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Browsing the Web gives one the heady feeling of walking without footprints in cyberspace. Yet data surveillance can be both ubiquitous and transparent to the user. Can those who browse the Web protect their privacy? And does it matter if they cannot? I offer answers to these questions from the American legal tradition. The American legal tradition focuses on a right to privacy, rather than a need for data protection. To answer these questions I begin by delineating the differences among privacy, security, and anonymity. I then discuss what information is transferred during Web browsing. I describe some of the available technology for privacy protection, including public and private key cryptography and Web proxies. I then describe the American tradition of privacy in common, statutory, and constitutional law. With the support of this tradition, I close by arguing that although privacy in Web browsing has no current legal protection in the United States, the right to privacy in the analogue equivalents has been recognized in the American legal tradition.  相似文献   

网络空间个人数据的权利保护   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
个人数据是指一切标识个人情况的数据资料。个人数据权利是个人隐私权在网络空间的重要表现,数据主体享有个人隐私不被侵犯和寻求法律保护的权利。网络空间个人数据隐私权的侵犯表现为非法收集、使用、泄露或者运用个人数据扰乱他人生活的安宁等,我国应加强个人数据权利的保护立法。  相似文献   

Solutions to the problem ofprotecting informational privacy in cyberspacetend to fall into one of three categories:technological solutions, self-regulatorysolutions, and legislative solutions. In thispaper, I suggest that the legal protection ofthe right to online privacy within the USshould be strengthened. Traditionally, inidentifying where support can be found in theUS Constitution for a right to informationalprivacy, the point of focus has been on theFourth Amendment; protection in this contextfinds its moral basis in personal liberty,personal dignity, self-esteem, and othervalues. On the other hand, the constitutionalright to privacy first established by Griswoldv. Connecticut finds its moral basis largelyin a single value, the value of autonomy ofdecision-making. I propose that an expandedconstitutional right to informational privacy,responsive to the escalating threats posed toonline privacy by developments in informationaltechnology, would be more likely to find asolid moral basis in the value of autonomyassociated with the constitutional right toprivacy found in Griswold than in the varietyof values forming the moral basis for the rightto privacy backed by the Fourth Amendment.  相似文献   

Use of the concept of `areasonable person and his or her expectations'is widely found in legal reasoning. This legalconstruct is employed in the present article toexamine privacy questions associated withcontemporary information technology, especiallythe internet. In particular, reasonableexpectations of privacy while browsing theworld-wide-web and while sending and receivinge-mail are analyzed.  相似文献   

蒋洁 《情报杂志》2012,31(7):157-162
云数据自云端形成至完全销毁的完整生命周期中,时刻面临着云服务商和公权机关侵害数据保密权、支配权、知情权等诸多风险.通过构建云环境标准体系、云隐私影响评估制度、云数据隐私法律保护框架、云服务协议的数据隐私保护条款、侵权赔偿幅度与专门监督制度等,矫正恶意侵权人利益驱动与规则缺失联合作用导致的机会成本过低的畸形状态,寻求云环境高效运转与保护云数据隐私之间的动态平衡.  相似文献   

喻小继 《情报科学》2022,40(9):147-153
【目的/意义】大数据时代图书馆的服务模式发生了根本性变化,个性化信息服务是数字图书馆的基础和核 心,同时在服务过程中也会导致用户隐私泄露问题。采取科学、有效的用户隐私保护策略有助于提高图书馆服务 质量和信息资源使用效率。【方法/过程】通过分析图书馆个性化服务隐私泄露的途径,全面阐述在图书馆数据生 成、存储、传输以及应用生命周期中的主要隐私泄露风险,进而从法律规范和措施层面提出了一个图书馆服务中个 人数据隐私保护框架。最后从技术层面提出个人数据隐私保护对策与建议。【结果/结论】研究表明,图书馆必须从 保障和维护用户权益出发,自觉遵守相关的法律、法规,提高用户隐私数据全生命周期中监督管理的科学性、有效 性和技术水平,满足用户个性化服务需求。【创新/局限】本文从理论和技术上全面阐述了图书馆个性化服务中用户 隐私保护策略,但对图书馆服务过程论述得不够全面,具有一定的局限性。  相似文献   

吕璐 《情报探索》2014,(12):22-25
从政府信息公开的视角探析隐私权的涵义、特征、内容及其与知情权的关系。认为政府信息公开中对隐私权管理具有行政性、公权和私权冲突交叉、需要多种法律协调等特点。从知政权与隐私权、社会信息知情权与隐私权、隐私权保护的统一与均衡、法定知情权与隐私权等4个方面,探讨如何平衡知情权与隐私权的关系,提出应根据社会政治及公共利益、利益衡量、宽容协调、人格尊严等4项原则来协调,以实现二者的和谐。  相似文献   

The concept of privacy as a basic human right which has to be protected by law is a recently adopted concept in Thailand, as the protection of human rights was only legally recognized by the National Human Rights Act in 1999. Moreover, along with other drafted legislation on computer crime, the law on privacy protection has not yet been enacted. The political reform and the influences of globalization have speeded up the process of westernization of the urban, educated middle-class professionals. However, the strength of traditional Thai culture means that a mass awareness of the concept of privacy rights remains scarce. This paper explicates the Thai cultural perspective on privacy and discusses the influence of Buddhism on privacy rights, including the impacts of globalization and the influence of Western values on the country’s political and legal developments. The paper also discusses the legal provisions regarding privacy protection, and the debates on the smart ID cards policy and SIM cards registration for national security.  相似文献   

网络隐私权保护主要从3个层面进行,即个人保护层面、行业自律保护层面和法律保护层面。本文在简要论述了3个层面保护的现状及问题的基础上,有针对性地提出了相应的对策。  相似文献   

个人数据是用来直接或间接识别自然人情况的数据资料,个人数据构成个人隐私的重要内容。政府机关必须通过法定程序与方式收集涉及个人隐私的信息,并注意保护当事人的隐私权利。我国应借鉴美国的立法保护模式,既要制定《政府信息公开法》,又要制定《隐私权法》。  相似文献   

谷镇 《情报科学》2021,39(12):93-97
【目的/意义】通过对个人信息的泄露给公民造成的损失和伤害的分析,能够帮助民众认识个人信息的重要 性,了解个人信息泄露的途径及其原因,加强个人信息安全的防护意识。【过程/方法】本文界定了个人信息与个人 隐私,进而从个人信息的产生、收集以及利用过程中个人隐私泄露造成的危害出发,进一步研究大数据背景下个人 信息和个人隐私的保护措施。【结果/结论】从各国对个人信息安全和隐私保护的法律、法规的现状中梳理出关于我 国个人信息保护的特征与信息存在的突出问题,为了使国家尽快出台“个人信息保护法”“个人隐私保护法”法律制 度提出自己的观点和建议。【创新/局限】本文只是从理论层面分析了个人信息及个人隐私的保护问题,再接下来的 研究中将深入技术研究。  相似文献   

如何把握数据驱动创新与个人信息保护之间的平衡,深刻影响一国数字经济发展的未来,尤其在医疗数据等敏感个人数据领域。日本在医疗数据规制领域建立"基本法+专门法"双层法律体系,并在操作层面创设"匿名加工+认定"制度,以平衡医疗大数据开发与个人信息保护之间的关系,形成独树一格的日本式规制模式。针对我国在个人信息保护和数据开发利用2个方面立法滞后、制度不健全的现状,建议:(1)加快推进数据保护体系构建,弥补"保护缺位";(2)系统思考数据保护与运用的平衡关系,探索实效性发展举措,弥补"发展缺位";(3)借鉴日本经验做法,为推进医疗数据开发利用,完善相关配套制度。  相似文献   

美国网络隐私权的行业自律保护及其对我国的启示   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
美国出于对自由政策的传统、现实经济利益、快速发展的网络技术与冗长烦琐的立法程序之间矛盾的考量,实行以行业自律为主导的网络隐私权保护模式。其行业自律主要形式包括建议性的行业指引、网络隐私认证计划、技术保护和企业自律等。考虑到我国目前的现实,如果实施比较严格完善的法律法规来保护网络隐私权,对整个互联网行业将会起到很大的限制作用,这对于我国原本就比较落后的互联网产业来说,更是加重了负担,会阻碍其追赶发达国家的步伐。因此,我国在一定程度上也应借鉴美国以行业自律的方式来保护网络隐私权。  相似文献   

KDD, data mining, and the challenge for normative privacy   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
The present study examines certain challenges that KDD (Knowledge Discovery in Databases) in general and data mining in particular pose for normative privacy and public policy. In an earlier work (see Tavani, 1999), I argued that certain applications of data-mining technology involving the manipulation of personal data raise special privacy concerns. Whereas the main purpose of the earlier essay was to show what those specific privacy concerns are and to describe how exactly those concerns have been introduced by the use of certain KDD and data-mining techniques, the present study questions whether the use of those techniques necessarily violates the privacy of individuals. This question is considered vis-à-vis a recent theory of privacy advanced by James Moor (1997). The implications of that privacy theory for a data-mining policy are also considered.  相似文献   

随着我国互联网的高速发展,数据挖掘技术尤其是Web挖掘作为企业搜寻商业信息为客户提供个性化服务的重要手段,不可避免地触到隐私保护这块"雷区"。隐私权保护在网络环境下既是法律界同时也是电子商务研究的热点话题。隐私保护限制了web挖掘数据中数据的搜集及知识的共享和传播,如何在web挖掘和隐私保护之间进行权衡是文章研究的出发点。结合我国网络隐私权保护的现状,通过对隐私权的内容及可能造成侵权形式的研究,探讨了隐私保护面临的挑战,提出了隐私权保护的解决方案框架。  相似文献   

Informational privacy, data mining, and the Internet   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
Privacy concerns involving data mining are examined in terms of four questions: (1) What exactly is data mining? (2) How does data mining raise concerns for personal privacy? (3) How do privacy concerns raised by data mining differ from those concerns introduced by ‘traditional’ information-retrieval techniques in computer databases? (4) How do privacy concerns raised by mining personal data from the Internet differ from those concerns introduced by mining such data from ‘data warehouses?’ It is argued that the practice of using data-mining techniques, whether on the Internet or in data warehouses, to gain information about persons raises privacy concerns that (a) go beyond concerns introduced in traditional information-retrieval techniques in computer databases and (b) are not covered by present data-protection guidelines and privacy laws.  相似文献   

Privacy has largely been equated with every individual's right to privacy. Accordingly, current efforts to protect privacy on the Internet have sought anonymity by breaking, where possible, links with personally identifiable information (PII)—all uses of aggregated data stripped of PII are considered legitimate. This article argues that we need to use a broader concept, general or group identifying information (GII), because even aggregated data stripped of PII violate privacy at the community level. The search engine companies, or anyone else with access to their log files, can use these data to generate a moment-by-moment view of what is on the collective mind. Such a view can be used in a variety of ways, some with deep economic and even political impact. In order to frame this discussion, it is necessary to examine some of the realities of the search engine-mediated associative interface to the World Wide Web. While this interface has enormous benefits for the networked world, it also fundamentally changes a number of issues underlying various current debates about Internet governance.  相似文献   

《The Information Society》2007,23(5):383-389
Privacy has largely been equated with every individual's right to privacy. Accordingly, current efforts to protect privacy on the Internet have sought anonymity by breaking, where possible, links with personally identifiable information (PII)—all uses of aggregated data stripped of PII are considered legitimate. This article argues that we need to use a broader concept, general or group identifying information (GII), because even aggregated data stripped of PII violate privacy at the community level. The search engine companies, or anyone else with access to their log files, can use these data to generate a moment-by-moment view of what is on the collective mind. Such a view can be used in a variety of ways, some with deep economic and even political impact. In order to frame this discussion, it is necessary to examine some of the realities of the search engine-mediated associative interface to the World Wide Web. While this interface has enormous benefits for the networked world, it also fundamentally changes a number of issues underlying various current debates about Internet governance.  相似文献   

龚立群  方洁 《情报科学》2012,(4):535-539
用户生成内容的迅速增长,为普通用户和商业网站提供了巨大的机会,但同时也带来了一系列法律问题。本文首先介绍了国内外用户生成内容面临的法律问题研究现状;其次对用户生成内容带来的知识产权侵权、隐私侵犯、仇恨言论、诽谤、网络色情等法律问题进行了分析;同时也分析了用户生成内容规范过程中所面临的法律、法规及技术的缺陷;最后从各参与方角度,提出了用户生成内容所带来的法律问题对策建议。  相似文献   

This paper begins with a discussion of the value of privacy,especially for medical records in an age of advancing technology.I then examine three alternative approaches to protection ofmedical records: reliance on governmental guidelines, the useof corporate self-regulation, and my own third hybrid view onhow to maintain a presumption in favor of privacy with respectto medical information, safeguarding privacy as vigorously andcomprehensively as possible, without sacrificing the benefitsof new information technology in medicine. None of the threemodels I examine are unproblematic, yet it is crucial to weighthe strengths and weaknesses of these alternative approaches.  相似文献   

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