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黄可  周俊  李玉杰  王正良 《科技通报》2019,35(5):225-229
肿瘤疫苗是肿瘤治疗中的一个热点研究领域,具有广阔的发展前景。本文基于市场与专利数据分析方法,从肿瘤疫苗产品与市场现状、发展态势、重点技术领域、优势机构、国内外发展情况等方面开展肿瘤疫苗发展趋势研究,为相关政府部门、企业和高校院所进一步发展肿瘤疫苗产业和技术提供情报支撑。研究结果表明:肿瘤疫苗研究进入了技术平台期,病毒抗原疫苗已有产品成功上市,而肿瘤抗原疫苗仍处于研究阶段。美国与欧盟国家是该领域核心专利的主要输出国。日本、德国、英国、美国四国在我国布局了大量专利。我国近年来专利申请活跃,但质量仍待提高。此外,本文提出了我国进一步发展肿瘤疫苗产业的对策建议。  相似文献   

探讨如何评价我国疫苗生产企业是否拥有核心竞争力、核心竞争力的强弱程度,能够为我国疫苗生产企业培育和提高核心竞争力、进一步增强竞争能力提供参考依据。本文在文献调研的基础上,应用SWOT分析法、层次分析法、专家调查法等构建了我国疫苗生产企业核心竞争力评价指标体系,并选择了2家疫苗生产企业进行实证研究,初步验证了评价指标体系的可行性。  相似文献   

正九价HPV疫苗在我国有条件批准上市4月29日,从国家药品监督管理局传出消息,用于预防宫颈癌的九价HPV疫苗在我国有条件批准上市。该疫苗是全球第一个用于预防肿瘤的疫苗,也是人类首次尝试通过疫苗消灭一种癌症。目前全球上市的HPV疫苗有二价、四价、九价三种,"价"代表了疫苗可预防的病毒种类。二价适用于9岁至25岁的女性,四价适用于20岁至45岁的女性。我国批准的九价HPV疫  相似文献   

[目的/意义]通过研究我国新冠肺炎疫苗研发过程中公众关注热点变化,了解对疫苗的需求,有助于政府部门有序推进疫苗的接种,有效构筑全民免疫屏障.[方法/过程]从新浪微博获取了5473条新冠肺炎疫苗研发的相关数据,根据百度指数划分时段制作词云图,初步分析公众在不同时期对于新冠肺炎疫苗研发的关注热点演化情况.并通过TF-IDF...  相似文献   

不久前,我国科学家首次宣布,成功研制出人感染H7N9禽流感病毒疫苗株。这是由浙大一院与香港大学联合研发的针对H7N9禽流感病毒的疫苗"种子株"。该成果打破和改变了中国流感疫苗株需由外国提供的历史,为及时应对新型流感疫情提供了有力的技术支撑。首次摆脱外国疫苗依赖症今年3月,我国首先发现一种新的H7N9禽流感病毒可  相似文献   

预防性疫苗的接种是针对传染病最经济和最有效的防治措施,被评为二十世纪最伟大的公共卫生成就。疫苗也被认为可能是肿瘤、代谢性疾病、退行性疾病等慢病最具潜力的防治手段。疫苗涉及国家安全,是国家战略医药产业之一,因此提升疫苗研发能力必须作为国家战略进行布局。2019年国家自然科学基金委员会医学科学部、生命科学部、信息科学部、化学科学部与政策局联合主办了"重大疾病疫苗研究的关键科学问题"双清论坛,专家围绕疫苗免疫原、佐剂、递送系统、疫苗效应的免疫保护性与免疫记忆机制、疫苗研制的新策略与新系统与技术进展、疫苗流行病学、疫苗评价技术体系建立等主题研讨,分析了疫苗研究面临的挑战,提出了我国重大疾病疫苗研究的战略方向。本文为这次双清论坛的学术综述。  相似文献   

我国是养猪业大国,但因疫病造成的死亡率很高,严重制约我国养猪业的可持续健康发展。由于我国实行的是以免疫预防为主的动物疫病防控策略,这就意味着在加大防控的范围和力度的同时,要求提供更安全、高效的疫苗产品。免疫佐剂是疫苗的重要组成部分,但我国一直忽视其研发与生产,主要依赖于进口。其次,虽然铝盐、油类等传统免疫佐剂对预防和控制动物多种疫病发挥了重要的作用,但含这类佐剂的疫苗在实际应用中常出现不良反应等安全性隐患,同时也不能高效诱导产生细胞免疫反应,免疫效力不全面、不持久。另外,传统的弱毒和灭活疫苗虽然免疫效力较高,但其不良反应和安全性不断得到质疑;而现代分子疫苗虽是将来控制和消灭动物重大疫病的主流技术产品,但其免疫效力却一直不尽人意。因此,通过新型免疫佐剂改进和提高疫苗质量已成为国际疫苗产业发展的热点、难点和重点。  相似文献   

强化战略科技力量是实现科技自立自强的关键。我国新冠病毒疫苗研发取得阶段性胜利与国家战略科技力量有着密不可分的关系。文章从国内外新冠病毒疫苗研发现状入手,通过分析我国新冠病毒疫苗研发科研攻关的成功经验,进一步深入思考和探索我国战略科技力量的使命定位、顶层设计、强化方式,并就进一步强化我国战略科技力量提出相应的政策建议。  相似文献   

根据对中国疫苗领域进行专利检索与分析,旨在对我国疫苗领域的发展,提供参考价值。文中着重从疫苗领域专利趋势、专利类型、法律状态、申请人情况四方面对中国疫苗领域进行专利分析。并且统计中国疫苗领域各省市排名情况,利于明确今后发展方向。  相似文献   

正我国首款纯电动疫苗流动接种车投入使用5月16日,湖南省衡阳珠晖区茶山坳镇堰头村的文化广场里,停了辆特别的"大巴车"。车子停着不走,但排队的"乘客"却不见少。原来,村民们并非要搭车出行,而是依次等候上车接种新冠疫苗。而这也是我国首台移动式纯电动低入口智慧疫苗接种车,也是我国第一款投入使用的纯电动疫苗流动接种车。  相似文献   

Minks are raised in many countries and have transmitted severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) to humans. However, the biologic properties of SARS-CoV-2 in minks are largely unknown. Here, we investigated and found that SARS-CoV-2 replicates efficiently in both the upper and lower respiratory tracts, and transmits efficiently in minks via respiratory droplets; pulmonary lesions caused by SARS-CoV-2 in minks are similar to those seen in humans with COVID-19. We further found that a spike protein-based subunit vaccine largely prevented SARS-CoV-2 replication and lung damage caused by SARS-CoV-2 infection in minks. Our study indicates that minks are a useful animal model for evaluating the efficacy of drugs or vaccines against COVID-19 and that vaccination is a potential strategy to prevent minks from transmitting SARS-CoV-2.  相似文献   

IntroductionThe data on the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in solid-organ transplant recipients (SOTRs) in Croatia is unknown. The aim of this study was to analyze the seroprevalence of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) in Croatian SOTRs.Materials and methodsFrom 7 September to 27 November 2020 (beginning of the second COVID-19 pandemic wave), a cross-sectional screening for COVID-19 was performed in the adult outpatient liver (LTRs; N = 280) and kidney transplant recipients (KTRs; N = 232). Serum samples were initially tested for SARS-CoV-2 IgG antibodies using a commercial enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA; Vircell Microbiologists, Granada, Spain). All positive samples were confirmed using a virus neutralization test (VNT). Data on risk exposure and COVID-19 related symptoms were collected using a questionnaire.ResultsThe transplanted cohort’s seroprevalence detected by ELISA and VNT was 20.1% and 3.1%, respectively. Neutralizing (NT) antibodies developed in 15.6% of anti-SARS-CoV-2 ELISA IgG positive SOTRs. The difference in seropositivity rates between LTRs and KTRs was not statistically significant (ELISA 21.1% vs. 19.0%, P = 0.554; VNT 3.6% vs. 2.6%, P = 0.082). Overall VNT positivity rates were higher in patients who reported participation in large community events (5.9% vs. 1.0%; P = 0.027) as well as in patients who reported COVID-19 related symptoms in the past six months. In addition, symptomatic VNT positive patients showed significantly higher (P = 0.031) NT antibody titers (median 128, interquartile range (IQR) = 32-128) compared to asymptomatic patients (median 16, IQR = 16-48).ConclusionsThis study showed that 15.6% of anti-SARS-CoV-2 ELISA positive Croatian SOTRs developed NT antibodies indicating protective immunity. Further studies are needed to determine the dynamic of NT antibodies and COVID-19 immunity duration in immunocompromised populations such as LTRs and KTRs.  相似文献   

Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2), the etiological agent of coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19), is a highly contagious pathogenic coronavirus to emerge and spread in human populations. Although substantial exertions have been laid to avert spread of COVID-19 by therapeutic and preventive countermeasures, but emergence of SARS-CoV-2 variants as a result of mutations make the infection more ominous. New viral confers a higher nasopharyngeal viral load, increased viral transmissibility, higher infectiousness, immune escape, increased resistance to monoclonal/polyclonal antibodies from convalescence sera/vaccine, and an enhanced virulence. Thus, it is pertinent to monitor evolving mutations and genetic diversity of SARS-CoV-2 as it is decisive for understanding the viral variants. In this review we provide an overview of colloquial nomenclature and the genetic characteristics of different SARS-CoV-2 variants in the context of mutational changes of the circulating strains, transmissibility potential, virulence and infectivity.  相似文献   

This study examines how perceived information overload and misinformation affect vaccine hesitancy and how this is moderated by structural and cultural factors. By applying and extending the fundamental cause theory, this study proposes a contextualized impact model to analyze a cross-national survey of 6034 residents in six societies in Asia, Europe and North America in June 2021. The study finds that (1) Older and highly-educated participants were less susceptible to COVID-19 information overload and belief in vaccine misinformation. (2) Perceived information overload led to an increase in vaccine acceptance and uptake, whereas belief in vaccine misinformation caused a decrease. (3) The structural differentiation of vaccine hesitancy was salient and higher socioeconomic status could buffer the negative impact of misinformation on vaccine acceptance. (4) Cultural factors such as collectivism and authoritarian mentality also served as buffers against the misinformation that reduced vaccine acceptance and uptake. These findings add nuanced footnotes to the fundamental causes theory and contribute to the discussion on the global recovery from the infodemic. Besides fact-checking and improving individual information literacy, effective and long-term information management and health policies must pay attention to stratified information gaps across socioeconomic groups, and to contextualize the communication and intervention strategies in different cultures.  相似文献   

Understanding the effects of gender-specific emotional responses on information sharing behaviors are of great importance for swift, clear, and accurate public health crisis communication, but remains underexplored. This study fills this gap by investigating gender-specific anxiety- and anger-related emotional responses and their effects on the virality of crisis information by creatively drawing on social role theory, integrated crisis communication modeling, and text mining. The theoretical model is tested using two datasets (Changsheng vaccine crisis with 2,423,074 textual data and COVID-19 pandemic with 893,930 textual data) collected from Weibo, a leading social media platform in China. Females express significantly high anxiety and anger levels (p value<0.001) during the Changsheng fake vaccine crisis, while express significantly higher levels of anxiety during COVID-19 than males (p value<0.001), but not anger (p value=0.13). Regression analysis suggests that the virality of crisis information is significantly strengthened when the level of anger in posts of males is high or the level of anxiety in posts of females is high for both crises. However, such gender-specific virality differences of anger/anxiety expressions are violated once females have large numbers of followers (influencers). Furthermore, the gender-specific emotional effects on crisis information are more significantly enhanced for male influencers than female influencers. This study contributes to the literature on gender-specific emotional characteristics of crisis communication on social media and provides implications for practice.  相似文献   

Political polarization remains perhaps the “greatest barrier” to effective COVID-19 pandemic mitigation measures in the United States. Social media has been implicated in fueling this polarization. In this paper, we uncover the network of COVID-19 related news sources shared to 30 politically biased and 2 neutral subcommunities on Reddit. We find, using exponential random graph modeling, that news sources associated with highly toxic – “rude, disrespectful” – content are more likely to be shared across political subreddits. We also find homophily according to toxicity levels in the network of online news sources. Our findings suggest that news sources associated with high toxicity are rewarded with prominent positions in the resultant network. The toxicity in COVID-19 discussions may fuel political polarization by denigrating ideological opponents and politicizing responses to the COVID-19 pandemic, all to the detriment of mitigation measures. Public health practitioners should monitor toxicity in public online discussions to familiarize themselves with emerging political arguments that threaten adherence to public health crises management. We also recommend, based on our findings, that social media platforms algorithmically promote neutral and scientific news sources to reduce toxic discussion in subcommunities and encourage compliance with public health recommendations in the fight against COVID-19.  相似文献   

新冠肺炎疫情短期内严重冲击了我国生产供应,加大了国内产业链加速外移的风险。文章基于当前疫情导致我国短期生产与出口供给缺口的研究,结合我国在全球生产网络和亚洲生产链的枢纽位置,就疫情对全球产业链的冲击及其引发的我国产业链加速外移风险进行了剖析。研究结果表明,疫情引起的产能缺口将对全球生产体系产生冲击,跨国企业将加快生产链布局调整,需密切关注疫情造成部分产业链加速外移的风险。最后,就企业复工保障、疫情防控和产业链布局等方面提出相关政策建议。  相似文献   

Documenting the emergent social representations of COVID-19 in public communication is necessary for critically reflecting on pandemic responses and providing guidance for global pandemic recovery policies and practices. This study documents the dynamics of changing social representations of the COVID-19 pandemic on one of the largest Chinese social media, Weibo, from December 2019 to April 2020. We draw on the social representation theory (SRT) and conceptualize topics and topic networks as a form of social representation. We analyzed a dataset of 40 million COVID-19 related posts from 9.7 million users (including the general public, opinion leaders, and organizations) using machine learning methods. We identified 12 topics and found an expansion in social representations of COVID-19 from a clinical and epidemiological perspective to a broader perspective that integrated personal illness experiences with economic and sociopolitical discourses. Discussions about COVID-19 science did not take a prominent position in the representations, suggesting a lack of effective science and risk communication. Further, we found the strongest association of social representations existed between the public and opinion leaders and the organizations’ representations did not align much with the other two groups, suggesting a lack of organizations’ influence in public representations of COVID-19 on social media in China.  相似文献   

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