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This article examines the state of scientific research and development in Central America, highlighting the potential contribution of international partners. It separates Central America from the larger region of Latin America and the Caribbean to underscore its differences and how these affect scientific and technological capacities, priorities and possibilities. Using primarily data from the Ibero-American Network of Science and Technology Indicators and the United Nations Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization Institute for Statistics, current research and development trends in the region are explored, as defined by international Frascati norms, and juxtaposed against broader scientific and technological parameters. Challenges within this environment include educational quality and completion rates; low public and private funding of scientific research; lack of institutionalization; limited understanding of the potential returns associated with research; and the fact that the region operates almost entirely in Spanish, limiting opportunities for global publication and exchange. In addition to national efforts, collaborative international initiatives that appear to be yielding dividends against these obstacles are multinational and intergovernmental supported research training and monitoring partnerships; cross-border university- and research institute-led programs; and international joint publishing projects.  相似文献   

An overview of the challenges facing the Spanish Special Education system at the turn of the century is presented. Significant changes have occurred in Spain over the last two decades that have affected the landscape of Spanish public schools in an unprecedented way. First, since the late 1980s, students with a variety of disabilities have been attending general education classrooms along with their peers. Additionally, for the last 20 years, Spain has experienced a dramatic increase in immigration patterns from Northern Africa, Eastern Europe and Latin America. Thus, Spanish educators are facing the challenge of educating an increasingly heterogeneous student body. Students' different educational needs are often handed down to the special educator teacher who is faced with the task of ensuring the student's academic and social participation. Reform efforts conducted by Spanish educators to ensure that all students, regardless of their gender, ability level, ethnic and social backgrounds, as well as language and religion of origin, have equal access to a full social and academic participation in their schools and communities are described.  相似文献   

Latin American students consistently score low on international tests of cognitive skills. In the PISA 2012 results, students in seven Latin American countries had an average score of 395 in mathematics, or about 100 points lower than the average score of 497 in four Scandinavian countries. We estimate the effect of socioeconomic characteristics on student scores in Latin America and Scandinavia and find that 50 points of the difference are explained by Latin American parents’ lower average educational and socioeconomic characteristics, 25 points are explained by Latin America’s weak cultural orientation toward reading books and the remaining 25 points are explained by the lower effectiveness of Latin American educational systems in teaching cognitive skills.  相似文献   

Helena Munín 《Compare》1998,28(3):229-243
The introduction of ‘freer’ forms of organization and financing into the Latin American educational systems about 20 years ago parallels similar developments in the contexts of neo‐liberal policies in the USA, Great Britain and, more recently, in Eastern Europe. This article will highlight the effects of ‘school autonomy’, decentralization, and privatization in the Latin American educational systems. In so doing, I will focus on the analysis of educational policy development in Chile and Argentina, based in part on my own research results. The results demonstrate that ‘freer’ forms of organization and financing have not proven to be positive for the progressive distribution of education, democratization and the consideration of diversity—and also not for the (difficult to measure) categories of ‘quality’ and ‘efficiency’ of education. These findings contribute to question whether the neo‐liberal forms of organization and financing of educational systems in Latin America are important factors in the realization of these goals.  相似文献   


This article analyses the progresses and challenges in education in Latin America since the Salamanca World Conference on Special Needs Education. The main advances have been in the access to education of a greater number of students derived from a higher public expenditure. The challenges that still exist can be summed up through insufficient educational quality, especially with regard to the situation of teachers and the infrastructure of schools. It’s difficult to collect appropriate, rigorous and accurate data for special needs education. The article concludes by pointing out the importance of rebuilding three bridges to move faster in the inclusive process: first, a political bridge to agree on the improvement of the educational budget during the next decade; a social and cultural bridge that supports attitudes of citizens in favour of diversity and inclusion; and finally, an educational bridge with two fundamental pillars: education of infant and young children and training and professional development for teachers.  相似文献   

拉美独立战争爆发后,为了战胜强大的西班牙殖民者,玻利瓦尔曾提出了西属拉美必须联合起来的思想主张。随着独立运动的发展和胜利,玻利瓦尔在新形势下又给这一思想增添了新内容,即为了消除独立后拉美内部的混乱与纷争,拉美人民也应该联合起来。  相似文献   

During the last decade, the debate over higher education took up a significant space on the agendas of various international agencies, including multilateral development banks and other intergovernmental agencies. This fact points to the importance of the subject within a broader discussion that refers to national development projects and their articulation within the new international economic and political order. In this context, the purpose of this article is to discern the principal lines of argument at work and their implications for the transformation of higher education in Latin America. To this end, we have chosen four cases that we consider relevant for the region: The United Nations Education, Science and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), the World Bank, the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLA) and the Interamerican Development Bank (IADB). In the first part of the text we characterize the particularities of each of these organizations, highlighting their relation with the processes of educational change. In the second, we approach the subject of the recommendations made by the multilateral agencies on change in the higher education systems in the world and, particularly, in the Latin American region.  相似文献   

Denise Vaillant 《Prospects》2011,41(3):385-398
This article analyzes the current challenges facing inclusive education in Latin America and explores some possible solutions. The author suggests that teachers play a key role in providing education that is inclusive for all. In Latin America, today, however, inclusive education often does not respond to the needs of children and young people, and teachers often finish their professional training without acquiring the skills they need to work with children and young people living in difficult circumstances. Teachers also need incentives to work in remote or difficult geographical areas, and they benefit from national efforts to improve their status, including awards for innovative work. Much remains to be done, but the training of teachers for a more inclusive education system is gradually being incorporated as part of the educational policy agenda in Latin America.  相似文献   

国家精品课程项目是中国高等教育领域的一项重大项目,旨在通过开放教育资源建设提升本科教学质量。西方研究者普遍认为,国家精品课程是受美国麻省理工学院开放课件项目(简称MIT OCW)启发的一种开放课程形式。本文以中国国家精品课程项目为研究主题,围绕项目的目标、运作实施、发展历程、启动背景、与MIT OCW的联系和差异等问题,采用文献研究、正式访谈、非正式交流等研究方法收集和分析研究资料,聚焦研究问题。论文提出基于开放教育资源的目的进行分类,将开放教育资源实践模式分为转变性的建设、直接使用、重新使用和公开/咨询四种类型,并利用这一分析框架讨论了中国国家精品课程项目和MIT OCW项目的异同。文章认为,国家精品课程项目是中国独立应对国内挑战的决策,而不是引进的开放课程模式;中国和北美地区对大学教学的认识非常不同,中国高等教育既借鉴了历史上法国重教学和德国重研究的大学模式,又结合了利用"榜样"、注重团队建设提升质量的传统。这使得国家精品课程项目具有独特的体制优势,与其他开放教育资源项目相区别,而且难以在北美地区执行,但这也有助于启发我们重新思考北美的大学教学及其改革。  相似文献   

This is a documentary study of education abroad policy in the People’s Republic of China (PRC) between 1978 and 2009. By examining the dynamics underpinning the PRC state’s efforts to shape the flow of Chinese students and scholars from and into China, this article reveals the major strategies that have enabled education abroad to become a source of brain gain. It argues that China’s brain gain strategies feature three characteristics: a proactive diplomatic approach to international educational relations; strategic dependence on foreign higher education resources and a decentralized economic mechanism to raise foreign-trained human capital. The paper concludes by discussing the implications of Chinese experience for our understanding of the complex and dynamic relations between the state, the market, universities and international relations as relating to cross-border academic mobility, international educational relations, and national development in a globalizing world.  相似文献   

Education is an indispensable element for the development of society. In Latin America, the point of origin of most of the undocumented immigrants to the United States, equal opportunity in access to education and educational achievement is still pending. The study presented here focuses on the analysis of the expectations of female migrants via Mexico’s northern border, focusing attention on educational attainment as an important aspect of the “American Dream” of the migrant women interviewed and their dependents.  相似文献   

This paper will examine the legacy of Spanish colonialism in the language configuration of Latin America. It will show how this area is inevitably dominated by Spanish-speaking, eurocentric élites, and how this situation can be found in many national constitutions, in education systems and in some literacy programmes. The tensions between Spanish as national ‘unifier’ and attempts at multiethnic expression by those whose mother tongue is one of the many indigenous languages will be highlighted, as well as the pressures to move towards a ‘homogenised’ supra-national Hispanic identity. The predominantly assimilationist policies and the resulting alienation for the marginalised groups will be discussed.  相似文献   

This article examines the legal instruments and educational politics affecting deaf persons' educational rights in Spain. We present a historical view of deaf education in Spain before and after the Congress of Milan (1880) and then introduce educational legislation and practices in recent decades. At present, Spanish legislation is moving toward recognition of sign languages and the suitability of bilingual education for deaf students at all educational levels. This is a consequence of taking into account the low academic achievement of two generations of deaf students educated in a monolingual model. Bilingual projects are now run throughout Spain. We emphasize that efforts must be made in the legal sphere to regulate the way in which professionals who know sign language and Deaf culture-teachers, interpreters, deaf adult models-are incorporated in bilingual deaf schools.  相似文献   

The countries of Latin America have been no exception to global calls for educational transformation and teacher professionalization at the secondary level. One of the newest of these reforms is Mexico’s Reforma de la Educación Secundaria (RS) (Reform of Secondary Education), launched in 2006. This article examines portrayals by various actors of the nature and extent of the participation of both teachers and the teachers’ union in the different phases of the RS, beginning with the initial formulation of the reform through the implementation and the “follow-up.” Findings indicate that in spite of efforts to provide more transparency and opportunities for teacher participation, for the most part secondary teachers in Mexico neither felt like agents nor partners in the RS, nor did they function as such in the reform process. As in previous reform efforts, teachers mostly felt that they were recipients of plans formulated by government officials, and as a result many have evidenced neither complete compliance nor full commitment to the reform. The national teachers’ union, meanwhile, claims to represent teachers’ voices and thus a form of teacher participation, but this claim is denied in the findings. The discussion and conclusions emphasize the multiple significations of teacher “participation” and the need to overcome system-wide contradictions, while drawing on theory about the conditioned state, bureaucracy, and democratizing civil society to help situate and explain the findings.  相似文献   

Conceived for presentation at the XIV WCCES conference in Istanbul in 2010, the topic of which was “Bordering Comparative Education”, this paper, within that framework, aims to present the current state of the discipline in Latin America in relation to a quick overview of its present-day situation at a global level. After providing an overview of the current debates on comparative education, with special emphasis on what the authors refer to as motor nuclei (a series of milestones or episodes which have become transdiscursive as the discipline has evolved), as well as pinpointing current challenges in the field, this paper looks into the development of the discipline in Latin America and how it has contributed to the understanding of the region’s educational systems. The paper also examines the unique relationship between comparative studies and the field of educational planning in Latin America. The authors then go on to provide a thematic analysis, categorising the papers presented at three conferences held by the Sociedad Argentina de Estudios Comparados en Educación (SAECE, the Argentine Society for Comparative Education Studies) in 2005, 2007 and 2009. The paper closes with several conclusions regarding the current debate on the discipline in the region and its possibilities for the future.  相似文献   

Rosa Blanco  Cynthia Duk 《Prospects》1995,25(2):219-228
Degree in educational sciences. Technical adviser to the Centre for Curriculum Development of the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science. Regional expert in special education at UNESCO's Regional Office for Education in Latin America and the Caribbean, Santiago, Chile.  相似文献   


The heterogeneity of the contemporary Indian middle-class has been discussed widely. However, the effect of its internal differences on the distribution of educational resources needs to be examined systematically. Drawing upon in-depth interviews with parents in 53 middle-class families in Dehradun, India, this paper explores three aspects of the home-school relationship: how socioeconomic transformations shape parents’ aspirations for their children’s future, educational decisions parents make to realise those aspirations, and mothers’ engagement in their children’s everyday schooling. The tripartite analysis reveals that despite sharing common educational goals and strategies with the population in general, middle-class families in India use their class privilege to gain valuable educational resources. The paper argues that the discrepancy in the mobilisation of accumulated resources in the heterogeneous middle-class results in disparate educational advantages across families. It critiques the binary construction of social classes when explaining the processes of social reproduction in contemporary Indian society.  相似文献   

留学生教育是高等教育国际化的重要组成部分,影响着高等教育国际化发展水平。随着高等教育国际化进程速度加快,拉丁美洲国家也越来越重视留学生教育。然而,在留学生教育国际市场竞争中,拉丁美洲却面临着招生渠道少、生源流失严重、语言沟通障碍等方面的困境。究其原因,主要在于政策激励机制不健全、教育资源相对有限以及社会环境动荡不安。为此,拉丁美洲需要采取加大教育资金投入、健全政策激励机制、增强国际交流与合作、推动教育一体化、开发远程教育平台、实现优质资源共享等有效举措,进一步推动留学生教育发展,提升高等教育国际影响力。  相似文献   

Digital educational resources have become essential elements of modern educational public services. China’s national program on new educational infrastructure construction has proposed to take new infrastructure construction of digital educational resources as one of the critical tasks. This paper aims to provide a theoretical basis for advancing the reform and development of digital educational resources in the new era. It classifies the current development and realistic challenges of China’s digital educational resources, and summaries and interprets the directions of the three construction projects of new type resources and tools, the resource supply system, and the resource supervisory system. It depicts the prospect of digital educational resource construction in the intelligent era in the combination of the strategic layout of the policies on new educational infrastructure construction. It also discusses such key technologies supporting new infrastructure construction of digital educational resources as multimodal learning analytics, disciplinary knowledge graphs, machine learning, and blockchain. It finally proposes a specific development path for new infrastructure construction of digital educational resources.  相似文献   

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