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足踝关节内翻损伤在篮球项目中十分常见,预防足踝关节内翻的高帮篮球鞋对于增加踝关节稳定性仍存在较大的争议.而支持带篮球鞋在理论上具有预防足踝关节内翻的作用,但实际的情况需要通过实验验证.本文旨在探究同侧足穿内置式支持带篮球鞋(A)和同款的无支持带篮球鞋(B)对足踝关节落地(60cm)稳定性的影响.实验法:采用12个摄像头的VICON红外运动捕捉系统和设备,用V3D软件建立虚拟的人体落地模型,获得落在0°/10°/15°/20°斜面上踝关节的运动学和动力学数据;研究发现斜面角度逐渐增加,落地阶段内置式支持带篮球鞋的(A)踝关节的稳定性大于无支持带篮球鞋(B),主要表现在落在10°和15°的斜面上,A踝关节的GRF峰值(0.16、0.14)变化小于B踝关节(0.23、0.21);A踝关节的内收角度(19°、17°)的变化小于B踝关节(12°、16°);研究结论:内置式支持带篮球鞋能够增加踝关节落地的稳定性,且落在20°的斜面上,与B踝关节相比较A踝关节仍具有较好的稳定性.  相似文献   

目的:探讨高、低帮篮球鞋对落地时踝关节内翻的运动学、地面反作用力及下肢主要肌群活动的影响,尝试理解高、低帮篮球鞋与踝关节落地稳定之间的关系;方法:13名受试者分别穿着高、低帮篮球鞋,手抓杠悬于空中,从40 cm高度分别垂直下落至内翻15°、内翻30°、内翻25°伴随跖屈10°(25°+10°)、内翻25°伴随跖屈20°(25°+20°)的倾斜面上,分析其踝关节运动学、地面反作用力及小腿主要外翻和背屈肌群(胫骨前肌、腓骨长肌和腓骨短肌)的肌电活动;结果:高、低帮鞋对内翻角度的变化、最大内翻角速度和地面垂直及水平冲击力没有显著影响;在15°倾斜面时,穿着高帮鞋出现预激活时间比低帮鞋晚(P<0.05),同时,在15°和25°+20°下腓骨长肌和腓骨短肌落地前50 ms的平均振幅更小(P<0.05);结论:选取的高帮鞋对踝关节的运动学和冲击力的改变不显著,但却在一定程度上影响了周围肌肉的预激活,对限制踝关节活动起到了积极的作用.  相似文献   

陶莽 《新体育》2011,(1):77-77
对于篮球爱好者来说,冬季的到来,置身于户外,一双具有运动性和保暖性的篮球鞋是出门必备之品。作为一双户外篮球鞋,在篮球鞋外形的基础上,adidas Winterball添加了很多Outdoor设计元素,让篮球鞋变得不再脆弱。  相似文献   

最近几年,匹克在市场运作上殚精竭虑,签约巴蒂尔、赞助 NBA、赞助火箭队和雄鹿队、签约伊拉克足球队等等,每一步都扎扎实实,收获颇丰。与此同时,他们也接连推出了很多产品,其中尤以篮球鞋最为成功——巴蒂尔篮球鞋和战神篮球鞋的热卖,就是很好的证明。但众所周知,篮球鞋的受众相对来说是比较狭窄的,只有那些喜欢篮球、打篮球的人才会购买,但那些平时喜欢走路、跑步的体育爱好者怎么办呢?事实上,这部分体育爱好者往往对动辄四五百元的篮球鞋不感兴趣,反而更钟情于一款轻盈、简洁、时尚的跑步鞋。这样的消费需求,也是匹克产品开发的方向。跑鞋,向来在匹克的鞋类产品中占据着非常重要的地位。去年,由超级女生丽娜代言的匹克清爽跑鞋一经上市,就收到了很好的效果。丽娜清爽略带冷酷的面孔,和清爽跑鞋相得益彰,让人回味无穷。而时至今年,奥运会的热潮正在慢慢地席卷神州大地,于是匹克又相机而动,推出了全新的2008春夏跑鞋——冲刺!冲刺跑鞋的鞋身运用轻度透气的太空革和三层网,中帮 TPU 采用火焰作为概念设计,让人浮想联翩。鞋底全掌 TPU 支撑带来超强的稳定性和助弹效果,后跟气垫有减震作用,使得穿着者在落地时受到的压力减少。抛却冲刺跑鞋的科技含量...  相似文献   

当匹克TEAM推出这款Lightning闪电实战篮球鞋时,鞋迷们大多将之与Battier Ⅶ、速鹰Soaring等战靴相比较。这款实战力作,以新科技一改以往匹克战靴的固有姿态,为日后篮球鞋的研发推广奠定了基础,同时,Lightning利用新的材质,为实战玩家提供了更快速,更稳固的穿着体验,令其犹如闪电般驰骋于沙场,所向披靡。  相似文献   

NBA球星的篮球鞋在1997~1998赛季,NBA球星们纷纷穿上了适合自己的专用篮球鞋。皮蓬的耐克气垫鞋,提供中后脚掌至脚趾的最大保护作用,售价为每双1299美元。格兰特·希尔的篮球鞋;鞋身轻便,筒形,售价每双759美元。乔丹的耐克篮球鞋每双售价989美元。布赖恩特的篮球鞋根据脚底5个触地点设计,让脚和鞋底一起动,不仅能让脚掌灵活运动.还大大减低脚部扭伤的概率;鞋面三截和鞋带不对称的设计方式,有稳定脚的作用,鞋身轻巧;弹跳力和速度都能得到最佳发挥,售价每双750美元。肖恩·肯普的篮球鞋是雨人牌,有极佳的缓震作用,售价每…  相似文献   

2006年8月1日,一款具有革命意义的篮球鞋来到中国——adidas_1智能篮球鞋在中国市场全面发售。这款售价2880元的篮球鞋对于大多数中国人来说都是一个天文数字。那么,它究竟是一款什么样的鞋呢?adidas_1篮球鞋是一款配备有芯片软件的智能鞋,它非常切合篮球运动的特性。另外,它还配备了强劲的驱动马达,以确保篮球鞋灵敏迅捷的减震表现。adidas_1具有普通篮球鞋必须的舒适与安全性,它还有杰出的感知、理解和适应能力,能够根据运动员的动作进行迅速的自我调整。它能识别篮球运动  相似文献   

1982年,伟大的迈克尔·乔丹和摩西·马龙分别在 NCAA 和 NBA 的战场上纵横驰骋、称王称霸;同样是在1982年,伟大的设计师Bruce Kilgore 推出了第一双 Air Force 1篮球鞋,并进而在篮球鞋这个战场上独占鳌头。如今,25年过去了,在这长达1/4个世纪的时间里,Air Force 1非但没有被岁月所淘汰,反而愈发显示出其映照世界的光芒。Air Force 1是第一款运用了气垫技术的篮球鞋,大大提高了球鞋的舒适性能、缓冲性能和支撑性能,这对篮球鞋来说堪称一场革命。  相似文献   

近日,在克里夫兰骑士队对阵纽约尼克斯队的比赛中,李宁品牌旗下签约球员达蒙?琼斯,全场命中7个三分球,砍下29分,帮助骑士队取得三连胜。几天后的11月20日,正值达蒙?琼斯穿着李宁品牌飞甲战靴征战NBA赛场一年的时间,为纪念飞甲专业篮球鞋作为首款中国战靴登陆NBA一周年,李宁公司特别出了飞甲NBA球星专署版篮球鞋,中国消费者将有机会与达蒙?琼斯一起感受飞甲篮球鞋的专业,该款篮球鞋同时也具备相当的收藏价值。  相似文献   

Mark 《乒乓世界》2010,(5):127-127
1984年,自乔丹穿上第一双AIR JORDAN篮球鞋以来,AIR JORDAN系列凭借飞人标志、时尚前卫的设计理念,搭载锐意创新的高性能科技,成为篮球鞋甚至篮球文化的风向标。  相似文献   


This study examined the effect of wearing time on comfort perception and landing biomechanics of basketball shoes with different midsole hardness. Fifteen basketball players performed drop landing and layup first step while wearing shoes of different wearing time (new, 2-, 4-, 6- and 8-week) and hardness (soft, medium and hard). Two-way ANOVA with repeated measures was performed on GRF, ankle kinematic and comfort perception variables. Increased wearing time was associated with poorer force attenuation and comfort perception during landing activities (p < 0.05). The new shoes had significantly smaller forefoot (2- and 4-week) and rearfoot peak GRF impacts (all time conditions) in drop landing and smaller rearfoot peak GRF impact (6- and 8-week) in layup; shoes with 4-week of wearing time had significantly better perceptions of forefoot cushioning, forefoot stability, rearfoot cushioning, rearfoot stability and overall comfort than the new shoes (p < 0.05). Compared with hard shoes, the soft shoes had better rearfoot cushioning but poorer forefoot cushioning (p < 0.05). Shoe hardness and wearing time would play an influential role in GRF and comfort perception, but not in ankle kinematics. Although shoe cushioning performance would decrease even after a short wearing period, the best comfort perception was found at 4-week wearing time.  相似文献   


This study examined the effects of shoe collar-height and counter-stiffness on ground reaction force (GRF), ankle and knee mechanics in landing. Eighteen university basketball players performed drop landing when wearing shoes in different collar height (high vs. low) and counter-stiffness (stiffer vs. less stiff). Biomechanical variables were measured with force platform and motion capturing systems. Two-way repeated measures ANOVA was performed with α = 0.05. Wearing high collar shoes exhibited smaller peak ankle dorsiflexion and total sagittal RoM, peak knee extension moment, but larger peak knee varus moment than the low collar shoes. Stiffer counter-stiffness shoes related to smaller ankle inversion at touchdown and total coronal RoM, but larger peak knee flexion and increased total ankle and knee sagittal RoM than the less stiff counter-stiffness. Furthermore, wearing stiffer counter-stiffness shoes increased forefoot GRF peak at high collar condition, while no significant differences between counter-stiffness at low collar condition. These results suggest that although higher collar height and/or stiffness heel counter used can reduce ankle motion in coronal plane, it would increase the motion and loading at knee joint, which is susceptible to knee injuries. These findings could be insightful for training and footwear development in basketball.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effects of body mass and shoe midsole hardness on kinetic and perceptual variables during the performance of three basketball movements: (1) the first and landing steps of layup, (2) shot-blocking landing and (3) drop landing. Thirty male basketball players, assigned into “heavy” (n = 15, mass 82.7 ± 4.3 kg) or “light” (n = 15, mass 63.1 ± 2.8 kg) groups, performed five trials of each movement in three identical shoes of varying midsole hardness (soft, medium, hard). Vertical ground reaction force (VGRF) during landing was sampled using multiple wooden-top force plates. Perceptual responses on five variables (forefoot cushioning, rearfoot cushioning, forefoot stability, rearfoot stability and overall comfort) were rated after each movement condition using a 150-mm Visual Analogue Scale (VAS). A mixed factorial analysis of variance (ANOVA) (Body Mass × Shoe) was applied to all kinetic and perceptual variables. During the first step of the layup, the loading rate associated with rearfoot contact was 40.7% higher in the “heavy” than “light” groups (= .014) and 12.4% higher in hard compared with soft shoes (= .011). Forefoot peak VGRF in a soft shoe was higher (= .011) than in a hard shoe during shot-block landing. Both “heavy” and “light” groups preferred softer to harder shoes. Overall, body mass had little effect on kinetic or perceptual variables.  相似文献   

通过对3种篮球鞋足跟部压缩性能的进行比较研究,从而对不同篮球鞋鞋底缓冲减震功能进行科学评价.对1名篮球专业的大学生穿着3种国内外拥有顶尖技术的高端品牌篮球鞋(NIKE FLIGHT96、ADIDAS TS PROMODEL和ANTA"霸道"三代)在正常步行速度下的足底压力分布的测试,结合Instron材料力学试验机对3种不同类型的鞋底材料进行压缩试验,对相关数据进行分析.通过3双鞋压缩行为、能量吸收的特征和应力松弛的参数来比较和分析,在相同应力下,NIKE的应变最小,NIKE的模量和能量吸收最大,其次为ANTA和ADIDAS;在应力松弛的试验中,NIKE的应力松弛衰减度为最小,ANTA和ADIDAS几乎相同.  相似文献   

In this study, we evaluated the protective functions of cloth sport shoes, including cushioning and lateral stability. Twelve male students participated in the study (mean +/- s: age 12.7 +/- 0.4 years, mass 40.7 +/- 5.9kg, height 1.50 +/- 0.04m). Cloth sport shoes, running shoes, basketball shoes, crosstraining shoes, and barefoot conditions were investigated in random sequence. Human pendulum and cutting movement tests were used to assess cushioning performance and lateral stability, respectively. For cushioning, the running shoes (2.06 body weight, BW) performed the best, while the cross-training shoes (2.30 BW) and the basketball shoes (2.37 BW) both performed better than the cloth sport shoes (2.55 BW) and going barefoot (2.63 BW). For the lateral stability test, range of inversion--eversion was found to be from 3.6 to 4.9 degrees, which was far less than that for adult participants (> 20 degrees). No significant differences were found between conditions. All conditions showed prolonged durations from foot-strike to maximum inversion (66-95 ms), which was less vigorous than that for adult participants (< 40 ms) and was unlikely to evoke intrinsic stability failure. In conclusion, the cloth sport shoe showed inferior cushioning capability but the same lateral stability as the other sports shoes for children.  相似文献   

In this study, we evaluated the protective functions of cloth sport shoes, including cushioning and lateral stability. Twelve male students participated in the study (mean ± s: age 12.7 ± 0.4 years, mass 40.7 ± 5.9 kg, height 1.50 ± 0.04 m). Cloth sport shoes, running shoes, basketball shoes, cross-training shoes, and barefoot conditions were investigated in random sequence. Human pendulum and cutting movement tests were used to assess cushioning performance and lateral stability, respectively. For cushioning, the running shoes (2.06 body weight, BW) performed the best, while the cross-training shoes (2.30 BW) and the basketball shoes (2.37 BW) both performed better than the cloth sport shoes (2.55 BW) and going barefoot (2.63 BW). For the lateral stability test, range of inversion–eversion was found to be from 3.6 to 4.9°, which was far less than that for adult participants (> 20°). No significant differences were found between conditions. All conditions showed prolonged durations from foot-strike to maximum inversion (66–95 ms), which was less vigorous than that for adult participants ( < 40 ms) and was unlikely to evoke intrinsic stability failure. In conclusion, the cloth sport shoe showed inferior cushioning capability but the same lateral stability as the other sports shoes for children.  相似文献   

This study sought to compare the kinetics and kinematics data in a group of habitual shod runners when running in traditional running shoes and newly designed minimalist shoes with lug platform. This novel footwear design claims to simulate barefoot running and reduce energy loss during impact. We compared footstrike angle (FSA), vertical average (VALR) and instantaneous (VILR) loading rates, energy loss and initial vertical stiffness between two shoe conditions. Runners demonstrated a decreased FSA while running in minimalist shoes with lug platform than traditional shoes (= 0.003; Cohen’s = 0.918). However, we did not observe a landing pattern transition. VALR and VILR between two footwear conditions showed no significant difference (= 0.191–0.258; Cohen’s = 0.304–0.460). Initial vertical stiffness (= 0.032; Cohen’s = 0.671) and energy loss (= 0.044; Cohen’s = 0.578) were greater when running in minimalist shoes with lug platform. The results show that minimalist shoes with lug platform reduce the FSA but may not lead to a landing pattern switch or lower vertical loading rates. Interestingly, the new shoe design leads to a greater energy loss than traditional running shoes, which could be explained by a higher initial vertical stiffness.  相似文献   


We examined the influence of visual context information on skilled motor behaviour and motor adaptation in basketball. The rules of basketball in Europe have recently changed, such that that the distance for three-point shots increased from 6.25 m to 6.75 m. As such, we tested the extent to which basketball experts can adapt to the longer distance when a) only the unfamiliar, new three-point line was provided as floor markings (NL group), or b) the familiar, old three-point line was provided in addition to the new floor markings (OL group). In the present study 20 expert basketball players performed 40 three-point shots from 6.25 m and 40 shots from 6.75 m. We assessed the percentage of hits and analysed the landing position of the ball. Results showed better adaptation of throwing performance to the longer distance when the old three-point line was provided as a visual landmark, compared to when only the new three-point line was provided. We hypothesise that the three-point line delivered relevant information needed to successfully adapt to the greater distance in the OL group, whereas it disturbed performance and ability to adapt in the NL group. The importance of visual landmarks on motor adaptation in basketball throwing is discussed relative to the influence of other information sources (i.e. angle of elevation relative to the basket) and sport practice.  相似文献   


Lateral ankle stability and how it changes in different footwear has been investigated for years. Research, however, has shown a lack of reliability or sensitivity of available methodologies. This study aimed to evaluate the test-retest reliability and sensitivity of a novel lateral stability protocol, the Submaximal Lateral Shuffle Test (SLST). We recruited 11 and 40 participants to assess reliability and sensitivity of the SLST, respectively. Participants performed the SLST in footwear that differed in collar height and upper stiffness. ICC values showed good to excellent reliability in peak ankle angles and moments, ground reaction forces, impulses, stance time, and performance time. Significantly lower peak inversion and adduction angles and lower medio-lateral push off peak forces were found in the high cut shoes compared to the low cut shoes. The medio-lateral landing peak force showed lower forces in the high cut shoes. The smallest worthwhile change indicated meaningful differences in 70.0–82.5% of participants for inversion, adduction, medio-lateral landing peak, and push off peak forces. These results, however, were not systematic such that there was not a consistent direction of the difference for all participants. In conclusion, the SLST is a promising protocol to further investigate lateral stability in footwear.  相似文献   

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