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A new dictionary-based text categorization approach is proposed to classify the chemical web pages efficiently. Using a chemistry dictionary, the approach can extract chemistry-related information more exactly from web pages. After automatic segmentation on the documents to find dictionary terms for document expansion, the approach adopts latent semantic indexing (LSI) to produce the final document vectors, and the relevant categories are finally assigned to the test document by using the k-NN text categorization algorithm. The effects of the characteristics of chemistry dictionary and test collection on the categorization efficiency are discussed in this paper, and a new voting method is also introduced to improve the categorization performance further based on the collection characteristics. The experimental results show that the proposed approach has the superior performance to the traditional categorization method and is applicable to the classification of chemical web pages.  相似文献   

在对1985—2014年间陕西发明专利跨30年统计的基础上,采用IPC分类体系,运用内容分析法和专利地图法,对陕西地区专利技术的总体构成和发展趋势进行分析,明确陕西技术创新的重点领域与薄弱区、重要专利权人群及其技术构成和优势所在。并通过集中度测度,对陕西的创新技术格局变化开展研究。  相似文献   

马荣康  王艺棠 《科研管理》2021,42(5):153-160
随着我国发明专利申请数量的迅猛增加,如何通过事前和事后指标测度并识别技术和经济价值高的突破性技术发明就成为学术界面临的焦点问题。针对我国专利普遍缺乏引文信息的现状,本文利用专利的国际专利分类(IPC)信息构建两两专利相似度指标,并引入时间维度对过去、当前以及未来三个时间段的专利相似度比较,测度专利的新颖性、独特性和影响力,从而构建突破性技术发明的综合识别方案。然后,以纳米技术为例,利用美国专利商标局(USPTO)在1975-2015年的授权发明专利数据进行实证检验。结果表明:(1)基于专利IPC四位和六位分类的相似度指标分别可以识别出6.23%和5.06%的纳米技术专利为突破性技术发明;(2)基于专利相似度识别的突破性技术发明与基于专利被引数识别的突破性技术发明具有显著的正相关关系,但是,两类识别方法得到的结果中仅有不足总样本的0.5%是相同的,表明以往单纯依赖专利被引数据识别突破性技术发明可能存在一定偏差;(3)对突破性技术发明来源特征的实证检验表明,基于专利相似度和基于专利被引数的突破性技术发明的发明人和组织来源特征基本一致,而发明层面的知识来源特征呈现不一致的结果,进一步反映出两类识别方案的差异性。本文基于专利相似度构建的突破性技术发明识别方案既为企业在实践中挖掘和利用高价值的发明专利提供参考,也对未来突破性技术发明相关研究达成一致结论具有重要意义。  相似文献   

杨祖国  李文兰 《情报科学》2005,23(12):1845-1851
本文采用专利引文分析方法,通过对1985-2003年中国专利被专利文献引用情况进行统计、分析,揭示其主题分布情况及技术主题之间的联系,找出中国专利影响力较大的技术主题及其随时间变化的情况。研究发现:IPC A部(人类生活需要)是被引用最多的“部”类技术主题;C部(化学、冶金)及D部(纺织、造纸)技术领域与A部(人类生活需要)技术领域之间具有较强的联系及相关性;A61K(医用、牙科用或梳妆用的配制品)主题的中国专利影响力较大;A61K与A23L技术主题之间有较多联系;A61K035/78是被最高频引用的脱分组类技术主题。“人类生活需要”及“化学、冶金”主题的中国发明专利较其他主题的中国发明专利影响力大。  相似文献   

The paper proposes a new approach to create a patent classification system to replace the IPC or UPC system for conducting patent analysis and management. The new approach is based on co-citation analysis of bibliometrics. The traditional approach for management of patents, which is based on either the IPC or UPC, is too general to meet the needs of specific industries. In addition, some patents are placed in incorrect categories, making it difficult for enterprises to carry out R&D planning, technology positioning, patent strategy-making and technology forecasting. Therefore, it is essential to develop a patent classification system that is adaptive to the characteristics of a specific industry. The analysis of this approach is divided into three phases. Phase I selects appropriate databases to conduct patent searches according to the subject and objective of this study and then select basic patents. Phase II uses the co-cited frequency of the basic patent pairs to assess their similarity. Phase III uses factor analysis to establish a classification system and assess the efficiency of the proposed approach. The main contribution of this approach is to develop a patent classification system based on patent similarities to assist patent manager in understanding the basic patents for a specific industry, the relationships among categories of technologies and the evolution of a technology category.  相似文献   

The number of patent documents is currently rising rapidly worldwide, creating the need for an automatic categorization system to replace time-consuming and labor-intensive manual categorization. Because accurate patent classification is crucial to search for relevant existing patents in a certain field, patent categorization is a very important and useful field. As patent documents are structural documents with their own characteristics distinguished from general documents, these unique traits should be considered in the patent categorization process. In this paper, we categorize Japanese patent documents automatically, focusing on their characteristics: patents are structured by claims, purposes, effects, embodiments of the invention, and so on. We propose a patent document categorization method that uses the k-NN (k-Nearest Neighbour) approach. In order to retrieve similar documents from a training document set, some specific components to denote the so-called semantic elements, such as claim, purpose, and application field, are compared instead of the whole texts. Because those specific components are identified by various user-defined tags, first all of the components are clustered into several semantic elements. Such semantically clustered structural components are the basic features of patent categorization. We can achieve a 74% improvement of categorization performance over a baseline system that does not use the structural information of the patent.  相似文献   

有效评估药物专利价值有必要考虑制药基础技术细节以及新药专利保护期限较长的特殊性等有关实际,同时,利用机器学习方法开展专利价值评估的研究仍有待进一步完善,因此,针对生物制药产业专利价值评估准确性问题,结合产业技术因素及其专利特点,以及专利价值评估的共性指标和生物制药产业特征与专利技术特点的个性指标,引入自编码器(AE)模型和谱聚类算法(SC)构建专利价值评估算法模型,以药智专利通数据库的相关专利数据为样本进行实证分析,通过提取专利指标特征、专利聚类来进行专利价值评估,并运用支持向量机方法对专利价值进行分类,以验证AE-SC评估模型的有效性。结果表明:AE-SC评估模型通过自编码器提取专利特征后的专利价值聚类准确度优于谱聚类和传统K-means聚类;专利存在年数、药物专利类型、适应证类别等是评价生物制药产业专利价值必要考虑因素。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]精准识别潜在专利技术组合,将相互关联的技术组成保护范围更大的专利网,对于打破单项专利的局限性、构建更为缜密的技术壁垒具有重要意义。[方法/过程]首先在对关键词与核心IPC进行语义抽取的基础上,筛选出核心专利集合,然后计算基于专利相似性与互补性的专利组合强度,最后利用MCL聚类算法直观、精准地识别潜在专利组合,并以艾滋病疫苗领域专利对方法进行了验证。[结果/结论]该方法以核心专利集合为数据源有效降低了组合识别中的噪音,基于多维度的专利组合强度计算克服了以往组合识别指标的片面性,利用MCL聚类算法无需人为规定簇群数量,保证识别质量。  相似文献   

核心专利在产业中具有重要的地位,从理论上区分核心专利与基本专利、外围专利和重要专利等术语,总结归纳核心专利的特征以及定义。进而,以新能源汽车装置领域为专利数据样本,利用多元回归模型实证分析核心专利挖掘指标对核心专利的影响效应及解释能力,得到引用专利数量、IPC分类号数量、同族专利数量和同族专利被引用专利数量指标对核心专利显著正相关,说明书页数、附图页数和摘要字数逻辑回归中不显著,即其在核心专利挖掘中所起作用非常小,专利许可是有可能对核心专利显著正相关,专利权利转移与核心专利之间没有什么关系。研究从实证角度对核心专利挖掘指标的理论基础,对于核心专利挖掘具有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

作为一种工业产权的外观专利在产业振兴中起着重要作用.外观专利采用的洛迦诺分类标准不支持图像分类,而AI算法直接在洛迦诺分类标准图像数据集并不能有效提升分类精度.因此,对外观专利审查员来说,外观专利的分类检索具有相当大的挑战.为此,本文提出先领域、再功能、后视觉的四级外观专利图像分类新标准,在此分类标准基础上构建了Pat...  相似文献   

高小强  田丽 《现代情报》2016,36(3):121-128
为了把握我国钢铁企业技术竞争力现状, 从德温特专利数据库中检索73家国内重点钢铁企业的专利, 选取其中专利申请数在300件以上的16家企业作为研究对象, 从历年专利申请数、专利被引情况、高被引专利、IPC分类号4个方面对16家钢铁企业的技术竞争力进行了研究, 结果表明:宝钢、鞍钢和武钢具有雄厚的专利技术竞争力。用德温特手工代码共现分析法识别出钢铁领域2008-2013年专利技术的研究热点为合金钢和低碳技术等, 研究结果可为企业明确自身所处的专利技术竞争地位以及确定未来技术研发方向提供参考。  相似文献   

从全球5G技术的研发背景入手,梳理美国、欧盟、韩国等主要国家在5G相关技术领域出台的政策规划和研究计划,通过分析5G技术专利数据,揭示了5G技术研究的发展历程和创新趋势及专利活动特点和创新趋势,为制定行业发展政策提供重要的科学参考。利用PatSnap专利信息检索工具,对全球5G专利的年申请趋势、专利权人竞争力、IPC分类和核心专利进行统计分析,获得该技术研发现状、技术分布、专利布局等重要信息。由上述分析可知,全球5G技术研发正处于快速发展时期,中国近年来异军突起,拥有该领域大量专利,但绝大多数核心专利掌握在美日研发人员手中。国内企业与科研院所应加大5G核心技术研发和专利申请与保护。  相似文献   

文章从时间活跃度、IPC技术分类、专利权人时间分布和排名、地区分布以及专利分布状态等几方面对3D打印机进行了专利分析,阐述了3D打印的发展状况,并对未来3D打印机的商业化和产业化进行了展望。  相似文献   

By using the panel date of Chinese enterprises, this paper analyzes the influence of venture capital on innovation performance. In this paper, the number of patent application and the patent quality(invention patent applications, number of effective patents, IPC number of international patent classification, and patent claims) are used to measure the innovation performance of enterprises, and the regression results show that the innovation performance is significantly promoted by the venture capital; for industries with higher dependence on external financing and high technology intensity and areas with better protection of property rights, venture capital promotes innovation performance more significantly. In this paper, it further distinguishes the characteristics of venture capital institutions, and finds that the promotion effect of non-state-owned venture capital on innovation performance is significantly greater than that of state-owned venture capital; the venture capital institutions with high reputation and high network capital play a more significant role in promoting innovation performance.  相似文献   

In this paper, a Generalized Cluster Centroid based Classifier (GCCC) and its variants for text categorization are proposed by utilizing a clustering algorithm to integrate two well-known classifiers, i.e., the K-nearest-neighbor (KNN) classifier and the Rocchio classifier. KNN, a lazy learning method, suffers from inefficiency in online categorization while achieving remarkable effectiveness. Rocchio, which has efficient categorization performance, fails to obtain an expressive categorization model due to its inherent linear separability assumption. Our proposed method mainly focuses on two points: one point is that we use a clustering algorithm to strengthen the expressiveness of the Rocchio model; another one is that we employ the improved Rocchio model to speed up the categorization process of KNN. Extensive experiments conducted on both English and Chinese corpora show that GCCC and its variants have better categorization ability than some state-of-the-art classifiers, i.e., Rocchio, KNN and Support Vector Machine (SVM).  相似文献   

[目的/意义]从交易视角评价专利可转让性,侧面评估专利价值及筛选可交易高价值专利。[方法/过程]基于专利价值评估指标,从技术和法律两个维度选取专利可转让性评价内部指标,基于交易视角中专利权人特征设计专利可转让性评价外部指标,结合高阶神经元将深度神经网络方法应用于专利可转让性评价。[结果/结论]结果表明,专利可转让性评价模型相比传统的BP神经网络方法和仅使用高阶神经元的方法精度更高,F1值达到86.72%;因其可区分通过交易实现价值的潜在专利,在大规模专利可转让性评价实际应用中具有可行性和适用性。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]燃料电池作为新能源产业的核心部件,培育并评价其高价值专利对于我国突破国外“技术锁定”,对实现技术创新驱动新能源产业发展具有重大意义。[方法/过程]基于INNOJOY专利数据库,选取了燃料电池作为研究对象,采用主客观赋权方法与Cox比例风险回归模型等探究了技术锁定视角下的专利价值的影响因素。[结果/结论]结果表明:(1)技术锁定对专利价值的抑制作用显著;(2)引证数、被引证数与同族数均对专利价值的促进作用显著,权利要求数对专利价值的抑制作用显著,而IPC分类数对专利价值不具有显著效应。在丰富了专利价值研究的同时,为我国突破“技术锁定”,进而实现专利强国的目标提供相应建议。  相似文献   

曹勇  赵莉 《科研管理》2013,34(8):42-52
专利在企业生产经营中的重要性日益显现,其作用已从防御性手段转变成战略性工具。通过对118家高新技术企业363份有效问卷调查数据,从资源观的视角,运用结构方程模型实证研究企业专利获取、专利保护、专利商业化与技术创新绩效的作用机制,并重点探讨专利商业化的中介效应。结果表明:专利获取对专利保护、专利商业化具有显著的正向影响,专利保护对专利商业化具有显著的正向影响;专利获取、专利保护、专利商业化与技术创新绩效均具有显著的正向影响;专利商业化在专利获取与技术创新绩效之间起部分中介作用,而在专利保护与技术创新绩效之间则具有完全中介作用。本研究结论不仅拓展了专利管理与技术创新绩效的理论研究领域,同时为我国高新技术企业在开放式创新环境下通过有效的专利管理提升技术创新绩效提供实践指导。  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a new algorithm, which incorporates the relationships of concept-based thesauri into the document categorization using the k-NN classifier (k-NN). k-NN is one of the most popular document categorization methods because it shows relatively good performance in spite of its simplicity. However, it significantly degrades precision when ambiguity arises, i.e., when there exist more than one candidate category to which a document can be assigned. To remedy the drawback, we employ concept-based thesauri in the categorization. Employing the thesaurus entails structuring categories into hierarchies, since their structure needs to be conformed to that of the thesaurus for capturing relationships between categories. By referencing various relationships in the thesaurus corresponding to the structured categories, k-NN can be prominently improved, removing the ambiguity. In this paper, we first perform the document categorization by using k-NN and then employ the relationships to reduce the ambiguity. Experimental results show that this method improves the precision of k-NN up to 13.86% without compromising its recall.  相似文献   

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