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This article explores governors’ perceptions of the role played by school principals in the democratic governance of secondary schools in South Africa. The South African Schools Act No. 84 of 1996 has mandated that all public schools in South Africa must have democratically elected school governing bodies, comprised of the principal (in his or her official capacity), educators, non‐teaching staff, parents and learners, but the latter is applicable only in secondary schools. This reform is intended to foster tolerance, rational discussion and collective decision‐making. In the light of this reform an empirical study investigated the role of the principal in the school governing body (SGB), particularly in promoting parent and learner participation in SGBs. The findings highlighted the important functions that principals fulfil with regard to the functioning of the SGB. Principals are viewed by governors as playing a positive role in SGBs. Governors referred to principals as ‘the finger on the pulse of what is happening at school’; they are resource persons for other members of the SGBs and ‘the engines’ of the schools. Governors viewed the principal as in charge of the professional management of the school, ensuring that all duties are carried out adequately, setting the tone in SGB meetings, and responsible for interpreting education policies and ensuring that they are well implemented. Furthermore, principals have the responsibility of ensuring the maximum participation of both parent and learner governors in SGBs meetings. Principals can also contribute greatly to school governance issues, since they are usually at an advantage in terms of their familiarity with official regulations, provincial directives and knowledge of educational reform measures. The findings highlighted persistent power struggles in rural schools that may arise when principals overplay their roles as this creates tension among SGB members. However, principals enabled implementation of democratic values such as tolerance, rational discussion and collective decision‐making in schools through their leadership roles.  相似文献   

A 2010 education reform gave English schools the option to become academies, autonomous but state-funded schools. Academies can opt for two different models of governance by choosing to remain standalone schools or join an academy chain. We investigate the causal effect of the governance model on student achievement and school inputs. We find that students in academy chains have higher end-of-primary school test scores, with stronger effects for low achievers and early converter academies. School chains are more efficient than standalone academies, achieving better results while spending less overall. Survey data suggest that chains favor management changes, whereas standalone academies make changes related to educational practices.  相似文献   

学校治理现代化是学校改革发展的一次深刻变革,要准确理解学校现代化的涵义,认识“治理”与“管理”的联系和区别尤为必要。与其他领域的治理相比,学校治理现代化有着综合性系统性强、公平公正要求高、治理成效显现慢、治理环节转化多等特点。学校治理现代化从不同角度分类,可以呈现出多种不同形态。新时代之所以大力推进学校治理现代化,是建设现代化强国的需要,是办人民满意教育的需要,是实现立德树人办学目标的需要,是探索形成学校治理“中国经验”的需要。要把学校治理现代化落到实处,需要把握治理领导权、治理体系现代化、治理能力现代化三个基本问题。  相似文献   

This article focusses on the evolution of the school governance model in Spain since the 1980s. In Spain and elsewhere in Europe, the state’s monopoly over education has softened and new forms of educational governance have emerged. This has resulted in the decentralization of decision-making authority to individual schools, municipalities, and regions and a significant increase in school autonomy. We explore from a political science perspective how partisan preferences and teachers unions have decisively shaped the reform trajectory. We show that leftist and center-right governments and different teachers’ unions have promoted different versions of school autonomy in line with their ideological rationales, resulting in a reconfiguration of the school governance model with each change in government.  相似文献   

This study investigated the perceptions and experiences of rural school principals in South Africa of the role that parents in the school governing bodies (SGBs) play in improving school management and governance. The study reports on a literature review as well as on the empirical investigation, which was based on a qualitative research paradigm. Semi-structured interviews with the principals of three different rural schools were employed to collect data. The literature findings revealed that including parents as part of the SGB is seen as an essential component for the successful functioning of the school. The empirical study also emphasised the importance of including parents. However, the principals were concerned about the fact that many members of the SGB are illiterate and uncertain of the role they play in school governance. The principals emphasised the need for training of the members of SGBs as regards their working knowledge of school governance activities.  相似文献   

This inquiry aims to enrich conversation regarding school reform. The author asks about what other discourses are possible when the action-oriented question of how to ‘act’ is a major approach to ‘fix’ current educational problems. Drawing from Taoist philosophy of wuwei (non-action), the author provides a frame to review current school reform movement. Political philosophy of wuwei highlights non-interference or non-intervention governance. Laozi discusses his theory of governance that a sage leader should take and explicates the paradox of non-action: By not doing, everything is done. The paradox of wuwei complicates dialogues in the field of curriculum theory by opening spaces for taking effortless actions in the midst of standardization and accountability reform movement.  相似文献   

适龄入学人口的减少导致日本私立大学面临生源和破产危机,私立学校丑闻频发也暴露了家族式学校治理的缺陷,私立学校的公益性有待加强。因此,日本文部科学省围绕“积极性治理”和“防御性治理”对《私立学校法》进行修订,包括制定修改规章制度,澄清学校法人权责、细化各方职能,加强信息公开、提高管理透明度等。但《私立学校法》仍存在争议,争议的焦点在于:如何确定理事会和评议会的权责;如何处理学校管理权与教学权,形成权力制衡格局;如何保障监事会的公正性与专业性,避免家族式私立学校监督乏力;如何处理学校法人自主治理和政府责任关系。《私立学校法》修订与争议的实质在于日本私立大学权力的监督与制衡。  相似文献   

Although there is evidence of parental participation in school governance in South Africa, the question of how these parents manage their participation in these affairs is largely unanswered. This question represents one of the major exclusions in the existing reflections on the school governance debate in the country. Using a qualitative approach, this study investigated the underlying dynamics of social identity as a factor in parents’ engagement in school governance in 10 schools in the Eastern Cape. It provides evidence of the fragmented and dynamic nature of social identity and how it shaped behaviours among the parents. While challenging many contemporary social theories, the paper suggests several implications for policy re‐formulation.  相似文献   

为了适应时代的要求和本国发展的需要,丹麦正在对普通高中课程进行改革。文章从丹麦高中教育目标和文法中学课程、文法中学的课程改革三方面对丹麦普通高中的现行课程和所要进行的改革进行了简要分析。  相似文献   

This paper presents data from a study of five English primary schools. It examines some of the challenges associated with school autonomy and collaboration for state primary schools amid the uncertainty and complexity of governance in the present English education context. The paper features the voices of six leaders gathered from interviews that explored their thoughts about the academies movement. It highlights their fears that academisation, and particularly the imperative to join a large academy chain, will undermine their autonomy as individual schools. Accepting of the inevitability of academisation and the forms of network governance this reform offers, it highlights the head teachers’ moves to ensure their autonomy in terms of determining the timing and type of conversion. In relation to these moves, the paper reiterates the significance within effective collaboratives of member schools experiencing a sense of ownership, a common purpose, shared responsibility for students and their learning and relations of trust. The paper considers some of the tensions arising in this space in relation to competition, collaboration and school vulnerability.  相似文献   

This study seeks to identify and assess factors that contribute to effective independent school governance at the board of trustees level. A review of extant literature reveals two major challenges: (a) definitions and standards of board effectiveness are inconsistent, and (b) there is very little empirical evidence to support existing definitions and notions of effective governance. Study authors have developed a “strategic effectiveness” metric to encompass factors associated with perceptions of board effectiveness and an “institutional performance” metric that includes factors that are critical to the sustainability of independent schools. Survey respondents include 806 heads of school and board chairs. School leaders at six independent schools in the Northeast, Midwest, and the South were interviewed to gather empirical data regarding strategic board governance and institutional performance. This study identifies two areas that impact school leaders’ ability to think and act strategically: (a) intentional acculturation of trustees over extended periods of time (“onboarding”) and (b) strategic identification and cultivation of potential trustees. Both of these factors impact strategic effectiveness and contribute positively to institutional performance.  相似文献   

南非职业技术学校国家课程改革是在南非"2005年课程改革"基础上的延续和发展,它不仅继承了以结果本位教育为核心的课程改革理念,同时又兼顾了技术学校职业性办学特点的特殊需要.力求使技术学校课程既能顺应新南非宪法规定的民主、团结、公平、正义的价值观念,又能满足社会经济建设对中高级技能型人才的迫切需要.  相似文献   

国卉男 《中学教育》2010,(9):23-28,8
中国处在一个经济发展、社会变革的关键时期,由社会变化而引发的学校变革问题亦已受到了我们社会各界的广泛关注。本文立足于转型时代的社会背景和学校自身的变革需要,试图梳理学校变革的相关理论,探讨当代我国基础教育学校变革的性质及功能定位等问题,并就未来学校变革的基本目标和策略,提出自己的看法与建议。  相似文献   

学校特色创建已成为我国中小学教育改革的热点,而且渐成为一种趋势。本文以实地调研的方式对江苏省S市部分学校特色创建中的主要环节进行了调研,在此基础上简要概括出学校特色创建的发展现状,并对学校特色创建过程中出现的问题进行了探讨。  相似文献   

School autonomy,accountability and collaboration: a critical review   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
English education has recently experienced radical policy reform in the areas of school autonomy and accountability. The key focus of this paper is on how schools might best navigate through these policy moves. It highlights how these moves have constructed schools, teachers and students in problematic ways but also how they are offering possibilities for improving the quality of schools and schooling. The focus here is on the promise and scope of school collaboration. The difficulties of creating socially responsive and responsible collaboratives in the current ‘heterarchical’ and market-oriented policy environment are acknowledged. Guided by quality democratic governance, they are, nonetheless, presented as crucial in supporting schools to productively deal with the demands of this environment.  相似文献   

This article concerns gendered dimensions of parental involvement in two US charter schools. Drawing on the narratives of parents who have founded charter schools, and on conversations with school administrators and parents in the main public school district, it presents an analysis of the way parent-teacher interactions are being reframed in the context of school choice. The author argues that in a context in which parents are being asked both to produce and consume new educational programs, parents-practically speaking, mothers-who involve themselves in organizing charter schools run the risk of being seen as stepping out of their roles as consumers and caregivers. The implications of mothers' involvement in charter schools for parent-teacher interactions and for the trajectory of school reform are explored.  相似文献   

Despite the powers that parents are endowed with regarding governance of schools in South Africa, they are not yet given sufficient room and space to deliberate on issues of school governance; instead they are still excluded by some teaching staff who deny them (explicitly or implicitly) from taking part in crucial decisions affecting education of their children. There are still issues excluding parents from participation in school governing bodies, namely: the lack of clear demarcation between the roles of the teaching staff and those of the school governing body (SGB), lack of time, lack of confidence from some parents, transport problems which result in non‐attendance of SGB meetings by some parents, poor communication of information, lack of training which results in lack of knowledge of the Act and roles and responsibilities, the language barrier, and the high turnover rate of governors as parents have to leave the SGB as soon as his/her child leaves the school. The findings of this research partly concur with Karlsson, who also found that SGBs perpetuate rather than prevent the apartheid‐era inequalities of race, gender and social class. Despite these discrepancies, the study found that SGBs operate according to the general intentions of the South African Schools Act 84 of 1996 and also help spread democracy in the school and to the wider society of South Africa.  相似文献   

新中国成立70年来,为了满足人民群众对基础教育发展的需要,我国适时推进基础教育办学体制改革,在基础教育办学主体、办学形式、办学机制、办学管理、法律保障等方面进行了一系列探索。70年来,基础教育办学体制改革为基础教育发展奠定了坚实的体制基础,基础教育发展目标也因教育变革导向和社会发展需求而发生了翻天覆地的变化。我国基础教育办学实现了从扩大办学总量向提升教育质量、从追求办学效率向追求教育公平、从各自为营向联合办学、从统一管理向分类管理转变,有效地实现了立德树人与服务社会的有机统一。新时期,全面落实立德树人的根本任务和推动我国从教育大国向教育强国迈进的时代使命,要求基础教育必须提升现代化水平、推进教育治理能力与治理体系现代化以及建立现代基础教育学校制度。为加快我国实现教育强国目标奠定基础和有效对接国家各项教育政策,基础教育办学体制改革要切实夯实和提升基础教育办学质量,探索丰富多样的基础教育办学形式,增强基础教育办学的法制建设。  相似文献   

提高教师资源配置效率对学校降低教育成本、优化教育教学质量、建设高素质教师队伍具有重要意义。对西北民族地区农村义务教育学校教师资源配置状况进行实证调查,从教师结构、生师比、教师编制等方面分析了样本学校在教师资源配置方面存在的问题。在此基础上,从合理核定教师编制标准,深化学校人事制度改革,全面实施教师聘任制,建立适应民族地区学校需求的教师培训机制,保障教师工资福利收入,改善医疗、保险、住房待遇,继续推进学校布局调整,发展寄宿制学校等方面提出优化西北民族地区农村义务教育学校教师资源的建议。  相似文献   

For the past half century, the American public school system has been on the receiving end of a considerable amount of criticism. People of faith have often been at the forefront of expressing that criticism. Attached to their criticism religious people have often called for school choice programs that include faith-based schools as the centerpiece of their ideas for reform. However, this article asserts that these reform ideas are often prepounded with little regard for the possible diadvantages of school choice. The author calls for a more balanced approach to assessing the costs and benefits of potential school choice programs.  相似文献   

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