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The focus of objectives of engineering education has evolved from knowledge to skills. This is a logical consequence of the changing demands of employers of graduated engineers. This change is referred to as a paradigm shift in engineering education. It is therefore not surprising that the views on assessment of student learning are changing as well. In this paper the relation between the demands and the educational objectives are reviewed. Consequently, the implications for assessment are discussed. Assessment is introduced as a feedback procedure. It is discussed that in fact four different feedback pathways can be identified. Finally, the relation between educational methods and their relation to assessment is discussed in detail. As an example, the problems in assessment of group work are discussed.  相似文献   

The 1990 national curriculum of Thai education and educational reform states that, at primary and secondary educational levels, schools must prepare the child to become a smart, good and a happy individual in the Thai learning society. Teaching and learning must emphasise learning to think, to do and to solve problems. A study into integrating assessment and learning as a single activity was conducted by the Department of Curriculum and Instruction Development to demonstrate that good assessment is an integral part of good instruction. Three major elements of science education are learning science, learning about science and doing science. In the assessment of science, the teacher assesses knowledge and recall of scientific facts, the application of scientific knowledge, processes of science and scientific skills and, of course, attitudes and habits of mind acquired through science education. The assessment procedures are in the form of open-ended paper-and-pencil tests, practical tests, students' work and reports, teacher observation of practical work during the semester, and parents' and peers' comment and criticism. The assessment is a continuous activity in parallel with learning activity.  相似文献   

失地农民教育培训的基本内容与政策取向   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
把失地农民变成城镇市民,农业劳动者转变为具备多项技能的技术人员、管理人员、营销人员等,是失地农民教育培训的基本目标;搞好基础性与实用性、一般技能培训与高级及特殊技能培训、理论与实践、生产与生活、思想道德教育与法律知识教育等方面的有机结合,是失地农民教育培训的基本原则;应从专业技能教育培训和基本技能教育培训两个方面来构建失地农民教育培训内容体系;职业技能培训、创业与就业教育是失地农民专业技能教育培训的基本内容;心理咨询与角色转换教育、职业道德与诚信教育是失地农民基本技能教育培训的基本内容。  相似文献   

Active learning methods can be appropriate in engineering, as their methodology promotes meta-cognition, independent learning and problem-solving skills. Problem-based learning is the educational process by which problem-solving activities and instructor's guidance facilitate learning. Its key characteristic involves posing a ‘concrete problem’ to initiate the learning process, generally implemented by small groups of students. Many universities have developed and used active methodologies successfully in the teaching–learning process. During the past few years, the University of the Basque Country has promoted the use of active methodologies through several teacher training programmes. In this paper, we describe and analyse the results of the educational experience using the problem-based learning (PBL) method in a physics course for undergraduates enrolled in the technical telecommunications engineering degree programme. From an instructors’ perspective, PBL strengths include better student attitude in class and increased instructor–student and student–student interactions. The students emphasised developing teamwork and communication skills in a good learning atmosphere as positive aspects.  相似文献   

微格教学:历史演变与当代诉求   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
教师专业发展是当代教师教育的基本价值追求。当前,教师专业发展的基本范式发生了转换,即由关注教师知识与技能的"技术理性"转向关注教师作为生命个体价值实现与教育智慧生成的"价值理性"。在此背景下,微格教学在经历技能训练取向、认知发展取向与综合化发展取向后,在当代教师专业发展的理念要求下,将致力于教学目标综合化、教学过程合理化、教学形式多样化与教学评价实践化的方向发展。  相似文献   

对高等数学课程目标和教学模式改革的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为适应社会对高等学校培养人才素质要求的提高,高等数学课程目标,除了提出基本理论、基本知识和基本技能要求外,还应提出能力和非智力因素的要求;为了实现新课程目标,应改革教学模式.重视学生动手实践、自主探索和合作交流学习方式的运用。  相似文献   


This article describes an alternative to the traditional method of administering the comprehensive examination, logically integrated in criminal justice educational program objectives. First, the traditional method of offering the comprehensive examination is evaluated according to its ability to satisfy the educational program goals of developing critical thinking and communication skills together with knowledge of the discipline. Bloom's Taxonomy is used as the paradigm of evaluation. Based upon the examination of available literature and the actual administration of the traditional comprehensive examination at Virginia Commonwealth University, the conclusion is reached that traditional examinations do not test beyond Bloom's first step, knowledge of terminology. The administration of the take-home comprehensive exam is then analyzed as administered at VCU and is found to better serve the educational program objectives of critical thinking and communication skills together with learning knowledge.  相似文献   

自动化专业实践教学模式的改革与实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高等工科院校教育教学改革的目的是培养出具有较强适应能力、发展能力、工程实践能力和竞争能力的应用型技术人才,提高人才培养质量的关键是提高实践教学的质量。对于自动化专业学生,专业技能的培养是专业培养目标的一个重要方面。学生专业技能的培养主要通过实验课、生产实习、课程设计和毕业设计等实践教学环节进行的。针对目前自动化专业实践教学存在的主要问题,对自动化专业实践教学模式进行改革,提出并实践了"以课内实践教学为轴线,以课外科技实践教学为途径,以基本技能为基础,以专业技能为重点,以培养应用型人才为目标"的实践教学新模式,以培养大学生的创新能力。  相似文献   

Interactive learning is beneficial to students in that it allows the continual development and testing of many skills. An interactive approach enables students to improve their technical capabilities, as well as developing both verbal and written communicative ability. Problem solving and communication skills are vital for engineering students; in the workplace they will be required to communicate with people of varying technical abilities and from different linguistic and engineering backgrounds. In this paper, a case study is presented that discusses how the traditional method of teaching control systems can be improved. ‘Control systems’ is a complex engineering topic requiring students to process an extended amount of mathematical formulae. MATLAB software, which enables students to interactively compare a range of possible combinations and analyse the optimal solution, is used to this end. It was found that students became more enthusiastic and interested when given ownership of their learning objectives. As well as improving the students’ technical knowledge, other important engineering skills are also improved by introducing an interactive method of teaching.  相似文献   

Argumentation skills play a crucial role in science education and in preparing school students to act as informed citizens. While processing conflicting scientific positions regarding topics such as sustainable development in the domain of ecology, argumentation skills such as evaluating arguments or supporting theories with evidence are beneficial for developing deep understanding and well-grounded conclusions. We developed a 50-min training intervention to foster argumentation skills in the domain of ecology on topics related to sustainable development and analyzed its effects in a control-group design: (a) training intervention to foster argumentation skills (n = 41), (b) no such training intervention (n = 42). Results showed that this short-term training intervention successfully fostered three components of argumentation skills (i.e., evaluative knowledge, generative knowledge, and argument quality) and declarative knowledge about argumentation. The positive effect on declarative knowledge was stable 1 week after the training and it was mediated by learning processes during the training intervention: self-explaining the principles of argumentation underlying the video-based examples mediated the effect on declarative knowledge 1 week after the training. In short, the training intervention is an effective instructional method to enhance argumentation skills as well as declarative knowledge about argumentation.  相似文献   

针对船舶电气生产性实训基地的实训要求和实训目标,通过实践研究,探索出实训基地的有效实训模式:基本技能实训实现标准化、工程化;专业技能实训实现职业化、生产化;考核实现过程化、节点化。结果表明,实训效果良好,学生的动手能力明显提高。  相似文献   

Assessment for learning? Thinking outside the (black) box   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article draws on a survey of 83 teachers, to explore the concepts of ‘assessment for learning’, ‘assessment’ and ‘learning’. ‘Assessment for learning’ is categorized as meaning: monitoring pupils' performance against targets or objectives; using assessment to inform next steps in teaching and learning; teachers giving feedback for improvement; (teachers) learning about children's learning; children taking some control of their own learning and assessment; and turning assessment into a learning event. Conceptions of assessment include assessment‐as‐measurement and assessment‐as‐inquiry. These conceptions are related to two conceptions of learning: learning‐as‐attaining‐objectives and learning‐as‐the‐construction‐of‐knowledge. The conceptions of assessment‐as‐measurement and learning‐as‐attaining‐objectives are dominant in English educational policy today. The article suggests that these conceptions need to be challenged and expanded, since conceptions held by those who have power in education determine what sort of assessment and learning happen in the classroom, and therefore the quality of the student's learning processes and products.  相似文献   

Today’s experts must continuously reconstruct their expertise and be able to apply their theoretical knowledge in actual work. The development of expertise is a long process, during which theoretical, practical and metacognitive elements of expert knowledge are integrated into a coherent whole. It is important to foster student’s learning and integration of theoretical knowledge in practice during tertiary education. One tool for this is to pay more attention to practical knowledge in the theoretical part of the curriculum. The aim of this study was to evaluate the significance of early practical training as a part of the pharmacy curriculum and to find out to what extent the students felt their practical training fostered their learning. A total of 47 pharmacy students were interviewed during the three-month practice period. Content analyses of the interviews showed that the practical training increased students’ understanding of theoretical knowledge and their motivation to study. The students acquired practical skills and knowledge in a working community of professionals. The results also showed that the students should be able to rehearse their reflective skills during the theoretical studies as well, because the practice period was too short to permit adequate development of reflective skills.  相似文献   

Current debate about assessment in higher education raises educational and political issues. Lecturers who wish to make their assessment more reliable and rigorous, as well as more effective in improving students' learning, need more than technical help to do so. This paper reports findings from an action research project which focused on assessment practice at the University of Sunderland, UK. It highlights tensions between genuine educational concerns to improve practice and more instrumental pressures, for example, to defend one's assessment practice from challenges by students, colleagues and external bodies. It is argued that improvement, rather than mere change, will require the commitment of people who possess intimate day-to-day contextual knowledge of assessment, and who recognise its educational and political complexities. The findings highlight two areas for further research: ways of inducting and involving students in an 'assessment community', and institutional staff development designed to improve assessment practice.  相似文献   

This paper examines the question of whether there are useful general thinking skills. It offers a working definition of 'thinking skill' and identifies ways in which this concept has been over-applied. Thinking skills, used across domains, are not inevitably weak as a result of the generality-power tradeoff. Admitting that thinking skills require domain-specific knowledge for their application, it is contended nonetheless that there are general thinking skills that involve substantial amounts of domain-independent knowledge. These skills usually address 'generic thinking tasks', common mental challenges that people face in many practical and intellectual endeavours, including the 'domain of practical affairs'. The educational implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

针对高校夏季学期教学普遍存在的问题,结合高级语言编程教学实践,提出了符合夏季学期时长的实训课教学改革方案。在实践中以CDIO教育理念为指导,以基于项目的学习为技术手段,重点培养学生工程思维和编程能力,设计多层次多类型的实训题目,鼓励学生以团队的方式积极参与,并利用代码评估工具进行质量评估。实践证明,新模式下的实训课提高了教学效果。  相似文献   

金属工艺学是一门重要的技术基础课,具有较强的综合性和工程实践性。为培养实用型工程技术人才,高等教育根据其培养目标的特点和需要,要加强课程理论教学和实践教学等环节的建设与改革,注重综合运用多种教学方法提高学生学习兴趣。  相似文献   

The concept of ‘therapeutic education’ is being increasingly used in contemporary education policy studies to identify learning initiatives which are dominated by objectives linked to personal and social skills, emotional intelligence and building self‐esteem. Contemporary educational goals connected with such strategies have been criticised for encouraging a ‘victim culture’ which marginalises learners and replaces the pursuit of knowledge and understanding with the development of personal values relevant to a life of social, cultural and economic risk and uncertainty. In relation to vocational education and training (VET) and post‐school policy trends in particular, Hayes has argued that preparation for work has abandoned vocational/occupational knowledge and skills in favour of providing learners with personal skills for emotional labour in low‐level service jobs. This paper interrogates such analyses and questions whether the therapeutic role of VET really is incompatible with the traditional objectives of developing knowledge, understanding and values in work environments. Links are made between new emphases on work‐based learning and the ‘caring’ conceptions of learning in post‐school education. It is concluded that—although therapy should not dominate VET—an attention to the important values dimension of learning in the field does involve a therapeutic dimension of some kind.  相似文献   

根据高职院校人才培养目标,在工程力学课程教学中应着力培养学生的实际工作能力。在制定工程力学课程的教学方案时,应以掌握基本理论,学会基本技能为目标;在教学中,教师应对知识的引发点、衔接点、异同点、疑难点进行精讲,同时应使学生明确学习目的,运用各种方法激发学生的学习兴趣,并用鲜明生动的事物来激发他们的形象思维活动,增强学生的工程意识。  相似文献   

《Assessing Writing》2005,10(1):61-73
Estimates indicate that as much as 80% of an engineer's work time is spent on communicating. Studies done by the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) at the University of Arizona show that engineering firms, as well as ECE graduates, rank writing ability as the most important skill in determining engineers’ success, even above the much more obvious technical skills that are the focus of much engineering education. Arizona's ECE Department began teaching its senior-level capstone design courses as “writing emphasis” courses to assist students in developing their writing skills prior to graduation, as well as to link communication skills and coursework to create graduates proficient in both written and oral communication. This paper describes a portfolio assessment that has been developed specifically for this context and population, and argues that this portfolio assessment demonstrates several advantages frequently called for in theory but rarely made operational. This program has provided an unusually rich practical application, showing how portfolio assessment changes assessment from a mere rating of limited and often costly tests to a continuous, integrated, and appropriate activity directly related to learning itself, while at the same time, developing the data about student.  相似文献   

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