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今年六月,在新学年开学前夕,菲律宾教育文化部召开了全国教育局长和大学校长会议,决定把小学六年制改成七年制,小学课程也进行了相应的改革。今年先在十二所学校试行,明年在全国小学一年级新生中实行。随着菲律宾经济的发展,需要大量懂得现代化科学的技术人才,以适应国家经济建设和国际劳务市场竞争的需要。但菲律宾教育事业未能适应这种形势。教育专家们  相似文献   

国外信息菲律宾《华语教学大纲》编制完成非律宾华语教学由于没有制订教学目的和要求,存在一定的盲目性和随意性,导致华语教学脱离实际,效果不好。针对这个问题,以菲律宾华文教育研究中心副主席沈文为首的教材编写组在编写华语中、小学教材之前,编制了《菲律宾中、小...  相似文献   

菲律宾小学英语课程标准与我国课程标准有许多异曲同工之妙,但很明显,也因各国国情不同存在不少差异。经比较中菲两国小学英语课程标准,得到的启示有:课程标准的制定应具有综合性;课程标准的制定应考虑教师的实施能力;开设英语活动课程,注重课程的真实情境性。  相似文献   

联合国教科文组织亚洲和太平洋地区小学课程讨论会于1985年1月16日至2月7日在日本东京国立教育研究所举行。参加这次会议的有澳大利亚、中国、印度、印度尼西亚、日本、马来西亚、尼泊尔、新西兰、巴基斯坦、菲律宾、南朝鲜、斯里兰卡、泰国、越南、西萨摩亚等十五个  相似文献   

本文首先简要介绍菲律宾的教育制度以及远程教育的历史发展,然后讨论菲律宾大学开放大学(简称菲律宾开放大学)在菲律宾远程教育中所起的作用、大学的学术课程、学生支持服务、课程发展、与其他机构的合作、全国性学习中心网络以及导师制.文章最后总结了菲律宾开放大学在过去十年发展中的经验.  相似文献   

本文首先简要介绍菲律宾的教育制度以及远程教育的历史发展,然后讨论菲律宾大学开放大学(简称菲律宾开放大学)在菲律宾远程教育中所起的作用、大学的学术课程、学生支持服务、课程发展、与其他机构的合作、全国性学习中心网络以及导师制。文章最后总结了菲律宾开放大学在过去十年发展中的经验。  相似文献   

当前,小学信息技术课程已被列为我国基础教育的必修课程。本针对我国小学信息技术课程的现状,分析了小学信息技术课程所具有的基础性、应用性、整合性、趣味性等学科特点,并在此基础上,结合现代心理学和教学设计理论的最新研究成果,对每一特点提出了相应的教学建议,以期为我国小学信息技术课程的学科教学和课程建设提供理论和实践支持。  相似文献   

郭孙明(LourdesR.Quisumbing,直译露德丝·昆萨炳),女,菲律宾教育、文化与体育部原部长,联合国教科文组织亚太国际教育与价值教育联合会创始会长和终身荣誉会长,米里亚姆学院荣休教授。昆萨炳广泛涉猎社会科学研究领域,曾从事多门行为科学学科的教学,如教育学、人类学、心理学、社会学、哲学等。她致力于行为科学的研究,包括农村地区的婚姻习俗与儿童培养实践、菲律宾人的价值观等,这被认为是她对菲律宾教育和社会科学的最重要贡献。此外,她担任菲律宾教育、文化、体育部长期间,对整体主义价值教育观的发展具有重大的促进作用,使价值教育成为菲律宾中学学校课程中的一门单独学科、小学学校课程中的一门综合学科。1995年以来,她与来自米里亚姆学院和菲律宾师范大学的专家培训团队一起,致力于从学会共处、学会做人、学会做事和学会求知4个方面对菲律宾及亚太地区其他国家的教师进行培训.这也是应对21世纪挑战所必需的终身教育的四大支柱。2011年11月,郭孙明被授予第二届亚太地区教育创新奖文晖奖的“终身成就特别奖”。文章系作者2009年9月30日在菲律宾碧瑶市米里亚姆学院全国扫盲大会上的演讲,经演讲者独家授权翻译并刊登。  相似文献   

2001年6月,教育部颁发了《基础教育课程改革纲要(试行)》(以下简称《纲要》),指出了新一轮基础教育课程改革的主要特点和方向,就学习过程、课程结构、课程内容、课程实施、课程评价等方面进行了重大改革。作为基础教育课程一个组成部分的小学科学教学(现行的“自然学科”,课改后的“科学课程”)在此次课改中亦有了较大的变革。一、小学《科学》课程的设置《纲要》规定,小学科学教育的学科课程由原“小学自然”更名为“科学”;由小学1-6年级开设,改为在小学3-6年级开设。科学(3-6年级)(以下简称小学《科学》)…  相似文献   

谈数学活动课的作用庆安县教师进修学校于桂范小学阶段的课程改革方案和九年义务教育课程标准中,具体而明确地规定了小学阶段活动课程的目标、课时安排、内容与要求等,改变了过去单一学科课程结构的模式,由学科和活动两课构成了新的课程体系。把小学数学活动列入教学计...  相似文献   

本文分析比较了中菲两国远程教育在专业课程设置、教材建设和学习帮助系统等方面的异同,并结合我国实际,提出借鉴菲律宾兴办高质量开放大学的成功经验,建立我国成熟的课程体系、导师职业专业化等观点.为我国远程教育的发展提出了的参考性建议。  相似文献   

In 1983, after over 10 years of working on mathematics education reform in the Philippines, I wrote a paper for a Tokyo conference arguing that education reform in developing countries such as the Philippines should begin by working on macro-problems, namely the social, political, and economic environment of the schools, as a context for the micro-problems, the usual concerns of curriculum, teacher training, textbooks, and so forth. This article recounts how we carried out this approach to education reform in three large-scale initiatives: the Third Elementary Education Project (TEEP), the Synergeia Foundation, and the Ateneo Center for Educational Development. The TEEP is an education project for the 23 poorest provinces in the Philippines, which began in the mid-1990s and was carried out fully from 2000 to 2006. The Synergeia Foundation, Inc. and the Ateneo Center for Educational Development are organizations which have been working with elementary schools on the scale of whole towns, cities, and provinces. They are also now beginning their work with high schools. What these initiatives have in common is that they begin by engaging the community, the school superintendents and supervisors, principals, teachers, parents, and political and civic leaders. A process is followed to have them focus on the realities of their schools, develop consensus on strategic plans and priorities, and participate in the process of achieving goals. Implementation then focuses on what we call targeted interventions, such as teacher training, educational materials, and physical facilities, which address the agreed-on priorities. The evaluation of the Third Elementary Education Project (TEEP) at its end in 2006 shows that the approach leads to major improvement on a large scale. We are seeing the same kind of results in the work of Synergeia Foundation, Inc. and the Ateneo Center for Educational Development.  相似文献   

In striving to educate as many children as possible and with limited funds to build a separate special education infrastructure to cater to the needs of children with disabilities, inclusive education was officially adopted in 1997 by the Department of Education in the Philippines as a viable educational alternative. This article reports on the current state of affairs for including children with disabilities within regular schools in the Philippines. The ‘Silahis Centres’ (‘school within the school’ concept) is presented as a feasible model for implementing and promoting the inclusion of children with disabilities within regular schools throughout the Philippines. Other aspects related to inclusive education such as teacher education, policies as well as lessons learned so far from inclusion efforts and future challenges are also described.  相似文献   

This article provides a comparative analysis of citizenship education in the Philippines and Singapore. Through an analysis of historical contexts, citizenship education policy and curriculum, it examines Makabayan in the Philippines and National Education in Singapore. It identifies particular policy and curriculum trajectories as responses to national and global imperatives to demonstrate how countries are redefining the kinds of knowledge, skills and values deemed necessary for national citizenship in global contexts. This comparative case study illustrates some of the tensions and contradictions facing citizenship education in new global contexts and highlights the different ways countries try to manage these tensions through citizenship education policies and curricula. Findings point to different factors that shape and constrain the implementation of citizenship education programmes in both countries.  相似文献   

This article builds on the recent Special Interest issue of this journal on ‘Philosophy for Children in Transition’ (2011) and the way that the debate about philosophy in schools has now shifted to whether or not it ought to be a compulsory part of the curriculum. This article puts the spotlight on Catholic schools in order to present a different argument in favour of introducing compulsory philosophy lessons into the curriculum. It is explained that in faith schools, such as Catholic ones, there is an additional need or imperative to have compulsory philosophy as part of the curriculum. This is because it serves as an effective way of avoiding the inherent dangers of confessional education, particularly the indoctrination challenge. It is argued that Catholic schools also have some intriguing theological reasons that can be used to justify the inclusion of compulsory philosophy in the school curriculum. It is proposed that when it comes to philosophy in schools there is a distinctive Catholic school perspective. As part of this it is explained why Catholic schools, perhaps more than others, need philosophy to be a compulsory part of the curriculum.  相似文献   

高校《世界地理》课程整体结构优化探索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文简要介绍当前我国高校《世界地理》课程的整体结构及其在全球化、信息化形势下课程改革的机遇,剖析了高校《世界地理》课程结构及教学存在的问题,从教育理念、课程结构、教材内容、教学方法等不同角度,提出世界地理课程改革的对策与方法,以推进世界地理课程教学的创新与可持续发展,提高《世界地理》课程的教学质量。  相似文献   

高校《世界地理》课程整体结构优化探索   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文简要介绍当前我国高校《世界地理》课程的整体结构及其在全球化、信息化形势下课程改革的机遇,剖析了高校《世界地理》课程结构及教学存在的问题,从教育理念、课程结构、教材内容、教学方法等不同角度,提出世界地理课程改革的对策与方法,以推进世界地理课程教学的创新与可持续发展,提高《世界地理》课程的教学质量。  相似文献   

本文阐述了新课改背景下语文课程內涵的变迁.并就课程的制约因素所关涉的知识、社会要求与条件、教师水平、语文课程的历史等因素对语文课改的掣肘提出了自己的看法,希望教育理论研究不要割断历史的脐带和脱离现实的土壤。  相似文献   

文章选取国内24所高校的教育技术学硕士研究生培养方案作为样本,从课程体系的框架结构和开设的具体课程两个方面展开调查,发现当今的课程体系存在板块组合特征明显,缺乏灵活性、课程设置"学科化"趋向明显,社会适应性不足等问题。针对这些问题,文章给出了构建柔性课程体系、以就业为导向开设课程等建议,希望能对当前本专业的课程体系改革有一定的启示和帮助。  相似文献   

微观权力观具有普遍性、匿名性、生产性等特征.通过这种权力观透视课程与身体的关系,不难发现:在课程思想史中,学生的身体地位与状态一直在冲突中发生着变化.然而,在现代社会中,课程对他们的身体规训无论在空间上还是时间上都变得越来越隐秘,致使人们不易察觉到微观权力的存在.这给我们的启示在于,我国当前基础教育新课程改革在践行知识观转型的同时,理应凸显对学生的身体关怀.  相似文献   

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