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语言是交际的工具,语言也是文化的栽体。不同的民族有不同的文化,民族间的文化差异是造成语用失误的主要原因,而语用失误又是导致跨文化交际失败的一个重要的根源。为了保证跨文化交际的顺利进行,大学英语教师应将文化教学融入语言教学,以增强外语学习者对中西文化差异的敏感性及领悟力,培养并提高他们的跨文化交际意识和能力。  相似文献   

本文通过列举跨文化交流中由于文化差异所产生的误解,说明文化的重要性,并阐述如何在英语教学中培养外语学习者的文化意识。  相似文献   

母语文化失语症主要表现为母语文化知识匮乏、母语表达能力低下和母语文化的目的语表达欠妥等方面。在跨文化交际相关理论的基础上,对二语习得中的母语文化失语现象进行探讨,归纳产生此现象的原因,并尝试提出二语习得中母语文化的导入对策,以激发学习者学习外语的兴趣,培养学习者的民族自豪感和全球意识,加深其对母语文化的认同与理解,从而提高学习者感知文化差异的敏感性及文化鉴别能力,提升学习者跨文化交际能力。  相似文献   

陈美虹 《考试周刊》2013,(88):88-89
外语学习离不开文化.学习者要想正确和得体地使用一门外语,必须了解其文化.作者认为可以在大学英语课堂上通过文化差异对比,培养学生的文化敏感性,通过阅读和非文本材料,如经典影片等积累文化知识,通过角色扮演等课堂活动体味异域文化,通过文化测试让学生提高文化能力.教师在大学英语课堂教学中应将文化教学融入其中,提高学生的语言运用和文化适应能力.  相似文献   

学习外语等于进入该语言的文化圈子,外语教育在很大程度上应是文化教育。本文从文化内涵、文化差异和增强文化差异理解等方面探讨文化差异与外语教学,提高学生对文化差异的敏感性。  相似文献   

动机作为语言学习诸因素中最具有能动性的主观因素之一,对学习效果的影响不容忽视.外语学习动机与学习者个人、教师的教学方式以及目标语文化差异等因素密切相关.因此,教师应培养外语学习者的兴趣,创造宽松的课堂氛围,同时注重目标语文化差异的教与学,以激发外语学习者的外语学习动机,取得良好的学习效果.  相似文献   

在语言学习诸因素中,动机是最具有能动性的主观因素之一,对学习效果的影响不容忽视.外语学习动机与学习者个人、教师的教学方式以及目标语文化差异等因素密切相关.因此,教师应培养外语学习者的兴趣,创造宽松的课堂氛围,同时注重目标语文化差异的教与学,以激发外语学习者的外语学习动机,取得良好的学习效果.  相似文献   

文化适宜性教学强调教学对文化的敏感性,尊重不同背景的学习者的不同世界观与认识论、不同民族的文化传统与文化多样性。文化适宜性教学得到了教育神经科学研究的支持。教育神经科学的大量证据表明,持续性的文化经验会改变脑的结构与功能,进而影响人们加工信息、理解世界的方式。因此,理解文化对脑功能与结构影响的普遍性与特殊性,对于教育者重视文化多样性与教育公平政策的制定与教育实践推广具有重要的意义。文化适宜性教学的主要目标是培养学习者感知文化差异与沟通文化差异的能力。  相似文献   

理论研究表明,跨文化意识是跨文化交际能力的不可缺少的一个部分。跨文化意识由三个部分组成:针对文化差异的敏感性,学习文化差异的愿意度和对文化差异的尊重。跨文化意识的培养存在三个障碍:外语能力的缺乏,不可靠的信息来源和文化偏见。只有提高外语能力,寻求可靠信息来源和具有多元文化思维,才能提高跨文化意识。  相似文献   

目前,外语教学中人文素养的构建缺失比较严重。因此教学中培养学生人文素养具有十分重要的意义。应主要通过如下几种策略培养学生人文素养:(1)提高外语教师的人文素养。(2)培养学习者对文化差异的敏感性。(3)丰厚文学功底。(4)注重英汉两种文化的比较,加强建立跨文化能力教学。(5)加强英美文学教育。  相似文献   

王琦 《哈尔滨学院学报》2002,23(12):112-113
文化教学在外语教学中的地位不容质疑,同时,学生对于异国文化所持的态度极其对外语学习的影响也是外语教师面临的课题。本文从态度和动机的角度阐述了外语学习中的文化适应性,并提出教师如何引导学生树立正确的学习态度。  相似文献   

This study investigated the relationship of the attitudes and cultural background of Arab students in Israel to their reading comprehension of stories from Jewish and Arab culture. Participants were 74 eighth-grade Arab students (age 14–15 years) from Israel, learning Hebrew as a second language (L2). An attitude questionnaire, stories from Arab and Jewish culture and multiple-choice questions about each story were used. Results indicated that students scored higher on tasks of reading comprehension with texts from their own cultural setting than with texts from a culturally unfamiliar setting. Furthermore, results of the attitude questionnaire showed that motivation of Arab students to learning Hebrew was primarily instrumental rather than integrative. A conclusion of this study is that problematic social contexts negatively affect L2 learning of minority students. In order to facilitate Hebrew L2 learning, L2 curricula should include Hebrew language texts with content culturally familiar and relevant to the life of Arab learners.  相似文献   

The adjustment of non-English speaking immigrant students to learning was explored by comparing the learning characteristics of immigrant students with those of a matched group of Canadian students. Eleven immigrant students and eleven Canadian students from three grade 4 classrooms in three schools in a large Western Canadian urban school system were assessed on academic achievement, attitude to school, English proficiency, academic self-concept, and quality of teacher-student interaction. Data on attitudes of teachers toward immigrant students and on attitudes of parents of immigrant students towards the mother culture and learning in a second culture were also collected. Results indicated that immigrant students did not differ significantly from Canadian students on any of these variables. Findings were supported by other Canadian studies on immigrant students and the research on second language learning. The adjustment of immigrant students to learning appeared to be dependent upon three factors: length on time in the second culture, the proportion of immigrant students within a classroom, and the cultural harmony in both home and school settings.  相似文献   

母语是比任何东西更本土化的文化现象,母语表达蕴涵着民族文化特性,近、现代以来汉语变成阐释西方文化和古汉语的二语言。我们必须重返本原,恢复汉语诗意灵性与独立性。以平和的心态正确对待外语学习,在杂语共生的全球合唱中既谦虚地倾听,又发出自己平仄和谐的独立的声音。  相似文献   

The study of Second language acquisition varies greatly but one concern is the variables of language learning.The paper illustrates three individual variables in second language acquisition:language aptitude,attitude and learning strategies.  相似文献   

就语言磨蚀的基本情况,结合我国外语教学的实际,阐述语言磨蚀的类别,以及影响语言磨蚀的因素和语言磨蚀研究给我们的英语学习与教学带来的启示。  相似文献   

Intrinsic motivations play a more significant role than extrinsic motivations in second language learning.However,we should not neglect the external factors on learners’ attitude towards English language learning.These factors are all interrelated with each other and exert a profound influence on learners’ second language learning process.  相似文献   

“Culture,” a set of principles that trace and familiarize human beings within their existential realities, may provide an invisible lens through which reality could be discerned. Critically explored in this study is how culture- and language-sensitive curriculum materials in physics improve Pangasinan learners’ attitude toward science. Their cultural preference or profile defined their cultural dimensions, epistemological beliefs, and views on integration of culture and language in the teaching and learning processes. The culture- and language-influenced curriculum materials in physics were heavily influenced by Pangasinan learners’ cultural preference or profile. Results of the experimental participants’ pretest and posttest on science attitude measure, when compared, showed significant statistical difference. Assessment of science attitude enhancement favored the experimental group over the control group. Qualitative data gathered from postimplementation interviews, focus group discussions, and journal log entries indicated the same trend in favor of the experimental participants. The study yielded that culture and language integration in the teaching and learning processes of physics concepts allowed students to develop positive attitude to science, their culture, and native language.  相似文献   

语言是文化的一部分,两者具有不可分割性。语言的学习过程实质上也就是文化的学习过程。因此,强调文化信息输入的模式应用,必然会使成人学习者在二语习得的过程中加快进度,取得语言学习的成功。  相似文献   

新疆少数民族预科学生双语态度的调查与分析   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
语言态度是影响第二语言学习的重要情感因素之一。从调查分析可以得出结论,大部分新疆少数民族预科生对所学第二语言-汉语抱肯定态度;近80%的学生对预主语持赞同的观点;课堂上大部分学生愿意用汉语回答问题,也希望教师用汉语授课,但课后学生语言交流却又恢复到母语状态;有80.70%的学生认为双语比单语更具优势,并对能够成语人才充满信心;对学习汉语和运用本民族语言,60.53%的学生认为应该“一视同仁,认真对待”;在专业课教学语言的选择上,倾向于汉语多于倾向于母语进。  相似文献   

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