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Uncovering new doping scandals does not take an end. The exclamation against this practice of the contest distortion becomes ever louder. The anti-doping wave is about to loom up itself to a tsunami. But why? And against what actually? Doping belongs to the modern occidental culture and philosophy history like space flights and the human enhancement. Doping is the expression of our nihilistic postmodernism. The deregulation and legalization of doping would thus correspond to our historical development rather than its prohibition. And a closer look at the anti-doping wave reveals it as a mere symptom of the prevailing nihilism. The question remains whether we achieve an appropriate “Verwindung” (tortion) of the nihilism rather with or without doping.  相似文献   

奥运会中兴奋剂问题   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
围绕奥林匹克理想、原则与兴奋剂,兴奋剂与人体健康的道德关系,兴奋剂的科研问题,对禁用兴奋剂的讨论等内容,进行了综合的讨论,得出以下结论:1.兴奋剂在竞技体育公平竞争原则中具有两极性。2.兴奋剂帮助人们实现挖掘其潜能的作用。3.兴奋剂对运动员的身体健康具有一定的副作用。4.兴奋剂是科研的产物,科研本身是一种创造性的破坏活动。5.禁用兴奋剂的法规和手段难以恰当地解决兴奋剂问题,且派生出新的不公平性、危险性和欺骗性。  相似文献   

兴奋剂一直以来是竞技体育最为头痛的问题,它的产生与泛滥与竞技体育自身的发展有着密切的关联。采用文献资料等研究方法,论述兴奋剂对奥林匹克精神、格言、《反兴公约》的冲击。并试图以奥林匹克给人类带来的美好信念;奥林匹克仪式的作用;奥林匹克优秀榜样的力量来教育运动员。旨在对净化竞技体育中兴奋剂弊病起到一些参考价值。  相似文献   

兴奋剂的入罪问题研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
从最初出现的药物兴奋剂,到现在更为隐蔽、更加危险的基因兴奋剂,这些黑名单上不断增加的违禁物品,无不严重破坏着体育公平竞争精神,突破人类道德的底线,进而滑向违法犯罪的深渊.兴奋剂不仅是有悖奥林匹克精神的"毒瘤",同时也是对人类社会的诚信、健康权与生命权的极大挑衅.然而现行兴奋剂问题的处罚方式却呈现两个极端,一方面处罚原则过于严格导致打击面扩大,另一方面犯罪成本过低导致打击力度不足.因此,该文希望通过对兴奋剂问题的刑事责任进行深入研究,以期找到刑罚的依据,给予兴奋剂违法犯罪有力一击.  相似文献   

刘畅 《体育科研》2020,(3):73-81
2021年实施版《世界反兴奋剂条例》在第五届世界反兴奋剂大会上正式获得通过,并将于2021年1月1日起正式生效。新版条例有关可卡因的规定变化颇多。对可卡因是否应被列为非特定物质,以及可卡因能否提高比赛成绩一直以来存在争议,这些争议对反兴奋剂实践影响颇深。违规背景的多样性使得运动员说明禁用物质来源的难度较大,而不同裁决机构对可卡因争议所持的不同观点易加剧处罚结果的差异化。2021年实施版《世界反兴奋剂条例》对于可卡因等社会毒品的规定的变革使得体育仲裁裁决的指引作用能够得到进一步发挥,同时也避免严格责任原则的严厉性进一步加剧。当然,在未来的反兴奋剂进程中,在不触动政府层面药物管制原则的前提下,变革禁用清单,将可卡因纳入特定物质的范畴,既可缓和有关可卡因的争议,又可增强裁决处理的一致性与稳定性,为运动员规范自身行为提供合理预期。  相似文献   

《反对在体育运动中使用兴奋剂国际公约》研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
体育运动中的兴奋剂问题是一个全球性的问题,需要各国政府、国际组织和非政府的体育组织之间进行合作。联合国教科文组织通过的《反对在体育运动中使用兴奋剂国际公约》,几乎涵盖了有关兴奋剂的所有问题,对该公约的研究有助于兴奋剂的控制以及有关立法建设。  相似文献   

Doping and antidoping are socially constructed, evolving and historically contingent phenomena relying on actors agreeing about allowed and deviant behaviour. Therefore, public discourse about doping represents an important part of the history of doping and antidoping. Content analysis of doping discourse in German quality media Der Spiegel und Die Zeit in the 1950s and 1960s shows that public attention for doping was rather low even though awareness increased due to the politicisation of sport and the rise of anabolic doping. Doping does not appear as a particular pressing but solvable problem. Moreover, doping is not linked to West German sport. In ethical terms, doping is perceived negatively. Neither does there exist a general mistrust in the sport bodies nor are sport bodies or sport policy clearly and resolutely requested to act. Therefore, the well-known 1969 article by Brigitte Berendonk marks a qualitative turn in public doping discourse.  相似文献   

2019年1月1日,国际体育仲裁院新设立了兴奋剂仲裁部门,并正式开始运作。该机构是顺应世界体育领域反兴奋剂机制改革的产物,根据国际体育组织授权,其可以行使从兴奋剂违规认定到处罚的全部权力。国际体育仲裁理事会专门制定了《国际体育仲裁院反兴奋剂部门仲裁规则》,作为兴奋剂仲裁庭的程序规则,该规则考虑了兴奋剂纠纷的特点,设置了一些特殊仲裁制度,比如建立有专门的仲裁员名册,允许当事人选择仲裁庭类型,重视专家证人作用,公开开庭,仲裁裁决书强制性公开。仲裁程序优化了国际体育兴奋剂违规处理流程,但本质上并没有扩充国际体育仲裁院的权力。中国应该积极研究国际体育仲裁院兴奋剂判例,应对这一改革。  相似文献   

The intention of this contribution is to show that training and doping in competitive sports may be considered as two implementations of economic paradoxes of concurrence. They are based on the interaction of the gladiator principle and a tribune effect. According to this terminology, training is related to the classical paradox whereas doping is related to Marx’s paradox (Stützel, 1979, Paradoxa der Geld- und Konkurrenzwirtschaft. Aalen: Scientia; Grass & Stützel, 1983, Volkswirtschaftslehre. München: Vahlen). In the paper, against this background, training and doping in elite sports are evaluated concerning their efficiency and fairness. As a result highly commercialized elite sports with an extreme win orientation turns out to be problematic.  相似文献   

《Sport in History》2013,33(4):526-549
This article about doping and anti-doping measures and policy in West Germany in the context of the 1972 Olympic Games in Munich is part of a research project about ‘Doping and Anti-Doping in West-Germany’, supported by the German Government. The intention of this paper is to describe, analyse and discuss the process of changing relationships between state (including various governing sports bodies) and sport (including the German sport associations and federations) in West Germany in the context of the Munich Olympics, and how doping and anti-doping was dealt with in national and international high-level sports. The paper is based on relevant archives and documents from governmental and sports organizations, as well as on the current German and international state-of-the-art of doping (and anti-doping) research.  相似文献   

对奥运会兴奋剂事件的若干思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
如何使2008年的北京奥运会远离兴奋剂,这是国内外各界共同关注的话题。本分析了兴奋剂的作用、危害及其面临的严峻性和长期性的原因,回顾了国际反兴奋剂的历史,并提出了反兴奋剂的种种对策。  相似文献   


Doping is a complex moral and scientific dilemma and its prevention has led to a costly but less than perfect control system implemented worldwide by the World Anti-doping Agency (WADA). For a substance or method to be considered for the WADA Prohibited List, three criteria must be met: (1) the substance or method has the potential to enhance, or enhances, sport performance; (2) use of the substance or method represents an actual or potential health risk to the athlete; and (3) use of the substance or method violates the “spirit of sport”. The “spirit of sport” is defined as “the celebration of the human spirit, body and mind” and explained with reference to a series of ideal values: ethics, fair play, and honesty; health; excellence in performance; character and education; fun and enjoyment; teamwork; dedication and commitment; respect for rules and laws; respect for self and other participants; courage; community and solidarity. These values do not lend themselves to clear-cut interpretation and are of little help in drawing unambiguous lines in concrete cases. A proposal is made of how to interpret the “spirit of sport” in more precise ways in terms of a combination of the fair opportunity principle and a biological and evolutionary understanding of athletic performance as a result of the systematic utilization of the phenotypic plasticity of the human organism. The argument is that such understanding improves significantly the possibilities for drawing of lines when it comes to doping issues.  相似文献   

基因兴奋剂是随着基因治疗和竞技体育的发展由生物技术向体育界渗透的一种产物,其种类和检测方法成为当今反兴奋剂工作研究的热点.迄今为止,已有200多种与运动能力相关的基因被发现,为基因兴奋剂的使用提供了基础.研究表明,基因兴奋剂种类繁多,然而均以提高运动员肌肉力量、增加有氧耐力及缓解运动疲劳为最终目的,其隐蔽性强等特点使得检测技术明显滞后于基因兴奋剂的发展,但随着外源基因检测技术、分子成像技术与生物传感器的开展使得对日后基因兴奋剂的检测与发现成为可能.通过对近来基因兴奋剂的发展、种类及检测手段进行综述,旨在为其相关研究的开展提供参考和研究方向.  相似文献   


This paper discusses three questions concerning the ethics of performance enhancement in sport. The first has to do with the improvement to policy and argues that there is a need for policy about doping to be re-constituted and to question the conceptual priority of ‘anti’ doping. It is argued that policy discussions about science in sport must recognise the broader context of sport technology and seek to develop a policy about ‘performance’, rather than ‘doping’. The second argues that a quantitative enhancement to a sporting performance has no value and is, thus, unethical, unless the motivation behind using it implies something meaningful about being human. Thus, unless the use of the technology is constitutive of our humanness, then it is not a justifiable method of altering (rather than enhancing) performance. This rules out the legitimacy of using performance enhancement to gain an advantage over other competitors, who do not have access to similar means. Finally, the third argument claims that sport ethics has had only a limited discourse and has failed to recognise broader theoretical ideas in relation to performance modification, which might be found in the philosophy of technology and bioethics. Collectively, these positions articulate important concerns about the role of science in sport and the ethical discussions arising from them.  相似文献   

建立安徽省"反兴奋剂"监控体系,是促进安徽省竞技体育健康发展,实现体育强省的需要。分析了兴奋剂对体育的危害;从兴奋剂检查、相关信息申报、食品、营养品及药品安全;抓好运动员、教练员及相关工作人员的反兴奋剂宣传教育;建立反兴奋剂组织制度和绩效考核等方面,阐述了如何构建安徽省反兴奋剂的监控体系,以提高反兴奋剂工作效果和效率。  相似文献   

Doping use is an ongoing problem in contemporary sports. Despite efforts to detect and control doping, research on its etiology is limited, especially among elite-level athletes. The present study used an integrated social cognition model to examine the predictors of doping intentions. Structured anonymous questionnaires were completed by 1075 Greek adult elite-level athletes (M age = 25 years, SD = 5.89, 36.1% females) from both team and individual sports. Multiple regression and mediation analyses showed that attitudes, normative beliefs, situational temptation, and behavioral control significantly predicted doping intentions. A normative process was identified whereby situational temptation mediated the effects of normative beliefs on intentions. The findings provide the basis for future social cognition research in doping use, and set the framework for the development of evidence-based preventive interventions.  相似文献   

足球运动员服用兴奋剂现象的几点思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
兴奋剂问题是当今世界体坛的热点问题之一。本文从足球运动的角度,揭示了兴奋剂对足球运动发展的危害、影响和屡禁不止的原由。指出兴奋剂已经成为现代足球运动中无法回避的现实问题,并提出制止这种行为的具体措施  相似文献   


Basic values, defined as trans-situational goals that vary in importance and act as guiding principles in life, have been linked with unethical cognitions, emotions and actions. Their roles in doping, a form of cheating in sport, have yet to established. College athletes reported doping likelihood in hypothetical scenario-based situations and completed measures of basic values, moral disengagement, and anticipated guilt. Correlation analysis showed that doping likelihood was positively associated with self-enhancement values but negatively associated with self-transcendence values and conservation values. Moral disengagement correlated positively with self-enhancement values and negatively with self-transcendence values, whereas guilt correlated positively conservation values and negatively with self-enhancement values and openness to change values. Regression analyses showed that self-enhancement values positively predicted doping likelihood directly, self-transcendence values negatively predicted doping likelihood indirectly via moral disengagement and guilt, and conservation values negatively predicted doping likelihood indirectly via guilt. In line with theory and evidence concerning the relationship between basic value systems and moral thought and action, we found that the values of athletes are directly (self-enhancement) and indirectly (self-transcendence, conservation) linked with likely use of banned performance enhancing substances, an expression of cheating in sport.  相似文献   

Achievement goal theory provides a framework to help understand how individuals behave in achievement contexts, such as sport. Evidence concerning the role of motivation in the decision to use banned performance enhancing substances (i.e., doping) is equivocal on this issue. The extant literature shows that dispositional goal orientation has been weakly and inconsistently associated with doping intention and use. It is possible that goal involvement, which describes the situational motivational state, is a stronger determinant of doping intention. Accordingly, the current study used an experimental design to examine the effects of goal involvement, manipulated using direct instructions and reflective writing, on doping likelihood in hypothetical situations in college athletes. The ego-involving goal increased doping likelihood compared to no goal and a task-involving goal. The present findings provide the first evidence that ego involvement can sway the decision to use doping to improve athletic performance.  相似文献   

运动竞赛作为一种特定的竞技文化生活方式,因有其"自足性价值"而存在于人类社会当中。以价值论的视角审视,任一文化现象的存在都有其价值论上的依据。问题在于,价值既有类别的不同又有优先性上的差异,这就要求人们在"类别"和"优先性"这些更深层的维度上来考虑一种文化现象健康发展的价值问题。以"服用违禁药物"(Doping)为例,表面上来看,它对当事者的身体健康甚至是心理健康带来较大的危害,实质上,作为竞技场上的一种欺骗行为,"服用违禁药物"的根本破坏力在于它整个地铲除了运动竞赛得以存在的竞技道德根基。  相似文献   

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