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In this study, we investigated the use of humor in college classrooms. We examined how students perceived professors' uses of various types of humor during class and the types of humor that students and faculty recommend for use in class. We also correlated the way professors incorporated humor into their class lectures with their perceived competence and effectiveness, and we investigated whether students felt their learning experience improved when their teachers used humor. We also discussed topics such as ''scarcasm,'' professor gender, student and faculty support of humor, and humor in classrooms, tests, and the rest of life. Humor appropriately used has the potential to humanize, illustrate, defuse, encourage, reduce anxiety, and keep people thinking.  相似文献   

为了探讨大学生幽默风格与自我和谐的关系,采用大学生幽默风格量表(HSQ)和自我和谐量表(SCCS)对福建省260名在校大学生进行施测。结果表明,不同性别的大学生在亲和型、自强型幽默风格上不存在显著差异,在嘲讽型和自贬型幽默风格倾向上存在显著差异。不同年级的大学生在亲和型幽默、自强型幽默风格在上存在显著差异。不同教养方式的大学生仅在嘲讽型幽默风格上存在显著差异。两种适应性幽默与自我和谐水平呈显著正相关,两种非适应性幽默与自我和谐水平呈显著负相关,幽默风格的四个维度联合解释自我和谐水平39.1%的变异量。幽默风格与自我和谐水平显著相关,幽默风格可较好地预测自我和谐水平。  相似文献   

现有幽默感量表测量的部分有很大的重合、交叉性,对幽默感结构的多维度划分具有很大的困难性。新编大学生多层次幽默感量表具有良好的内部一致性信度、内容效度、结构效度和实证效度,幽默感模型与数据的拟合情况良好,初步验证了大学生幽默感结构的多层次性。  相似文献   

The author explores humor during a time of increasingly hostile accountability measures directed toward educators. Drawing on incongruity and other theories of humor, he explores both light and dark humor and some aspects of the educational potential and power of humor. Noting how humor is related to creativity and problem management, the argument is that humor has an important place not only in producing educator well-being but for student learning and school renewal.  相似文献   

The use of Humor is often neglected and underutilized in counseling. The literature indicates that humor is indeed a powerful and versatile therapeutic tool. This article investigates the use of humor in counseling with college students. The authors highlight aspects of the therapeutic process in which they feel humor can be used effectively: initial problem exploration, decatastrophizing the situation, relationship building, breaking down barriers, reframing, and fostering insight.  相似文献   

考察一般自我效能感在幽默风格(自强型幽默和自贬型幽默)和心理健康(焦虑,抑郁和自我肯定3个维度)之间的中介作用.采用一般自我效能感量表、幽默风格量表和一般健康量表对231名大学生进行测查.结果表明:一般自我效能感在自强型幽默和心理健康的3个维度,即焦虑、抑郁和自我肯定间存在中介作用;一般自我效能感和自贬型幽默无显著相关.自贬型幽默仅和心理健康3个维度中的焦虑显著相关.结论:自强型幽默通过两条路径作用于心理健康的3个维度(焦虑、抑郁和自我肯定).第一条是直接影响路径,即直接对心理健康的3个维度产生积极影响.第二条是间接影响路径,即自强型幽默通过一般自我效能感再间接心理健康的3个维度产生积极影响.一般自我效能感不能充当自贬型幽默和心理健康3维度之间的中介变量.  相似文献   

The goal of this study was to research the frequency of the use of diverse types of humor in the college classroom for a possible association with student interest in course material. This relationship was studied using quantitative methods. Participants answered questions about their interest in course material and the type of humor that their instructor used in the classroom. The study involved 195 undergraduate students ranging in age from 18 to 25. A factor analysis recognized two separate types of humor (relevant/appropriate and non-relevant). The study found that both relevant/appropriate humor and non-relevant humor predicted student interest. The more relevant/appropriate humor used the more student had interest in course materials. As well, the more non-relevant humor used the less students reported interest in course materials. No differences were found between the gender of students in the classroom when examining this question of humor and interest.  相似文献   

The psychological needs of college students lead to overwhelming demand on college counseling centers’ resources. In this article, we review models of case management in Higher Education including the administrative, behavioral intervention, and counseling center models. We also present a case study of the 3-year development of a counseling center case management service. Initial data suggest that expanding the role of a counseling center case manager to allow for frequent appointments/follow-up and standardizing counseling center case management procedures led to improved appointment attendance and increased communication with students following referral. A vignette and suggestions for other centers are also presented.  相似文献   

With an increased demand for mental health services, perceived increased severity of students presenting for services, and increased number of students prescribed psychotropic medications, university and college counseling center directors have had to increasingly identify psychiatric service options. Psychiatry residents can potentially help fill these needs. To better understand the role of psychiatry residents in university and college counseling programs, we conducted a web-based survey of United States psychiatry residency program directors. This study describes clinical activities and rotation characteristics of psychiatric residents working in counseling centers. Of the 48 residency programs that responded, 27 provide rotations at university or college counseling centers, and of those with rotations, 100% report that the residents rate these as very good or excellent. Expanding psychiatry residency rotations at college counseling centers may be mutually beneficial both to the centers and to psychiatric residents.  相似文献   

中美作为世界上重要的两个大国,双方之间交流日益频繁。幽默是跨文化沟通有效的润滑剂,但是受各自国家文化的影响,不同国家的幽默在言语上有较大差异,因此对中美幽默在言语差异进行研究是非常有必要的。将从两部流行的情景喜剧《老友记》和《武林外传》中随机选取幽默台词各50条作为研究对象,从幽默的话题和幽默生成方法两个方面对其台词进行研究,发现中美双方在幽默话题以及幽默生成方法虽有相似之处,更多是明显的差异性:中方幽默话题主要是社会热点类,幽默生成方法主要是仿拟;而美国幽默话题主要是关于性,幽默生成方法主要是比喻;而这一差异重要是由于中美两国在语境上的差异同。  相似文献   

幽默是一种笑的艺术,一门笑的学问,它是机智和智慧的产物,可以达到"表感受于诚挚,寓深思于嬉笑"的效果。幽默在课堂教学中的得体应用是大学英语教学成功的必要因素之一。培养教师幽默感应成为21世纪大学英语教师素质培养的重要组成部分。  相似文献   

20世纪80年代,西方黑色幽默出现于中国当代小说中,进而扩展到中国的电影领域。虽然中国电影尚未形成特定的流派,但黑色幽默已然成为当代中国电影中的一个重要元素。黑色幽默在影像表达中有其独特的视听语言,其寓言化的镜像语言、"戏仿"、"拼贴"的娴熟手段、"挪用"、"误置"的台词等,丰富和发展了当代中国电影的艺术表现形式。与西方影片中的黑色幽默相比,大陆电影中的黑色幽默已经具备一定本土化的特征。  相似文献   

从模因论的角度分析言语幽默产生的语用特征。模因体现在语言使用中,语言本身也是一种模因。通过语言模因来实现幽默效果的言语被称为模因幽默。语言模因能够利用形式与内容之间的矛盾关系,激发听话人完成乖讹—消解的理解过程,从而实现言语的幽默。此外,某些语言模因还能够再现自身的幽默内涵,调动相关的幽默感受,从而使言语具有幽默效果。语言模因的基本特性,在言语幽默的表达和理解上均发挥着关键作用。  相似文献   

There is evidence that today’s college and university students are struggling with emotional and behavioral health problems at higher rates than in past generations. This article explores the various ways, utilizing a range of models, that college and university counseling centers have mobilized to respond to these challenges. We examine literature about the characteristics and concerns of the current student generation along with what counseling centers are doing to respond to the challenge of student needs. We describe a survey (N = 408) of members of the Association for University and College Counseling Center Directors (AUCCCD) and American College Counseling Association (ACCA) that elicited the kinds of services, functions, structures, and organizational relationships found in today’s counseling centers. In addition to confirming the core mission of providing counseling and psychotherapy, the survey revealed widespread counseling center collaboration and consultation activities beyond the counseling room. The survey also indicated a variety of administrative and structural arrangements in the way counseling centers are placed on their individual campuses. Finally, we suggest a framework for planning, executing, and evaluating counseling center and campus initiatives.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine the effectiveness of an acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) stress management group in a college counseling center setting. This study explored (a) the effectiveness of ACT in increasing participants’ ability to tolerate distress, which directly affects their ability to function in a stressful college setting; (b) the effectiveness of ACT in decreasing participants’ level of experiential avoidance, which directly affects their willingness to engage in their day-to-day tasks, responsibilities, and social interactions; and (c) the impact of ACT treatment on anxiety symptoms traditionally targeted in cognitive-behavioral therapy interventions. The results of this initial investigation show promising support for the prediction that an ACT Stress Management Group would significantly reduce participants’ level of experiential avoidance and increase their ability to tolerate distress.  相似文献   

College counseling centers report increased student presentation with severe psychological issues (Gallagher, 2012 ). Although dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) has demonstrated efficacy with multiple clinical populations, standard model DBT is not feasible for many traditional college counseling centers. This article describes the iterative development and evolution of a comprehensive DBT program adapted to fit the scope of a traditional college counseling center. Guidelines for implementing lessons learned over the 3 years of the program are provided.  相似文献   

Specific phobias are highly prevalent among college students and can be quite debilitating. However, students often do not present for treatment for phobias and, when they do, often do not receive effective treatment. This article will present a case study of the effective treatment of specific phobia using cognitive-behavioral therapy with an emphasis on in vivo exposure. It will provide a template for how to conduct this efficient and effective therapy and suggest several benefits of incorporating this treatment into the repertoire offered by a college counseling center.  相似文献   

论《诗经》的幽默艺术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
西方的“幽默”艺术与中国传统的“谐谑”技艺极为相似。《诗经》的幽默主要体现在下面几方面 :一是通过漫画式的描写 ,突出刻画被嘲弄者形象的某种缺点或特征 ,使其显得滑稽可笑 ,形成性格性幽默 ,如《豳风·狼跋》 ;二是具有幽默性格的人 ,往往对人生持乐观态度 ,常爱以谐辞谑语进行调侃、打趣 ,寻求快乐 ,由此 ,往往会产生出一种情景幽默与喜剧性效应 ,如《郑风》的《山有扶苏》、《狡童》、《褰裳》等。这两种幽默 ,遵循“谐而不谑”的规范 ,无伤大雅。此外还有一种讽刺性幽默 ,即微笑地玩弄世间荒谬事物的讽刺 ,它以辛辣的嘲讽 ,去揭示事物的可笑、愚蠢、荒谬与卑劣 ,在笑声中达到批判的目的 ,如《邶风·新台》、《陈风·株林》。应当说 ,在某些情况下 ,讽刺性幽默的运用 ,使人们在笑声中不仅揭露出事物丑恶的本质 ,同时在批判的过程中在精神上也获得了一定程度的满足感与愉悦感 ,因而也更有趣味。  相似文献   

College counseling centers are facing rapidly increasing demands for services and are tasked to find efficient ways of providing adequate services while managing limited space. The use of therapy groups has been proposed as a method of managing demand. This brief report examines the clinical time savings of a traditional group therapy program in a college counseling center. The savings were mixed from semester to semester, ranging from 5 individual therapy spots lost to 10 individual therapy spots gained depending on the estimation. Considerations are offered for the use of therapy groups to manage clinical demand based on this report.  相似文献   

Concern about the prevalence of nonsuicidal self-injury is widespread. Members of an electronic listserv for college counseling center directors nationwide were invited to participate in a Web survey to investigate provider experience with nonsuicidal self-injury; 290 surveys were analyzed. Most respondents perceived recent increases in nonsuicidal self-injury and lack of effective treatment knowledge. Most favored dialectical behavior therapy or cognitive behavior therapy for treatment, but few found treatment effective. Implications for treatment and prevention in college settings are discussed.  相似文献   

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