……怎么样?”,相当于“Would you like…?”,也就是希望对方“获取”什么。如: 1.What about some fruitjuice?(L74)喝点果汁怎么样?  相似文献   

在平时的英语交际中,怎样才能委婉地提出建议,或建议别人和自己一道去做某事呢?现介绍你几种方法,一定能取得事半功倍的效果。一、用“Whydon′tyou+动词原形?”表示这种句型相当于Whynot+动词原形?的句型,意为“(你)为什么不……呢?”例如:1、Whydon′tyouaskyourteacher?你为什么不问问你的老师呢?2、WhynotvisittheGreatWall?为什么不去参观长城呢?二、用“What/Howabout……?”表示注:about为介词,其后应接名词,代词或动词的-ing形式,意为……怎么样?例如:1、Whataboutgoingoutforawalk?出来散散步怎么样?Allright./OK.好的2、Wha…  相似文献   

一遇到单词what,我们往往会想到“什么”,然而,what还有许多其他意思呢。看下面的句子。1.What about climbing the hill with us?和我们一道去爬山怎么样?(What about…“怎么样”,用来征求意见或询问消息)  相似文献   

What's the weather like? What…like…? 该句型有以下几种用法: (1)用来询问天气,此时what…like…可以和how互换What’s the weather like in your homework? =How is the weather in your homework? (2)用来提问对事物的看法what's the film like?这部电影怎么样? 注:提问对事物的看法有多种表达形式,请注意其不同。如本句可以改为:  相似文献   

一、What/How about...?(……怎么样?)这一问句表示非正式地征求对方的意见,通常是提问者建议对方和自己一起做某事。about后必须直接接名词、代词或动名词作宾语,而不能接动词原形或不定式,也不能接be动词、助动词或情态动词等。如:What/How about going shopping with me?和我一起去买东西怎么样?What/How about another song in English?再用英语唱一首歌好吗?二、ShallI/we...?(我/我们……好吗?)这一问句表示征求对方的意见或提出某种建议,仅用于第一人称,其后要接动词原形。对该问句的肯定回答为“OK.”“All right.”“Good id…  相似文献   

向人们询问消息、征求对方的评价性意见是日常生活中时常使用的话语,英语中有哪些方式呢?请看下面的归纳:一、What about…?口语中最为常用,表示“……怎么样?”、“对……如何办?”、“你看……怎么样(好不好)?”等意,常按名词、代词或动名词。如:  相似文献   

课堂观摩:1.(多媒体出示Jim跑步的图片)T:What is Jim doing?S:He’s running.请生熟读句型:What is xxx doing?He’s…2.xxx,run,please.(该生做跑步的动作。)T:What are you doing?生边跑边说:I’m running.请生熟读句型:What are you doing?I’m…请该生继续做跑步的动作,T:What is she doing?Ss:She’s running.3.Work in pairs:What are you doing?I’m…S1:What are you doing?S2:I’m…  相似文献   

在英语中,“提建议”的表达方式有多种,现就常见的用法总结如下:1.用“Why not 动词原形?”或“Whydon’t we/you 动词原形?”提出看法,征求对方意见,表示“你/我们为什么不……?”例如:Why not take a chance on it?为何不冒险试一试这件事?Why not make your dress instead of buy-ing it?为什么不做衣服,而要去买呢?Why don’t you come and sit next to me?你为什么不来紧挨着我坐呢?Why don’t we go and ask our teacher forhelp?我们为什么不去找老师帮忙呢?2.用“What/How about 名词或动名词?”提出建议,表示“……怎么样?”“,……好吗?”或“……行不行?”about是介词,后跟名词、代词或动词的-ing形式。例如:What about a cup of water?喝杯水,好吗?—How about having a cup of coffee withme?和我一起喝杯咖啡,怎么样?—All right.好的。What about...  相似文献   

教学目标 1.能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词 a birthday,a date,when,as,present. 2.能听懂、会说、会读和会写句型 When's your birthday? My birthday's on… What would you like as a birthday present? I'd like… 教学重、难点 1.能听懂、会说和会读日常交际用语 Would you like to come to my birthday party? Would you like a VCD of Japanese cartoon,too? Let's wait and see. 2.能听懂、会说、会读和会写句型 When's your birthday? My birthday's on… What would you like as a birthday present? I'd like… 教学过程 Step l.Free talk and revision T:Good morning,boys and girls.Do you know a lot about public signs?  相似文献   

1.How do you like China?你觉得中国怎样?(L93) 精析:问对方感受、评价印象用How do you like…?有时可与What do you think of…?互换;而问你喜欢……的……?则用What do you like about…?如: 1) How do you like the book?/What do you think ofthe book?你认为这本书怎样? 2)What do you like about the book?你喜欢书的哪些  相似文献   

八勺曰.甲‘‘ 、问籍贯:你是哪里人?1,Where are you from?2.Where do you come from?3 .Whe化were you born? 二、问职业:你父亲是做什么工作的?l,What’5 yourfa廿比r?2.节山at,sy泄fal如er’5 job?3 .What does your father do?4,认币atklndofworkdoesyourfa阮rdo? 三、问天气:今天天气怎么样?1 .What,5 the weather like tod盯?2 .How云5 the weather today?3 .What(How)about the weather today?4.认飞at weather are we having today? 四,问时间:现在几点了?1 .What tiine 15 it now?2 .What’5 the time妙your watch?3 .Could …  相似文献   

一、what引导的问句1.问物名What’s this?What are these? 2.问姓名What’s your name? 3.问年龄What’s the age of you? 4.问职业、身份What’s your father? 5.问具体时间What time is it? / What’s the time? 6.问星期几What day is it today? 7.问日期What’s the date today? 8.问颜色What colour is his car? 9.问怎么样(征求意见或询问消息)What about the red coat? 10.问用何种语言表达What’s the English for“桔子”? 11.问天气What’s the we…  相似文献   

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