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In recent years there has been an increased interest in the role of emotional intelligence in both the academic success of students and their emotional adjustment in school. However, promotion of emotional intelligence in schools has proven a controversial pursuit, challenging as it does traditional “rationalist” views of education. Furthermore, research findings in this area have been inconsistent at best. In this article we discuss the following key questions relating to this important debate. What do we mean by emotional “intelligence”? What impact would improved emotional intelligence have on learners’ emotional health and well‐being, academic achievement, and other adaptive outcomes? Can emotional intelligence be taught? It is felt that these are the key issues for consideration in developing policy, practice, and further research in this area.  相似文献   

在西方哲学中,情感和理性的关系可以追溯到古希腊。古希腊神话和宗教主要是先民们悲喜莫测的情感表达。自然哲学则更多地体现了理性的光芒。由重情转向重理有其可能性:宗教和神话中有理性哲学的质料;有其必然性:人类自身思维的发展需要从形象化的语言过渡到抽象的语言,哲学本身是思辨的学科。  相似文献   

论匈奴僮仆都尉“领西域”“赋税诸国”   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在汉王朝政治文化影响进入西域之前,匈奴曾经施行对"楼兰、乌孙、呼揭及其旁二十六国"的控制。《汉书》卷九六上《西域传上》记载,"匈奴西边日逐王置僮仆都尉,使领西域","赋税诸国,取富给焉"。所谓"赋税",应体现制度化经济关系"。赋税诸国"的征收内容,除畜产、农产外,亦包括矿产、手工业制品和其他物产。匈奴向"乌桓民"征收"皮布税"的情形,可以在讨论匈奴于西域"赋税诸国"时参考。匈奴以此取得经济利益,有地域的限定。可能主要是"匈奴西边日逐王"以及东蒲类王、南犁汙王、呼衍王、伊蠡王等匈奴诸王所统领部族控制的地区。  相似文献   

《俄狄浦斯王》所蕴含的弑父型父子关系对西方文学的母题产生了深远的影响。围绕这出悲剧的争论千百年来绵延不绝,悲剧似乎印证了弑父娶母的俄狄浦斯情结广泛存在。但从故事情节看,俄狄浦斯又是这一出命运悲剧的直接受害者。悲剧的发生在多数情况下并不为主人公所知,故人们对俄狄浦斯的责难过于苛刻且缺少充足的理由。  相似文献   

Against the background of increasing stress and pressures in young people's lives and their apparent manifestation in social, emotional and behavioural problems in schools, there has been a renewed interest in nurture groups as an educational intervention. Nurture groups are designed to address the unmet social and emotional needs of young children and provide them with the necessary skills and competencies for productive engagement in schooling. This article written by Carmel Cefai and Paul Cooper, who are, respectively, the Director and Visiting Professor at the European Centre for Emotional Resilience and Socio Emotional Health at the University of Malta, discusses the recent introduction of nurture groups in the primary sector in Malta, showing how they both extend the capacity of primary schools to become more inclusive, and to develop into resource centres for emotional literacy and parental education. A challenge perceived to lie ahead is to develop an intervention model that is adapted to the needs and values of the local educational context while remaining faithful to the theoretically sound principles and practices of therapeutic education.  相似文献   

1858年的中英《天津条约》规定将"夷"字翻译为barbarian,从此该字在汉语语境中的原来foreign的意义遭到驱逐,体现了英国对清政府施加的强权政治。近100年以后,费正清在书写中国历史时再次使用了这种翻译方式,反映了他思想深处根深蒂固的西方文化中心主义的集体无意识。  相似文献   

The inclusion debate is no longer concerned merely with the extent to which mainstream schools are able to accommodate all children regardless of need but increasingly focuses on institutional improvement in understanding the range of their needs. In spite of our better understanding of how children learn and of how their emotional and social realities can be used as a source of learning that is relevant to the needs of all, 'difficult' children continue to be seen by many as impeding their teachers' pedagogical effectiveness and as damaging the educational chances of others. In this article, Gerda Hanko, an education consultant and staff development tutor who has substantial experience in teaching and teacher training, offers an overview of the development of practical approaches to professional development which, by deepening teachers' insight into emotional and social factors in children's learning, have been shown to supersede the need to exclude the disaffected — as already suggested in the Elton Report. Gerda Hanko's own publications, initially developed under the auspices of a London Institute of Education associateship when she was Head of Education at a teacher training institution, promote collaborative problem-solving approaches among staff — ideas that she takes forward in this paper.  相似文献   

徐州狮子山楚王墓墓主再探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据前三代西汉楚王年龄的相关推算,第二代楚王刘郢 (客)年龄与狮子山楚王墓墓主较为相符,狮子山楚王墓有大规模的守陵建筑和守陵户,亦符合第二代楚王刘郢 (客 )墓葬陵园规划,狮子山楚王墓墓主应为第二代楚王刘郢(客)。  相似文献   

人的问题一直是西方哲学中永恒不变的主题,西方哲学家们探求人性的内涵,不断在感性和理性之间摇摆。梳理从古希腊哲学中的“灵魂说”到康德的“理性人”的人性论的种种观点,将西方哲学中的人类理性按其发展的线索重新综合,探究人性新的内涵,为人性的解说提供一个新的视点。  相似文献   

Most female students in college will experience the breakup of a romantic relationship. Romantic separation can negatively affect their emotional state, social relationships, and understanding of personal identity. Adler's theory of individual psychology (IP), with its focus on social interest and personal worldview, is a useful theoretical framework for assisting this population. In this article, the authors offer a case study to illustrate how college counselors can use an IP approach to meet the unique needs of recently romantically separated college women.  相似文献   

自社会学家Hochschild首次提出“情绪工作”的概念后,情绪工作的研究逐渐受到重视,现已成为组织行为学研究的前沿问题。目前,该领域的研究已取得一定成果,提出了多种情绪工作理论模型及情绪工作策略。本文对有关情绪工作的理论模型及策略进行了一定的梳理,并对情绪工作的研究提出了几点思考。  相似文献   

玛斯洛把人的需求分为五个层次,即生理需求、安全需求、社交需求、尊重需求和自我实现的需求等。这种需求中的某些因素对外语学习动机有一定参考价值,也就是说,外语学习中的主要影响因素是情感需求和认知需求。在外语学习环境下,英语的应用相当有限,无法满足低层次的工具性需求。因此,学生学习的主要驱动力量足由内在兴趣带动的多层次求知需求,即审美需求和自我实现需求。  相似文献   

Interest, motivation and learning: An educational-psychological perspective   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Within the last few years, researchers have shown a renewed interest in “interest”. Especially in the field of educational psychology many studies have been conducted to analyze how learning and achievement are influenced by motivational and cognitive factors, which are connected with individual and/or situational interests. In this paper, results from empirical research will be presented besides theoretical considerations concerning the interest-construct. Interest has typically been studied as an independent variable. Dependent variables have been either some aspects of learning outcome (knowledge structure, academic achievement) or hypothetical mediators, which probably can be used to explain the interest effects (e.g., learning strategies, attention, emotional experiences). There is also a growing number of studies which try to explore the conditions of interest development within educational settings. Future lines of research will be discussed in light of the demands of educational theory and practice.  相似文献   

The number of youth with serious emotional disorders has increased tremendously; unfortunately, meeting the needs of such children has been a challenge. In an effort to deal with the challenging behaviour exhibited by children and youths, expensive out‐of‐home placements such as juvenile justice centres and clinical and psychiatric hospitalisation, have been used. Unfortunately, these approaches have not been effective in reducing the rate of challenging and violent behaviours. Therefore, researchers continue seeking evidence‐based and cost‐effective strategies to use when dealing with children and youths with severe emotional disorders. One of the approaches that have emerged out of this search is the systems of care model, which places emphasis on shifting placement of individuals with severe emotional disturbance from restrictive institutional settings to less restrictive settings. Central to the systems of care model is the wraparound process. The approach involves providing a set of coordinated individualised services and natural supports to the child and family in their natural environment. The purpose of this paper is to provide a literature synthesis on the wraparound process.  相似文献   

The need for schools to support children and young people's mental and emotional health is increasingly emphasised in policy initiatives, yet the role of teachers in this has been under explored. This paper reports findings from qualitative, semi‐structured interviews with 14 school staff at eight secondary schools in England, examining emotional health and well‐being (EHWB) activities in which they were involved. Three emergent themes are discussed: (1) a strongly held belief that teaching and EHWB are inevitably linked; (2) a perception that many colleagues outside the study sample are reluctant to engage in EHWB work; and (3) a concern that teachers’ own emotional health needs are neglected, leaving them unable or unwilling to consider those of pupils. The findings endorse whole‐school approaches to emotional health, with a focus on teachers’ training and support needs and clearer aims, including consideration of how such work fits with the broader goals of schools.  相似文献   

Peter Sharp, an Educational Psychologist, explains how Daniel Goleman's best selling book focused his interest on the idea of emotional literacy; how he found that interest was shared by Southampton's Education Services Chief Inspector and that, as a result of this, emotional literacy became one of the Authority's priorities. The wide range of initiatives currently taking place in Southampton are described as the broad way in which the concerns of emotional literacy are interpreted. The Southampton approach has already created interest among other LEAs and there are plans to produce supportive materials. The paper concludes by suggesting the way in which schools might start work in this area.  相似文献   


Emotional geography defines how emotions affect the interaction of individuals within their setting. Considering that prison has been described as a place saturated with negative emotions, previous studies have only dwelt on the negative impact of incarceration on the emotional well-being and interactions of the inmates. However, no attempt has been made that dilates on how emotional geography facilitates the establishment of good relationships inside the penal institution, hence this investigation. The overall intent of this investigation is to describe the process of emotional geography among a select group of incarcerated Filipino elderly. This study utilized the qualitative, grounded theory design. A purposive sample of 25 incarcerated Filipino elderly from the New Bilibid Prison in Muntinlupa City, Philippines participated in this study. Interestingly, this study afforded the development of de Guzman, Henson, Gumba, Fradejas, and Valdez Shoelace Model of Emotional Geography which describes how the incarcerated Filipino elderly’s emotions affect their interactions in achieving positive relationships with other inmates while inside the penal institution. This emerged model is comprised of three phases, namely: isolating (embracing a wall of mistrust), integrating (making connections through shared stories), and intertwining (strengthening the bonds thru emotional understanding). The emerged theoretical model has successfully described the process of emotional geography, which can be utilized by gerontological workers, nurses and other health professionals in addressing and accommodating the social and custodial needs of this vulnerable group.  相似文献   

《诗经》雅、颂中一些涉及到“辟雍”的篇章可以证明,作为西周重要礼乐建制的“辟雍”,是西周中期、具体说是周穆王时期才建造的,其直接的缘起是大祭文王。以此为标准,也有助于厘清几件青铜器的断代误差。  相似文献   

In the past few years, there has been a tremendous upsurge of interest in children with emotional and behavioural problems. New units, clinics and agencies have been set up by the government and by the statutory bodies and voluntary organisations in the community to help these children overcome their problems. Much publicity has been given to the provision of assessment, counselling and preventive services but so little to how effective these services are. Why is this so? I suspect that there may be problems relating to our capacity to elucidate the causes of the child's problems correctly. Of course there may be problems relating to the competency of the staff in giving the right sort of assistance to the child; but sound treatment must be based on a good understanding of how the child's problems come about in the first place.  相似文献   

Globalisation is often thought to advocate for a single set of beliefs and customs and for a rejection of the need to protect regional cultures and traditions. In the aftermath of 9/11, the rift between Western and Arab cultures has deepened, and there is a patent need for cultural bridges to be built. The government of Saudi Arabia has, by increasing funding for higher education through grants and scholarships, enabled Saudi students to study at overseas universities. A number of non-Saudi students are also enrolled at Saudi Arabian universities. After a brief introduction to the cultural and educational history of the Arab region and Saudi identity, this article turns to contemporary higher education in Saudi Arabia. It introduces the King Abdullah Scholarship Programme and then goes on to present detailed enrolment data for 2006–2009, demonstrating trends and policy changes and identifying patterns in student mobility.  相似文献   

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