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As community technology and community-building initiatives move toward greater synergy, there is a great deal to be learned regarding how they can be mutually supportive, rather than mutually exclusive. This article sheds light on the possibilities inhered at this nexus. The project that constitutes the basis for this paper is the Camfield Estates-MIT Creating Community Connections Project, an ongoing effort at Camfield Estates, a predominantly African-American, low- to moderate-income housing development. As part of this project, we worked with residents to establish a technological infrastructure by offering every family a new computer, software, high-speed Internet connection, comprehensive courses, and a web-based community-building system, the Creating Community Connections (C3) System, that I codesigned with residents. This article presents an overview of the Camfield Estates-MIT project, theoretical framework developed in relation to this work, research design and methodology, project methodology and timeline, and early results. It concludes with a set of recommendations for the community technology and community-building movements.  相似文献   

彭凌 《科教文汇》2012,(21):201-201,205
本文主要着重对城市的社区建设中居民参与存在的问题和产生原因进行了综合分析。城市社区居民是城市社区建设的主导力量之一,但是我们的居民参与的状况不佳的这种现象已经成为社区建设的一个严重的问题。社区建设有赖于政府的主导,更有赖于社区居民参与。社区居民参与是指社区居民依照法律法规,自己个人或通过一定的组织,参与社区政治、经济、文化等各方面的活动,影响社区决策,推动社区发展,从而维护自身合法权益的过程。只有居民广泛、直接地参与,才能有效地发挥社区自身的各种资源,才能推动社区建设健康持续发展。社区建设离不开具有参与意识、参与能力的高素质居民。  相似文献   

社区参与旅游发展的问题探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘丽梅  吕君 《未来与发展》2010,(7):111-113,99
社区参与旅游既可以看作是旅游可持续发展的一种途径,又可以看作是参与旅游发展的一种行为。社区参与旅游把社区居民视为旅游主体真正进入到旅游规划、开发、建设中,目的是社区居民得到多方面发展。从目前看,社区参与旅游发展缺失出现了许多不可避免的问题,如“旅游飞地”、“旅游孤岛”、“公地悲剧”等现象。针对这些现象提出建议,希望社区参与旅游发展能够给杜区带来正效应.避免负效应的出现.  相似文献   

Information and communication technology (ICT) development initiatives have begun to acknowledge the power and importance of cultural and community-focused belief systems. Yet the vast majority of such initiatives tend to preidentify developmental goals that communities hold. Paulo Freire's writings have influenced development initiatives by introducing the possibility of working with communities to orient projects. While these “participatory” initiatives have involved soliciting community feedback relative to a research project whose goals were formulated in the university or development institution, they do not go far enough to harness actual visions held by communities. It is important to conceptualize a model and methodology of engaging communities to develop and articulate their own goals of information access and ultimately, an indigenous approach toward cultural, political, and economic aspects of development. This approach holds promise to sustain communities within a return on the investment and efforts of the researcher or institution. This article closes by describing a current initiative in Southern India that reflects the described methodology.  相似文献   

毕娟 《现代情报》2010,30(5):108-110
社区图书馆在服务大众精神需求、提升城市文明程度和社区居民整体素质等方面具有不可替代的作用。城市社区图书馆建设面临诸多困境,政府应该大力支持社区图书馆建设,突破体制障碍,加大帮扶力度,整合图书馆资源,运用市场化机制解决图书馆建设中出现的问题。  相似文献   


Information and communication technology (ICT) development initiatives have begun to acknowledge the power and importance of cultural and community-focused belief systems. Yet the vast majority of such initiatives tend to preidentify developmental goals that communities hold. Paulo Freire's writings have influenced development initiatives by introducing the possibility of working with communities to orient projects. While these “participatory” initiatives have involved soliciting community feedback relative to a research project whose goals were formulated in the university or development institution, they do not go far enough to harness actual visions held by communities. It is important to conceptualize a model and methodology of engaging communities to develop and articulate their own goals of information access and ultimately, an indigenous approach toward cultural, political, and economic aspects of development. This approach holds promise to sustain communities within a return on the investment and efforts of the researcher or institution. This article closes by describing a current initiative in Southern India that reflects the described methodology.  相似文献   

社区治理是利益相关者通过面对面协商,求同存异、互利互惠、和谐共进地解决社区公共问题的过程,其实质是建立在社区公共意识和社区认同基础之上的利益相关者的合作。社区治理的关键在于理顺各利益相关者间的关系,构建良好的利益相关者合作治理社区的结构体系,充分调动政府、社区居民、社区组织和企事业单位的积极性,共同参与到社区治理中来,一起打造文明祥和的新型社区。  相似文献   

孙夏  叶序友  陈纪国 《科技通报》2007,23(6):920-925
社区是现代社会生活的基础平台,是城市的细胞。构建和谐社区是构建社会主义和谐社会的基础和切入点,所以社区建设至关重要。社区建设和管理是社区深化发展的产物,它随着我国城市社会经济的迅速发展应运而生。但是在社区建设过程中仍存在着机制不顺,法律法规不完善,缺乏科学规划,认识不到位,人才缺乏等问题。必须通过正确认识和处理社区建设中的四个关系,完善机制,建立社区法律法规,加强沟通等手段,逐渐加快社区建设和管理的步伐。  相似文献   

This article investigates the intertwining relationships between the Gemeinschaft and the Gesellschaft dimension of a community network (CN)—that is, of a virtual community whose members' common interest is a locality, in our case the city of Milan, Italy. The article looks through the experience of the last 7 years of life on RCM—the Milan Community Network—to reflect on the role that the sharing of rules of behavior has on the evolution of social structure in a virtual community. It identifies three phases of development—the design phase, the first growth phase, and the most recent phase—and presents the social structure set up to guarantee governance of the CN. The conclusions show that the third phase is not an actual stable state, as the continuous evolution of the societal and technological context requires continuous redesign of the CN itself in order to meet the renewed demands of a new context.  相似文献   

国外社区参与旅游发展研究的层次演进与判读   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吕君  吴必虎 《未来与发展》2010,31(6):108-112
以"旅游与社区的结合"为基本特征的社区旅游逐渐被理论界和实践界所关注,被认为是实现旅游可持续发展的有效途径。作为社区研究的延伸,国外社区参与旅游的研究经历了萌生与思索、状态与考量、切入与探求、互动与整合、路径与抉择等层次演进过程。认为没有赋权,社区的可持续旅游发展是难以达成的,为中国社区参与旅游发展的研究提供了借鉴。  相似文献   

In the United Kingdom, information and communication technologies are being used to e-enable multiagency community services for children. Public policy advocates that practitioners as well as users should be involved in the shaping of services including the information systems used in their delivery. This article discusses how a group of social and computer scientists developed the social formation methodology to facilitate nonexpert community participation in the design of e-enabled community care services. The longitudinal study adapts qualitative methods to understand community welfare and to foster participation in the design of communication systems. By exploring the perspectives of welfare practitioners and families, the importance of situated and mediated conversations in community care is identified. The facilitative conversation approach of the study then brings these community perspectives, as well as ICT perspectives, into design processes of e-enabled services.  相似文献   

In the United Kingdom, information and communication technologies are being used to e-enable multiagency community services for children. Public policy advocates that practitioners as well as users should be involved in the shaping of services including the information systems used in their delivery. This article discusses how a group of social and computer scientists developed the social formation methodology to facilitate nonexpert community participation in the design of e-enabled community care services. The longitudinal study adapts qualitative methods to understand community welfare and to foster participation in the design of communication systems. By exploring the perspectives of welfare practitioners and families, the importance of situated and mediated conversations in community care is identified. The facilitative conversation approach of the study then brings these community perspectives, as well as ICT perspectives, into design processes of e-enabled services.  相似文献   

社区信息资源结构分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
原小玲 《情报科学》2005,23(12):1823-1826
社区信息资源建设是基于信息资源结构的,信息资源结构是基于社区信息化系统用户的。本文从社区信息化系统用户需求入手,分析了基于用户需求的信息资源结构,并进一步对基于结构的信息资源内容进行了介绍。  相似文献   

社区网格化管理是新形势下社会治理的一种新模式、新要求。目前全国不少社区在尝试推行这种新的社会治理模式,但在推行中存在着误区,制约着社区网格化管理推行的效果。厘清误区,转变政府角色、挖掘社区资源、鼓励公众参与,形成多元主体共同治理的局面,才能使社区网格化管理更加科学有效。  相似文献   

袁文  刘丰林  孟三爱 《科教文汇》2012,(10):180-181
高校科技型学生社团顺应时代发展要求应运而生,在高校扮演着重要角色。本文分析了高校科技型学生社团在培养创新意识、拓展专业知识、提高实践能力等方面发挥的重要作用,同时剖析了目前高校科技型学生社团在运营过程中存在的社团特色不鲜明、活动质量不高、运行机制落后、经费支持不足等问题。针对这些问题,本文提出了发展社团特色、挖掘社团功能、完善社团运营机制、加大对社团支持四个方案,有效地改善了目前社团运营困境,有利于社团的可持续发展。  相似文献   

采用社会网络分析方法,考察环保论坛这一专业虚拟社区内的绿色技术扩散网络整体状况、网络中的技术信息流动及其受控情况以及信息交流中存在的小群体。研究发现社区内不同类型绿色技术的扩散网络发展不均衡,同时技术扩散整体水平偏低;社区成员间信息交流比较顺畅,但信息传递不够发散;少数核心成员在末端治理技术和绿色产品信息传播中占据主导地位,同时绿色技术信息在传递和交流中较少受到中介控制;社区成员在信息交流和互动中存在显著的群体分化。  相似文献   

In emergencies, information sharing among and between officials, volunteers, and citizens is essential for effective recovery and management. Recently, volunteers and others have been using community technology centers, community wireless networks, and end-user social technologies such as blogs and Wikis to prepare for emergencies and communicate and coordinate response when they happen. This article argues that there is a need for a research agenda that combines our knowledge of community informatics with the principles of disaster management to understand how social networks form and mobilize in disasters and how information and communication technologies should be designed and deployed to engage, inform, and mobilize those volunteer and citizen networks.  相似文献   

王若楠  吴忞钰  丁雯玉 《科教文汇》2013,(1):206-206,208
随着社会的发展,社区对缓解被害人引发的社会矛盾的作用日益重要,主要手段育社区帮助与社区调解。社区帮助包括被害人的心理救助、经济援助、法律帮助,社区调解的完善对社会的稳定也有重要作用。  相似文献   

《The Information Society》2008,24(2):116-120
In emergencies, information sharing among and between officials, volunteers, and citizens is essential for effective recovery and management. Recently, volunteers and others have been using community technology centers, community wireless networks, and end-user social technologies such as blogs and Wikis to prepare for emergencies and communicate and coordinate response when they happen. This article argues that there is a need for a research agenda that combines our knowledge of community informatics with the principles of disaster management to understand how social networks form and mobilize in disasters and how information and communication technologies should be designed and deployed to engage, inform, and mobilize those volunteer and citizen networks.  相似文献   

王若楠  吴忞钰  丁雯玉 《科教文汇》2013,(2):206-206,208
随着社会的发展.社区对缓解被害人引发的社会矛盾的作用日益重要,主要手段有社区帮助与社区调解。社区帮助包括被害人的心理救助、经济援助、法律帮助。社区调解的完善对社会的稳定也有重要作用。  相似文献   

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