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Most existing search engines focus on document retrieval. However, information needs are certainly not limited to finding relevant documents. Instead, a user may want to find relevant entities such as persons and organizations. In this paper, we study the problem of related entity finding. Our goal is to rank entities based on their relevance to a structured query, which specifies an input entity, the type of related entities and the relation between the input and related entities. We first discuss a general probabilistic framework, derive six possible retrieval models to rank the related entities, and then compare these models both analytically and empirically. To further improve performance, we study the problem of feedback in the context of related entity finding. Specifically, we propose a mixture model based feedback method that can utilize the pseudo feedback entities to estimate an enriched model for the relation between the input and related entities. Experimental results over two standard TREC collections show that the derived relation generation model combined with a relation feedback method performs better than other models.  相似文献   

Recent developments have shown that entity-based models that rely on information from the knowledge graph can improve document retrieval performance. However, given the non-transitive nature of relatedness between entities on the knowledge graph, the use of semantic relatedness measures can lead to topic drift. To address this issue, we propose a relevance-based model for entity selection based on pseudo-relevance feedback, which is then used to systematically expand the input query leading to improved retrieval performance. We perform our experiments on the widely used TREC Web corpora and empirically show that our proposed approach to entity selection significantly improves ad hoc document retrieval compared to strong baselines. More concretely, the contributions of this work are as follows: (1) We introduce a graphical probability model that captures dependencies between entities within the query and documents. (2) We propose an unsupervised entity selection method based on the graphical model for query entity expansion and then for ad hoc retrieval. (3) We thoroughly evaluate our method and compare it with the state-of-the-art keyword and entity based retrieval methods. We demonstrate that the proposed retrieval model shows improved performance over all the other baselines on ClueWeb09B and ClueWeb12B, two widely used Web corpora, on the [email protected], and [email protected] metrics. We also show that the proposed method is most effective on the difficult queries. In addition, We compare our proposed entity selection with a state-of-the-art entity selection technique within the context of ad hoc retrieval using a basic query expansion method and illustrate that it provides more effective retrieval for all expansion weights and different number of expansion entities.  相似文献   

Entity disambiguation is a fundamental task of semantic Web annotation. Entity Linking (EL) is an essential procedure in entity disambiguation, which aims to link a mention appearing in a plain text to a structured or semi-structured knowledge base, such as Wikipedia. Existing research on EL usually annotates the mentions in a text one by one and treats entities independent to each other. However this might not be true in many application scenarios. For example, if two mentions appear in one text, they are likely to have certain intrinsic relationships. In this paper, we first propose a novel query expansion method for candidate generation utilizing the information of co-occurrences of mentions. We further propose a re-ranking model which can be iteratively adjusted based on the prediction in the previous round. Experiments on real-world data demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed methods for entity disambiguation.  相似文献   

Facet-based opinion retrieval from blogs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The paper presents methods of retrieving blog posts containing opinions about an entity expressed in the query. The methods use a lexicon of subjective words and phrases compiled from manually and automatically developed resources. One of the methods uses the Kullback–Leibler divergence to weight subjective words occurring near query terms in documents, another uses proximity between the occurrences of query terms and subjective words in documents, and the third combines both factors. Methods of structuring queries into facets, facet expansion using Wikipedia, and a facet-based retrieval are also investigated in this work. The methods were evaluated using the TREC 2007 and 2008 Blog track topics, and proved to be highly effective.  相似文献   

The paper presents two approaches to interactively refining user search formulations and their evaluation in the new High Accuracy Retrieval from Documents (HARD) track of TREC-12. The first method consists of asking the user to select a number of sentences that represent documents. The second method consists of showing to the user a list of noun phrases extracted from the initial document set. Both methods then expand the query based on the user feedback. The TREC results show that one of the methods is an effective means of interactive query expansion and yields significant performance improvements. The paper presents a comparison of the methods and detailed analysis of the evaluation results.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the blog distillation problem, that is, given a user query find the blogs that are most related to the query topic. We model each post as evidence of the relevance of a blog to the query, and use aggregation methods like Ordered Weighted Averaging (OWA) operators to combine the evidence. We show that using only highly relevant evidence (posts) for each blog can result in an effective retrieval system. We also take into account the importance of the posts in a query-based cluster and investigate its effect in the aggregation results. We use prioritized OWA operators and show that considering the importance is effective when the number of aggregated posts from each blog is high. We carry out our experiments on three different data sets (TREC07, TREC08 and TREC09) and show statistically significant improvements over state of the art model called voting model.  相似文献   

Learning semantic representations of documents is essential for various downstream applications, including text classification and information retrieval. Entities, as important sources of information, have been playing a crucial role in assisting latent representations of documents. In this work, we hypothesize that entities are not monolithic concepts; instead they have multiple aspects, and different documents may be discussing different aspects of a given entity. Given that, we argue that from an entity-centric point of view, a document related to multiple entities shall be (a) represented differently for different entities (multiple entity-centric representations), and (b) each entity-centric representation should reflect the specific aspects of the entity discussed in the document.In this work, we devise the following research questions: (1) Can we confirm that entities have multiple aspects, with different aspects reflected in different documents, (2) can we learn a representation of entity aspects from a collection of documents, and a representation of document based on the multiple entities and their aspects as reflected in the documents, (3) does this novel representation improves algorithm performance in downstream applications, and (4) what is a reasonable number of aspects per entity? To answer these questions we model each entity using multiple aspects (entity facets1), where each entity facet is represented as a mixture of latent topics. Then, given a document associated with multiple entities, we assume multiple entity-centric representations, where each entity-centric representation is a mixture of entity facets for each entity. Finally, a novel graphical model, the Entity Facet Topic Model (EFTM), is proposed in order to learn entity-centric document representations, entity facets, and latent topics.Through experimentation we confirm that (1) entities are multi-faceted concepts which we can model and learn, (2) a multi-faceted entity-centric modeling of documents can lead to effective representations, which (3) can have an impact in downstream application, and (4) considering a small number of facets is effective enough. In particular, we visualize entity facets within a set of documents, and demonstrate that indeed different sets of documents reflect different facets of entities. Further, we demonstrate that the proposed entity facet topic model generates better document representations in terms of perplexity, compared to state-of-the-art document representation methods. Moreover, we show that the proposed model outperforms baseline methods in the application of multi-label classification. Finally, we study the impact of EFTM’s parameters and find that a small number of facets better captures entity specific topics, which confirms the intuition that on average an entity has a small number of facets reflected in documents.  相似文献   

We demonstrate effective new methods of document ranking based on lexical cohesive relationships between query terms. The proposed methods rely solely on the lexical relationships between original query terms, and do not involve query expansion or relevance feedback. Two types of lexical cohesive relationship information between query terms are used in document ranking: short-distance collocation relationship between query terms, and long-distance relationship, determined by the collocation of query terms with other words. The methods are evaluated on TREC corpora, and show improvements over baseline systems.  相似文献   

Word sense ambiguity has been identified as a cause of poor precision in information retrieval (IR) systems. Word sense disambiguation and discrimination methods have been defined to help systems choose which documents should be retrieved in relation to an ambiguous query. However, the only approaches that show a genuine benefit for word sense discrimination or disambiguation in IR are generally supervised ones. In this paper we propose a new unsupervised method that uses word sense discrimination in IR. The method we develop is based on spectral clustering and reorders an initially retrieved document list by boosting documents that are semantically similar to the target query. For several TREC ad hoc collections we show that our method is useful in the case of queries which contain ambiguous terms. We are interested in improving the level of precision after 5, 10 and 30 retrieved documents (P@5, P@10, P@30) respectively. We show that precision can be improved by 8% above current state-of-the-art baselines. We also focus on poor performing queries.  相似文献   

Although most of the queries submitted to search engines are composed of a few keywords and have a length that ranges from three to six words, more than 15% of the total volume of the queries are verbose, introduce ambiguity and cause topic drifts. We consider verbosity a different property of queries from length since a verbose query is not necessarily long, it might be succinct and a short query might be verbose. This paper proposes a methodology to automatically detect verbose queries and conditionally modify queries. The methodology proposed in this paper exploits state-of-the-art classification algorithms, combines concepts from a large linguistic database and uses a topic gisting algorithm we designed for verbose query modification purposes. Our experimental results have been obtained using the TREC Robust track collection, thirty topics classified by difficulty degree, four queries per topic classified by verbosity and length, and human assessment of query verbosity. Our results suggest that the methodology for query modification conditioned to query verbosity detection and topic gisting is significantly effective and that query modification should be refined when topic difficulty and query verbosity are considered since these two properties interact and query verbosity is not straightforwardly related to query length.  相似文献   

Satisfying non-trivial information needs involves collecting information from multiple resources, and synthesizing an answer that organizes that information. Traditional recall/precision-oriented information retrieval focuses on just one phase of that process: how to efficiently and effectively identify documents likely to be relevant to a specific, focused query. The TREC Interactive Track has as its goal the location of documents that pertain to different instances of a query topic, with no reward for duplicated coverage of topic instances. This task is similar to the task of organizing answer components into a complete answer. Clustering and classification are two mechanisms for organizing documents into groups. In this paper, we present an ongoing series of experiments that test the feasibility and effectiveness of using clustering and classification as an aid to instance retrieval and, ultimately, answer construction. Our results show that users prefer such structured presentations of candidate result set to a list-based approach. Assessment of the structured organizations based on the subjective judgement of the experiment subjects suggests that the structured organization can be more effective; however, assessment based on objective judgements shows mixed results. These results indicate that a full determination of the success of the approach depends on assessing the quality of the final answers generated by users, rather than on performance during the intermediate stages of answer construction.  相似文献   

Pseudo-relevance feedback (PRF) is a classical technique to improve search engine retrieval effectiveness, by closing the vocabulary gap between users’ query formulations and the relevant documents. While PRF is typically applied on the same target corpus as the final retrieval, in the past, external expansion techniques have sometimes been applied to obtain a high-quality pseudo-relevant feedback set using the external corpus. However, such external expansion approaches have only been studied for sparse (BoW) retrieval methods, and its effectiveness for recent dense retrieval methods remains under-investigated. Indeed, dense retrieval approaches such as ANCE and ColBERT, which conduct similarity search based on encoded contextualised query and document embeddings, are of increasing importance. Moreover, pseudo-relevance feedback mechanisms have been proposed to further enhance dense retrieval effectiveness. In particular, in this work, we examine the application of dense external expansion to improve zero-shot retrieval effectiveness, i.e. evaluation on corpora without further training. Zero-shot retrieval experiments with six datasets, including two TREC datasets and four BEIR datasets, when applying the MSMARCO passage collection as external corpus, indicate that obtaining external feedback documents using ColBERT can significantly improve NDCG@10 for the sparse retrieval (by upto 28%) and the dense retrieval (by upto 12%). In addition, using ANCE on the external corpus brings upto 30% NDCG@10 improvements for the sparse retrieval and upto 29% for the dense retrieval.  相似文献   

We present new methods of query expansion using terms that form lexical cohesive links between the contexts of distinct query terms in documents (i.e., words surrounding the query terms in text). The link-forming terms (link-terms) and short snippets of text surrounding them are evaluated in both interactive and automatic query expansion (QE). We explore the effectiveness of snippets in providing context in interactive query expansion, compare query expansion from snippets vs. whole documents, and query expansion following snippet selection vs. full document relevance judgements. The evaluation, conducted on the HARD track data of TREC 2005, suggests that there are considerable advantages in using link-terms and their surrounding short text snippets in QE compared to terms selected from full-texts of documents.  相似文献   

With the development of information extraction, there have been an increasing number of large-scale knowledge bases available in different domains. In recent years, a great deal of approaches have been proposed for large-scale knowledge base alignment. Most of them are based on iterative matching. If a pair of entities has been aligned, their compatible neighbors are selected as candidate entity pairs. The limitation of these methods is that they discover candidate entity pairs depending on aligned relations, which cannot be used for aligning heterogeneous knowledge bases. Only few existing methods focus on aligning heterogeneous knowledge bases, which discover candidate entity pairs just for once by traditional blocking methods. However, the performance of these methods depends on blocking keys heavily, which are hard to select. In this paper, we present an approach for aligning heterogeneous knowledge bases via iterative blocking (AHAB) to improve the discovery and refinement of candidate entity pairs. AHAB iteratively utilizes different relations for blocking, and then matches block pairs based on matched entity pairs. The Cartesian product of unmatched entities in matched block pairs forms candidate entity pairs. By filtering out dissimilar candidate entity pairs, matched entity pairs will be found. The number of matched entity pairs proliferates with iterations, which in turn helps match block pairs in each iteration. Experiments on real-world heterogeneous knowledge bases demonstrate that AHAB is able to yield a competitive performance.  相似文献   

Generally, QA systems suffer from the structural difference where a question is composed of unstructured data, while its answer is made up of structured data in a Knowledge Graph (KG). To bridge this gap, most approaches use lexicons to cover data that are represented differently. However, the existing lexicons merely deal with representations for entity and relation mentions rather than consulting the comprehensive meaning of the question. To resolve this, we design a novel predicate constraints lexicon which restricts subject and object types for a predicate. It facilitates a comprehensive validation of a subject, predicate and object simultaneously. In this paper, we propose Predicate Constraints based Question Answering (PCQA). Our method prunes inappropriate entity/relation matchings to reduce search space, thus leading to an improvement of accuracy. Unlike the existing QA systems, we do not use any templates but generates query graphs to cover diverse types of questions. In query graph generation, we put more focus on matching relations rather than linking entities. This is well-suited to the use of predicate constraints. Our experimental results prove the validity of our approach and demonstrate a reasonable performance compared to other methods which target WebQuestions and Free917 benchmarks.  相似文献   

基于本体的文本信息检索研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文对如何构建基于本体的文本信息检索系统进行了探讨.并认为,利用反映概念之间关系的领域本体指导主题标引,利用反映实体之间关系的领域本体指导实体关系标引,并以本体的形式表示文档替代物和查询表达式,可以进一步提高文本信息检索系统的性能。  相似文献   

Overlapping entity relation extraction has received extensive research attention in recent years. However, existing methods suffer from the limitation of long-distance dependencies between entities, and fail to extract the relations when the overlapping situation is relatively complex. This issue limits the performance of the task. In this paper, we propose an end-to-end neural model for overlapping relation extraction by treating the task as a quintuple prediction problem. The proposed method first constructs the entity graphs by enumerating possible candidate spans, then models the relational graphs between entities via a graph attention model. Experimental results on five benchmark datasets show that the proposed model achieves the current best performance, outperforming previous methods and baseline systems by a large margin. Further analysis shows that our model can effectively capture the long-distance dependencies between entities in a long sentence.  相似文献   

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