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郑阳伟 《考试周刊》2014,(46):152-152
自主学习能力是学生在学习活动中表现出来的一种综合能力。在历史课堂教学中,如何改变学生被动学习的状态,培养学生的自主学习能力。本文从四个方面加以阐述,搭建学生自主学习平台,激发学生的历史学习兴趣;指导帮助学生掌握一些常用的历史学习方法;以"学案导学"为依托,引导学生积极探究与体验;培养学生科学地安排学习的习惯、自我管理能力和良好的学习品质。  相似文献   

历史学科能力是当前学生素质教育达标考试的基本能力要求,培养学生历史学科能力是初中历史教学的重要任务。历史阅读能力作为历史学科能力中一项最基本的能力,无论对教师从事初中历史教学,还是对学生学习初中历史课程知识,都有重要的现实的意义。针对当前普遍存在的历史教学困境,应从历史知识学习的阅读习惯、阅读方法、配套历史地图等方面入手,培养学生的历史阅读能力,增强其对历史知识的学习兴趣。  相似文献   

历史教学应树立以学生学习为主体的教学观念,加强对学生的学习方法的指导,无疑是教给学生获取历史知识和提高能力的金钥匙。历史学法指导是指学生在教师的指导下,参与各种历史学习活动,从而获得知识、形成历史学习能力的手段。  相似文献   

张玲角 《教师》2012,(25):85-85
目前的新课程教学重在培养学生的自主学习能力,如何在课堂45分钟里教会学生学习.是我们教育工作者面临的一个艰巨的任务。所谓自主学习,即学生在教师的指导下自觉、主动地学习.愿学、乐学、会学,真正成为学习的主人。培养学生自主学习能力的目的就是为了改变长期以来学生被动接受教师传输知识的学习方式。使学生能够主动探究并解决实际问题.从而培养学生自主学习的主体意识。虽然中学历史是一门基础学科。但是长期以来学生对学习历史提不起兴趣。有的认为历史只要背一背就够了。近年来的历史高考重在对学生能力培养上。如何能使学生在历史高考中考出好成绩.使学生能适应今后社会发展需要的人才。历史课堂教学中培养学生的自主学习能力就显得更为重要了。下面本人就如何培养学生自主学习能力这一方面,谈谈自己的一点看法:一、改变传统的课堂教学师生关系。使学生成为课堂的主体  相似文献   

2002年教育部《全日制普通高级中学历史教学大纲》在"教学目标"一目的论述中渗透着对历史思维能力的认识:要注意培养学生的创造性学习能力,使学生进一步掌握和运用学习历史和认识历史的基本方法,增强学生自主学习和探究的能力;指导学生搜集和整理与学习相关的历史资料,培养学生解读、判断和运用历史资料的能力;通过对历史事实的分析、综合、比较、归纳、概括等认知活动,发展学生的历史思维能力;引导学生运用所学的知识和方法,对历史问题进行实事求是的阐述,提高分析问题和解决问题的能力。  相似文献   

增强高中生的历史文化素养是要在历史学习中提高学生的能力和素养,主要内容有历史知识储备、历史思维能力、历史分析能力、历史综合能力。高中历史是一门深刻严肃但是又丰富生动的学科,想要增强高中生的历史文化素养,首先要让学生对学习历史充满兴趣,教师要了解学生的心理,有针对性地进行教学,激发学生的历史学习兴趣,水到渠成地增强学生的历史文化素养。  相似文献   

培养学生历史自主学习能力就是让学生在自主活动中学会发现,学会探索,学会学习,学会创新,就是要根据学生身心发展的特点及历史学科的特点有的放矢地进行教学,让学生自己阅读历史、感受历史,发现历史,从而达到历史教学的目标。历史教师应确立学生主体地位,变“教”学为“导”学,激发学生自主学习兴趣,培养学生自主学习精神,开拓学生自主学习的时间和空间,不断提高学生自主学习的能力。  相似文献   

<正>教学过程是培养学生能力的过程。历史教材丰富多彩的内容信息为发展学生智力、培养学生能力提供了物质基础,教师在历史教学中只有激发学生学习兴趣,启动学生思维机器,培养学生能力,才能提高学生学习能动性和教育教学质量。在高中从事多年历史教学工作,教学过程中发现很多学生在学习历史的过程中连起码的阅读能力都不具备,严重影响历史课堂教学质量。阅读是学生从事学习的最基本活动,是研究性学习的基  相似文献   

研究性学习增强了学生收集史料、深入探究、分析解决历史问题的能力,同时大大增强了学习历史的兴趣。利用乡土资源进行历史研究性学习可以提高学生的学习效率,培养学生分析、理解、解决问题的能力,也是培养学生创新思维的有效手段。  相似文献   

作者认为,培养学生学习历史知识能力是中学历史教学改革和发展的需要。应从培养学生的观察能力、想象能力、记忆能力,思维能力和自学能力等五个方而来提高学生学习历史知识的能力。  相似文献   

The aim of this observational study is to explore how history teachers promote historical contextualisation in their lessons. Historical contextualisation is the ability to situate phenomena and individuals’ actions in the context of time, historical location, long-term developments, or specific events to give meaning to these phenomena and actions. Using the Framework for Analysing the Teaching of Historical Contextualisation (FAT-HC), five trained raters observed eight history teachers twice. To further analyse the observation scores, the FAT-HC items were divided into eight categories while distinguishing between items that demonstrate historical contextualisation and items focusing on engaging students in historical contextualisation processes. The results indicate that the teachers in the sample did not explicitly promote historical contextualisation in their lessons. No teacher obtained a mean FAT-HC score >2.00 on a four-point scale. The teachers mainly demonstrated historical contextualisation, while engaging students in historical contextualisation processes was observed far less often. The findings can be used to help teachers formulate domain-specific instruction to promote students’ ability to perform historical contextualisation.  相似文献   

在高校《中华人民共和国史》的教学中,教师应注重引导学生开展研究性学习,提高学生的自主学习能力。教师可充分运用历史史料,培养学生客观评价历史的思维;可开展专题研究,培养学生多角度看问题的意识;可利用撰写学年论文的形式,培养学生对问题的研究能力。  相似文献   

谷华 《天津教育》2021,(9):160-161
对于初中阶段的学生来讲,学习历史知识主要以兴趣为主,同时对于相关的历史事件真伪缺乏分辨能力。所以如何利用史料进行新时代的历史教学是教师需要解决的首要问题,本文对此进行了讨论。  相似文献   

Within the field of social studies education, disciplinary models of teaching, such as approximating a historian in asking students to ‘think historically,’ have been the emphasis of countless professional development and teacher education programs. This movement, however, has focused largely on the use of traditional primary documents and generally does not include training for teachers or students on how other forms of media construct history. This collective case study examines how two US history teachers’ epistemological beliefs about historical media and ideology and overall goals for students as citizens impacts their pedagogy with different historical media, particularly film. Data were collected on a daily basis over the course of six months, and included observations, teacher interviews, and the media used as historical sources. Findings show that teachers’ beliefs about how sources represent history affect their pedagogy with the particular media, and that epistemic development and current notions of historical thinking may be limited when it comes to media that commonly serve as historical sources for the public at large (e.g., film, television, WWW, videogames). This limitation is caused in large part by the teachers’ larger goals for students that are informed by their ideology, and difficulty in identifying bias in media that aligned with their own beliefs. Therefore, a shift in teachers’ epistemic beliefs about how different forms of media serve as sources of history, essentially a form of critical media literacy, and coinciding recognition of ideological goals needs to occur in order to better instill students with skills in historical and media literacy for the twenty‐first century.  相似文献   

This study examines how the Early Years Educators at Play (EYEPlay) professional development (PD) programme supported inclusive learning settings for all children, including English language learners and students with disabilities. The EYEPlay PD model is a year‐long programme that integrates drama strategies into literacy practices within real‐classroom contexts. Inclusive education refers to ensuring equal opportunities to access and participation in learning activities for all students. Cultural‐historical activity theory was used to understand and unpack the drama practices. Twelve semi‐structured focus group interviews were conducted with 19 preschool teachers. The data were analysed via constant‐comparative and interpretive methods. The study findings showed that EYEPlay PD practices enhanced inclusive learning settings for diverse groups of students by increasing access and expanding opportunities to learn, and supporting a positive learning environment.  相似文献   

人类的发展历史给我们留下了无尽的智慧文化,通过历史事件、历史人物、历史现象的学习,来提高学生的心智是历史教育不变的主题,以历史为镜,可以明事理,历史教育可以指引学生建立正确的世界观、人生观与价值观。  相似文献   

历史地图是对客观历史进程更直观、更形象的反映。在中国古代史教学中,教师通过选择恰当的历史地图,引导学生正确识图、读图和绘图,使抽象的问题直观化、简单化,有助于对理论知识的理解和培养学生的空间概念。  相似文献   

本轮基础教育课程改革中,角色扮演受到许多历史教师的重视.但是,他们对角色扮演与培养历史思维的内在联系缺乏系统的认识.角色扮演对培养历史思维的作用主要体现在三个方面.首先,角色扮演有助于学生理解历史概念,便于学生把握历史文本.其次,角色扮演有助于学生重建历史事件,从而认识历史的真相.最后,角色扮演为学生阐释历史提供了巨大的空间,有助于学生追寻历史的意义.  相似文献   

论生命视野中的师生关系   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
生命视野的师生关系可以概括为:师生生命的共时性与历时性;师生从互为手段到互为目的;师生角色界限从清晰到模糊;师生生命的相互摄养与创造;从教师的单极表演到师生意义共建;从任务活动到共历生命成长。  相似文献   

Continuing emphasis given to computer technology resourcing in schools presents potential for web-based initiatives which focus on quality arts teaching and learning, as ways to improve arts outcomes for all students. An arts e-learning collaborative research project between specialist on-line teacher/researchers and generalist primary teachers was designed to investigate student learning, quality teaching, and implementation factors. Constructionist-based teaching activities using on-line technology were designed to engage students in a learner-centred e-learning environment where students and teachers collaborated to produce a media and learning artefact. A case study highlights the outcomes for four students who transferred learnt drama skills to other classroom contexts. This model has potential to provide drama learning for students and professional development for primary generalist teachers, contingent on the availability of rigorously planned and well-resourced programmes.  相似文献   

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