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【单元目标概说】 本单元介绍了前辈学者读书治学的经验及其人才观和学习思想,从中得到启示,重新思考自己的学习观。学习这一单元,我们要学会一种重要的读书方法——反刍读书法,含英咀华,直至得其精髓。同时,要发展创造性思维,能发现文中隽永智慧的语句,反复品味,理解这些语句的意义和在文章中的作用。  相似文献   

课堂教学与阅读能力培养   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
不言而喻,在校学习的中学生已很少去阅读了,他们整日浸泡在教科书与题海之中,学习与考试的重压已使他们难以感受到读书的乐趣,因而逐步失去了读书的兴趣。即使有些学生还在阅读,也是一种盲目的读书。他们不会辨别图书,缺乏科学的读书方法。总观现在中学生的生活,阅读已经不占重要位置。一个民族如果失去了读书的乐趣,其后果是不可想象的。  相似文献   

郑板桥是"扬州八怪"之一,也是历史上一个著名的清官。在读书问题上他强调自刻苦、自愤激、自竖立,特别是他强调读书要精选精读,要寻找贯穿串,读有特识,自竖旗帜等重要的读书观,对今人仍有重要的参考和借鉴作用,值得我们作深入的研究。  相似文献   

读书学习宜虚心涵泳,深入体会,潜心顽索,探幽察微,以求融会贯通,切不可心气浮躁,一目十行,浅尝辄止,一知半解。  相似文献   

前后《观获读书图》体现了张英对观获和读书生活的向往,反映了康熙皇帝农耕和读书的治国理想,具有很高的文化价值和艺术价值。前后《观获读书图》相隔两百多年,见证大清王朝的兴衰,具有丰富的文化内涵。  相似文献   

[教材分析] 本文为略读课文,内容是小记者张苗对季羡林先生的访谈实录,是学生接触的一种新文体。文中这一老一小,一边是德高望重、学贯中西、饮誉海内外的学界巨擘,一边是求知若渴、好学上进的小学生。他们俩在年龄、阅历、学识上有着巨大的悬殊,却在平等和谐的气氛中侃侃而谈,就读书学习展开了逐步深入的交流。季老指出:想把文章写好,就要多看书;  相似文献   

教师成为研究,是教师角色的新变化和新要求。教师成为研究必须树立“四观”,即树立读书观、反思观,合作现和探究观.做到自我修炼、自我发展、自我成长.才能促进自身专业发展。  相似文献   

指导学生自主学习,通过思维导图理清文章结构,用表格梳理作者在三个不同阶段所去的四个图书馆的特点以及作者所寄寓的“情”与“理”;引导学生揣摩典型语言,品味文字背后的情感变化脉络,领悟读书对个人、国家及人类的意义,树立正确的读书观,掌握随笔的行文特点。  相似文献   

1.读书学习促知识完善 读书活动是教师提高自己教学能力的一种途径,尤其是对青年教师对教育理论和相关知识的学习具有突出的作用。读书活动一般采取学校或教研组组织进行.为了使读书活动更有质量便于交流,学校应定期举行读书体会报告会,交流读书心得。使其便成为老师积淀化内涵的一方沃土。学校对读书的要求应是“有所选择,宁精毋多,联系实际,学以致用”,以自学为主,并定期写出联系实际的心得体会。[第一段]  相似文献   

开展"读书增知识、读书长能力、读书强素质"为主题的读书分享活动就是基层党组织推进学习型党组织建设的一个重要抓手。基层党组织可以通过创办党员书屋、建立党员读书会,发起"读书沙龙""读书心得汇报会""早操三分钟分享""读后感汇编""学生讲坛""好书推荐""党员读书日""党支部读书博客"等"八维一体"的读书分享活动。读书分享活动的实践,启示我们建设学习型党组织,要确立读书之规,确保学习效果;要大兴读书之风,营造学习氛围;要发挥领导示范,引导学习深入;要丰富活动形式,创新学习载体。  相似文献   

博士生的学术经历和学术志趣对科研能力增长的重要作用已得到实证研究的支持,不过很少有研究能够综合考察不同方面的学术经历以及学术志趣对科研能力增长的预测作用。基于1286份博士生调查数据进行相关探索,结果发现:(1)博士生的学术志趣对科研能力增长的正向预测作用最大,超过了前沿涉猎、导师指导、课程学习等学术经历的预测作用;(2)导师指导是对博士生学术志趣正向预测作用最大的变量;(3)与人文社科博士生相比,理工科博士生的学术志趣与科研能力增长具有更强的关联;(4)学术志趣在前沿涉猎、导师指导、课程学习等学术经历与科研能力增长之间存在中介效应。上述结果支持了学术志趣在博士生学术训练中的重要性,而导师在博士生学术志趣的激发方面扮演着关键角色。  相似文献   

A recent decline in reading has become a major issue, as Americans are not reading out of necessity or as a leisure activity. In addition, a connection has been found between children's leisure reading habits and their level of academic achievement, causing even more concern.  相似文献   

The declining trend in the positive reading attitude of students' has concerned scholars. This paper aims to apply a 3-level hierarchical linear model to analyse how inductive instruction and resources influence both students' positive and negative attitudes towards reading. Approximately 470,000 15-year-old students, and their school principals, from 65 countries completed a questionnaire, which was designed by the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA). In line with previous research, gender, the student–teacher relationship, online academic searches, and reading habits are correlated with both positive and negative reading attitudes. Multilevel results show that reading attitudes improved when a school provides a context in which inductive instruction has been enforced. The natural log value of gross domestic product (GDP) per capita in a country is statistically significantly negative when associated with a student's positive and negative reading attitudes. Further, in a country with largely unqualified teachers, school-level inductive teaching lowers the negative attitude.  相似文献   

The acknowledgement that educational achievement is highly dependent on successful reading development has led to extensive research on its underlying factors. A strong argument has been made for a causal relationship between reading and phoneme awareness; similarly, causal relations have been suggested for reading with short-term memory and rhyme awareness alike. Here a meta-analysis is presented that seeks to determine spuriousness in these factors' relationships with reading by examining each factor's unique predictive value. The results show that phoneme awareness is the strongest unique predictor. Since the meta-analysis is based on concurrent data, it is unsuited to enlighten time-order relationships, but longitudinal and experimental studies both support the notion of a causal relationship between phoneme awareness and reading, in contrast to rhyme awareness and verbal short-term memory.  相似文献   

As in many other parts of the world, ‘academic literacy’ has emerged as both a concern and a contested concept in South African universities. In this article we focus specifically on academic reading, which we argue is a relatively underemphasized aspect of academic literacy. This article is the product of reflections on academic reading during and subsequent to the development and presentation of a postgraduate module presented at Stellenbosch University. It briefly explores the literature on academic literacy; develops the Bourdieusian perspective on academic reading that we used to develop the module; and concludes with a discussion of the module. Our intention was to make ‘reading as social practice’ more visible to students. Bourdieu's concepts of ‘competence’, ‘habitus’ and ‘field’ set the scene for a discussion of the role of reading in different disciples and more generally within the social sciences and humanities.  相似文献   

Women consistently remain underrepresented in senior academic roles within the academy worldwide. Academics increasingly require research funding to conduct research, leading to publications, both of which can then be used for promotion applications. This article explores fourteen academic women's experiences of the research funding process in New Zealand, to provide insights into one aspect of why this inequity continues. The findings identify institutional, personal, and funding issues that impact on women's application behaviour. Addressing these may assist in developing women's careers as academics and provides us with a more in-depth understanding of the issues than have previously been gleamed from large quantitative studies.  相似文献   

This article draws on my research, in which I have interviewed a group of students over the course of their degrees. The women are all taking women's studies combined with a range of other subjects in a ‘new’ university with campuses in inner London and on its outskirts. This article considers the women's perceptions of both women's studies and their second subjects as "academic", as well as how they think both the university and the wider world value the academic nature of their various subjects. It asks whether subjects are only valued as "academic" if they focus on the writings of men, and are considered "objective", abstract and theoretical. Do students need to be seen to be "thinking like a man" in order to value their subjects and have them valued by others, or are there ways to be "differently academic"? It concludes by suggesting some alternative ways for institutions of higher education to consider the meaning of "academic" in higher education.  相似文献   

The acquisition of early mathematical knowledge is critical for successful long-term academic development. Mathematical language is one of the strongest predictors of children's early mathematical success. Findings from previous studies have provided correlational evidence supporting the importance of mathematical language to the development of children's mathematics skills, but there is limited causal evidence supporting this link. To address this research gap, 47 Head Start children were randomly assigned to a mathematical language intervention group or a business-as-usual group. Over the course of eight weeks, interventionists implemented a dialogic reading intervention focused on quantitative and spatial mathematical language. At posttest, students in the intervention group significantly outperformed the students in the comparison group not only on a mathematical language assessment, but on a mathematical knowledge assessment as well. These findings indicate that increasing children's exposure to mathematical language can positively affect their general mathematics skills. This study is an important first step in providing causal evidence of the importance of early mathematical language for children's general mathematical knowledge and the potential for mathematical language interventions to increase children's overall mathematics abilities.  相似文献   

苏洋 《复旦教育论坛》2023,21(4):114-121
高校教师学术创业对科研产出的影响一直是国内外争论的焦点。通过收集我国四所“双一流”大学教师学术创业的数据,运用倾向值匹配法探究高校教师学术创业与科研产出之间的因果关系。研究得出如下结论:高校教师参与学术创业后,科研产出数量不会发生变化,但科研产出质量会有所下降;不同学科教师学术创业对科研产出的影响效应存在异质性,工科类教师学术创业对科研产出数量和质量均无显著影响,而理科类教师学术创业对科研产出质量存在显著的负向影响。基于此,为了减少冲突,实现“研创”共生,建议建立“支撑保障”与“边界限制”并行的学术创业管理体制,并根据不同学科的特点进行分类管理。  相似文献   

Homework has traditionally been considered positive for students’ academic achievement, to the extent that it makes children more responsible while learning. Nevertheless, making students do a large amount of homework has been one of the most criticised practices in recent years. Parental associations have long held the view that Spanish elementary school pupils spend too much time on homework. This situation is so alarming that it has recently caused a ‘homework strike’, which has been supported by many children's parents. Furthermore, being assigned an excessive amount of homework is a serious problem which extends well beyond Spain. In light of this context, this article aims to provide new evidence on the relationship between homework and academic performance. To carry out this research, rich longitudinal census data, together with a twin fixed-effects approach and value-added models, have been used. In this way, we can control for variables that are the same within twins, allowing us to generate a better understanding of the association between homework time and primary children's academic achievement. Our main finding is that homework is not associated with young people's academic achievement (at least within this specific country context).  相似文献   

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