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在无监督环境中,保持学生持续而有效的学习是翻转课堂的难点。翻转课堂无监督学习环境是人机情境。从人杌交互角度,学生沉浸在持续学习中,达到有效学习、深度学习状态,也称“人机认知耦合态”。认知耦合态是学生认知结构、个性、能力和教师设计的学习内容、情境、轨道匹配的状态,是学生和机器相互依赖,形成高效学习体。人机耦合态设计理念上需理解学生心理规律及过程,让计算机成为“教助理”引导学生学习;设计形式上需采集人机交互数据、观测学习过程、创意耦合情境、调制认知过程。翻转课堂中人机认知耦合设计重点是教学资源结构、认知思维过程、在线导学互动、学习成像形式、认知大数据处理技术、实证教学实施方法。基于人机认知耦合态的翻转课堂是教育数字化、实证化思想的实践,也是信息技术与教育深度融合的尝试。  相似文献   

混合式学习以其能够促进主动和深度学习的优势,在国内外高等教育教学中得到广泛应用。本研究的目的是,在把握学生学习投入现状的基础上,进一步探讨影响混合式学习环境下学生学习投入的内外部因素。研究采用问卷的方式进行调查与系统分析,结果发现:混合式学习背景下,学生整体学习投入为中等偏上水平,相对而言,学生行为投入较高,情感投入表现中等,认知投入最低。影响学习投入的关键因素从高到低依次为教师教学、学生学习动机、平台资源等,同时学生的性格、班级角色、师生关系等也是影响学生学习投入的重要因素。在此基础上,研究提出改进建议:提高教师混合式教学素养,提高学生满意度与学习投入水平;优化线上、线下学习活动设计,持续激发学生学习动机;丰富在线学习资源形式,提升质量,激发并维持学生在线学习兴趣;融合线上、线下多元互动,促进主动学习;构建易用、有用的在线教学平台,改善线上学习体验。  相似文献   

This study investigated students’ understanding of a virtual infectious disease in relation to their understanding of natural infectious diseases. Two sixth-grade classrooms of students between the ages of 10 and 12 (46 students) took part in a participatory simulation of a virtual infectious disease, which was integrated into their science curriculum. The results from our analyses reveal that students perceived the simulation as similar to a natural infectious disease and that the immersive components of the simulation afforded students the opportunity to discuss their understandings of natural disease and to compare them to their experiences with the virtual disease. We found that while the virtual disease capitalized on students’ knowledge of natural infectious disease through virtual symptoms, these symptoms may have led students to think of its transfer more as an observable or mechanical event rather than as a biological process. These findings provide helpful indicators to science educators and educational designers interested in creating and integrating online simulations within classroom environments to further students’ conceptual understanding.  相似文献   

虚拟网络教室在增强在线教学的灵活性、可交互性等方面具有重要的作用,但传统虚拟网络教室以网络教学资源共享平台和以视音频为核心的在线网络教学平台为主,所创建的虚拟学习环境缺乏真实感、师生之间的交流与互动比较单一。根据云计算的特点和真实感虚拟学习情景构建的要求,利用开源云计算平台OpenStack和分布式虚拟现实开发了一种支持用户管理、真实感3D虚拟角色自动生成、在线课堂教学、在线答疑等的真实感3D虚拟网络教室,并研究其开发与实现过程,最后以《大学英语》在线课堂教学为例分析该3D虚拟网络教室的稳定性和可用性,实验证明该系统能够有效增强虚拟学习环境的真实性和交互性。  相似文献   

随着教学方式的改变与教育改革的不断推进,混合式教学已经成为高等教育的新趋势。网络信息技术应用于课堂,改变了传统的学习环境、教学结构和学习方式,提高了教学效率。通过基于"学"与"习",结合线上线下混合教学方式的实践,寻找适合工科学生设计类课程的新型教学模式,不仅提高了教学效果,同时增进了师生间的交流,促进了知识在设计实践中的应用,提升了学生的设计能力。  相似文献   

Science laboratory learning has been lauded for decades for its role in fostering positive student attitudes about science and developing students’ interest in science and ability to use equipment. An expanding body of research has demonstrated the significant influence of laboratory environment on student learning. Further research has demonstrated differences in student perceptions based on giftedness. To explore the relationship between giftedness and students’ perceptions of their learning environment, we examined students’ perceptions of their laboratory learning environment in biology courses, including courses designated for high-achieving versus regular-achieving students. In addition, to explore the relationship between students’ perceptions and the extent of their experience with laboratory learning in a particular discipline, we examined students’ perceptions of their laboratory learning environment in first-year biology courses versus elective biology courses that require first-year biology as a prerequisite. We found that students in high-achieving courses had a more favourable perception of all aspects of their learning environment when compared with students in regular courses. In addition, student perceptions of their laboratory appeared to be influenced by the extent of their experience in learning science. Perceptions were consistent amongst regular- and high-achieving students regardless of grade level. In addition, perceptions of students in first year and beyond were consistent regardless of grade level. These findings have critical applications in curriculum development as well as in the classroom. Teachers can use student perceptions of their learning environment to emphasize critical pedagogical approaches and modify other areas that enable enhancement of the science laboratory learning environment.  相似文献   

物流仿真类课程教学理论和实践兼顾,强调学生综合实践能力的培养,而混合式学习能够整合线上和线下教学的优势,为提高教学效果提供了有力支撑。基于OBE教育理念,以培养学生综合能力为导向,借用线上教学平台和虚拟仿真工具,对“物流系统建模与仿真”课程的实验教学进行层次化、模块化和迭代化设计;合理分配教与学学时,兼顾线上学习的灵活性和课堂教学的互动优势,采用混合模式培养学生的沟通、协作和思辨能力;对课程考核进行持续改进,考核环节贯穿全过程,构建多维评价视角,保证课程目标的实现。  相似文献   

Science educators often miss an opportunity to encourage the cognitive leaps associated with the formation of networks of meaning when they deliver scientific concepts as solitary sets of received wisdom. Interdisciplinary science education provides a rich setting for encouraging this formation of meaning within the minds of the students. A wonderful example of this rich interdisciplinary setting can be found when environmental science is informed by the study of economics within the classroom. The usefulness of particular concepts in economic science for environmental science is illustrative of what science students can gain from learning science in an interdisciplinary setting.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to describe how and why a primary science methods classroom was conceived, designed, and developed for preservice and inservice teachers. Just as science educators believe that students learn best by constructing their knowledge of the natural world with the aid of a teacher and colleagues, science educators also believe that preservice and inservice teachers should learn in a collaborative and constructivist environment. Multiple dimensions relating to the dynamic processes of learning to teach, a ‘technical factor’ related to the physical and resource constraints that exist within a school, and sociocultural theory were used for the theoretical framework. A survey was given to 97 students who took a course in the classroom, six instructors were given a questionnaire, and three of these instructors were interviewed. These data sources sought to determine the effect of design features on student learning and instructor teaching. The results of the evaluation suggest students who used the classroom found their learning positively affected by the room design and instructors who taught in the classroom benefited by being able to teach in an inquiry and constructivist manner.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Critical thinking skills (CTS) are the core learning outcome measures for higher education. Generally, CTS are not extensively developed or practiced during primary and secondary education. As such, early cultivation of CTS is essential for mastery prior to collegiate matriculation. Weekly engagement in 50 min of classroom discussion with student feedback (CDSF) was utilized to develop the CTS of students in an introductory food science course at Purdue Univ. Students' critical thinking ability was assessed longitudinally over a 16‐wk semester using the ACT‐CAAP? (Collegiate Assessment of Academic Proficiency) critical thinking test. The ACT‐CAAP measures the students' ability to analyze, evaluate, and extend an argument described in a short passage. We hypothesized that the implementation of CDSF for 16 wk would expedite development of CTS for students enrolled in the course. The CDSF intervention significantly increased critical thinking ability for non‐native English speaking students as compared to native English speaking students. Students who were classified as sophomore status or above when compared to freshmen and students enrolled as food science majors when compared to other majors also demonstrated increased critical thinking ability. Recitation size also significantly influenced critical thinking ability where students enrolled in a relatively small recitation section had elevated critical thinking when compared to the abilities of those students enrolled in a large recitation. These observations suggest that engaging students in classroom discussions with student‐led feedback is a useful instructional technique for developing CTS. Further, the data suggest the development of critical thinking skill among food science majors can be augmented when classroom discussions with student‐led feedback are conducted in smaller sized recitations.  相似文献   

培养学生自主探究学习和网上学习的能力是现代教育的重要研究课题。本文提出基于网络技术的虚拟课堂教学理念、模式与策略,目的是改变原有陈旧的教学模式,创设适合中等职业学校特点的教学环境,更好地培养适应社会需求的高技能型人才。  相似文献   

电工学是高等学校工科非电类专业本科生的一门技术基础课,课程知识面广、实践性强.针对原有教学模式中出现的问题,基于雨课堂智慧教学工具,将课前、课中、课后三个环节有机结合,探索线上线下混合式教学模式.结果表明:混合式教学模式激发了学生的学习热情和学习主动性,提高了学生的学习兴趣和课堂参与度,让师生互动更高效、教学更便捷,提...  相似文献   

本文介绍了我校《新闻英语》课程基于校内SPOC的混合式教学改革设计与实践。该教学设计将课堂重构为"视频微课+音频新闻讲解+线下面授"三部分,践行"以学生为中心"的教学理念,以有效提高学生阅读英语新闻的能力为改革目标。对学生的问卷调查数据表明,混合式教学适用于《新闻英语》,对大学英语课程改革有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   


One of the blended learning strategies that researchers and educators commonly use in higher education is Flipped Classroom. The purpose of this case study was to explore how both professors and students perceive student engagement in flipped classrooms. Three college professors who implemented flipped classrooms and their 14 students participated in the study. Three individual faculty interviews and three student focus group interviewers were conducted. Five components of the utilization-focused evaluation model were used in the data coding. The findings revealed both positive and negative opinions depending on how they implemented the flipped classroom including the engagement of students and the environment. Faculty participants who fully implemented the flipped model had positive opinions about the implementation and student engagement, finding the model helped increase student performance and grades. In addition, the majority of student participants liked the challenges offered by the flipped classroom, which increased their engagement.  相似文献   

现代信息技术在课堂教学情境创设方面与传统的教学手段相比具有无可比拟的优势,教师可通过现代信息技术创设真实情境,扩大学生的认知视野,创设问题情境,培养学生的问题意识与问题解决能力,创设想象情境,培养学生的创新思维能力。教师在创设课堂教学情境时应该遵守生本原则、目标性原则与诱发性原则。  相似文献   


According to cognitive and spiritual developmental theories, individuals construct and transcend their previous thought processes by incorporating more sophisticated ways of understanding the world as they progress through stages requiring efforts in different modes of thought. These theories focus on the importance of contextual variables in development and emphasize that these variables will spark a change in cognitive and spiritual development or awareness. We have investigated the effects of blended learning on cognitive learning and spiritual interpretations of science teacher candidates. The study with a quasi-experimental design had 54 science teacher candidates attending the science education department of a state university in Turkey. Our study showed that when learning Einstein’s theory of special relativity, a blended learning environment affects students’ cognitive learning positively. In the spiritual sense, too, significant results were found in favor of the blended learning group students. This effect that triggers spiritual change has been discussed in two contexts: “the effect embedded in the variable” and “indirect effect from the variable.” If supported by further research, the results of this study suggest that the spiritual dimension can be incorporated into three domains of learning, namely cognitive, affective, and psychomotor.


This study examines aptitude treatment effects in an inquiry/learning cycle based physical science class for elementary education majors. The aptitude was formal reasoning ability and the students were arranged into three groups: high, middle, and low ability reasoners. The treatment was method of forming groups to work in the laboratory. Students in each of three classes were grouped according to reasoning ability. In one class the laboratory groups were homogeneous, i.e., students of similar reasoning ability were grouped together. In the second class the students were grouped heterogeneously, i.e., students of different reasoning ability were grouped together. In the third class, the student choice pattern, the students chose their own partners. The findings were that there were no aptitude treatment interaction for achievement or for gain in formal reasoning ability, that grouping students of similar cognitive ability together for laboratory work in the class was more effective in terms of science achievement than grouping students of differing cognitive ability together or than allowing students to choose their own partners, and that students at different levels of reasoning ability experienced differential gains in that ability over the semester.  相似文献   

翻转课堂教学法是课下学习、课上实践的一种学习方式。高职院校实施翻转课堂教学法,在教师"微课"视频录制、课堂活动组织、学生自主学习能力培养、校园学习环境建设等方面面临诸多问题。我们必须因地制宜,在高职翻转课堂教学法中采用现代化教学手段、搭建学生在线学习系统、创建数字信息化校园学习环境,实现"翻转课堂教学法"在高职院校的应用,全面提高教学质量。  相似文献   

This study provides an example of one institution's efforts to design coursework that meets the simultaneous challenges of supporting the aims of increasing access to online courses and simultaneously better preparing teachers to work in diverse classrooms. Based on online pre- and post-surveys and monthly open-ended writing prompts administered to students in an introductory teacher preparation course, the study sought to discover students' motivation to select online or blended courses, student perspectives on the benefits and challenges to taking this course online, characteristics of the learning environment that promoted or interfered with students' learning, instructor's perspective of learners' reaction to topics addressing K-12 classroom diversity, and the impact of an online format on students' discussions of issues related to learner diversity. Findings suggest that online courses should include a classroom placement component in which students experience a diverse classroom in order to best prepare students for diverse teaching assignments. Thus, the best online teacher preparation courses maybe those that blend virtual and face-to-face interaction rather than being strictly online.  相似文献   

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