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中国乒乓球主力运动员马琳与马龙接发球技战术比较研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过文献研究、录像观察、数理统计等研究方法,从技术、线路、落点3个维度对马琳、马龙比赛中接发球特征与规律进行对比研究.结果表明:1)二者接发球控制性技术与进攻性技术使用率差异性均不显著.在具体技术运用上居前3位的技术马琳为:摆短、劈长、撇;马龙为劈长、摆短、反手拧.摆短、劈长差异性高度显著;反手拧差异性显著;其余技术差异性不显著.2)马琳接发球时反手、追身和正手三条线路分布较为均衡.马龙接发球线路控制反手过半,其次为追身和正手.二者在线路控制上,正手、追身和反手差异性均不显著.3)马琳接发球落点分布集中在中路近网短球、正手小三角和反手长球区域;马龙落点分布以长球为主,依次为反手长球、正手长球和中路长球.二者中路近网短球、正手近网短球使用率差异性高度显著;中路半出台球使用率差异性显著,其余区域落点分布差异性不显著.  相似文献   

对世界女子主流打法弧快类对阵弧快类和快弧类打法的比赛录像进行观察,研究接发球连胜两分的情况下接发球运动员对落点的控制、正反手使用率;在第一分得分的情况下,第二个接发球技战术.结果显示:女子接发球反手使用率高于正手,但不存在显著性差异;在先胜一分的情况下,第二个接发球得分中,接抢段得分率明显提高,且存在显著性差异;反手斜线配合反手斜线、反手直线配合正手直线等是比较常用且有效的路线配合方式.  相似文献   

波尔与横握球拍运动员比赛的技战术特点分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对波尔2004~2006年世界重大比赛的技术特点研究结果表明,1)波尔发球抢攻得分率高,发球以下旋、侧下旋、逆侧下旋为主,但下旋发球有所减少、侧下旋发球有所增加;其战术以正手发逆侧下短球至对方正手、中路,结合发强烈逆侧下长球至两角后抢攻和正手发侧下旋长、短落点的球后侧身抢冲战术为主。2)波尔接发球抢攻段得分率为三优,接抢段的技战术运用和得分能力较好,接发球使用正手较多,战术以快搓加转近网短球为主,结合搓两角长球或撇侧下旋球至对方正手大角战术为主,然后反拉或摆短伺机拉冲。3)波尔正手位的短球相对较弱,但接球后(第4板)的攻防转换处理较好,无论从使用率,还是得分率,波尔的相持段都占据优势。4)波尔正手进攻以前冲、加转弧圈和近台快拉为主,落点多在对方的反手位,但使用比例逐年下降;侧身以前冲弧圈为主,落点多在对方的反手位,而加转弧圈的落点大多在对方的正手位,侧身进攻技术呈波浪式起伏;反手快带弧圈的使用率有所上升。5)波尔对横拍选手以拉两角伺机前冲或扣杀战术使用率和得分率呈波浪式起伏,2006年得分率高达70%,搓长短结合拉攻战术的使用率2006年突增到17%,得分率高达63%。  相似文献   

本期名将赏析是三名男子运动员在进攻中注重使用落点的套路。第一组是马龙利用巧妙的发球落点变化调动对手,随后侧身冲拉对方追身的技战术图解。这两板球的处理体现了马龙对细节的把控,展现了他强势的正手进攻能力和超强的落点变化意识。发球到小三角,干扰对方战术。图中,马龙发侧旋球到奥恰洛夫的反手小三角处,他想利用这个落点变化干扰对方接发球的反手拧拉。  相似文献   

运用Simi Scout软件对樊振东在2014~2015年参与的20场比赛中接发球拧拉技术的运用情况进行统计分析。结果表明:樊振东接发球拧拉力量大、旋转强、速度快、落点刁钻,使用率非常高,具有很强的攻击性;在全台全方位的拧拉,接反手位短球时拧拉使用比例最高,落点主要以对手的反手位为主;但在拧拉时发力狠、动作大、还原稍慢,且线路较单一。  相似文献   

休斯敦世乒赛从技术层面给我们提供了哪些有价值的启迪?我想谈一谈个人的观感。左半台是争夺主战场自发球无遮挡以来,运动员的发球几乎都落在对方的右近台短球位置,而接发球以回摆为主,又造成运动员正手发球抢攻的使用率大大降低。在反手拧拉技术成熟以后,接发球可以直接变成上旋,而且大部分球都回到了左半台,如果一名运动员要成为世界超一流选手,第一个接受的考验就是反手连续快拨、快撕技术的基本功是不是过硬。  相似文献   

在高水平运动员的比赛中,接发球一方多数采取控制和调动的手段来回球。王皓的直板横打技术非常出色,尤其是他台内球的反手侧拧技术具有很大的威胁。在2007年世界杯和国际乒联职业巡回总决赛中,王皓通过接发球直接用反手侧拧给柳承敏造成了极大的困难,从而连续两次大比分战胜对方。  相似文献   

周雨是一名非常优秀的年轻运动员,在九月结束的全运会中有着不俗的表现。他左手持拍。以反手技术见长,他的爆发力和手上感觉都非常出色,是一名极具天赋的运动员。这两套图都是周雨在比赛中利用自己反手的优势进攻得分的。本组图中,周雨发侧上旋短球到马龙的正手位,马龙在接发球时对旋转的估计不足,接发球偏高,周雨抓住机会,反手直接抽拉马龙正手大角度得分。  相似文献   

本文通过录像分析对乒乓球运动员马龙和樊振东的数据进行统计分析,研究表明:马龙发球落点的选择较樊振东灵活,变化多;马龙第三板以控制为主,且侧身攻球技术的总使用次数制胜分都很高,樊振东以反手技术为主;马龙在接发球阶段还是以控制为主,樊振东运用其反手拧技术;第四板,樊振东的反手技术给对手带来的威胁小于马龙;在相持阶段,都是更多地运用连续进攻战术。  相似文献   

发球在乒乓球中是唯一一项能够完全由自己支配的技术,其作用非常关键,但时下反手台内拧拉的技术非常具有攻击性,代替了许多接发球的技术,提高了接发球的质量,甚至将接发球的优势扩大并明显超越了发球。为了破解反手拧拉的技术,在现在的高水平比赛中大家经常能看到运动员偷袭急长球。这项技术带有很大的风险,特别对于男子比赛来说。一旦意图被对方识破,后果将非常严重。  相似文献   

Soccer in Australia underwent a series of changes following a Federal Government inquiry into its future. A report into the Structure, Governance and Management of Soccer in Australia (2003) recommended a process of structural change, aimed at repositioning and re-branding soccer as association football. The restructure yielded the replacement of the National Soccer League with the A-League, five new Australian teams and a concerted attempt to separate soccer from its ethnic ties in the antipodes. This paper examines member identification in relation to a specific A-League club’s members. Using the Sports Spectator Identity Scale (Wann & Branscombe, 1993) to measure sport fan identity in a new team context, a survey of club members of Sydney FC (n = 510), was undertaken. Survey findings indicated that members of Sydney FC reported relatively strong team identification in the first year of the new competition, with some nuanced differences based on age and income. The SSIS demonstrated a good level of fit in relation to a new sports team, although it is evident that rivalries and identification with a new team need time to develop fully.  相似文献   

通过阐述后现代主义产生的社会背景、特征,分析后现代主义对体育运动的影响,指出对一些体育问题应持 有的态度,即:批判地继承,辩证地看待现代的一切;保持工具理性和价值理性在体育中的协调发展,反对唯科学主义。  相似文献   

Li Liu 《国际体育史杂志》2017,34(5-6):378-382

The purpose of this paper is to analyse the author’s encounters with sports history through a brief commentary of being an overseas graduate student in Ireland and Australia. By using biographic and narrative approaches, this paper will first introduce readers to Physical Education class in rural China in the 1990s followed by the author’s connections with sport during college. It then focuses on the author’s professional academic training in sports history in China and abroad. In particular, this essay attempts to demonstrate the importance of good supervision as well as understanding research paradigms in sports history, including dealing with data collection and analysis, ethical considerations, theory selection, and critical thinking. As an early stage career researcher, the author emphasizes the importance of attending conferences and joining in with sports history communities in order to develop academic social networks. It further argues the necessity of being up to date with major sports history journals.  相似文献   


The research reported in this paper examined how one American university's physical education teacher education (PETE) program influenced the perspectives and practices of a first-year high school teacher named Ed (a pseudonym). In addition, it explored how this influence was mediated by Ed's biography and entry into the workforce. Lawson's [(1983) Journal of Teaching in Physical Education, 2, pp. 3-16; (1983) Journal of Teaching in Physical Education, 3, pp. 3-15] hypotheses on physical education teacher socialization guided data collection and analysis. Data were collected though journal writing, formal and informal interviews, and document analysis. They were analyzed using constant comparison and analytic induction. Key findings were that features of Ed's biography led to the formation of a teaching orientation which, in turn, facilitated his full induction by his PETE program. Consequently, on entering the workforce, Ed was determined to teach as he had been trained even in the face of some serious situational constraints.  相似文献   

The counter-movement jump is a consequence of maximal force, rate of force developed, and neuromuscular coordination. Thus, the counter-movement jump has been used to monitor various training adaptations. However, the smallest detectable difference of counter-movement jump metrics has yet to be established. The objective of the present study was to measure the reliability of counter-movement jump metrics, including rate of force development, flight time, time to max force, and max force. Twenty-nine male participants (mean age 25 ± 3 years) were divided into three groups. Each participant performed five counter-movement jumps on a force plate, on three consecutive days. Flight time detected trivial changes, (effect size < .2) and typical error of measurement of .25%; max force detected small changes (effect size < .5) with a typical error of measurement of .3%; rate of force development detected small to medium change (effect size .5–.8) with a typical error of measurement of .3%.  相似文献   

Exercise testing on motorised treadmills provides valuable information about running performance and metabolism; however, the impact of treadmill type on these tests has not been investigated. This study compared the energy demand of running on two laboratory treadmills: an HP Cosmos (C) and a Quinton (Q) model, with the latter having a 4.5 times stiffer running platform. Twelve experienced runners ran identical bouts on these treadmills at a range of four submaximal velocities (reported data is for the velocity that approximated 75–81% VO2max). The stiffer treadmill elicited higher oxygen consumption (C: 46.7 ± 3.8; Q: 50.1 ± 4.3 ml·kg?1 · min?1), energy expenditure (C: 16.0 ± 2.5; Q: 17.7 ± 2.9 kcal · min?1), carbohydrate oxidation (C: 9.6 ± 3.1; Q: 13.0 ± 3.9 kcal · min?1), heart rate (C: 155 ± 16; Q: 163 ± 16 beats · min?1) and rating of perceived exertion (C: 13.8 ± 1.2; Q: 14.7 ± 1.2), but lower fat oxidation (C: 6.4 ± 2.3; Q: 4.6 ± 2.5 kcal · min?1) (all analysis of variance treadmill comparisons < 0.01). This study confirms that caution is required when comparing performance and metabolic results between different treadmills and suggests that treadmills will vary in their comparability to over-ground running depending on the running platform stiffness.  相似文献   

A new golf-swing robot that included a feed-forward controller in the shoulder joint and a passive wrist joint was suggested in previous studies to more closely model a skilful golfer. In this study, multiple modulation torque planning for a new golf-swing robot that is capable of modelling a skilful golfer’s swing with a delayed wrist turn was analytically examined. The twostep modulation torque included the effects of whole-body motion on shoulder acceleration, which improved the efficiency index of the swing motion and the club head speed at impact with a correctly timed wrist turn. In addition, it was demonstrated that the optimum moment of inertia and optimum design of club shaft rigidity for several types of golfers could be determined by torque planning in a virtual performance test.  相似文献   

Organisational stressors have been found to be prevalent and problematic for sport performers, with research identifying demographic differences in the stressors encountered. Nevertheless, extant sport psychology research on the topic of stress has generally focused on able-bodied athletes; whilst that which has been conducted on performers with a disability has typically recruited relatively small samples to explore a narrow selection of organisational stressors, or examined other components of the stress process. The purpose of the present study was to explore the various organisational stressors that athletes with a disability encounter. The sample comprised 18 elite athletes with a disability (10 male, 8 female) who had a classified disability and experience of competing at a major championships in their sport (e.g., Paralympic Games, World Championships). Participants took part in a semi-structured interview which was analysed by drawing from grounded theory procedures. A total of 316 organisational stressors were identified, which were abstracted into 31 concepts and four, previously conceptualised, exploratory schemes: leadership and personnel issues, cultural and team issues, logistical and environmental issues, and performance and personal issues. This study not only provides the first illustration of the prevalence of organisational stressors for athletes with a disability, but also significantly points to salient similarities and distinct differences between the stress experiences of performers with and without a disability.  相似文献   

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